Mei Zizhong stood in his place. Soon, he sealed the two medicine children and moved out of several alchemy furnaces.

these alchemas like as two peas are all common in Dan Road yard.

Low level, medium level

When the four alchemy furnaces were placed in front of Mei Zizhong in a row, the medicine boy looked up at him and seemed to be asking, are these furnaces enough.

He added a faint smile to Meizi

His words made the medicine boy a little stunned, but he was not too surprised. But the alchemy stove in the hand, put another.

"Treasure class! It's a treasure level pill

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd.

Mei Zizhong stood behind the alchemy stove, and his eyes fell on the pile of medicinal materials that mu Qingge and he had identified. Those medicinal materials, Fengping did not take away, it seems that they were deliberately left for their alchemy.

Meizizhong calmly went to the front of the medicinal materials, carefully selected the needed herbs.

He was slow, but not impatient. That kind of calm and indifferent attitude, on the contrary, makes people feel a bit intoxicated. Can't help but, by his movement emotion infection, the crowd also gradually calmed down the mood.

After a while, Mei Zizhong put the selected materials in front of each alchemy furnace.

Mu Qingge and Zhao Nanxing see the herbs he selected, and their eyes are bright. Even, even the flat eyes have emerged a trace of vibration.

Only those who know how to make pills can infer what kind of pills he wants to refine from the herbs selected by Mei Zizhong.

It was because they saw Mei Zizhong's plan that they were amazed by his mind.

"In terms of carefulness, I'm not as good as elder martial brother Mei." Mu Qingge whispers in Zhao Nanxing's ear. This sentence is very sincere, without any falsehood.

With a smile, Zhao Nanxing said to her, "elder martial brother Mei has been nurtured by his master since he was a child. He knows the different properties of pills. In particular, he is meticulous about pills, and I am less than one tenth of them. "

Mu Qingge agrees with the gentle jaw head.

Mei Zizhong chooses to refine pills. Low level pills are used to treat trauma, intermediate pills are used to strengthen the foundation and nourish the yuan, high-level pills are used to treat internal injuries, spirit level pills are to supplement spiritual power, and treasure level pills are to delay life.

The pills with different effects in No.5 Middle School just represent the difficulty of its level.

Mei Zizhong seems not warm or hot, but with practical action, to Fengping not humble or arrogant to show their own strength.

"He didn't choose the pills that are easier to refine in these levels, but chose the more difficult ones. Is he really so confident in himself?" Seal the dark road.

When the medicinal materials are ready, plum trees drop the medicinal materials into the furnace.

Under the furnace, the fire started everywhere, and the alchemy officially began.

"It's on!"

"Hush, be quiet. Don't make any noise."

"It's the first time for me to refine different levels of pills at the same time. It's a long time. "

In the crowd, there was a muffled whisper.

The fire in the alchemy furnace, reflected, fell on Mei Zizhong, and his white coat was coated with orange light. He was still in no hurry. His slow and orderly appearance was inexplicably reassuring.

His actions, infected many people, made the scene quiet.

"Do you want to refine some pills later?" Zhao Nanxing whispers quietly beside mu Qingge.

It's not easy to nod your head.

Seeing her confident appearance, Zhao Nanxing smiles and stops making a sound.

One heart and five uses, respectively control hundreds of medicinal materials, refining different pills. No matter how powerful the mind is, it's hard to manipulate.

As a matter of fact, Feng Ping did not know why the Dean proposed the examination.

Such difficulty, even has already had the famous Dan Shi to be unable to do. Is The Dean doesn't want these two guys who break the rules to enter the inner court like this?

Feng Ping frowned and guessed in his heart.

at this time, the flame of the five alchemists has melted the medicinal materials, quenched the essence, and burned the impurities.

Next, is the most difficult and the most critical step - Cheng Dan!

This process of medicinal materials integration, a little careless, will be wasted, or affect the quality of finished products.

Mei Zizhong's forehead has been covered with sweat.

He gritted his teeth, and his lips turned white. This kind of mind control method with one mind and five functions is strange to him. If it is not for him, he always has a clear mind and few desires, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve it.

"Look, it's coming."

"Don't talk, look carefully!"

