Tao is both mysterious and mysterious. There is no word to pass on. It only depends on the word "understanding".

Mu Qingge stands in front of the screen wall, and does not worry to choose the screen wall to sit down.

"Elder martial sister Zhu, how many screen walls have you understood now?" Mu Qingge suddenly asked.

Zhu Ling said with a bitter smile, "my talent is in Linchuan, which is not bad. To here, can only be called flat. We have been in the Dandao Academy for three years, in the outer courtyard for one year, and in the inner court for two years. Elder martial brother Zhao has understood five pieces, and perilla has understood three pieces. "

After that, she added: "there are many people who spend their whole life unable to understand the mystery of the twelve screen walls. You can see Yao Xinghai

Mu Qingge's eyes are slightly narrowed.

Others can't understand one piece in a few years, or twelve pieces in a lifetime. Yao Xinghai, on the other hand, used only three years to penetrate all the twelve screen walls.

It's great!

"But I believe light song is better than him." Zhu Ling said with a smile.

Mu light song but smile not language, this kind of understanding thing, she also did not have the full assurance. She is just thinking that since she only plans to stay in the Dandao Academy for about half a year, she will leave after the end of the Dandao assembly to find a place to improve her accomplishments, seize the time to hone herself and improve herself in a limited time.

So, how can she finish the twelve screen walls in half a year?

Steal them?

No way!

In this way, I'm afraid that the next day she will be chased and killed by the dantaoyuan.


She frowned, and if it worked, she couldn't wait for her to put it into practice.

Mu Qingge frowns and goes to the nearest screen wall. She plans to understand the power of the screen wall and then make plans.

However, as soon as she had taken a few steps, she stopped, turned and told Zhu Ling, "elder martial sister Zhu, I'll watch and observe in front of the screen wall for a while. If you don't leave, wait for me here. What's more, pay attention to the movements of elder martial brother Mei. He is obsessed with Dandao. I'm afraid that if he suddenly comes into contact with such things, he will be immersed in it for a while and be hard to extricate himself from it. "

Zhu Ling nodded seriously and said to Mu Qingge, "you can rest assured. I'm not going anywhere. I'm waiting for you here. I'll wake you up when the time is up. "

"Good." Mu Qingge lightly points her jaw head and walks to the screen wall. She looks up slightly and looks at the smooth screen wall carefully. Her eyes are shining from top to bottom without missing a trace.

However, no matter how careful she was, there was no clue.

She pulled off her robe and sat down cross legged in an open space, facing the screen wall.

As soon as she sat down, she felt as if a golden light flashed before her eyes, drawing her spiritual consciousness out and injecting it into the screen wall.

Gradually, in her eyes, the smooth as a mirror, but the color as ink, began to change.

She seemed to be brought into a space and saw a man with golden light all over her body, refining pills. It's not just that person, it should be said that everything she sees is covered with a light golden light, which is dreamlike and hard to distinguish.

The people in the wall seemed to have never felt her peep, but were concentrating on refining pills.

All of a sudden, mu Qingge noticed that there was no furnace in his hand, but a manual alchemy. He put a strain of medicinal herbs into his palm, and when the herbs were put into his palm, they were turned into powder and quintessence.

His speed is very fast, the powder in his hand, slowly coagulation, with the naked eye speed into a pill. Moreover, the color of the pill is very beautiful, and there are delicate patterns on it.

Mu light song to see the big eyes, the shock in the heart is like a huge wave.

She never knew that she could make pills like this!

This way of alchemy, she has never been exposed to, nor heard of!

"It's a worthwhile trip to Dandao hospital." She was shocked and said in her heart.

But for a moment, a pill rose slowly from the man's hand. The screen wall is similar to the projection she was familiar with in her previous life. She can see the image and hear the sound of alchemy, but she can't smell it or touch it.

Therefore, she did not know the level of the pills refined by that man. She could only judge from the coagulating potential. The pills were not at the divine level, but should be above the divine level.

