"Clean up, I'll take a bite of it!"

The words of monsters are still in my ears.

Mu Qingge only felt his body sink and fell into the spring's eyes.

Spring water pouring back, mu Qingge instantly felt that he was wrapped by the piercing spring water. "Lying trough! What is the function of this spring? "

However, before she had time to react, she was pulled out of the spring again with a great force, and she fell wet all over the spring.

"Cough..." Mu Qingge choked twice.

This spring is no different from other water.

"Why? It's all right! " The voice of the monster, again.

Muqingge suddenly raised his head to his vulture like head. "What does it mean to be ok?"

Inexplicably, she felt that there was a bad feeling that was spreading.

"It seems that you have an abnormal body." The monster said again, a tentacle pulled over, and the Mu light song rolled up and dropped into the spring.

He was once again thrown into the spring. Mu Qingge's body sank down continuously. His eyes, ears, mouth and nose were filled with a lot of spring water. His lungs were very hot and uncomfortable.

"Oh ~!" Suddenly, mu Qingge felt a pain in his body and could not help frowning.

She felt as if her body had been burned by fire, and the agony was as great as ten times the amount of genetic modification she had taken in one breath.

"What's going on It's the spring! " Mu Qingge immediately responded.

At this time, the back of her hand also came stinging, she looked at the back of her hand, only to find that the back of her hand began to rot. However, just as soon as it rots, her regenerative ability rapidly grows flesh and blood.

"This is the poisonous spring eye!" Mu Qingge understood in her heart.

This monster is practicing with the spring water. He also knows that the spring contains poison. Ordinary people will die if they get it. But she was thrown into it and fished up again because of her repairing ability, anti-toxic ability and no damage, so it felt strange.

Mu Qingge is suffering a lot. She doesn't know what will happen if she continues to soak in the spring.

No matter how strong her body is, I'm afraid she can't bear the endless torture.

What's more, even if she avoids the spring? There's a terrible beast waiting outside. She's doomed!

"Avoid first!" Mu Qingge gritted his teeth, forced the feeling of being torn, opened the door of space and returned to the space.

As soon as she entered the space, she fell on the grass. The spring water that came with her fell on the grass, which made the grass wither and spread quickly, and gave off the smell of smell.

"Cough..." Mu Qingge coughs up several bloody springs.

At this time, the toxins in the spring began to erode her body, from the inside to the outside. She has practiced her magic strategy, and her body is extremely strong, but this also means that she will suffer a lot before these toxins are decomposed by the antitoxicity in her body.

Others will die, but she will not die, but it will hurt!

"Ah Mu light song bit teeth, do not want to make a painful voice, but still can not help shouting. She curls up in a ball, enduring the pain of her body being corroded, waiting for the toxin to decompose.

Toxins, eroding. The power of genetic modification agents is in repair.

This is a tug of war, the most painful nature is mu Qingge. At the moment, she was like a piece of wood, pulled back and forth by a curling saw.

"Master silver!" Meng Meng comes from the wind.

Seeing mu Qingge's scarred appearance, he was pale with fear.

She had never seen such a embarrassed Mu light song, her whole body was covered with blood and flesh, which was constantly repaired, eroded and repeated.

Mu Qingge's skeleton, she can even see clearly.

"Lord silver, what's wrong with you? What should I do? " Meng Meng is anxious to stand in the same place and turn around. She doesn't know how to help mu Qingge relieve her pain.

"I'm fine." Mu Qingge is suffering from severe pain and biting her teeth.

Her cheeks, from time to time, showed her skull, and her eyes were full of blood. Those blood puffed up and burst in her eyes. The blood color dyed her eyes, and her eyes became red with blood.

"Hum, you say it's OK when you're like this!" Meng Meng is so anxious that she cries. Mu Qingge is in pain. She also feels uncomfortable. She knew that mu Qingge had a special body, and ordinary pills didn't work at all. At the moment, she remembered that he was helpless and said: "when does the great devil not sleep? Sleep when the Lord silver needs it most! Meng Meng hates him! Whining Zhu Yin, please tell Meng Meng how to help you... "

Meng Meng kneels down beside mu Qingge, crying into a cat.

Meng Meng is complaining about Simao's deep sleep, but for mu Qingge, it is lucky. She didn't want that man to see her so embarrassed side, let alone let him feel sorry for himself.

Mu Qingge looked at Meng Meng and said to her, "Meng Meng, help me to the minefield."

"Lord silver, you are like this, what kind of minefield are you going to?" Meng Meng stood up crying, saying that she didn't approve of it, but she was still obedient and helped mu Qingge up.When she touched mu Qingge's body, her hands were wet with blood and water, which made her nose sour and cried with heartache.

Mu light song took a breath, breath if hanging silk way: "this is not the way, I will not be poisoned, will also be painful to death."

Meng Meng holds mu Qingge and staggers to the minefield.

Mu Qingge pushes Meng Meng away and jumps directly into the minefield.

As soon as she entered the pool, the lightning in the thunder pool automatically fell on her. The pain of electric shock, combined with the pain of corrosion on her body, made her feel a little relaxed.

"Lord silver, what are you doing?" Meng Meng cried out in a hurry.

Mu Qingge immersed her body in the thunder pool, took a breath and said to her, "it's a good way to relieve pain with pain. Can effectively divert attention, so that time is not so difficult

Meng Meng could not understand her words.

However, she saw a trace of ease in Mu Qingge's face, and knew that this might be a way, so she also slowed down her worries.

"Master silver, what else do you need Meng Meng to do?" Meng Meng squatted at the edge of the thunder pool and asked.

Mu Qingge showed a faint smile to her, "go to prepare hot water and clean clothes for me."

