"Shanhai palace? How dare she meet her in Shanhai palace! Do you really think that you are the hostess of the ancient palace and the whole demon kingdom? "

Yan Ya walks behind the guide, barely maintaining a perfect smile and impeccable manner, but her heart has been twisted and ferocious by anger and jealousy.

After taking a few deep breaths, Yan Ya raised her hand to straighten the flower ornaments in her hair bun. She said intentionally or unintentionally, "although the princess is pregnant now, she has not yet married the king. I'm afraid that living in the palace like this will attract criticism and affect her mood."

After that, she sighed twice, reflecting her worry.

This word, she is to say to evil Wei listen, demon Wei is Si Mo direct close guard, deeply trust. As long as they are dissatisfied with mu Qingge, it is possible to stir up the relationship between them.

Yan Ya's heart calculated, the corner of the mouth raised a smile, more than a little proud.

However, when she finished this speech, the demon guard who led the way did not seem to hear it and did not give any response.

This makes Yan Ya can't help but frown secretly, angry in the heart.

Holding back her anger, she comforted herself, "how dare a group of lowly slaves ignore my lord? I'll teach you a lesson when I become your mistress. "

Repeatedly comforting herself like this, Yan Ya's mood became much better.

She raised her eyes and looked at the road leading to the palace of mountains and seas. "The king is her, only her! How can she tolerate a woman of unknown origin and take everything that belongs to her? "

From the heart, she does not want to believe that mu Qingge, who lives in the palace, is Si Mo's lover.

She was more willing to believe that she was just a lonely cliff and a lonely night. In order to appease the four people of Suosheng, she found a full number of women at will.

"Whether you are his sweetheart or not, I will not let you off easily." Yan Ya put down a cruel word in her heart.

From Zichen hall to the gate of Shanhai palace, this section of road is not far, nor is it near.

Yan Ya thought a lot, but to sum up, there is only one thing, that is, we must not let everything that belongs to her be taken away by other women.

However, she forgot that these things never belonged to her!


Shanhai palace is called Shanhai palace because there are beautiful pictures of mountains and sea in this magnificent palace.

It is said that the world depicted in these paintings of mountains and seas is exactly the scene of the three thousand worlds and hundreds of millions of ordinary worlds. In the palace of mountains and seas, there are hundreds of millions of pictures of mountains and seas, all of which are unique beauty and wonders.

Mu Qingge came into this for the first time and was also suppressed by this scene.

I don't know how much effort these maps have combined and how long they have taken. As she slowly appreciated it, she could not help but wonder, "have the people who drew these maps of mountains and seas really gone through three thousand worlds, hundreds of millions of worlds?"

What's more, her hometown, the blue planet, can be here again?

"The pictures of mountains and seas in the palace of mountains and seas were drawn by the first king himself." Lonely cliff saw mu Qingge very interested, then opened his mouth to explain. "It is said that the first king of Taihuang demon Kingdom created Taihuang ancient palace after unifying it. Originally, the mountain and sea palace was not called Shanhai palace, but later, he met a woman who was very fond of traveling. Although they were in love with each other, she did not want to come to the palace and spend her time here. In order to impress her, Shi Jun spent ten thousand years accompanying her to travel all walks of life. Later, he spent ten thousand years describing the scenery that the woman liked in the place they had been to. The palace was also renamed Shanhai palace. After the last picture of mountain and sea, Shi Jun asked her to marry her. The woman was so moved that she finally agreed to stay in Shanhai palace. However, the day before the wedding, the woman suddenly disappeared. Shi Jun was crazy and sent countless demon soldiers to look for it everywhere. A hundred years later, for some reason, Shijun suddenly passed on the throne to his brother-in-law and disappeared. For hundreds of thousands of years, no one knows his whereabouts, and whether he has fallen. The mountain and sea palace has been left behind, but it has become the highest honor in the hearts of women in the devil kingdom. The owner of the palace represents the mistress of the whole too wild devil Kingdom, and also represents the love and friendship of kings and princes to the princess. "

The story is not long.

However, mu Qingge can hear some of it.

She did not ask the story of the first king and the woman, because she knew that no matter what the story was, the mountain and sea palace left behind was the witness of their love.

Mu light song looks around a circle and says to the lonely cliff and the lonely night: "the king of your demon clan is still infatuated with."

"Not necessarily. The old king was not." The lonely cliff murmured.

But, lonely night actually secretly bumped him, let him silence.

Mu light song heard, a faint smile, did not ask. Si Mo took her to the Star City, once told her a story. At that time, she guessed that the person mentioned in the story was his mother, who was the real young master of Luoxing city.

Now Gu Ya's unintentional words confirm her conjecture.