"Holy pill!" Mu light song pupil shrinks, in the heart has the answer.

Saint level pills can be refined so easily?

This almost subverts the common sense in Mu Qingge's mind.

At this time, the alchemist, all of a sudden, grasped the pill with five fingers and crushed the pill that had just been refined. The pills, like the broken starlight, disappeared.

Mu light song gaped at, do not understand what this means.

"With the heart as the furnace, you can refine all things. Everything has spirit. All things are used by me. If you refine it with your heart, heaven and earth are all pills."

Such as the sound of the evening drum and morning bell, suddenly sounded in the mind of muqingge.

It seems that it was the alchemist's words in the screen wall. Twenty six words, shock Mu light song has a kind of enlightening feeling.This sentence, as if for her to open a door never opened.

"If you use your heart as a furnace, you can refine everything. Everything has a spirit. All things are used by me. If you refine it with your heart, heaven and earth are all pills."

"If you use your heart as a furnace, you can refine everything. Everything has a spirit. All things are used by me. If you refine it with your heart, heaven and earth are all pills."

"If you use your heart as a furnace, you can refine everything. Everything has a spirit. All things are used by me. If you refine it with your heart, heaven and earth are all pills."

Mu Qingge's heart, constantly recall this sentence. She seems to feel the insistence of the people in the screen wall. However, she is still unable to understand clearly what it is at the moment.

That hazy feeling, lingering in her heartache, as if, between her and the Dandao in the screen wall, there is only a layer of window paper.

However, this thin window paper is hard to pierce.


Somewhere in the inner courtyard, Shang zisu was held tightly in Zhao Nanxing's arms, just like a lost treasure.

Shang zisu also faded away from her indifference, her cheeks flushed, showing a shy look.

"Zisu, I don't want you to think blindly in the future, let alone feel inferior to others. In my heart, you will always be pure and pure. You are the most beautiful snowdrop in the Yuguo medicine tower. " At present, Zhao Nanxing's depression has finally been released.

There was a long delay between him and Shang zisu.

As soon as he entered the medicine tower and saw Shang zisu for the first time, he had fallen in love with this iceberg woman.

But, all along, he did not dare to desecrate the goddess in his heart, just wanted to keep silent, hoping that one day, when she looked back occasionally, she found that he was always there.

This wave of twists and turns, it is not easy for him to summon up the courage to express everything, but Shang zisu encountered that incident.

From then on, she closed her heart more tightly, unwilling and afraid to be touched by others.

If it wasn't for his bullying, I'm afraid they would have missed it.

Zhao Nanxing was very happy in his heart. Not bad. Fortunately, I asked one more question. If it wasn't for the light song, I would regret it. "

"Thank you, perilla. Thank you for accepting me. I can't thank you enough Zhao Nanxing's way of lingering fear.

There is no exaggeration in his words.

Because he couldn't bear the pain of losing Shang zisu and passing her by.

This is the woman he recognized at a glance, and it will always belong to him!

Shang zisu lifted her eyes from his arms and asked shyly, "how can you How could it be so... " So bold, so overbearing, so powerful, so forced?

Zhao Nanxing but cunning smile, to her way: "this is a secret."

"Secret?" Shang zisu eyebrows light frown, very do not understand.

She also wanted to ask, but Zhao Nanxing let her go and took her hand. She said to her, "let's go first. Don't let them wait for a long time."

Thinking that there are three friends waiting, Shang zisu had to suppress the doubts in her heart, nodded and followed Zhao Nanxing out of the dark.

Just out of the dark, Shang zisu took out her hand from Zhao Nanxing.

Zhao Nanxing doubts turn eyes, saw her bite lip shy appearance.

She was a person who didn't like to be too close. She was cold-blooded. How could she be so intimate with Zhao Nanxing in public?

She wanted to avoid suspicion, but Zhao Nanxing refused.

