"If you want to go in, you have to go into the inner court." Mu Qingge's tone is firm.

Her words made all four of them dumbfounded.

Mu Qingge said in a deep voice: "in more than four years, there will be a big event in the middle ancient world. I don't have much time to stay in Dandao courtyard, let alone spend a year in the outer courtyard. In the near future, I will not only attend the inner court meeting. "

"Dandao Conference! Do you want to attend this Dandao conference? That's only half a year away. Moreover, it's the person who wants to participate. He must have the identity of an inner court disciple. " Zhao Nanxing was surprised.

What Shang zisu cared about was, "what will happen in the middle ancient world four years later?"

Mu Qingge's words, like stones, were thrown into the calm lake, causing a layer of waves, ripples, let them all curious.

Mei Zizhong, the four of them, stayed in Luoxing City, indifferent, seldom communicated with others and knew little about the outside world. And the remaining three people, all in Dandao academy specialized in Danshu, familiar with this acre of land, except Dongzhou, other continents have not been to, more information is blocked.

Mu Qingge pondered for a while and said to the four: "in more than four years, the sacred tomb will be opened. If we want to enter the land of gods and Demons and enter a higher plane, this is the only chance. "

Only after they get the divinity and enter the land of the four seas, can they continue to practice. Otherwise, even if they go in through other channels, they will not be able to practice.

The cultivation of the middle ancient world was in the land of gods and Demons

Mu Qingge's heart sank, and she felt deeply when she went to the wild devil kingdom. In Archean Chongyuan, her spiritual power can't even kill an insect. That weak feeling makes her extremely uncomfortable.

"The land of gods and Demons..." Zhao Nanxing whispered.

In the middle ages, the land of gods and demons is no secret, but it is more of a legend.

"It is said that the passage to the land of gods and Demons has not been opened for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years." Zhu Ling is also Zheng Zheng.

"What qualifications do you need to enter a sacred tomb?" Shang zisu asked.

In her eyes, she is also shining, full of fighting spirit.

They are not willing to mediocre people, not to say how ambitious they are, just because they know there is a higher interface, a broader world, can not help but want to see a higher landscape.

Four people, four pairs of eyes, all fell on mu Qingge.

She organized the language a little, and then she told them the context. It includes the golden realm, as well as the transition period. Each time, it includes the existence of spiritual roots. What is Tianmen

After listening, the four were silent.

In a short period of time, Mei Zizhong said: "in other words, it is not enough to have divinity, but also to have spiritual roots. After three times of thunder robbery, it has become the gate of heaven."

Mu Qingge nods. "If there is a spiritual root, we can see it after the first thunder robbery. Even if there is no spiritual root, we are alchemists, we can also create false spiritual roots. In any case, your main duty is to refine pills, and it is not without Alchemy to prove the truth. "

"Therefore, the top priority is to seize the time to practice and strive to break through the golden state when the tomb is opened, so that we can be sure to win the divinity." Zhao Nanxing took a deep breath.

However, his words made several people silent.

The accomplishments of the four of them are still on the first and second floors of silver territory.

If we want to break through the golden realm in just four years, even if there are more pills to assist, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve.

See four people mood some dignified, Mu light song says with a smile: "it's OK, isn't there me? Don't be impatient. Practice step by step. At that time, if you can't go, I'll help you to get back the divinity. "

"Then I'll depend on you!" Zhu Ling is not polite. She is smiling.

Naturally, she knew that if her strength was not enough, she would only lag behind if she was forced to follow in. Instead, it's better to do what mu Qingge says.

"Well, let's not think too much about it. It's the right thing to practice as soon as possible." Zhao Nanxing also agreed with the nod.

Mu Qingge said: "so, elder martial brother Mei and I have no time to spend in the courtyard. Try to find a way for us to go directly to the hospital for examination. "

Zhao Nanxing frowned and pursed his lips.

He did not delay, but seriously thinking about how to let mu Qingge and Mei Zizhong avoid the outer court and enter the inner court directly.

Zhu Ling and Shang zisu also pondered together.

"Although we were in Dandao hospital for a short time, we also know that Dandao academy is a place with heavy rules." Shang zisu frowned.

Zhu Ling nodded and said to Mu Qingge and Mei Zizhong, "the year in the outer courtyard is not only to see whether this person is suitable for alchemy, but also to see his character."

"It's not impossible." Zhao Nanxing spoke at this time.

His brow has not yet opened, and he will say in his heart, "with Qingge's fame in the middle ancient world, we should be able to let the Dandao academy accommodate ourselves, and she can also guarantee for elder martial brother Mei. In addition, with the guarantee of the three of us, we only need to enter the inner court examination once, instead of directly entering the inner court. The problem should not be big."The four nodded.

