Si Mo eye changes, Mu light song did not respond.

However, when she reacts, her whole person has been mentioned by Si Mo and held in her arms. Her feet, falling on his upper, stood on tiptoe. His big hand directly controlled the back of her head and her waist.

He has been seduced in the wanton.

"Well..." Mu light song suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Si Mo in disbelief.

She didn't expect so many men in front of her. what the fuck! Lose face and lose it home, OK?

At the beginning of their master's action, the magic guards closed their eyes automatically and lowered their sense of existence again. They just wish they were low in the dust and blown away by the wind.

The scene of the king and the princess is so beautiful that they dare not look at it!

Si Mo, like a greedy child, finally ate his heart's honey. After kissing for a long time, he was satisfied with the song.

Mu Qingge's feet stood on the ground again, and the swelling feeling on her lips made her cheek quickly red, and her clear eyes showed the color of autumn water.

This amorous feelings, see Si Mo is ready to move.

His head again unconsciously close, mu Qingge quickly raised his hand, block in his lips. She found that after the man lost the memory about her, the courage also increased!

Before two people get along, he is always careful to her, careful care, very concerned about her feelings.


You can do whatever you want!

Super strong resilience, so that mu Qingge's lips instantly returned to normal. Mu light song put down the hand on his lips, but was seen by Si Mo, his eyebrows can not help but lift, Pok SE's eyes in a little more fun.

It seems that he has come up with something that interests him a lot.

"Xiaoge'er, what else can you do besides alchemy?" Suddenly, Si Mo is very interested in looking at her way.

A trace of helplessness rises in Mu Qingge's heart. Once known things, now to Si Mo, it has become a secret that has never been known.

"I can also refine tools." Mu Qingge replied.

She doesn't know whether the memory of Si Mo being sealed can be restored, and she doesn't know when he can think of the two people before. However, these are not important, the important thing is that he still has that love for her.

He was not indifferent to himself because of the sealed memory.

This has already surprised her.

"Alchemy, alchemy? My little song is really good Si Mo smiles.

Hiding behind the wooden house, Ling Ling covers her lips in surprise. She is the first time to see the smile of Si mo. "It turns out that the way he laughs is so beautiful."

Her eyes were blurred, but she soon came to her senses. "She is really different to him!" he said

Put away the dark eyes, Ling Ling quietly left behind the wooden house.

"Tell me what happened between us." Si Mo made a request.

"Good!" Mu Qingge nods. "But now is not the time. We are going to leave the wormhole and return to the ancient palace of Taihuang. "

She worried that Si Mo's body, continue to delay, will become more and more difficult to control.

Looking at the man standing in front of her, calm and smiling. Suddenly, he is good at hiding his pain.

If she's not Dan Shi, if she doesn't know medicine. I'm afraid, seeing him like this, I can't think that he is suffering from unimaginable pain all the time.

"Well, it's time to go back." Si Mo light nods, the Mou son of Po color delimits a cruel color.

Needless to ask, he also knew what would happen to the Palace during his absence.

"King! Princess

At this time, solitary cliff and lonely night came to the two people.

"Everything has been arranged." Lonely night road.

They have said goodbye to the leader of the tribe and are now ready to leave.

"Let's go." Si Mo jaw head, lead Mu light song to go out. He didn't mean to thank him in person, because he knew that the lonely cliff and the lonely night meeting had done a good job, and he didn't need to show up.

Simao's natural and unrestrained leave, let Ling Ling some lost.

She was in the tribe, looking at Si Mo's back, muttering: "at least I saved you, and I won't say goodbye before leaving."

Her grandfather came to her and said to her, "see clearly? You are not a group of people, do not belong to their own, do not go to delusion, will be happy

Ling Ling nodded, took back the look at Si Mo, and said to the old man, "I understand, grandfather."


Out of the tribe of Zerg, the magic guards protect Simao and mu Qingge, walking in the wormhole.

They walked towards the entrance of the wormhole. On the way, they avoided passing through some tribal areas as far as possible, so as not to cause misunderstanding.It was a little late when we left the Zerg tribe. When the sky was all dark, the lonely cliff and the lonely night found a hole as a temporary rest place.

The demon guards quickly inspected the surrounding areas, set up sentries, and guarded the surrounding areas.

In the cave, mu Qingge is playing with the bonfire. Solitary cliff and solitary night kneel in front of Si Mo and report to him.

Mu Qingge didn't listen to what they were saying, but you can also guess that Gu Ya and Gu Ye must be telling Si Mo what happened during this period of time when he disappeared.