In the furnace, the pills gradually take shape. Excitement began to appear in the crowd, but not too loud.

Mei Zizhong's back has been soaked in sweat and soaked out. The blood color has faded from the skin, leaving only a pale one.

Mu Qingge and Zhao Nanxing's eyebrows show dignified color. They are worried that such a rapid consumption of spiritual consciousness will make Mei Zizhong difficult to hold on to the end."If elder martial brother Mei fails, I will be too sorry for him!" Mu Qingge can't help but clench the hand hidden in the cuff, and his lips are tightly pursed into a line.

She is very anxious, does not have too much time to waste in Dandao hospital, this is her business.

Now, Mei Zizhong has been put to such a test. If it's OK, if not, Mei Zizhong couldn't enter the Dan Dao academy to practice alchemy all his life?

If this is the case, how will it be a blow to Mei Zizhong?

Mu light song eyes light a cold, heart determined. "No matter what, elder martial brother Mei, I must find a way to get into the Dandao academy, no matter what the price."


All of a sudden, there was a scream in the crowd.

The reason is that Mei Zizhong took a step backward.

Zhao Nanxing's eyes suddenly widened and quickly caught Mei Zizhong's body. Mei Zizhong stabilized his figure and shook his head slowly to Zhao Nanxing, indicating that he was OK.

At this time, mu Qingge came over and handed a pill to Mei Zizhong.

She turned her eyes to Feng Ping and said sarcastically, "the rules don't say, can't you add pills?" She was already a little angry. She had been prepared to make an exception to enter the inner court and be subjected to a more severe test.

However, is it too much to make trouble one after another?

This makes mu Qingge feel that the dandaoyuan is a little too proud of itself.

At the beginning, the old president of the medicine tower general hospital asked her to come to the Dandao hospital, win the top of the Dandao assembly, and vent her anger for him, it seems that there is no reason.

80% of the time, the old man was once sarcastic in this Dandao courtyard, and he was holding his breath in his heart.

Mu light song words, make Feng Ping face a heavy, but did not stop.

Zhao Nanxing fed the pill into the mouth of meizizhong, and the complexion of meizizhong recovered.

After recovery, meizizhong continued to fuse pills.

Just now he couldn't hold on, but he still remembered to protect the pills being fused, so that the pills were not affected.


In the furnace on the far right, the flame goes out, and a low-grade pill jumps out of the furnace first.

Feng Ping raised his hand and the low-grade pill flew into his palm. It's just a low-grade pill. He can tell its quality by just looking at it. "The lowest quality."

These four words did not cause much sensation.


Another pill came out of the oven and fell into Fengping's hands. "Intermediate best."


"High quality."


"The best spirit."


Until then, there was an inverted puff in the crowd.

Four pills of pills have been produced, which not only meet the specifications, but also have the best quality.


In the hearts of countless people, the same voice rings.

At this time, meizizhong clenched his teeth, and the last pill came out of the oven.

Although Feng Ping has no expression at the moment, he has already set off a storm in his heart. He didn't expect that someone could make five kinds of high-quality pills with different levels and effects at the same time.

Holding the treasure level pill with residual temperature, Feng Ping looked complicated and said, "treasure grade best."

Tens of thousands of people are in uproar!


"Sleeping trough! It's too much

"God! How did he do it? "

"Such a gift It can be compared with Yao Xinghai, the first of the disciples of Dandao academy

Feng Ping ignored the exclamation, looked at Mei Zizhong and said, "you have passed the customs. From now on, you will be the disciple of my Dandao Academy. "

Mei Zizhong's mouth if there is no smile, very polite to Feng parallel a gift, back to Mu light song side.

At this time, Feng Ping, who was shocked by Mei Zizhong, remembered that there was another person waiting for the test.

Without waiting for him to open his mouth, mu Qingge took the initiative to stand out.

Two medicine boys came up to clean up the furnace and replace the new one.

"Not so much, just one." When the medicine boy took out the second stove, mu Qingge stopped.

Her words attracted the attention of all around.

"What is he doing? It's just a stove? "

"Is it She had behaved so well before, but in fact she could only refine low-grade pills? "

"No way!"

"I think it's very possible. Otherwise, why only have a furnace?"