He knew her temperament, but he could comply with everything except that. Zhao Nanxing once again extended his hand, grasped Shang zisu's small hand that she wanted to dodge, tightly held it in her hand, and said to her, "this can't be avoided. You can only get used to it. Because, this hand, I want to hold for a lifetime, you can't shake off. "

Shang zisu was blushed by his words. She pulled hard and couldn't get rid of it. She only got a way: "let's go."

Her quick steps and shy expression let Zhao Nanxing's whole heart overflow with happiness. As if, this scene, he even had a lifetime, will not be bored.


In front of the twelve screen walls, mu Qingge and Mei Zizhong each occupy one. Together with other people, they understand the alchemy on the screen walls.

"If you use your heart as a furnace, you can refine everything. Everything has a spirit. All things are used by me. If you refine it with your heart, heaven and earth are all pills! How to use heart as furnace? How can we use heaven and earth as a pill? " Mu Qingge fell into it and remained sober.

All of a sudden, she understood why these screen walls were so attractive that the Dan masters in the Dan Dao hospital, like drug addicts, lingered all day long.

Even, at the moment of realization, there will be mental disorders.

Because, it contains the road! On the road of alchemy!

Only a view of the wall, can bring her such a big shock, if you will see all the twelve screen walls? Mu light song heart can not help but take a deep breath, eyes burst out of the essence.

Her confidence in becoming a saint level Dan master took another step forward.

Mu Qingge's spirit consciousness withdrew from the screen wall and returned to its own spiritual consciousness sea.She blinked, stood up from the ground and swept the dust off her robe with her sleeve. Looking around, there are hundreds of people obsessed with guarding the screen wall she just watched.

With a faint smile, she went to Zhu Ling who had been waiting outside.

"Senior sister Zhu." Murmurong cried.

Zhu Ling's line of sight, draws back from plum Zhong body, falls on Mu light song body. She said with a smile: "it's hard to leave soon. What I see is you are the first one."

Mu Qingge said with a smile, "if you can't remember what you understand, you have to take your time."

Zhu Ling nodded, "my teacher said that this understanding of Dan is to spend time looking over and over. When you can understand clearly, you should rely on your own understanding, which has nothing to do with talent. It depends on a heart. The persistent heart of Dan Dao. "

Mu Qingge listened carefully and nodded with approval.

Alchemy, like refining utensils, is guided by a famous teacher, who will take fewer detours.

And she, her enlightenment teacher, is the inheritance of the God of Nadan!

It's just a pity that Danshen has fallen down for many years, and she can't give him a cup of disciple tea.

"It's almost time. I'll call elder martial brother Mei to wake up." Zhu Ling sang to Mu Qing.

Mu light song jaw first, "good."

Zhu Ling goes to Mei Zizhong, while mu Qingge stands in the spot waiting. Just now, Zhu Ling looked at Mei Zizhong's eyes. She was totally in her eyes.

All of a sudden, she felt funny.

Once upon a time, for the word of love, it was totally ignorant. Now with Si Mo together, she is slowly found around some people, some things.

Just as she was waiting, someone approached her.

"What a beautiful face! Not before today. Are you the one who has been widely circulated in the hospital and examined the inner court

An uncomfortable voice rings in Mu Qingge's ear.

She frowned and turned her eyes.

It was five. One of them, obviously a head, was clearly a man, but he looked like a demon. He was dressed up in all sorts of ways. He was also smeared with paint, which made people feel uncomfortable.

As soon as he approached, a strong smell of fat and powder came to his nose, which made Mu Qingsong uncomfortable.

She turned her eyes, but the man's eyes were bright. He said with a smile, "it's so far away that I feel very handsome. Now close to see, is more beautiful. Such a face, even I like to look at, I think it must be in line with the elder sister's appetite

"What the hell?" Mu light Song Mou color a sink, beautiful facial features instant cold.

She is a little strange, why is there such a Well, there's something else!

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