"Today is the deadline for registration." Suddenly, Shang zisu said to the crowd outside.

Her words made the other three people look at the street involuntarily.

On the street, there are many people who are in a hurry. They are all in a hurry to sign up for Dan Daoyuan on the last day.

Only after you have successfully signed up, can you participate in the next assessment.

The registration time is missed. It will be three years later.

Mei Zizhong frowned and said in a low voice, "qinggeben is going to come with me. But when I was in xipucheng, something suddenly happened and needed her to deal with it. She told me to sign up for her if she didn't have time to come back before the deadline

"Yesterday, elder martial brother, when you signed up, you already reported the name of Qingge." Zhu Lingdao.

Mei Zizhong nodded his head, still worried in his eyes. "Even so, if she does not return. What about tomorrow's assessment? "

This sentence silenced all three of them.

This is really a fatal problem.

Registration can replace the application, but the assessment can not.

After a silence for a while, Zhao Nanxing raised his eyes and said, "well, if I go back today, I'll say hello to the master who will be responsible for the assessment tomorrow, and ask him to be flexible. If Qingge can't make it before tomorrow's assessment, let's see if it can be more flexible. When she arrives, she will make up for the assessment. In any case, with the ability to sing light songs, those examinations are just children's tricks for her, just a passing scene. "

This method is also good.

All three nodded.

Zhao Nanxing has been doing well in Dandao hospital in recent years. His talent is good, coupled with his previous Prince's identity, people look very noble, bearing extraordinary. He is also good at communication and exquisite, so he gets along well with many characters in Dandao Academy.

The only regret is that Shang zisu's attitude towards him is still lukewarm.

This makes him feel helpless, but also feel secretly happy. At least, apart from him, no other man can let Shang zisu say a word and show a smile.

"I don't know what happened to Qingge. It's dangerous." Shang zisu pursed her lips and frowned.

The four people were worried about this problem.

After a short while, Mei Zizhong said, "I once offered to help, but Qingge refused. It is hard to imagine the growth of Qingge in these years. Now, she should not be worried about her life

"Yes. Elder martial brother Mei, did Qingge say that if she came, where would she meet you? " Zhu Lingdao.

Mei Zizhong frowned and remained silent.

He slowly shook his head, "I and light song have never been here, at that time just said to meet in the Dandao courtyard." His mouth a wry smile, "we do not know, the original dantaoyuan so big."

It's just a periphery. Looking for someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"It's also that we don't think well." Zhao Nanxing said, "I knew you were coming, so we should make an appointment with you in advance."

Zhu Ling also said, "yes! This time elder martial brother Mei came here, if he had not met a disciple who knew elder martial brother Zhao outside the Dandao courtyard, I'm afraid we could not meet each other smoothly. "

"Let's not worry too much. With the intelligence of light song, we will find us." Shang zisu comforted.

Zhu Ling, why don't we wait for the place to sign up? If Qingge arrives in time, she will definitely go to the registration place. "

"That's a good idea." Mei Zizhong's eyes were bright and nodded.

His approval made Zhu Lingmei smile.

She likes Mei Zizhong's heart, never changed. However, she also knew that Mei Zizhong didn't have her in her heart, so she didn't force her and didn't force her.

In any case, to see him, or to get his favor, can also make her happy for half a day.

"Why bother?" Suddenly a voice broke into the conversation of the four.

The voice was familiar to all four of them.

Mei Zizhong, in particular, stood up from his chair almost when the voice rang out and looked at him with a smile.

"Light song!"

"Light song!"

"It's really a light song!"

"You are here at last! But how did you find it? "

The four turned their eyes and looked. Who would be the handsome young man in red who was walking towards them with a smile?

The sudden appearance of muqingge really made them very happy.

Joy, but also mixed with a little surprise!

Before the suspension of the heart is gradually put down, moqingge good end of the emergence, also did not miss the time of assessment.

Mu Qingge walked up to the four people and did not rush to answer their questions. Instead, he said to them, "elder martial brother Mei, elder martial brother Zhao, senior sister Shang, senior sister Zhu, long time no see!"

Apart from Mei Zizhong, they have not been seen in almost five years.Goodbye, they are not the original young, between their eyebrows are more mature.

After the reunion of the five people, they could not help but smile.

Even if the beauty of the iceberg, such as the purple perilla of Shang Dynasty, all showed a light smile, and looked at the Mu light song in the beautiful eyes. Once that wrong love, did not let two people become embarrassed.

On the contrary, it adds some tacit understanding.

"Sit down!" Zhao Nanxing smiles at mu Qingge.

Four tacit understanding to give mu Qingge a place, mu Qingge sat down, Zhao Nanxing poured her a cup of tea, handed it to her.

"Qingge, how did you find us?" Zhu Ling said with a smile.

Mu Qingge picked up the tea cup and sipped it gently. After the elder martial brother's explanation, she put down a cup of tea fragrance on their face

She looked at Mei Zizhong and laughed cunningly.

Mei Zizhong was stunned. He was stunned. He said in surprise, "when did you put tracking incense on me? I didn't notice at all. "

Mu Qingge looked at him with a smile and said, "when I left that day, I put it quietly. I wanted to explain it to you, but I found it difficult to explain it, so I simply didn't say it. Anyway, even if the elder martial brother finds out, the elder martial brother will not wash it off, but will keep it more carefully. "

Mei Zizhong helplessly said with a smile, "but, I didn't find it."

He was also a alchemist, but he didn't notice the movement of moqingge. How could he not feel depressed?

He suddenly became suspicious of his alchemy.

