"And the others?" The only remaining Golden State, he asked aloud.

But who can answer him?

"There are too many forks in the road, we are constantly separated, to the end are each one."

"Maybe May have been ambushed? " Another name is Yin Jing Dao.

This is the truth of the matter, but -

"it's impossible!" That Jin Jing denied it directly. As soon as he spoke, the others were silent and did not dare to speak freely.

Jin Jing said: "if you are such a group of wastes, you will be ignored if they are ambushed. However, don't forget, there are five golden realms. Do you think a guy on the first floor of the golden realm can kill people who are better than him quietly? Or did they not even have the chance to send out the call call out after they met

This It seems that this is the truth

More than 20 Silver faces have recognized this possibility.

Mu Qingge hides in the dark, reduces his sense of existence to the minimum. Listening to the analysis of the golden realm, I just feel funny.

Of course, they didn't know she had the means to snipe, so the guess was not wrong.

It seems that the silence of the other caves is dangerous. In this, there are many crises. You all follow me. Don't go away. "

"No Why don't we go back? " There was a trembling offer.

Even the strong people in the Golden State died in it. How could they escape?

"Back? How? Do you remember the way you came? " Jin Jing sneers with cold eyes.

After seeing the silence of the crowd, he said, "once we come in, we can only go down. If you're lucky, find the exit and leave. If you're not lucky, you'll die here. "

His words, inexplicably let the atmosphere coated with a layer of fear.

"Damn it! It's all that dog scum Jin Jing suddenly punches on the wall around him and shakes down several pieces of gravel. The sound is constantly transmitted and echoed in the cave.

The continuous spread of sound, deep underground, awakened something in the deep sleep.

Its antennae, full of caves, wriggle when the sound comes, and slowly extend along the passage of the cave.

"When I find him, I will tear him to pieces!" Jin Jing's angry way. In his cognition, if Mu Qingge had not jumped into the cave, they would not have been forced to jump down. Now they are trapped in the labyrinth of the cave, and life and death are unpredictable.

Mu Qingge's heart was filled with sneers.

These people are so interesting that they chase after themselves, forcing her to jump into the cave. Now, it's not her.

"Maybe I should change my strategy. I'd like to take a few chances and have a good interrogation. Maybe it's easier. " Mu Qingge thinks of it in my heart.

Just when mu Qingge was going to catch some work, a rustle came from one of the forks.

It was a strange sound, not like people walking, but something crawling on the ground.

Mu light song heard, the golden realm also heard.

"What's the noise?! Who is there? " Jin Jing shouts.

However, no one responded, but the rustling sound came closer and faster.

"You, go and have a look." Jin Jing points to one of them and instructs him to investigate.

The man was afraid and stood still.

Jin Jing Mou Guang a Li, threaten a way: "if you don't go, I will kill you now."

The man's heart trembled, helpless, had to go to the cave where the sound came out. He went to the cave and looked inside. In Jiuquan cave, the light was very dark, especially in some narrow passages.

He looked at it and found nothing wrong. Then he turned back and looked at his companion and said, "nothing..."

However, before he finished his words, a thick tentacle came out of the cave behind him, wrapped him directly around his waist, lifted him up, and lifted his feet off the ground.

The sudden change made him shut his mouth.

And the rest of the people, as well as the Jin Jing, were shocked to see this scene.

Mu light song hiding in the dark, eyes are also a shudder. "What is it?"

The antennae, very large, with suction cups at the bottom. The antennae kept wriggling, absorbing the man's body, as if to absorb his flesh and blood.

"Save Help me... " Those who are entangled in the tentacles send out a cry for help to their companions.

The man in the Golden State wielded the big sword in his hand, and an arc-shaped golden power turned into a blade and rushed to the antenna.

However, the golden light bumps into the antennae, only makes a loud noise, and the antenna is not hurt at all.

Such a strong defense ability, not only that the golden state was scared, mu Qingge heart is also a sink.

"Ah! No - don't - ah! "

Suddenly, the antennae, as if irritated, began to tighten. Those who are entangled in it scream in pain, and their voice is full of despair.He struggled with his hands to catch a ray of life.

Even, the mask on his face broke off and fell to the ground, revealing a frightened face.

The falling silver mask is crushed directly by the antennae.


The entangled person uttered a scream. The body of flesh and blood was directly twisted off by the antennae, and the waist was cut in two and fell to the ground.

This scene happened very quickly, but it was just a moment after the Golden State shot.

It's too fast to save. The companion is dead.

The body that fell to the ground, the intestines and internal organs, all flowed out of the abdominal cavity, and the smell of blood quickly filled their caves.

However, a more terrifying scene happened.

The antennae rose, revealing the row of hideous suction cups at the bottom.

Those suction cups, full of sharp and fine teeth, layer by layer, row by row, with a sharp cold light, people's scalp numb.

"What kind of monster is this?" Mu Qingge was shocked by the picture in front of her.

She could conclude that the antennae were only part of a monster's body. It's just, just a part of it, so shocking. If it's all exposed, what will it be?

The more than twenty people couldn't help but step back and look at the tentacle in horror.


The suction cups under the tentacles suddenly made a slight sound. Sharp teeth, open and close quickly.

It pounced on the broken body, but in the blink of an eye, it chewed the body into pieces and swallowed it directly through the suction cup. The flesh and blood, through the antennae, is transported to unknown places.

"Go The mask man's Golden State, frightened to see this scene happen, he has lost the courage to resist, a loud command, he immediately turned around and rushed into the cave behind him.

