"Princess! Princess! This cheap woman dares to call herself a princess! "

The words "Yan Ya" were almost broken when she heard it.

Footsteps, from the direction of the throne.

Yan Ya took a deep breath, trying to suppress the jealousy in his heart, so that the ferocious facial features recovered calm, maintained an impeccable smile, and slowly raised his face.

She designed the perfect expression for herself, when she saw the moqingge, it was smashed into slag in an instant.

Yan Ya is shocked to see the woman in red who is guarded by the lonely cliff and the lonely night, as if only her glorious light is left in front of her.

She was a woman, not to mention the other five Lords.

When they saw muqingge, they all showed amazing expression. Even two people, with the greedy light in their eyes, seemed to want to take away the beauty in red standing in front of the throne.

This with aggressive eyes, mu Qingge is extremely sensitive to capture.

Her eyes moved gently, and her clear and cold eyes fell on the two lords who lost their sense of propriety.

When she saw it, it was like a basin of ice water pouring down, which made them wake up instantly. Two people quickly convergence in the eyes of emotion, and quietly look around colleagues, whether anyone noticed their gaffe.

Regardless of Mu Qingge's identity, now that she is wearing the title of princess, they can't expose their mind and get caught in a pigtail and take the opportunity to get killed.

Although it is not the first time to see muqingge, lingjiu and Jifu four people, goodbye, still feel amazing.

Her beauty, in fact, is aggressive.

It was as if the other colors would be eclipsed wherever she appeared.

However, her beauty, in addition to the first eye, there is also a more wine, the more charming feeling, people can not stop.

"If she is not the king's woman, I will take it back." Qingyan whispered, the tears at the moment of mole are seductive a few points.

"If she is not a woman on the king, will you rob her Such a unique color, even if it is a vase, placed in the house is also excellent.

What's more, now it seems that this woman is not as bad as they think.

"Shut up, you two." Halberd Rune warns two people.

He knew that the two men were just talking about it, but they could not say it.

Mu Qingge swept nine people in the hall with her eyes clear and cold. When she passed by Yan ya, she just glanced at it and stopped paying attention to it. A vassal Lord who was not superior to his own strength could not really arouse her interest.

Gu Ye had mentioned before that three of the seven great vassals who couldn't get back to Taihuang ancient palace made friends with four of them secretly. Therefore, it is not only the four but also the three who want to take advantage of Simao's absence to rebel. The remaining four are loyal to Simao, but there seems to be some gap between them, and they are not convinced.

As a result, the relationship between the sixteen great vassals became delicate after Simao disappeared. As a result, the situation of the whole too wild devil Kingdom has become extremely unstable.

It is because of this, they just in a hurry to find her, temporary Si Mo's seat.

What's more, we should have a fair temporary!

This is not only because she is Simao's fiancee, but also because they believe that she has the ability to stabilize these great lords.

Gu Ya stood up and looked at the side where the five people formed a row, "Suosheng, Sheyin, Suyan, Fuquan and Yanya." Then, he looked at lingjiu and said, "suzerain, lingjiu, Qingyan and Qingze. Come and see the princess

As soon as his voice fell, lingjiu and halberd Fu took a step without hesitation.

However, the five on the other side hesitated.

Obviously, they don't believe in muqingge's identity.

Yan ya, standing at the end, hesitated in her eyes and bit her lips, but did not immediately stand out. She wanted to see what would happen to the remaining four.

Let her call the unknown princess? That's impossible.

These five people's immobility, let Mu light Song Mou bottom flash a cold light. She took a step forward, which made the bell on her waist ring softly.

"What? Are the Lords of the ancient palace so arrogant that they can ignore the rules? "

Mu Qingge's words, as well as the crisp bell from her waist, shocked the five people. They are all great vassal Lords. Naturally, they have seen a golden palace bell hanging on Simao's waist.

Once upon a time, their king never wore any ornaments.

But I don't know when, three years ago? Four years ago? Or five years ago As like as two peas, they even wore a golden hollow bell, which was exactly the same as the one wearing a light song.

The appearance of Gong Ling made them seriously consider the identity of muqingge.

Several people's faces changed, and finally stood out together. Yan Ya's heart has become jealous into crazy, she also noticed the Gong Ling. Why can this woman wear the same palace bell as the king?She clenched her teeth and stood out with others. She was unwilling to look at Xiangmu Qingsong, with humiliation in her eyes.

She is a noble vassal, but also the only female vassal master in the too wild devil kingdom. She is beautiful, noble and unique. Why should she bow down to a cheap woman who does not know her origin and enchants the king?

However, even though she was unwilling to do so, she could not show it at the moment.

She was still at the end, not letting herself be too outspoken. She understood that this was not her battlefield. Leaving here, she has many ways to get justice for herself.

"Official halberd symbol..."

"The minister's Spirit Dove..."

"Chen Qingyan..."

"Chen Qingze..."

"The minister asked for victory..."

"I'll stay with you..."

"Chen she Yin..."

"Chen quan

"Minister Yan ya... "

"Meet the princess! May the princess and my king live together in the same heaven and live together forever

The nine lords knelt in front of them on one knee, but mu Qingge's face did not show any satisfaction. She just looked at them coldly and saw their small movements in the dark.

Meeting today is to make them have nothing to say about their identity.

As long as her status is solid, these few people have no reason to propose what to take Si Mo to succeed according to the rules to stay in the purple Chen Palace's painstaking efforts, borrow the abdomen to give birth to a son.

At the thought of Si Mo's children from other women's stomach, she felt uncomfortable.

