
How can women sit on the throne?

All the ministers in the deserted palace were shocked.

"Is it true that the king loves the princess to such an extent?"

Even halberd Fu, lingjiu, Qingze, and Qingyan all opened their eyes and looked at their king in disbelief. Even if they had already prepared in their hearts, they could not imagine that the princess's status in the king's heart would be so high.

What does that mean?

The princess in the whole taihuanggu palace is the existence of sitting on the same level with the king!

Her words, her decision, all represent the king.

Suosheng, Sheyin, Suoyan and Fuquan were more and more ugly. Their hearts have been cool, no matter what they did before, or after the princess's difficulties, I'm afraid it's enough to let them die thousands of times.

Suo Sheng closed his eyes in despair, and a trace of fluke in his heart had already broken into slag.

He did, and so did the other three.

Their king

The hearts of the four trembled, and their king was the representative of the killing.

Even their own hands and feet, can be ruthless to kill, and how can easily bypass the alien them?


They didn't have a different heart. They only submitted to the king, not the descendants of the king!

The struggle flashed in the eyes of the four, but it disappeared in the end.

Now, there is no point in quibbling about anything.

Mu light song is Si Mo clenched hand, pull her to his side and sit down. The throne of the ancient palace is very wide and large. Even if they sit down at the same time, they don't feel crowded.

In fact, the throne is not easy to sit on.

It's easy to notice the thorns all around you. Those ferocious animal heads, bound by thorns, roar ferociously and become momentum.

"Everyone thinks that this son is easy to sit on, but only those who really sit up know what it means." Si Mo suddenly low voice way.

This sentence, as if to Mu light Song said, but also as if talking to oneself.

Mu Qingge looks up at him in silence.

The man's cold outline and handsome facial features are all showing a faint alienation and indifference at the moment. Naturally, this indifference and estrangement are not to her, but to the people below, to the ancient palace and even to the desolate devil kingdom.

"Suosheng, Sheyin, Suyan, Fuquan." Si Mo suddenly opened his mouth.

His voice was colder than ever.

However, the four people who were named by him were more like falling into the ice cellar. They stood out from the palace and knelt down in front of them in line.

Mu light song eyebrows inadvertently pick, Si Mo in the devil kingdom in front of the demons, unexpectedly has such a high prestige, seems to be unexpected, is expected.

This is in front of her arrogant four people, now in front of Si Mo, but even the atmosphere also dare not come out.

They seem to have guessed the end of their day before they are guilty.

"If you want to die, I can give you a ride in person." Si Mo indifferent way.

In Po SE's eyes, cold and merciless, even with a cruel and violent sight, fell on the four.

It seems that the body will crack at any time.

"King! I'm waiting for my crime to die! "

"King! I'm waiting for my crime to die! "

"King! I'm waiting for my crime to die! "

"King! I'm waiting for my crime to die! "

Since they did not have the courage to resist in front of Si Mo, they could only plead guilty and hope to get a more happy death.

"You guys, damn it." Si Mo's slow way. There is not a ripple because of their confession.

This sentence made the four people feel dead and silent. Because, this is the king's decision, can not be changed.

"Wait a minute."

All of a sudden, a female voice broke in.

This voice is not strange to them.

However, all the people in the hall were surprised at the sudden sound. They could not help but look up and looked at the Mu light song sitting beside Si mo.

"Not good!" Qingze's heart "clutters" a, low voice calls a way.

As soon as he said this, the other three also frowned, and there was a trace of worry in the eyes of Xiangmu Qingsong.

"How dare the princess disobey the king's decision in public? Didn't you look at us and we were all silent? " Lingjiu frowned.

Ji Fu also said: "I'm afraid that our princess has not yet found out the temperament of the king."

"This lonely cliff and lonely night accompany all day long, I don't know how to remind you!" Qingyan cold voice.

At the moment, the four people were worried about the safety of muqingge. Completely forget, in the initial Mu light song came to the ancient palace too wasteland, how many in their hearts do not accept, how disdain.

The four of them were worried, while the four of sokson were unexpected.They don't know why mu Qingge suddenly opens his mouth. They are worried that the king's upper and lower hand is not cruel enough, and they want to fall into the well and lay a stone on it?

In the depth of their eyes, there was a trace of sharpness.

"Women are really cunning people."

The four thought in their hearts.

All the ministers on the deserted temple were moved by their thoughts because of the opening of the light song. Everyone is uneasy silence, hold their breath, dare not speak.

They were afraid that the princess's recklessness would involve them.

I'm also afraid that the king will kill all of them in a rage After all, the king has not never done such a thing.

In the desolate palace, it is so quiet that you can hear a needle drop.

Si Mo turns his eyes and looks at Xiangmu light song.

In the eyes of that pair of pelt color, there is no anger that others think, but calm. Just, in that calm, mixed with a trace of doubt.

It seems that he is quietly asking mu Qingge, why suddenly stop.

Mu Qingge didn't care about other people's differences. He just looked at Simao, holding his big palm in both hands and whispering: "although, the four of them had bad thoughts in your absence, they didn't make a big mistake. They have done a lot of meritorious deeds in this foreign invasion. It's better to offset their merits and avoid their death. " She is not sympathizing with the four, but because Si Mo will soon leave with her. At this time, killing four lords in a row will surely lead to the instability of the army's morale in the devil kingdom. Without Simao Town, the devil kingdom will be in chaos. How can Simao take care of his wounds?

All, is for Si mo.

So, these four people can't die yet!

