The long steps outside the outer gate of Dandao courtyard symbolize the status of Dandao hospital and is also a test.

Above the beginning of the steps was a burning incense. It's from the end, but only one third is left.

However, on the steps, two figures, one white and one red, rushed up at a very fast speed

Under the steps, tens of thousands of people, staring at this scene, can't believe their eyes!

What about the embroidered pillow?!

I can't take a few steps as agreed?!

It's just a matter of status?!

What about good jokes?!

Even Feng Ping was shocked and his eyes were wide. Just now, he was still laughing at their over capacity. Now, with the speed of the wind and the ease of walking on the ground, he was slapping his face, making his cheeks rise with a burning pain.

Tens of thousands of people could hear a needle drop.

Zhao Nanxing standing among them, just feel refreshing, feel his ears constantly ring out the sound of slapping.

Just now, how much they looked down on his brothers and sisters, and how much sarcasm and sarcasm they had. Now, how painful their cheeks are!

Two figures, one in front of the other, rushed into the clouds at the top of the steps. Then, it appeared again in the eyes of the public, quickly approaching the bottom of the steps.

There is only one small piece of burning incense suspended in the air.

Two people's speed is faster and faster, that red enchanting figure, as if to faster step.

In fact, there is only a difference of less than two feet between the two.

Finally, the red figure, first step on the starting point.

As soon as she stood still, the white figure stopped by her side. They looked at each other with a smile, then suspended in the empty burning incense, blowing a gust of wind, blowing its last ashes.

Incense, it's finished.

Mu Qingge and Mei Zizhong returned to the origin before the end of burning incense.

"How can it be?" Feng Ping was shocked to see two people, chest stuffy, blocked in the throat, nothing to say.

He didn't want to believe what he saw, but that's the truth!

Not only was he shocked, but tens of thousands of people were shocked.

The square with tens of thousands of people was silent. The shock in their hearts is far less than that of Fengping. Because they didn't experience the power of that step. Feng Ping, however, knew that it was very difficult for him to go back and forth in a single stick of incense.

In the courtyard, the deadline given to him is actually two sticks of incense.

However, he was also given such an ambiguous command as "easy to do".

Therefore, he changed two incense sticks into one.

He thought that the first level would drive away these two arrogant guys who tried to get through the back door and challenge the rules. Unexpectedly, they gave him such a shock.


"Am I dazzled?"

"Are these false steps?"

The crowd began to recover slowly.

Some people don't believe how difficult it is to climb the steps. Driven by curiosity, they quietly walk towards the steps. When he stepped up the steps and took the first step, he felt a strong repulsive force coming face-to-face, making him almost unable to breathe.

He blushed, gritted his teeth, and took another forced step.

As soon as his feet fell on the second step, he felt that his spirit had been greatly impacted. He could not help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew upside down.

His body curved in the air and fell to the ground.

The onlookers stepped back in a hurry, leaving a space. But he fell heavily on the ground, people only heard the sound of bone fracture.

His trial, as well as the results, let tens of thousands of people who want to enter the Dandao hospital can not help but take a breath of cold air.

Around, it's quieter.

People only listen to Feng Ping cold hum a, disdain of the way: "beyond their capacity."

Soon, there was the guard of the Dandao courtyard and carried the man away. Naturally, the follow-up assessment has no chance with him. A person who can only go to the second step can not pass the test at all.

However, what he did, the onlookers found that the steps were really weird and not so easy to climb. Before mu Qingge and Mei Zizhong were so relaxed and fast that not everyone could do it.

With this contrast, the crowd looked at Xiangmu Qingge and Mei Zizhong's eyes changed a bit.

They can't help thinking, these two guys who can easily run on the steps are really just straw bags through the back door?

All around, there was no sound.

"Cough." Mu light song coughs gently and breaks the silence around.

Her voice, attracted the attention of Feng Ping, has not yet had time to fully convergence of surprise eyes, subconsciously fell on her body.

Mu Qingge smiles and asks, "excuse me, is the first level passed?"There was no pride in her tone, only calm and calm. He did not feel that what he and Mei Zizhong had done brought shock to others.

Seal flat eyes light down.

Such a result was unexpected to him.

However, to be able to return to the steps within the specified time does not mean that they have the qualification to enter the inner court!

The inner courtyard of Dandao courtyard is the sacred place of the whole Dandao courtyard. What kind of cat and dog can enter?

