"There are three thousand roads, with the word meaning at the head. I take righteousness first and enter the way with righteousness. I only want to be magnanimous and have a clear conscience! My Dan should be invincible, fearless, and connected with heaven and earth. "

Yao Xinghai in the heart, roaring out.

In the burning alchemy furnace, the noble and healthy qi between heaven and earth seems to turn into a dragon of justice, winding and circling in the furnace, injecting Yao Xinghai's elixir into every medicinal plant and powder.

The whole alchemy furnace is full of Yao Xinghai's Dan Dao profound meaning.

At that time, around his body, a light blue shield rose from the ground and rushed to heaven and earth. The shape was like a ruler, straight and measured, rather than bent!

His momentum attracted the attention of 100000 people in the stands.

However, it is not common for the master to fight Dan.

All the people in the stands stood up and leaned forward. They were shocked to see Yao Xinghai and exclaimed.

"What is this?"

"I feel a strong sense of righteousness!"

"Haoran Zhengqi? Yao's? "

"But isn't this alchemy?"

"Yes! I can't understand it. "

"It's a noble righteousness Can this noble righteousness also be used for alchemy? "

"It's not clear if you can make alchemy, but it's very stressful."

Inside the stadium, they were shocked. Through the Xuanguang mirror, people in the outer city were also awed by Yao Xinghai's momentum. They looked at the blue light around Yao Xinghai in the Xuanguang mirror.

It seems that, all of a sudden, he attracted all the attention and became the only highlight in the field.

In addition to the small Xuanguang mirror of Dandao courtyard, it is also quiet. In addition to forsythia, other people are staring at Yao Xinghai's movement, hanging their hearts.

"Refining a pill makes such a big move? Can light songs cope? " Ji Yaozhen frowned and muttered.

And in the position of the disciples of the Dandao academy, Mei Zizhong's four people are also dignified.

"Qingge once said that only when you understand your own way can you become a saint. This Yao Xinghai has already realized his own Dan Dao. I don't know if he can gain something from this month's light song. " Mei Zizhong eyebrow heart tight twist, indifferent to dust in the eyes of full of worry.

Zhao Nanxing took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "we should believe in light song. She will never let people down."

His words, make Shang zisu and Zhu Ling two people's line of sight, from Yao Xinghai's shock, light moved to Mu Qingge's body. They found that Yao Xinghai caused so much noise and momentum around mu Qingge that all the far away Danshi were affected. Their faces were pale and their hands were shaking. Some of them even destroyed the pills being refined and had to come back again. And moqingge? She is still calm, not in a hurry to do their own things, as if they did not feel the pressure from Yao Xinghai.

Her indifference, inexplicably soothed their impatient mood, secretly relieved.

"Light songs should be OK." Shang zisu murmured.

Zhao Nanxing was smiling bitterly at this time, "when the meeting of Dan Dao is over, Qingge will leave again. She's in such a hurry that I don't know when we'll meet again. "

His words caused a few people's sadness.

In the end, Zhu Ling broke the sad atmosphere and said with a smile to several people, "we are not afraid. Anyway, we know where the star city is. After we have finished our studies, we will work with elder martial brother Mei to her Luoxing city. Is it hard for her to be a city Lord

Her words, so that several people in front of a bright, have nodded, think this is a very good way!

Converged the mind, four people once again put the attention in the ongoing Dan Road Conference.

Because of Yao Xinghai's influence, many Dan masters failed repeatedly and had to come back to the world in frustration.

Before mu Qingge, all the medicinal materials were thrown into the incinerator, most of which were mutually exclusive.

When people were worried that her behavior would lead to the explosion of the furnace, they did not know that there was another scene in the incinerator.

hundreds of medicinal herbs are arranged in a calm and orderly arrangement in the furnace. They are incessant incessant incense burning, removing impurities and refining essence. Muqingge's powerful spiritual sense controls everything in the furnace, just like a king. He controls the difficulties ahead and goes against the sky.

"The way of alchemy is to save life and death, change its cause and effect, prolong longevity, and revive after death. This is the way to change life against heaven! Among the twelve elixirs in the Dandao academy, the Taoism is different, but all of them have the same goal by different ways. It's against the heaven, but it's just in line with my cultivation. People, living in this world, is not to go against the sky and control their own destiny? Comply with the will of God? Hum! I don't want to! I don't care! I don't accept it! I don't want to! If the sky stops me, I will go against the sky! If the earth hinders me, I will destroy it! I want to reverse the heaven and death! "


Mu light song clear eyes, burning fire against the sky.

In her body, also rose the flame beast, unyielding head roaring to the sky.

"Oh!"The howling sound is loud and clear, which shakes the viscera and strikes the heart.

