The next day, Han Caicai left.

Mu Qingge returns to the space for cleaning, changes his clothes, leaves his clothes stained with wine gas in the space, and goes to see Simao. After confirming that he is OK, he leaves the space and goes to the inner courtyard.

To see the president, the process was surprisingly smooth.

Almost after mu Qingge reported her purpose, someone took her directly to the dean's residence.

"Here you are. Sit down." The dean of Dandao academy, sitting on his seat with his knees crossed, pointed to a place close to him at will, and sang to Mu light.

There were no chairs in his room, but square mats were spread on the floor for people to sit on.

Mu Qingge went to the mat where his fingers were. His legs bent and he sat on it with his knees crossed. After sorting out her front clothes, she looked at the dean and seemed to be waiting for him to speak.

She had a lot of questions to ask, but she couldn't.

She wanted to know more about what the Dean wanted to ask her than what she wanted to ask.

"Earlier than I expected." The Dean opened the road.

Mu Qingge's eyebrows were raised, and his heart was filled with disgust: "does he dislike that he came early?"

"Your talent is admirable. In just four months, I realized the twelve kinds of Dan Dao. " The president said slowly, then stopped suddenly, and said with a smile: "to be exact, it is in one day that I have realized 11 kinds of Dan Dao. This kind of understanding is indeed unprecedented and has never come after. Moreover, in just one month, you will realize your own Tao, and your Dan Dao is the one that traces back to its origin. "

Mu Qingge is silent. She thought that the Dean would directly talk about burning the Tianlu, but she didn't expect that he actually talked about her Dan Dao.

The dean of Dandao hospital sighed and sighed: "there are thousands of roads, and all roads lead to the same goal. Who knows that among all these roads, there are difficult and easy, strong and weak. You have just chosen the most difficult road, but it is also the most powerful road

His words make Mu light song's eyes shrink.

It seemed that she felt that the Dean was revealing something to her intentionally or unintentionally.

However, before she wanted to understand, the Dean continued: "from the Dan Road, I can already see one or two things about your future road. I have to say, you have courage. Not everyone dares to take the road against the heaven, and can persist in it all the time. "

Mu Qingge is silent.

Against the sky? It was not that she chose this road, but it was placed in front of her. All she could see was this one road.

If she doesn't want to lose, she can only go against the wind and never stop.

"Once upon a time, there was a man who, like you, chose the most difficult road. It's just a pity... " The dean's expression, suddenly rose melancholy.

"What a pity? What a pity? " Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed.

She never walked alone on the road against the sky. In the passing of time and in the future, there will be people like her to choose such a road. Therefore, when she heard the president's words, she was very interested and wanted to sum up some experience from the experience of former people.

"It's a pity..." The Dean slowly shook his head and said in a deep voice, "unfortunately, he failed."

"Failed?" Mu Qingge's heart is a little lost, she from the president's tone, clearly feel that this person is a very powerful character, and he worship.

However, such a person, in the eyes of the dean of Dandao academy, was very powerful. He chose the way against the heaven, but he failed in the end.

"In fact, I don't know whether he is alive or dead. But it should have fallen. Otherwise, how could it be that, for so many years, there has been no news and no appearance? " The dean said slowly.

The conversation between him and mu Qingge is more like a chat between friends, which is calm and casual.

Mu Qingge pursed her lips and did not speak.

After a short while, the director of the hospital just put his eyes on her again and said a sentence to her that surprised her: "do you know that the incinerator was originally his?"

Mu Qingge's eyes are wide and round, and he looks at the dean of dandaoyuan.

She looked for a flaw in his expression, but finally found that it didn't look like a lie.

The former owner of the incinerator was actually the strong one who chose to go against the heaven?

She suppressed the shock in her heart and said to the Dean, "since the man is missing, why is his alchemy furnace out there?"

As for the incinerator, how it got into her hands is also tortuous and strange.

Originally, this incinerator covered the real body, turned into a dark alchemy furnace, mixed into the furnace sent to the external medicine Tower Branch.

Later, she was selected from many Dan furnaces.

No, it should be said that the incinerator chose her on its own initiative? From then on, she wondered, why did the incinerator like her? Is it not her personality explosion, but because she chose the same road as her former owner?

After that, she went to the medicine tower general hospital and met the old man of hundred Li. Only then did she know how extraordinary the furnace was. As for how extraordinary, that irresponsible old man, but left a sentence, let her slowly ponder, her own research words.Now, the dean of Dandao academy told her that the furnace was the master of a strong man against the heaven!

"Where did you get it?" Asked the dean.

If you want to know the cause and effect, you can't hide something. Mu Qingge thought about it and said frankly to the president, "I got it from the Branch Hospital of Yuguo medicine tower in Linchuan border."