Mu Qingge's line of sight falls on the decoration of the palace of mountains and seas, and suddenly says, "how long has it been without a master in this palace of mountains and seas?""It has been more than 100000 years at least. When the old king was in power, he never let anyone live here." Lonely night explains quickly.

Mu Qingge picked a eyebrow tip, the answer let her some surprise.


"Shanhai palace! Shanhai palace! This is the mountain and sea palace where all the women in the devil Kingdom dream of living in and becoming the master! "

Yan Ya raised her chin and looked at the magnificent and beautiful palace, and her heart couldn't help intensifying.

I'm afraid only those who live in it can see the true appearance of Shanhai palace.

Even if she was the grand Lord and the only female vassal in Taihuang demon Kingdom, she had only heard of her and had never seen it with her own eyes.

At this moment, she was very excited.

However, the next moment, her mood fell to the freezing point. Because, she remembered, the reason why she was able to enter the palace and witness the beauty of the palace was because of another woman!

"Lord Yan ya, please wait here." Yanya will be taken to the gate of Shanhai palace, and the magic guard who leads the way turns to her.

Outside the Shanhai palace, there are also demon guards.

They were wrapped in armor, leaving only two cold and merciless eyes. I'm afraid no one but the king knows their true faces.

Solitary cliff and solitary night are exceptions.

Yan Ya didn't dare to make a mistake and nodded lightly.

Even though she was very uncomfortable in her heart, she couldn't figure out why she should lower her head than the unknown woman.

The magic guard turns to enter the mountain and sea palace, comes to Mu Qingge and reports Yan Ya's affairs outside the palace.

Mu light song put down the tea cup in the hand, a light smile, "let her wait first."

The demon guard, meeting his will, withdrew from the palace and went back to the palace gate and said to Yan ya, "Lord Yan ya, the princess is resting. Do you want to wait or go back first?"

"That cheap woman is sleeping!" A trace of fierce color flashed through Yan Ya's eyes. However, she soon managed to control her mood, showing a perfect smile. "Since the princess is resting, I can't go in and disturb me. Just wait here."

She must see that woman today!

The demon guard didn't force him to do so, but he retreated.

Yan Ya waited until he could not see the shadow of the demon guard, and his smile, which had been stiff with laughter, was slowly restrained.

This is about one day.

Yan Ya's feet are numb and soothes the stiffness of her legs with magic Qi. Her eyes dark hate to look at the palace, her heart has to give up, from small to big, she never had such treatment?

However, just as she was about to give up, the magic guard appeared again. "Lord Yan ya, the princess is awake. When I heard that you were still waiting here, I sent you to the temple. "

Yan Ya relaxed his tone, reappeared a smile, and said politely to the devil Wei, "thank you."

The magic guard still had no extra reaction and turned to lead the way.

Yan Ya followed him and finally walked into the palace of mountains and seas.

The legendary mountain and sea palace was presented in front of her, and she also saw the legendary mountain and sea map. Every painting, let her indulge in, these paintings, after hundreds of thousands of years, but still color as new.

She walked among them, as if these maps of mountains and seas were drawn for her, and let her overflow with a kind of inexplicable happiness from inside to outside.

"I must live here! Be the hostess of Shanhai palace! We must be the most admired and respected woman in Taihuang demon kingdom! Must be the only imperial concubine in the king! " Yan Ya's constant way to himself in his heart.

In her gentle eyes, she reflected a touch of potential in the necessary light.

Magic guard, will bring her to Mu light song in front of.

Yan Ya looks at the past and finds that on the couch in front of him lies a touch of enchantment. The jealous woman in her heart is lying lazily on the couch, with fruits and melons on the table. The maid is waiting on her carefully. Behind her, the lonely cliff and the lonely night are also inseparable from the guard.

She seems to be the hostess of the palace!

And myself, but a visitor to visit!

This kind of feeling makes Yan Ya very unhappy, jealous mood, crazy breeding.

Take a deep breath and calm down the emotion that is about to explode in your heart. Yan ya to Mu light song slightly salute, "Yan Ya met the princess."

"Princess" is a word she does not want to say, but she has to say it.

"Lord Yan ya, you are welcome. What can I do for you? I heard that you were coming, so I was brought to you. But suddenly I was sleepy As you know, those who are pregnant are more likely to be tired. So I went to sleep carelessly and didn't wake up until I woke up. It was really a slight The sound of moqingge is lazy and casual.

Lonely cliff and lonely night in the back to suppress the smile, mercilessly pinching their own thigh meat.

Mu light song words, so that Yan Ya mouth smile almost broken. Her nails were deep in the palm of her hand, leaving red and red marks.

"My sister doesn't have to care." Yan Ya blurted out. As soon as she said this, her face changed and she said in her heart, "Oh, no!"Mu light song's eyes narrowed and said with a smile: "who's your sister?"

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