"I'm afraid the ship won't last long." The woman looked at Xiangmu Qingsong in horror.

As soon as her voice had stopped, a huge wave came, which almost overturned the hull of the boat. She also screamed and fell to the other side and hit the wall board hard.

Upstairs, already came the sound of messy footsteps.

Mu light song raised eyes to look at one eye, and looked at her way: "go, first up."

The woman tightly pursed her lips and nodded hard. Her face was pale and she stumbled upstairs with mu Qingge.

Why did she come knocking on her door?

Mu Qingge has no time to ask her.

On the next floor, she saw the captain who was at the helm, saying something to the people on board. At the moment, he has not been calm before, but appears to be a little flustered.

Mu light song eyes light a sink, the leg strides toward his direction.

At this time, the woman who followed her up suddenly pulled her sleeve and let her turn her eyes.

Mu light song line of sight falls on the sleeve that she pulls, eyebrow tip a pick, in the eyes with inquiry.

"Let's go. We'll be late if we don't go!" The way of women's eagerness.

Hearing her words, mu Qingge's eyes suddenly narrowed. She grasped the woman's wrist with her backhand, which was not shallow. "Do you know anything?"

The woman was so suddenly grabbed by mu Qingge, and her face was a bit ugly.

And Mu light song words, is to let her eyes dodge.

"Come on! Hold on to the boat and don't be blown away by the wind and waves Behind him came the shouts of the boatman.

However, mu Qingge didn't pay attention to the chaos behind her, her clear eyes were staring at the woman who was caught by her.

"I I... " The woman's tongue faltered.

At this time, there was a big wave, which lifted up the ship, and the whole ship seemed to fly into the air. After drawing an arc in the air, it fell into the sea again.

When the sea water dipped into the deck, the ferry was shaken and shaken, and the people on board were in panic. Their spiritual cultivation had no effect on the Yanghai sea.

Mu Qingge glanced at the corner of his eyes and saw that the boatman tied his wrist with a rope and tied it with the rudder.

Mu light song eyes flash a light, pull the woman in the hand to go to the boatman.

The boatman, who was tying himself up, suddenly felt that there were two more figures in front of him. He looked up and had no time to surprise the appearance of the visitors. Instead, he roared angrily, "what are you two doing here?"

Mu Qingge did not say a word, picked up a rope, tied his waist, and tied himself to the rudder of the boat.

The boatman looked at her movements with a black face and his eyes widened.

After tying the rope tightly, mu Qingge raised his eyes and looked at the boatman calmly with one eye. He said faintly: "you have been living on the sea all year round. Naturally, you know where the safety of the whole ship is. Follow you. There's no mistake. "

Her words made the boatman's face change and he was speechless.

At this time, mu Qingge turned her eyes and looked at the woman beside her. In her surprised expression, she asked, "if you don't tell the secret, then I have to let go."

If she let go, the woman would be drawn into the sea and sink under the sun.

"No! No The woman was scared to hold on to Mu Qingsong's hand, and her voice begged.

Mu Qingge was not touched by her pitiful appearance, but continued: "my patience is limited."

"That legend is true!" The woman finally called out.

Her words, make mu Qingge and boat old mostly pursed lip silence, looking at her, waiting for her below.

The woman's voice trembled and said, "my family lives on the Yanghai sea. My ancestors have lived here for generations. For the legend of Yanghai, my ancestors said it was true. There really lived a giant beast under the Yanghai sea, and the sudden change of the wind and cloud on the sea surface was that the giant beast was about to wake up. If we don't take the time to leave, we will be swallowed by the beast

Her words, let Mu light song slightly frown, eyes light moved to the boatman body.

The boatman was seen by her, understood the meaning in her eyes, and said in a deep voice: "I know this legend. However, I have been ferrying on the Yanghai sea for such a long time. There are no rare big waves, but I have never seen a giant beast. no No

The boatman's eyes suddenly opened, and his face became ugly: "I remember once, I saw a ferry from afar and was running. Everything was going well, but the sky suddenly darkened, and the wind and rain, lightning and thunder thundered. Then a shadow fell and the ferry disappeared

There was already a tremor in his voice. He had connected his own experience with the legend of the woman.

As soon as the boatman's voice fell, people felt that the sky above them was completely dark.

The three men standing by the rudder looked up with the others to the sky. I just feel that the dark sky, like the mouth of a giant beast, is slowly swallowing them."This..." The captain's face was black and blue. He looked at the falling shadow in disbelief.

In that dark shadow, you can see the beating blood vessels and ferocious teeth Even, a hot and humid atmosphere, which is not inferior to the sea surface, with a smell of smell, slowly surrounded them.

The turbulent sea water pushed the ferry toward the dark shadow.

"Giant Giant animals... " The woman's legs softened and she almost fell on the cold wet deck.

"My God! What is that? "

"The legendary beast?"

"We were washed into the mouth of the beast by the sea!"

"Help! I don't want to die yet! "

"How could that happen? Isn't the sea monster a legend? How could we have been so unlucky? "

"Run away!"

Of the 23 or 30 people on board, chaos has begun.

They tried to untie what they had fixed and jumped out of the boat. It seems that they feel that if they jump into the sea, they can escape the fate of being devoured by giant animals.

"Don't jump!" The boatman yelled, trying to stop them from dying.

However, those who were eager to flee for their lives simply could not hear his advice and jumped into the sea one after another.

In the blink of an eye, only a few people were left on the boat.

These people are also desperately pulling their own rope, trying to jump into the sea to escape.

Just then the waves rolled up the men who had jumped into the sea and sent them to the depths of the shadow faster than the ships.