"Well, elder martial brother Mei doesn't have to be depressed. The tracking incense is colorless and tasteless. No one will notice it except me. " Mu Qingge explained.

Mei Zizhong nodded lightly and said to Mu Qingge, "you don't have to comfort me. I'm convinced that I lose to you."

All five of them laughed, as if they were back in the time when they were in Yuguo medicine tower.

It's really refreshing to meet old friends again.

After chatting for a while, Shang zisu asked, "Qingge, you left temporarily on the way here, but what's the matter? Now, is it done? If you need our help, just ask. "

It's rare that she can say so many words at a time.

This is also because the object is muqingge.

Mu Qingge intended to refuse, but when he thought of Simao's body, he asked tentatively: "how many Saint level Dan masters are there in the Dandao academy?"

"Saint Dan master?"

"Holy grade!"

Her words, Zhao Nanxing and Zhu Ling are surprised to export, even zisu also curiously looked at her.

Zhao Nanxing opened his mouth and said, "although there are Saint level Dan masters in the Dandao courtyard, there are not many. Moreover, they are not always able to refine the saint level pills, even if the quality of the refined Saint level pills is not very high. Among them, the most capable is the inner Dean of Dandao hospital. However, I heard that he refined Saint level pills, and the highest quality was only advanced. "

"It's very difficult to refine Holy Level pills. I don't know how many Dan masters in the Dandao academy stop here. It is futile for him to break through and become a saint level Dan master. " Zhu Ling continued.

"Just advanced..." Mu light song slightly frowns.

She had thought that if someone in the Dandao hospital had reached the saint level, and could refine the best grade pills. Maybe she can ask him to make pills for Simao But now it seems that although dandaoyuan is the gathering place of Danshi in the middle ages, no one can meet her requirements.

"It seems that I can only wait for my own breakthrough." Mu light song in the heart secret way. She has confidence in himself, but Si Mo has to continue to endure for a period of time, bear the pain of the body.

"Qingge, do you need holy pills?" Shang zisu asked.

Mu Qingge raised her eyes, only to find that the four people all looked at themselves with concern. She smiles and shakes her head slowly. Si Mo's matter, she does not want too many people to know, is not distrust, but she feels that there is no need to say.

Her denial made them stop questioning.

Zhao Nanxing said with a smile: "fortunately, you arrived today, or we will try to find a way to let the master of assessment open a back door for you."

Mu Qingge said with a smile, "I remember clearly the time of recruiting disciples in the Dan Taoist temple, and I dare not delay at all. I could have arrived earlier, but I don't know if it was because of the recruitment of students in Dandao academy that the transmission array in Xipu city was fully used. I had to take a ferry to come here, which delayed you for a long time. It's my fault. "

Zhu Ling covered her lips and said with a smile, "since you are not, you should pay for the dinner party that was supposed to meet you today."

"Good!" Mu Qingge nodded happily.

Zhao Nanxing joked, "OK, I'll have a good song today. The city master of the fallen star city is much richer than us. Tonight, we will open meat and eat some food that we can only salivate about. "

Mu Qingge was ridiculed, so that do not like to laugh at the Shang zisu, as well as elegant plum Zhong all smile."You are all Dan masters. Where can you go in poverty?" Mu Qingge has no choice but to smile bitterly. These people wanted to kill her, but they said they were so pitiful.

Is Dan Shi short of money?

If you refine a pill and sell it, you will have a steady stream of money.

I'm afraid that Danshi is the most abundant profession in the world!

"In a word, you can't compare with your admiration for the great city Lord." Zhao Nanxing joked.

Mu Qingge said with a smile, "elder martial brother Zhao also came to make fun of me."

Zhao Nanxing's eyes bent slightly with a smile, and he wrote everything in his expression.

Five people sat in the teahouse for a while, and mu Qingge suggested, "go to the registration office and have a look." As soon as she came here, she followed Mei Zizhong to come here. She did not really see the Dan Taoist temple seriously.

Zhao Nanxing pondered for a moment and said, "the registration office is outside the gate of the outer courtyard. We can go and have a look now. In an hour or two, the registration will be closed. "

After that, the five people got up, left the tea money, and walked out of the teahouse and went to the gate of the outer courtyard of the Dan Taoist temple.

Along the way, people who rush to the registration office are all in a hurry. Passing by them, they will inevitably be attracted by their appearance and take a few more eyes.

When they arrived outside the registration office, there were still a large number of people queuing up to sign up.

"I'm not too late, it seems." Mu light song teases a way.

Zhao Nanxing said sarcastically: "today's people are the least. You didn't see the situation when you just started to sign up a few days ago. "

Mu Qingge was surprised and looked at him in surprise.

Is it a time when there are few people in front of us?

Mei Zizhong then said with a smile: "younger martial brother Zhao is right. I came to sign up yesterday, and I couldn't even get here. In the end, the younger brother Zhao went through the back door and gave you and me names. "

Mu Qingge murmured his tongue and looked at the line of people, sweeping the wide steps outside the Dandao courtyard, as well as the towering buildings. "This dandaoyuan was very popular in the middle ages," he said

Suddenly, her eyes slightly shrunk, fell on one of the people crowded in the registration office.

"Song Jinshan!"

Murmuring the name of the man in his heart. The woman who came with her by boat from Yanghai once said that she would go to the Dandao Academy. Now it seems that she came for the sake of recruiting disciples.

"What are you looking at?" The purple perilla of Shang Dynasty found the difference of Mu light song and asked curiously.

Mu Qingge calmly takes back his eyes and slowly shakes his head. "Nothing." She did not intend to go up to say hello, and song Jinshan did not have friendship, so she was not prepared to explain to several people around her.

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