Si Mo's child, can only be her afterlife!

If she doesn't want to have children, Si Mo will never have children in this life!

Mu light song eyes light a sink, she never knew oneself in these matters, will be so domineering.

"Get up." Mu Qingge has a light voice.

She was not frightened or flustered by the battle. The Chief Secretary of the four lords nodded to himself. The other four, however, began to feel uncomfortable.

They finally wait for the opportunity, so they give up?

Yan Ya stands behind in silence. She doesn't know what she's thinking, but she is surprisingly low-key.

Her low-key, even attracted the spirit of the dove intentionally or unintentionally a couple.

In the hearts of the four lords, thinking about how to let the princess moqingge quit automatically, muqingge suddenly opened her mouth.

"I know you have a lot of misgivings about my princess. Today, I will give you a chance to ask. However, I am always the princess and the wife of your king. Therefore, I will only answer you three questions. You should think about it before you ask. "

"Great!" A light in the eyes of a dove. On the pretty face, surprise emerges.

He didn't expect moqingge to be so quick and pre emptive that he could control the whole rhythm in his own hands.

Not only he, but also Qingyan, who felt that moqingge was too beautiful and more like a vase, flashed brilliance in his eyes.

Halberd Fu and Qingze are also surprised to see Xiangmu Qingge, and to the lonely cliff and lonely night. They thought that this preemptive method was taught by the two men secretly.

However, when they saw the lonely cliff and the lonely night, they realized that they were wrong.

Lonely cliff and lonely night in their hearts are really shocked, even if they think that they already know muqingge very well, but they are still admired by her move.

Seeing the astonished expression of a crowd below, they couldn't help feeling proud.

How can the woman in the king's eyes be just a straw bag vase? How much have you learned from the power of the young sir?

"This woman is not simple!" Suo Sheng secretly looks at Sheyin and his eyes meet in secret.

She Quan also looked at Su Yan, and there was a sense of surprise on both faces.

Looking at their expressions, mu Qingge raised his lips and chuckled, and said lazily, "don't be so cautious. Communicate loudly. Three questions, you can think carefully before you ask, do not miss the opportunity

After that, she turned to lift the corner of her dress and sat on the chair specially arranged for her by the throne. She supported her head with her hands and said lazily, "the imperial doctor said that I am pregnant and should not work hard."

"Poof." The lonely cliff tried to hold back a smile and gave a thumbs up to Mu Qingge secretly.

Mu Qingge's eyes swept towards him coldly.

"Pregnant! I haven't married into taihuanggu palace, I haven't entered Zichen palace, and I haven't lived in Shanhai palace. I'm so shameless to show off my belly! " Yan Ya was so angry that she almost broke her silver teeth.

Suo Sheng's four faces changed a few times. Finally, Suo Sheng came out and asked mu Qingge the first question.

"I dare to ask the princess, how does the fetus in the womb be identified as the king's?" His first question is so sharp.

Yan Ya secretly called a good voice, she would like to Mu light song can not answer.

And lingjiu four people, the heart rises worry, afraid Mu light song can't cope with.

Only lonely cliff and lonely night have 100% confidence in muqingge.Mu Qingge narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "Lord Suo Sheng, I heard that your wife is pregnant, dare to ask The child in your wife's womb, but yours? "

"Princess, what do you mean? My wife's baby, of course, mine? "

"How can you prove it?" Muqingge smile in a bit more fun.

Suo Sheng's eyes widened. "Don't I know what I sowed?"

"Presumptuous! Don't be rude to the princess! " Lonely night cold voice.

Mu Qingge waved his hand and said to Suo Sheng with a smile: "is the child in my belly the king's, and only the king knows best. If the Lord Suo Sheng has any questions, he can ask him in person after the king comes back. The second question. "

“……” Suo Sheng was blocked speechless, can only stare at mu Qingge with big eyes.

Seeing the victory or defeat of Suo, Kuquan came up again and asked, "princess, since the king loves you, why don't you take you into the ancient palace of Taihuang? But you didn't show up until the king's whereabouts were unknown? "

This problem is equally acute.

Mu light song is extremely relaxed, she picked up the corners of her lips, the tip of her fingers gently dangled empty point. "He wants to marry, but I don't want to marry in a hurry. I would not have come if I had not heard that someone was ready to move while he was away. "

She was able to find out everything and tell these people what she was here for.

This shocked the four lingjiu!

However, when they saw the extremely ugly faces of the four, they suddenly understood. Although mu Qingge made the words clear, but also let these ghosts in the heart of the guy, guilty exit, dare not ask.

Suo Sheng four people hold back the red face, let mu Qingge mouth smile, more happy. Her eyes narrowed slightly and she spoke again, "the last question."

Suosheng, Sheyin, Suyan and Fuquan breathed slowly and pressed their lips tightly. No one spoke easily.

The princess, more powerful than they thought!

They had thought that they would find a puppet at will to appease them on the lonely cliff. As long as they expose the trick, everything will go according to what they expected.

However, they did not expect that their four great vassals were killed by a woman, and they did not even have the strength to fight back.

On this last issue, they must be cautious and cautious.

The eyes of the four met, and Yan Ya was worried. But she couldn't get in. In this case, she, as a female vassal, was not attracted by anyone, and even seemed to forget her deliberately.

"Isn't it just relying on the fetus in the womb to be so arrogant? Well, I will let you taste the taste of everything. Yan Ya's cold eyes are brewing in her eyes.

"The third question is..." She opened her mouth.

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