Feng Ping's eyes slightly squint, looking at the light song of Xiangmu, some contempt in the eye. In his opinion, Mei Zizhong is still a plastic talent, while mu Qingge shows It's too wild.

He lenglengleng a hum, wave to let hesitant medicine child retreat, to Mu light song way: "hope you don't too confident."

Mu light song smile, "thank you for reminding me."

With that, she went straight to the pile of herbs. She is not as slow as Mei Zizhong. With her clear eyes and a wave of her hand, the herbs she needs are separated from them and suspended in the air."I'll go! It's a great move, isn't it

"Ha ha! Crazy enough, I like it

Mu light song did not expect, his random move, actually caused the following discussion.

However, she did not care, but once again waved, the medicine suspended in the air, unified the brain into the alchemy furnace.

"Sleeping trough! Is this alchemy? "

"What low-grade pill needs so many kinds of herbs?"

"NIMA! Can't you make alchemy at all? "

"That's funny. It was just a alchemy little white before I was so strong?"

Feng Ping narrowed his eyes and frowned. He didn't know what mu Qingge wanted to do.

When the herbs are put into the furnace, the flame rises from the bottom of the furnace.

Hundreds of medicinal materials mixed in the furnace, the strong smell of medicine began to drift out, diffuse around.

"Good smell of medicine."

"The fragrance is very fragrant, but so many herbs are put together, can't you fry the oven?"

Song Jinshan stands in the crowd, stands on tiptoe and stretches her neck to watch nervously. She unconsciously bites her lower lip and says in her heart, "what is he going to do? In this way, alchemy will easily fail. "

All people think that moqingge is nonsense.

Only Mei Zizhong and Zhao Nanxing have full confidence in muqingge.

Muqingge has brought them too many miracles, which is not bad.

However, more than half an hour was less than half of Mei Zizhong's Alchemy time. Moqingge pill in the furnace began to coagulate, and she herself, however, was not affected at all, and was not as ugly as Mei Zizhong had been before.

No one knows that because of the volume of her divine strategy, her spiritual consciousness has been completely transformed.

If we say that ordinary people's spiritual consciousness is water mist, then Mei Zizhong's spiritual consciousness is a stream, and she There are wide rivers and lakes.

Mu Qingge stood beside the furnace with one hand behind him, and the other hand suddenly patted on the wall of the furnace without warning.


The metal muffled sound came out.

Then --

poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop!

Six sound, six pills flashing with different luster, one after another from the furnace.

This scene shocked tens of thousands of people.

Even Zhao Nanxing and Mei Zizhong, who are familiar with muqingge, are shocked to open their mouths. They know that mu Qingge won't fail, but they didn't expect that she could refine different levels of pills in a furnace at the same time!

This How powerful is it going to take?


It's scary!

Mu Qingge's easy brushwork seems to make tens of thousands of people feel abused.

Who said muqingge couldn't make pills just now?

Who said she could only refine low-grade pills?

Excuse me, does cheek ache?

Six pills of pills fly into Fengping's hand. The luster on it, especially the last one, emits the golden light that only God level pills can have. It makes everyone know that mu Qingge is a god level Dan master!

"Low level perfect! Intermediate perfect! Advanced perfect! Spirit level perfect! Treasure class perfect! God level Perfect

When Fengping spits out word by word, tens of thousands of people are petrified in place, feeling their bodies are cracking.

Sleeping trough! Who the hell is she?

This voice rings in the hearts of countless people.

And Feng Ping is also so, he widened his eyes and asked in shock: "who are you?" Who is it? Have the perfect realm that alchemists dream of!

Mu light song a faint smile, say his name. "Falling star city, moqingge."

Falling star city, muqingge!

Falling star city, muqingge!

After the extremely quiet, tens of thousands of people suddenly burst out a huge exclamation.

"Falling star city, muqingge! She is the new top of the list! The only Saint level craftsman in the middle ancient world

"No! More than that She is still a god level Dan master with perfect state

Tens of thousands of people, as if they felt their cracked body, burst into pieces.

There is a kind of people who seem to be born to attack people. Tens of thousands of people looked at muqingge silently and felt that she was that kind of person , the fastest update of the webnovel!