"Ah! No

In the sea water, the sound of panic came from more than a dozen people.

The light on them, silver and gray, was useless and could not change their fate.

In the twinkling of an eye, the more than ten people who jumped into the water disappeared in the sight of several people on the ship. This picture scared those people who wanted to escape by jumping into the sea. They were stupefied in situ and didn't know where to go.

Mu light song eyes light a sink, sit waiting for death, is not her style.

We have to find a way out What's more, the ship and the captain can't do anything! " Mu light song in the heart secret way.

She also needs the ship and the ship who knows the route to send her to Dongzhou, so they can't have an accident.

Mu Qingge's thoughts flashed quickly in his heart, and his hands had begun to move. She quickly untied the rope on her body and tied it to her in the panic expression of the woman around her.

When the rope was tied, the woman reacted and looked at her in shock.

Mu Qingge didn't have time to talk to her. She said to the old boat Road: "if you don't want to be buried here, you can find a way to get the boat out of the control of this giant beast. I will buy you time."

Then, without waiting for the boatman to digest her words, she turned her eyes to the survivors who were stunned on the boat and yelled to them, "if you don't want to die, come and help the boatman to drive the boat out."

After that, she held her right hand falsely, and the golden light flashed. She held the Linglong gun in her hand.

Mu light song eyes light a Li, raise Linglong gun, throw to that sky black shadow. Linglong gun, like a sharp arrow, rushes towards the shadow.


The sound of violent impact made the shadow seem to have been seriously damaged, and some bloody liquid dropped from the top onto the deck.

Mu Qingge's heart sank with the red color on the deck. "It's really a beast that makes trouble!"


Thunder like roar appeared, as if the beast was angry by mu Qingge's resistance.

And the people on the boat were also awakened.

They were shocked to see Xiangmu Qingge, unable to imagine where she came from the courage to fight against the beast. They don't know that mu Qingge's courage actually comes from her idea that she doesn't want to die here.

Since you don't want to die, you can only fight for a chance of life.

Mu Qingge jumps into the air, holds the falling Linglong gun and continues to attack.

She aimlessly hit the spirit power on those dark shadows, causing the roar of the beast.

All of a sudden, her spear point fire, eight wasteland empty fire spurt out, attached to those black shadows. Like maggots of tarsal bones, the invisible and colorless nihilism of the eight wasteland constantly burns the black shadow and turns it into nothingness.

"Ouch, ouch!"

The beast uttered a painful cry. It was completely infuriated by mu Qingge and wanted to kill the ant who dared to challenge it.

At this time, the boatman, holding his hands on the rudder, finally felt that the ship was made. This made him happy, seize the opportunity to start to adjust the direction of the ship, in the opposite direction.

The movement of the ship brought life to all on board.

The rest of the people also rushed to help the boatman to take the boat out.

In the air, mu Qingge's attack continues. She didn't want to kill the beast. She didn't know the details of the beast. If it could hide in the Yanghai sea for so long, it must not be a good thing to kill.

So, she just wanted to escape.There was no need for her to lose both sides with the beast, and the ferry, which was struggling on the sea, would never wait for her return to leave.

If the time is wrong, don't kill it!

Muqingge attracted the attention of the beast, and the ferry had slowly left the beast's mouth.

No one has ever seen what the beast looked like.

The boatman sped as fast as he could toward the bright sea.

"We'll wait for him!" The woman tied by mu Qingge on the rudder of the boat, seeing that the boat is getting farther and farther away from mu Qingge, shouts anxiously to the boatman.

The boatman's eyes were tangled for a moment and hesitated.

The other few people are talking about it.

"Wait for what? If we wait any longer, we will all be swallowed by the monster. "

"Yes, it's better to die alone than to die all of them!"

"If we escape safely, we can comfort him, but it will not be in vain for him to sacrifice himself!"

"You! How can you do this? How could you have escaped if it had not been for the monster's attention? " The woman was in a hurry.

"No matter how noisy, believe it or not, we will throw you into the monster's mouth?" Someone threatened.

"Yes, you are so worried about him that you might as well stay with him. He is stupid and willing to do so, but we don't force him to do it! "

Several people say a word, let the boatman hesitant heart began to firm up.

He gritted his teeth and sped up the boat.

It seems that he has been persuaded by others to abandon mu Qingge and run for his life.

The woman was so anxious that she could not persuade other people. She could only look up and shout to Mu Qingge: "come down quickly, they are going to leave!"

Mu Qingge turned her eyes and looked at it. The bottom of her clear eyes was a faint light, which did not show any difference and shock.

It seems that the abandonment of these people was something she expected.

Ships, gradually break into the bright sea.

They seem to believe that moqingge will die in the mouth of the monster.

But they did not know that after the ship got rid of the monster's control, mu Qingge's eyes turned golden, and an invisible spiritual attack directly hit the monster, leaving it in a trance for a moment.

Taking advantage of this gap, moqingge did not hesitate to turn around and fly quickly, disappearing in the mouth of the beast.


Escape from the sky, the people on the ship are secretly relieved, only the woman gnashing teeth to look at this group of people.

All of a sudden, there was a loud noise on the deck, and the whole ship seemed to sink, which scared everyone. When they looked over, they found that mu Qingge, who had thought he would die in the monster's mouth, was standing on the deck.

Most of all, she had a golden aura.

"Jin Those who are strong in the golden environment... "

Several people who were shocked looked at her tremblingly.

Just now mu Qingge's attack and that kind of environment made them pay no attention to her cultivation. At this moment, they found that what they left behind was actually a strong man in the Golden State.

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