Mu Qingge clapped and said, "OK. It's decided that when the assessment starts tomorrow, we will follow what senior brother Zhao said. If the examiners can't be masters, ask those who can do it to speak. "

She didn't believe that the rules of the Dandao academy would be so rigid and inflexible.

Mei Zizhong is a treasure level Dan teacher. She is a god level Dan teacher. Why waste a year in the courtyard?

"Good." Zhao Nanxing stood up and said to them, "you two will have a rest here tonight. I will go back to find out who will be responsible for the assessment tomorrow and tell my teacher."

With that, he said to Shang zisu and Zhu Ling: "you can go back and tell your teachers that if you can invite the three masters together as guarantors, Qingge and elder martial brother Mei will have a better chance."

Shang zisu and Zhu Ling also stood up and nodded.

The three soon left without further delay.

Mu light song before the words, let them all nervous, time is not waiting for us. They don't have as much time as they think.

This time, they hope to enter the land of gods and demons with mu Qingge, rather than let her go first.

After the three left, Mei Zizhong and mu Qingge sat under the tree.

You are tired, light song to her

Mu light song a Leng, some do not know why.

Mei Zizhong's calm and indifferent eyes watched her understand the meaning of his words. So tired to run around, constantly running around, constantly forcing himself strong and powerful She, tired?

Mu light song was dumb with a smile. She is playing with the tea cup in her hand, and her drooping eyes coagulate the tea floating in the cup. He said slowly: "elder martial brother, if I'm afraid of hard work, I'll still be the little Lord of Mu's house in the state of Qin. The road to the strong is my own choice. No matter how difficult this road is, I will stick to it. In this lifetime, one should always have a goal that can be fought for all one's life. Do you think so? "

She looked at Mei Zizhong and her clear eyes were bright.

Many people think that because of the burden on her body, she has to become stronger and better. As a matter of fact, her goal has never changed. These burdens are just some additional responsibilities attached to her when she takes this road, which is motivation rather than burden and resistance.

Tired? The body may be tired. However, her heart, but never feel tired!


The next day, Zhao Nanxing came to the courtyard early and went with mu Qingge and plum zhongchaodan Taoist temple.

On the way, Zhao Nanxing introduced to the two people, "yesterday we went back to understand the situation of both of you. Their teachers have promised to guarantee. The person in charge of the assessment was unable to be the master at the beginning, but in the end, he received the above order and gave him a chance. "

"Orders from above?" Mu Qingge looks at him curiously.

Zhao Nanxing nodded. "I don't know about the details. In short, you can directly participate in the assessment of the inner court. However, there is one condition... "

Zhao Nanxing frowned and hesitated: "the requirement of Dandao academy is to let you two carry out the examination in advance, and in front of all the registered students."

Meizi Zhongmou light a heavy, some worried look to Mu light song, and to Zhao Nanxing way: "what is this mean?"

Zhao Nanxing shakes his head and smiles bitterly. He looked at mu Qingge and said, "Qingge is famous now. Maybe someone can't see you. If you win this public assessment, you will naturally save face. But if it fails, this... "

His words are not finished, but mu Qingge and Mei Zizhong have already understood.

Mei Zizhong's face sank, and in her calm eyes, she was rarely angry. "If you don't want to, that's all. Why do you have to do so in secret? "

"It's not a calculation." Mu light song is a face of indifference. She said with a smile: "it is estimated that someone in the Dandao courtyard wants to destroy my prestige. In order to avoid, after I enter in the future, I will be too proud and arrogant. "

Zhao Nanxing nodded in agreement and asked, "then you..."

Mu Qingge confidently said with a smile: "public assessment means public assessment. If you want to fight in the face, you should also be prepared to be beaten. It's just that... " She turned her eyes and looked at Mei Zizhong, full of apology: "implicated elder martial brother Mei."

Mei Zizhong shook his head and said, "what's involved? If it wasn't for your relationship, I'm afraid I'll spend another year in the hospital. I don't want to waste time like this. "

The three looked at each other with a smile and strode toward the dandaoyuan.

When I came to the place where I signed up yesterday, there were countless people standing under the steps. At a glance, there are tens of thousands at least.

They are all standing under the steps, waiting for the people of Dandao hospital to appear, waiting for the beginning of the assessment.

At this time, from the steps, slowly down the three people.

Among the three, one of them was a little old, with white hair and beard, but his face was not old and his facial features were fierce. The other two were young people. Judging from their respectful appearance, they seemed to be the children of the man in the middle.

"This is the master Fengping who is responsible for this year's assessment." Zhao Nanxing in two people's ears, low voice way.Feng Ping stood on the steps, his eyes coldly swept over his nervous, excited and nervous faces. Slowly opened his mouth, "where are the two people who want to pass the examination directly?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was stunned.

How could anyone want to go straight to the inner court? Is that stupid!

The most important thing is, how to listen to the meaning of master Fengping's words, is that the Dandao academy wants to open a back door for these two people!

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