With this roar, people in and out of the field felt that their bodies were shaken and their bodies were stagnant. It seemed that there were some signs of loosening. It was refreshing and clear headed.


"Why suddenly feel relaxed?"

Many people put their hands on their chest and made a sound of surprise.

"What is the situation?"

"I don't know! Yes? You feel a sudden relief, too? "

"Yes, yes! I just heard a roar, and I felt a lot more relaxed

Mu Xuewu looked at the king of Sang Shun around him. Seeing that he covered his heart with one hand, he couldn't help but care and asked, "grandfather, what's the matter with you?"

King sang Shun waved his hand and was about to answer, but suddenly he heard a thunder in the sky.



The sky dropped suddenly and attracted everyone's attention.

They looked at the changing sky, only felt that the original clear sky, became turbid, the sky seemed to fall down.

In those tumbling clouds, there are still lightning and thunder.

"This What happened? "

The sudden fall of the sky, the shocking scene of lightning and thunder, made countless people stand up from their seats and want to escape from here.

"Is this anger? What has been refined? It makes the sky angry

"How terrible! Alchemy can be refined to this degree

In the small Xuanguang mirror, a group of Dan masters saw this scene, and the suddenly dark sky outside the door also looked dignified. Many people even stood up and went to the door and looked up at the lightning and thunder in the sky.

The dean of Dandao academy, standing in the same place, whispered: "the way against heaven is too overbearing. Since we want to go against the sky, how can the sky let go? "

Gan Lao came to him and said in a low voice: "Dean, I have heard that if the elixir is destroyed, he will lose his ability to refine alchemy. I don't know if this is true or false?"

At the bottom of the eyes of the dean of Dandao academy, a faint light flashed, and he nodded his head.

Gan's eyes suddenly shrunk, and his heart was immediately worried.

He looked at the sky and sighed in his heart: "the way against heaven is full of dangers. Is it easy to get through the way against heaven? "

The power of the day's anger has made him feel that moqingge is doomed. If the elixir is destroyed, moqingge will no longer be able to refine Dan. Such a good seedling will never be associated with the Dan Road.

It's a pity. I can't bear to

A variety of emotions, let old Gan can not help but sigh.

"She can do it." At this moment, forsythia opened its mouth. Her tone was full of affirmation.

"Ancestor, you..." The dean of Dandao academy looked at her in shock.

Forsythia stood up, staring at the dark sky outside, and said in a deep voice: "as the new master of the furnace, how can you even fight this day?"

It seems that in response to Forsythia's words, in the dark light mirror, the flame ignited from the incinerator is connected with mu Qingge.

The beast behind her, like a fire unicorn, roars at the sky and screams at the sky.

Its hoof, as if to step on this piece of sky, ascend the way against the sky.

God, I'm angry!

An adult arm thick lightning, falling from the sky gap, only toward the Mu light song. As if to blow the man who dares to fight against the sky directly into slag.


This scene shocked countless people.

Around those Dan division, in the hands of the furnace burst, the previous efforts were destroyed. What's more, some people are afraid of hurting themselves, so they rush to the surrounding areas and withdraw from the competition.

Lightning, before falling on mu Qingge, was swallowed by the unicorn.

Yao Xinghai stood in the same place, surrounded by his body light blue Haoran Zhengqi wrapped him. However, in the Mu light song to make this move, his little afterglow has been hard to notice.

He raised his head and looked at the sky with a white face and was shocked.

What he was shocked by was not the change of the heaven and earth like the coming of the end of the day, but the awe of the Dan Dao, who admired light songs.

"I've never seen such an overbearing, so tough and unyielding, so clamorous with heaven!" Yao Xinghai said in his heart. Suddenly, he seemed to understand what his master had said -

"the way of alchemy is to practice against heaven."

"Let's go! The sky is falling

"Run, the sky is angry, stay here and wait for death!"


The face of God's punishment scares countless people. Inside and outside the venue, there has been chaos.

Those who are still under the thunder and lightning, struggling to support the Dan masters, at this moment, have already cast off their armor and choose to flee in a panic. In the end, only mu Qingge and Yao Xinghai were left in the large alchemy field.

Yao Xinghai looks at Xiangmu Qingge, and when he sees her calm and calm expression, he can't help but shrink his eyes and set off waves again in his heart.Outside Xiaoxuan's light mirror, he could not help looking at the dean of Dan Taoist temple when he saw the chaos.

At this time, in the field, a very pleasant, but domineering voice sounded slowly, "my little song is refining pills, how can there be no audience? Sit down for me

As soon as his voice fell, an overwhelming pressure spread from him, rapidly spread to the whole stadium, and even spread outward.

Inside and outside the Dandao courtyard, all places have been affected. Hundreds of thousands, millions of people, seem to have been cast a fixed body Mantra at the same time. They are fixed in place and can't move

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