As soon as he fled, he followed his more than 20 people and rushed in with all their lives. It seemed that if he was a step later, he would be entangled by the terrible tentacles, and then he would be eaten by those suckers like his former companions.

As soon as they ran, they seemed to infuriate the tentacles.

It rose, and with a sudden rush, it chased the men into the cave.

Mu Qingge hiding in the dark, looking at the long antennae, constantly wriggling across her eyes, into another cave, feeling a little creepy.

"The defense and attack power of this antenna is absolutely beyond ordinary people's ability to deal with it!" Muqingge is summed up in my heart.

At the moment, there are those people, attracted to leave. She should seize the opportunity and escape in time.

In the cave, there was a faint scream.

This makes mu Qingge guess that there are people who encounter accidents.

"Go! This is the moment! " Mu Qingge made up her mind.

The monster inside is more terrifying than these people outside. She can't continue to walk in the cave and return to the ground.

Mu Qingge walks out of the hidden place and wants to leave from another fork in the road.

However, just as she stood out and was about to enter the fork in the road, a chill rose from her back, as if she had been staring at something.

Suddenly, her figure flashed away.

Just as she left, one of her antennae fell from the air and slapped at the position where she had just stood.

It's just a little bit short, and she'll fall into the tentacles.

Mu light song eyes light a Lin, at this time she found that there is actually a tentacle, has been hidden in another cave. So many things happened just now. It couldn't bear it!

The antennae, as if able to see things in general, raised, twisting in the face of Mu light song.

At the bottom of it, those ferocious and terrifying suction cups are exposed in front of Mu Qingge, which makes her throat itchy.

Jinjing strength, can not break the defense of this monster!

Mu Qingge didn't forget the name Jin Jing just now. It has been tested. So, she didn't waste time, she didn't hesitate, she turned and rushed into another cave.

And she just chose the cave, forced to stagger.

If she dares to enter the cave, she is naturally fully prepared. Only when she has a way to leave, she dares to run around.

Before she jumped into the cave, she sprinkled a trace fragrance on her body. Wherever she passed, she would leave a fragrance that only she could recognize.

The cave she had chosen before is the way she left.

But now, she was forced into another cave passage by the antenna, and she did not know how much she had deviated from the previous route.

Mu Qingge ran away, the tentacles seemed to be infuriated, rushed into the cave and chased after him.

The cave with many forks, two antennae overlapping, into different caves, chasing their own prey.

The situation is turning around again.

Today's muqingge is no longer a hunter's identity, but has become a prey.

The real hunter is a monster in the Jiuquan grottoes.At the moment, even the monster has not been chased by one of the monsters.

Behind him, the tentacles are constantly approaching, and mu Qingge speeds up again.

However, no matter how fast she was, the antennae seemed to be faster than her, and the distance between them was gradually shortened. Even, mu Qingge can feel that the sharp horn of the antennae can wipe the clothes behind him.

Mu light song eyes light a sink, under the foot again, she chooses some curved fork road, increases the difficulty of the rear antenna's pursuit. However, the tentacles are still reluctant to let go, it seems that the moqingge will not stop.

Mu Qingge rushes out of the branch road and enters a huge cave.

The cave, which is ten feet long, wide and high, is very wide. In the middle, there are natural stone pillars supporting. Mu Qingge enters the cave, and the antennae follow.

The smell behind him makes mu Qingge nauseous.

She pressed her lips tightly, recognized the target, and ran towards a stone pillar.

She ran around the stone pillar, and the tentacles also followed her, running around the stone pillar, gradually, the tentacle entangled the stone pillar, and finally opened the distance with mu Qingge.

Almost, mu Qingge runs forward. She turned her eyes and saw that the tentacles were entangled on the stone pillar and were struggling.

The corner of the mouth spreads a trace of sneer, Mu light song continues to flee for life.

However, just at this time, I heard a loud noise behind her. The whole ground and the cave trembled. Mu Qingge turned to look, and saw that the tentacles actually wound up the stone pillar, lifted the shackles, and came to her again.

Almost in the blink of an eye, that antennae ferocious came to the eyes of Mu light song.

Mu Qingge's eyes widened and held his breath.


The tentacles beat hard toward mu Qingge, but they fell directly on the ground and exploded the stones on the ground.

And Mu light song, but disappeared, lost track.

The antennae stopped, and it crawled on the ground like a snake, raising the top to reveal the suction cup at the bottom.

Those suction cups, like breathing, one inhalation and one loosening, seem to Looking for the smell of muqingge. However, no matter how it looks, the smell of moqingge seems to disappear.

Tentacles, in place for a long time, seems to be waiting for the sudden appearance of moqingge.

However, time slowly elapses, it did not wait to return to Mu light song.

After a long time, it finally gave up, slowly retreated back and disappeared in this big cave.

After it left for a long time, moqingge's body appeared in place.

She stood on her feet with a mirror in her hand. "Fortunately, there are cute babies who can see the situation outside."

Throwing the mirror back into space, mu Qingge looks at the huge hole in front of him and starts to analyze the way to leave.

I can't go the same way.

Maybe the antennae are waiting for her somewhere.

Since we can't go the same way, we have to go another way.

Mu Qingge looks up and looks at those intricate forks. He said in his heart, "as long as you keep going up, you will be able to get closer and closer to the ground. When the time comes, if there is no road, just dig a hole and go back to the ground! "

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