Mu light song clear eyes light shift, eyes fall on the four kneeling on the temple.

Her words are not loud. However, the silence of the temple made her voice clear.

Hearing her words, the four of them were surprised at first. Then there was fear. They cast hate eyes at Mu Qingsong.

Perhaps, originally they simply died, but now because of her plea, they will suffer more before they die.

How many times?

Those officials who tried to plot against the emperor's will only have a more miserable end if they ask for mercy before they are killed.

This woman doesn't think it's enough for them to die! Do you want to torture them?

Other people, at the moment, are more silent, trying to reduce their sense of existence, but the heart is high hanging. They are not worried about the fate of the four, but whether they will be implicated today.

"It's over..." The murmuring way of lingjiu.

Just when everyone thought that Si Mo would be furious, he opened his mouth.

However, the words that open the mouth, but let the people fall a ground chin.

"Xiaoge'er doesn't want them to die?"

I wipe!


Is this their king?

Although, the tone is not very gentle, but this attitude is simply

All the ministers in the palace were shocked to see the two men on the throne, and were so stunned that they had lost the ability to think.

Even as a few of Si Mo's confidants, at the moment are incredible looking at this scene.

Suo Sheng's heart leaped, and a glimmer of hope spread from the bottom of their hearts.


Si Mo's inquiry, let all people hold their breath, waiting for mu light song's answer.

She nodded in anticipation.

This nod, let all the people in the hall, all take a breath, hold in the throat.

In the deserted hall, there was silence.

All the ministers are nervous, waiting for Si Mo's reply.

Time slowly elapses, and other people's uneasiness is different, Mu light song heart bottom is a calm.

Si Mo has been coagulating her, very serious. For a long time, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "OK, it depends on you."


The eyes of the demons in the waste hall will fall out of their sockets. Their king Compromise!?

This is a wonderful news!

All of a sudden, they realized that a crucial issue was that the princess could really influence the king's mind and easily change his decision.

So many of them dare not do what they can't do. The princess can only do it in one word?

Not a bit embarrassed?

Suo Sheng's four people are even more shocked They go from despair to hope, shock to surprise The ups and downs hit their bodies.

Si Mo turned her eyes, and there was still no emotion in her eyes. She said faintly, "since the princess doesn't want you to die, you should live for the time being. Death can be avoided, but living crime cannot escape. "

When the four of them heard this, their eyes were filled with gratitude.

Their previous hatred for muqingge has turned into gratitude. They know that they owe the princess a life!

"Don't worry, king. We know what to do!" Suo Sheng's voice revived.He raised his hand, the palm of which was wrapped with magic power.

His face was fierce, and the palm of his hand fell directly on the hole in his heart.

All of a sudden, there were cracks on his body, as if the whole person wanted to crack. After a moment, it recovered as before, but after another moment, it began to crack again.

Again and again, all the time.

The pain of tearing the body is constantly blessed.

He took the lead, and the other three followed suit.

Others look calm, but mu light song is surprised to see Si mo.

Si Mo explained, "this is a kind of self punishment technique. Once it is used, it will last for half a year. Every day, it will bear the pain of tearing the body, but it will not affect them to do other things."

“……” Mu Qingge was shocked. The demons have such and such skills.

Four people automatically receive punishment, using such a cruel technique to punish themselves, this matter is so exposed.

In fact, mu Qingge understood in her heart that if she didn't stop it, I'm afraid the ancient palace would set off a bloodbath. But, Si Mo does not have time to continue to spend here, she also does not have. She must leave with Si Mo as soon as possible and go to Dongzhou Dandao hospital to upgrade her alchemy and then solve the problems of Si mo.

"It's over, but there's another person..." Mu light song in the heart secret way.

"Yes." Mu light song pick eyebrow to see to Si Mo, grin to him, "when you are not in, I disposed of a person. However, because of her special status, it is still difficult for me to make decisions on behalf of the king. It is up to you to decide whether she is dead or alive

Her words make Si Mo frown.

Without any hesitation, he said, "Xiao Ge'er can do whatever she wants. Don't ask me."

Indulge! Connivance!

Is this still their king?

Sure enough Beauty kills people, beauty kills people!

All the demons in the desolate palace could not help but feel desolate when they heard the conversation between their king and the princess.

Naturally, they also know who the man is.

All of a sudden, all the demons felt sympathy for Yan ya. Oh, no one can offend the princess!

When a woman remembers a grudge, it's absolutely terrible!

"No, it's up to you." Mu Qingge has a charming smile and looks so easygoing.

Her attitude, let Si Mo tiny frown.

I don't know why, when he saw xiaoge'er's expression, he felt a little afraid.

Scared? How could he be afraid!

He never realized what fear is, and why is he afraid now? Si Mo thought carefully in his heart, and gradually he understood that he was afraid of Mu Qingge's smile at this time, because there seemed to be something hidden in the smile that did not know what was meant.

"Come on, bring Yanya up." Mu Qingge opens his mouth to command.

Outside the hall, immediately there are magic guards to carry out.

"Yan ya?" Si Mo asked.

Mu Qingge looks at him and finds the expression in his eyes, as if he doesn't remember this person at all. The faint discomfort in his heart is relieved.

On the palace road of Taihuang ancient palace, Yan Ya's maid kneels here and wants to see Si mo.

However, no one was willing to pay attention to her.

At this time, she saw a group of magic guards passing by her quickly. Before long, they came back with a man who was the son of her master, the former Lord Yan ya! , the fastest update of the webnovel!