"Mu Qingge, would you like to help me?" Forsythia tone, full of absolute resolution.

"Good." Mu Qingge nodded solemnly.

However, before the smile of Forsythia's mouth was raised, she added: "however, you have to promise me one thing. I'll send you back to Dan Taoist temple after I finish some of my own work. Besides, you can only stay here during this period of time. "

Forsythia smile a stiff, retorted: "no, I want to find him!"

Mu Qingge said helplessly: "how do you find it? Hiding in the incinerator? How long do you think you can hide it

She shook her head and said, "if you don't go back, I'll take back my promise. Moreover, I will return to Dandao hospital immediately and give you to the dean. "

“……” Forsythia widens her eyes, looks at her, and tightly purses her lips.

Qingqing, she turned her body, back to Mu light song, cold voice: "I am tired, to rest."

Mu Qingge stood up, turned and walked out of the alchemy room.

She knew that Forsythia had agreed, but she was thin skinned and didn't say it in person.

Mu Qingge took a deep breath and said in his heart, "it seems that we should seize the time to solve the problems at home and return to Dandao hospital as soon as possible. Then, he began to practice and prepare for the trip to the sacred tomb. "

As for the temple

Mu Qingge frowned, "only soldiers will come to cover up the water."

The temple can't be robbed openly, it can only be secretly sent. Now, she has two magic puppets around her, as well as the black, silver dust and so on.

What's more, Simao also sent Gu Ya and Gu Ye here.

So there's no need to worry about the temple.

Mu light song a swing sleeve, eyes light slightly cold. If the temple really wants to tear up the face of the fury in the end, then she will have to fight a hard battle.


From Jiuquan grottoes, mu Qingge calls out Xiaocai and rides it to yinggu city.

This time, there was no accident.

After arriving at yinggu City, she went back to beizhou through the transmission array, and then returned to Xizhou and back to the floating sand city through the transmission array of beizhou.

By the time she returned to the sangs, a month had passed since the end of the Dandao assembly.

On the way, she has refined the pill of reviving Mulian city in the space.

Fortunately, this alchemy is also very smooth, a success.

Otherwise, she can only refine one of the magic puppets to get blood essence.

Back to the Sang people, when mu Qingge talks about the resurrection of muliancheng, sang lanruo and muxue dance are excited, and King sangshun sighs heavily.

"Snow dance, how do you like my clothes? What's more, my hair is a mess? " Mulberry blue if some at a loss pull their clothes, and touch their hair.

Her silver hair made her eyes dim.

It's not regret, but worry that muliancheng will not recognize her when she wakes up.

"Mother, it's very good. It's beautiful." Muxue dance took her hand and comforted her in a low voice.

Mu Qingge and King sang Shun stood together and looked at each other.

Neither of them could say such comforting words. It's not that you can't say it, but you don't know how to say it.

"If you help your mother to see, is there anything wrong?" Mulberry blue if not at ease asked.

Mu Xue dance said with a smile: "no, there is nothing wrong."

After repeated confirmation, Sang Lan Ruo gradually felt relieved.

Adjust a good mood, mulberry blue if raise eyes to see Xiangmu light song, eyes full of expectation, but also some uneasy.

Mu Qingge goes forward and gradually approaches murian City lying on the ice.

He still keeps his appearance at that time, which is no different from the young general in the portrait of Mu Fu. Mu Qingge took out the refined pills and poured the pills in the bottle in his hands.

Suddenly, the room was covered by nine kinds of rays, just like a fairyland, like a dream.

The brilliance of Saint level pills made the three people in the room look dull.

Mu Qingge turned his eyes to King sang Shun and said, "grandfather, thank you." She needs someone to open muriancheng's mouth and let her send the pills in.

King sang Shun nodded and walked forward.

When he was about to bend down and open his mouth, Sang Lan suddenly said, "wait, Dad."

King sang Shun looked at her with questions in his eyes.

Sang Lan Ruo took a deep breath: "I want to come by myself."

"All right." After seeing Xiangmu Qingge and seeing her jaw head, King sang Shun stepped back a few steps.

Sang Lan Ruo walked to the position in front of King sang Shun and squatted down slowly. His hands gently opened muriancheng's mouth, revealing a gap that could be filled with pills.

She looked up at Xiangmu light song and asked, "light song, is it OK?"

Mu light song nodded, took the pill to go over, put the pill into the mouth of Mulian city.Nine kinds of Xiaguang covered in the room disappeared with the pill entering the body of muliancheng.

Mulberry blue if loose hand, muriancheng's lips and slowly closed.

"My father has been dead for many years, and I need to use psychic power to catalyze pills for him." Mu light song explained a sentence, went to the top of the direction of the city of Mulian, the palm condensed gold spiritual power, slowly shrouded in his head.