Feng Ping Mou flashed a trace of fierce color, unwilling way: "calculate." Fortunately, the first one is more difficult for you

Mu Qingge has a funny smile on his mouth and says, "which eye of yours is proud of me?"

"Come up with a question, please." Too lazy to compare with Feng Ping, mu Qingge chic swing sleeve, will hand in the back of the back, lift chin to him way.

Second, to distinguish the cold seal

"Identify medicinal materials? What's so hard about this? Who can come to this Dandao hospital without knowing several kinds of medicinal materials? "

"Is it difficult for the Dandao courtyard to release water openly?"

"It's impossible. If we want to release water and secretly put them into the inner court, why should we have today's assessment?"

"Then the second level is too simple."

The voices of discussion rose one after another.

Most of them are questions about this test. This kind of doubt, impact before mu Qingge and Mei Zizhong through the first pass, to their shock.

Feng Ping raised his hand and stopped the discussion.

When the surroundings were completely quiet, he said, "this discrimination is divided into front and back parts. In the front, each kind of medicinal materials can only be seen in a blink of an eye, and their names will be given out if they are hesitant or wrong. At the back, blindfold, only by smell, again, wrong out

Sleeping trough!

In a blink of an eye to distinguish the medicinal materials? Just smell the smell and identify the herbs?

And it can't be wrong?

You should know that there are thousands of medicinal materials. In many similar medicinal materials, the appearance is only different in details. If you do not observe carefully, it is easy to make mistakes. And the smell For people who don't understand medicinal materials, it is estimated that it is a taste. For those who understand medicinal materials, it is not only by smelling the smell to judge the medicinal materials.

Make trouble!

It's a real challenge!

Before that, I still said that this assessment was easy. The people who let water out of the Dan Taoist temple shut their mouths obediently at the moment.

"Too much! It's so difficult. At least a few mistakes are allowed. None of them is good. Can the people in the Dandao courtyard do it by themselves? " Suddenly, a female voice outspoken for mu light song, they complain.

As soon as the voice came out, Feng Ping's face became gloomy.

And Mu light song is a pick. This voice, she is no stranger. It's song Jinshan's. However, to her surprise, song Jinshan actually speaks for herself at this moment.

"Ignorant child! If it's a good medicine, how can it be used to cure people's life? Identifying medicinal materials is just the basic skill of being a Dan master. None of them can be wrong. It is also the most basic requirement of being a Dan master. " Seal off the cold voice of reprimand.

He said, looking at Xiangmu Qingge and Mei Zizhong, sarcastically said: "if you can't even do this, you'd better go home and play mud."

"You Song Jin Shan Qi, but also want to say.

But the woman beside her held her and whispered in her ear, "shut up! What do you have to do with them? Do you not want to enter the Dan Taoist temple

Song Jinshan struggled, want to continue to say, at this time, Mu light song but began to speak. "Let's go."

Three words, dry and crisp, the end of the eye.

At this moment, tens of thousands of people noticed that from the beginning to the end, the two guys who were going to go through the back door were very calm, without even a trace of embarrassment and panic.

How can they be so confident?

This confidence makes Feng Ping uncomfortable. He snorted and waved.

The two boys behind him immediately stood up. They each held a thick book in their hands.

Two people open the book synchronously, suddenly, a golden light from the page, projected into the air, condensed into a plant like.

"Sleeping trough! Look at the picture! It's a test of eyesight

"And, in the blink of an eye How can you tell if you can't see clearly? "

Murmuring all around, mu Qingge and Mei Zizhong turned a deaf ear.

Feng Ping said coldly, "start."

As soon as his voice fell, the two boys standing around him began to turn the pages quickly. The order of the pages in their hands was not the same, but they came to examine mu Qingge and Mei Zizhong at the same time.

When the first name of different medicinal materials came out of the two populations at the same time, people understood Feng Ping's "good intentions."."Too much!" Zhao Nanxing's facial features are full of haze. Other people can see, how can he not see, Feng Ping did this is to create difficulties for mu Qingge and Mei Zizhong, and want them to interfere with each other.


"Brother Wang."




"Three white grass."

"Sanya is bitter."

"Kowloon vine."

"Seven leaves."

"Star anise."

"Seven leaves and one flower."

"Leaf weevil."

"Grain buds."


However, as the names of medicinal materials were reported, tens of thousands of people gradually appeared shocked , the fastest update of the webnovel!