Meng Meng nods, turns and runs out.

She entered the palace where mu Qingge lived. On the bed inside, Simao was lying.

Mengmeng found mu Qingge's clothes, stood by the bed and looked at the sleeping Simao. She said angrily, "you bastard, the Lord silver wound is like that. You are still sleeping!"

After cursing, Meng Meng turned and ran out.

At this time, the Si Mo lying on the bed, the body has been almost repaired.

His spirit, into his own space of consciousness, came to the place sealed by the kite.

The beautiful facial features of Simao spirit are covered with a thin layer of ice. Looking at the seal with the mark of the kite, there is still a trace of curse on it.

"Curse? Well, today I will see what curse you have laid Si Mo's double fingers in the middle of the eyebrow, a black golden light, flew out from the eyebrow center, and directly pierced into the seal.

Instantly, Si Mo Mou son one MI, the corner of the mouth raises sneer. "The same birth curse

In his eyes, a cold, deep world, full of killing.

"It's a pity that such a curse is of no use to me." Simao sneered and raised his hand to the seal. A strong and incomparable force spurted from his palm and turned into a sharp knife.

"Break it for me!" With a sharp drink, the seal and curse planted by Liyuan were smashed into pieces. Those who have been sealed, have the memory of Mu light song, belong to her all, gush out like the tide, returned to the spirit of Si mo.

He stood where he was, closed his eyes and felt all that belonged to him and muqingge.

At the same time, the seal was forced. On the land of the four seas God, the Phoenix God Emperor's bedroom, a woman who was elaborately dressed up in front of the mirror suddenly felt a tingling pain in her heart, and her accomplishments suddenly fell back on her, making her spit out a mouthful of blood on the mirror.

"What's the matter! My accomplishments... " She said in horror.

Her fingertips quickly calculate, suddenly, she a meal, panic eyes appear fierce color, delicate makeup also become ferocious. "Simao, you can break my seal! I've been bitten back, and my cultivation has been cut off for thousands of years! "

However, after the ferocity, there was panic on her face. She fell from the stool in a panic and said in disbelief, "no! impossible! I will be released from my seal unless he is fully recovered. " If Si Mo restores the cultivation, she can't believe, with what she did to him, what will this terrible and cold hearted man do!


Si Mo's consciousness, those sealed memories, back to his mind.

He opened his eyes slowly, and the bottom of his eyes was filled with endless soft colors. However, it was immediately replaced by cold killing intention. He said in a low voice: "Liyuan, you dare to seal everything so important to me. If you don't die, you will not be able to get rid of your hatred. "

"Xiaoge'er..." Thinking of the love in my heart, the killing of Simao's eyes is replaced by tenderness, and the voice is full of warmth.

He remembered it all. He couldn't wait to meet his little singer.

However, it seemed like a lifetime to him that he had not seen him for a few days.

Now, he is still a little scared. If he missed his little song in the time he can't remember clearly, what should he do?

He's going to be crazy! It's going to be crazy! He'd love to kill himself!

The tall figure on the palace bed was sleeping quietly. Suddenly, his closed eyes suddenly opened, and Simao sat up from the bed.

"Little song." Looking around for a week, he was sealed in this period of time, and mu Qingge's memories, flooded into my heart.

"Hum! Lord, you wake up at last! My lord silver is dying of pain Cute voice, suddenly appeared.

Si Mo originally with a smile of the corner of the mouth, suddenly a stiff, the whole body of the breath suddenly dropped, magic Qi rising.Suddenly, he disappeared in the same place. When he reappeared, he had already reached the edge of the thunder pool and saw the murmurong standing in the thunderstorm suffering.

"Little song!" Si Mo directly jumped into the thunder pool, a mu light song embrace into the arms.

At this time, the toxin in Mu Qingge's body has been decomposed and the body has recovered. However, before the toss, let her very tired, sleepy idea hit.

Seeing the man holding himself, mu Qingge opens his mouth and shows a beautiful smile. "Just wake up." Finish saying, she then falls in Si Mo's chest, fainted in the past.


Out of space, the monster is still waiting.

It said to himself: "for such a long time, no matter how special the body is, it should be soaked in the poisonous spring and become my tonic."

A tentacle, slowly deep into the spring, in the spring salvage.

However, the antennae fished for a while, but found that there was nothing in the spring.

This makes the head of the monster vulture appear ferocious light.

It then put a feeler into the spring to explore. However, no matter how it is salvaged, there is nothing in the spring except spring water.

"Was it melted directly by the toxins in the spring?" The monster thought hard.

This seems to be the only reasonable reason, otherwise, how to explain the disappearance of prey?

A good food was wasted in vain, which made the monster angry and roared. Its roar echoed constantly in the huge cave. The dozens of tentacles, as if stimulated, opened ferocious suction cups with fine fangs inside, which were very terrible.

Antennae, coming out of the bottom of the cave, drilling through the holes in the wall. It seems that the disappearance of moqingge makes the monster dissatisfied and wants to find new prey.


In the space, mu Qingge wakes up from a deep sleep and finds that he has changed his clean clothes and is held by someone and lying on the bed.

She blinked. She was curious about the mood in his eyes.

She sat up, leaned naturally in his arms and asked, "how long did I sleep?"

Si Mo helplessly sighed a tone, tone doting way: "not much, just an hour."


Mu Qingge sat up straight, turned his eyes to Si Mo, held his cheek in his hands, and asked in surprise: "your seal has been lifted? You remember the past, don't you? "

Si Mo funny looking at her, hands covered in her hands, asked: "why do you think I have remembered? What's the difference between the sealed memory of me and the previous one? "


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