"Linchuan boundary!" The president was surprised, and suddenly showed the expression of sudden realization, nodded his head and said, "I should have thought of it."

"What do you think of?" Mu Qingge asked.

With a smile, the dean said to her, "I wonder why I sent someone to take the incinerator to Linchuan, far away from the middle ages. Now, how can this incinerator appear at the top of the list? It turns out that you are not from the middle ancient world, but from Linchuan. "

"The incinerator was brought to Linchuan by the dean of the hospital!" Mu Qingge was shocked.

However, what is more shocking is later.

The Dean continued: "at that time, the old ancestor missed my master excessively and looked haggard. In order to let her not go on like this, I attacked a talented Dan Shi on the surface, expelled him from the Dan Taoist temple, and secretly found him again, asking him to leave the middle ancient world with the furnace. "

Mu Qingge was stunned.

Does Forsythia have been waiting for the person, is the former owner of the furnace? And this master is the master of the dean of Dandao academy?!

It's just, there's something she doesn't understand.

"If you just want Forsythia to cheer up and hide the furnace, why take Linchuan away?" Mu Qingge asked.

The president's mouth slightly pulled, and then said: "because if the incinerator and the ancestors stay together, it will enhance the induction. If there is no new space to hide, they can easily be found by those people. "

Those people Who are they?

Mu Qingge vaguely feels that this is not simple.

According to the president's words, mu Qingge is almost certain that the person he entrusted at the beginning was Bai Litang, the president of the medicine tower. That old guy, although there is a reason, but after all, was driven out of the Dandao hospital, so the heart is not happy, let her to find face.

However, since it was the dean who asked him to take away the incinerator, why did he not take it back after he got it, but consciously or unintentionally reminded her of the difference of the incinerator?

"The incinerator is made by my master himself. It is the supreme of all the alchemy furnaces, and it is also the dream treasure of all Dan masters. What's more, the use of the incinerator is not only for this, but also the weapon of my master at that time. There is also a space hidden in it, which contains the savings of my master for more than 100000 years. I don't know how many people want it. "

The president's words shocked mu Qingge.

It turned out that she was guarding such a great treasure without knowing it?

"But..." Mu Qingge wants to ask why he didn't discover these secrets.

But the Dean went on: "there is a seal on the incinerator. The seal is left by the master himself. Only the old ancestors can untie it. At the beginning, in order to protect the ancestors and pursue the way against the heaven, the master wanted to become stronger. He left the ancestors and the incinerator with me and left alone, but there was no more whereabouts. "

“……” Mu Qingge was shocked.

There are hidden parts in the president's words. He didn't say what was inconvenient, so she didn't ask.

"I didn't expect that Yuan Hao left with the incinerator, but he let the incinerator mistakenly choose you as the master. The incinerator chooses its master again, which means that it has lost the trace of connection with the master. " Said the dean.

"Yuan Hao? Who is it? " Mu Qingge doesn't know any Yuan Hao.

All of a sudden, the Dean changed his name. If he is not called Yuanhao now, he should be a hundred Li

Baili, bailitan.

This is the right number.

Mu light song, light jaw head.

"Sure enough, that guy once said that his mother's family name was Baili, and he liked Baili more." The dean said with a smile. In the eyes, some miss.

Maybe I thought of the original scene.

"Do you want to take back the incinerator by telling me these words?" Mu Qingge asked with a frown.

The Dean shook his head. "No, I just want to tell you. Now that the incinerator is exposed, you are OK in this Dandao courtyard. Once you leave, you should pay attention to your safety. "

"Someone wants to make a cupola?" Mu Qingge's heart leaps.

The dean of Dandao academy, with a faint smile, sighed, "in this world, the most able to confuse people's hearts and incite desire is greed. You have a treasure, and you are already guilty. Together with greed, there will be killing. "

Mu light Song Silent down, she had to admit that the president's words, very reasonable.

It's just, who's going to do it?

Dan Shi?

"Your future enemy is not Dan Shi." The Dean suddenly said: "although, Dan Shi will be crazy about the incinerator. However, the Dan masters who can recognize the burning furnace are all in the Dandao courtyard. They can't hurt you. What you don't know will not trouble you. You need to pay attention to someone else. ""Other people?" Mu Qingge frowned, "old man Bai Li once said that once the incinerator was exposed, I would be chased by the whole middle ancient kingdom Danshi."

The dean of Dandao courtyard was stunned and laughed: "he bluff you. Do you really think that I have achieved nothing in these years With that, he flashed a cold light at the bottom of his eyes and said with a sneer: "most of the Dan masters who are ambitious for the incinerator have been killed by me. The rest of them are now collected by me in Dandao hospital , the fastest update of the webnovel!