Mu Qingge makes the campfire prosperous, takes out some dry food from the space, and puts it on the fire to heat.

Just the food roasted hot, she saw Si Mo suddenly stand up and walked towards himself. But the solitary cliff and the lonely night looked at each other, and then wisely retreated.

In the cave, only Si Mo and mu Qingge are left.

Mu Qingge raised his eyes to see him, his shadow and shadow overlap, covering her.

Si Mo sat beside mu Qingge and took the hot food from her hand.

This is not a delicacy, but some of the simplest dry food. Muqingge is not a hypocritical person. If she doesn't go out, she can enjoy everything. However, if she works outside, she can also eat this tasteless dry food.

Si Mo pulled a small piece from the dry food and put it into his mouth. Then he frowned and tried to swallow the one in his mouth, but he threw the rest of his hand into the fire.

"Hello Mu light singer stretched out, but still failed to save the fate of dry food.

Suddenly, her eyes a stare, discontented look to the division mo.

However, Si Mo raised his hand to empty grasp, and in an instant he had an attractive fruit in his hand. The aura on the fruit is very rich, and the aroma can also make people salivate.

Mu Qingge took a deep breath and couldn't help swallowing.

She remembers that a long time ago, she was taken into a space by Simao, where the fragrance of flowers is overflowing and the fruits are abundant.

"Meng Meng, why don't I have these spiritual fruits in my space?" Mu Qingge asks in the heart.

Meng Meng but helpless: "master silver, there are spiritual fruits in the space, but in the mountains far away. If you didn't say you wanted to eat, I forgot to. It's estimated that a lot of fruits fall off when they are ripe, and they are all rotten. "

Meng Meng words, almost put mu Qingge out of the internal injury.

The feeling of heartache comes from my eyes.

This actually lets Si Mo misunderstand, "it is a bit hard to swallow dry food, you unexpectedly feel distressed to become such?"

"I..." Mu Qingge wants to explain a few words for herself.

However, Si Mo continued: "if you are pregnant, you should make up for it. Honey, eat this. "

With that, the fruit in his hand was stuffed into the mouth of Mu Qingge. As long as she opened her mouth, she could bite off the delicate, sweet and juicy flesh.

However, mu Qingge is not in the mood to eat at the moment.

She raised her hand and blocked the fruit of her mouth. She glared at Simao and said, "who told you that I was pregnant?"

"Lonely cliff and lonely night." Si Mo calm way.

"Both of them!" Mu Qingge jumped up and looked around, but found that they had already disappeared. She black face to see to Si Mo, bite teeth way: "they did not tell you, I just to help you stabilize the situation, just pretend to be pregnant?"

"Yes." Si Mo but still calm looking at her, Po se eyes, no mood fluctuations.

Mu light Song mouth corner a draw, angry way: "that you still..."

"False can become true." After that, she was interrupted.

“……” Mu light song stunned in situ. She stares at the man in front of her and blinks. He asked tentatively, "what do you mean?"

Si Mo looks at her, eyes are very serious. "I mean, it's time for me to have a son after tens of thousands of years. Is the princess unwilling to give birth to me


Don't you want to have a stiff face?

"My son can only be born by the princess." However, wait for her to open mouth, Si Mo and overbearing announcement.

"Cough." Mu Qingge took a deep breath and pretended to cough to cover up the embarrassment. She said with a smile, "life, of course. But now is not the time. Although we have an engagement, we are not married yet. Besides, it takes you three years to get pregnant! I really don't have that spare time now

Si Mo raises the eye to see to her, the eye of poke color is like vast starry sky.

His calmness makes mu Qingge feel more guilty. As if he did something angry and resentful, looking at the appearance of Si Mo, as if he was bullied in general.

"When we go back to the ancient palace, we will get married." Suddenly, Si Mo said.

"Ah?" Mu Qingge looks at him with a face of muddle.

Why does this man say what he says?

"Now that we have an engagement, Why drag on? Get married as soon as possible, so that our children can come out earlier. " Si Mo serious way."No No Mu Qingge is anxious to squat in front of him, trying to stop his decision.

Si Mo but Mou color a cold, handsome face is covered with ice dregs of ask: "you don't want to marry me?"

Mu light Song mouth corner mercilessly, a face speechless looking at him. "This is to take advantage of amnesia to force marriage?" She can guarantee that the normal Simao would never do so. , the fastest update of the webnovel!