The pills contained in the mouth of muliancheng gradually melted and merged into his limbs and viscera.

His body, suffused with nine kinds of rays, formed a colorful cocoon of light, wrapped him in it.

Muxue dance stepped forward and pulled Sang Lan Ruo back.

The four people in the room stepped back to one side and waited quietly.

Nervous, nervous, expecting

The mood of the four was complicated.

Even Mu light song, which has always been calm, is a little uneasy at the moment. She is also the first time to do pills. She refined them according to Dan prescription.

However, she was not sure whether it would work or not.

The only thing that makes her confident is that this method is told by Si mo.

"Ah Mo won't cheat me. He will succeed." Mu light song in the heart of the silent way.

In the colorful cocoon of light, muliancheng is still like sleeping. But in his decadent body, this earth shaking change is taking place.

His dry and shrinking meridians are beginning to regain their resilience. His clotted blood is returning to flow. The stiff muscles gradually regained his strength. His organs began to come back to life. His heart, which had stopped beating for decades, began to beat for the first time.

Bang! Bang bang!

The heart beat, began to become powerful. The blood returned to the heart, and then the heart was transported to the four limbs and hundreds of bones. It kept circulating, continuously multiplying vitality, and dispelling the dead gas in his body.

Waiting is hard.

More than half an hour later, the glow wrapped in the outside of Mulian city finally disappeared.

No, it's not disappearing, but being inhaled into the body by muliancheng.

This let anxious wait for four people, eyes burst out excited light. They all stare at the face of Mulian City, and finally I saw the flutter of his eyelashes.

"Liancheng!" Mulberry blue if can't stop tears, rushed to Mulian city.

Mu Qingge stopped in time and said to King Shun and muxue dance, "please bring him to bed. He has just recovered his vitality and can't stand the cold air of xuanbing."

King sang Shun immediately picked up muliancheng, strode out of the room, and placed him on the bed that had already been prepared.

After the murian city is settled, mu Qingge releases his hand and allows Sang Lan Ruo to fall down beside the bed and hold his hand.

"Liancheng..." Sang Lan Ruo raised his hand and put her cheek against the back of his hand.

She felt the temperature from her skin, no longer the cold feeling, but the real temperature. The difference made her cry again.

Suddenly, muliancheng's fingers flicked and touched the skin on her cheek. She turns her eyes in surprise and looks at Xiangmu Qingsong.

Mu Qingge came quickly, took over the hand of muliancheng and felt the pulse on his wrist.

After a while, she smiles, releases her hand and exits the bed.

Mu Qingge said: "father will wake up soon. I think both father and mother need a space to be alone. Let's leave first. "

King sang Shun and Mu Xue dance both nodded.

When leaving, mu Qingge instructs Sang Lan Ruo, "father just woke up, not too sad, mother should pay attention, don't let him too excited."

"Good." Mulberry blue if nodded, eyes still contain tears.

For the matter of Mulian City, Sang Lan Ruo has always been careful.

Therefore, mu Qingge three people then exited the room first.

Just came out, mu Qingge saw two people standing in the courtyard, it was the lonely cliff and the lonely night.

Seeing them, mu Qingge was stunned. She did not expect that these two people came so fast!

"Who are you?" King sang Shun didn't see the lonely cliff and the lonely night, so he asked with vigilance. These two people can come here quietly, of course, are not simple characters.

He took a granddaughter in one hand and pulled them behind him.

Mu Qingge is funny. Just as he wants to explain, he hears Gu Ya and Gu ye say in unison --

"we are the people sent by our master to protect the little Lord, so don't be nervous."

"Your Lord?" King sang Shun frowned.

Mu light song busy explanation, "is Si Mo."

It's a grandson-in-law!

King sang Shun suddenly realized that he had let go of his vigilance and let go of his two granddaughters.

Mu Qingge goes forward and comes to them.

Lonely cliff and lonely night salute respectfully: "little Lord!"

"You're quick." Mu Qingge said.

Lonely night way: "this kind of event, subordinate dare not have a moment to delay."

"Now that you are old enough, follow the rules. You can't act in private without my command. " Mu light song road.Lonely cliff and lonely night nod, the body suddenly turned into black smoke, disappeared.

"Song." The voice of King sang Shun came from behind.

Mu Qingge turned around and saw him coming towards him with a serious face. "Is something wrong? Otherwise, how could your grandson-in-law send someone to you. If you have something to do, don't hide it from my grandfather. "

Mu light song shakes his head, "nothing, just he worries about it blindly." Naturally, she could not tell King sang Shun about the temple.

At this time, in the room, muriancheng finally slowly opened his eyes, eyes in some confusion.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from his ear, "Liancheng, you finally wake up. Do you know how long you've been sleeping? "

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