The golden light was removed, and the people's bodies were revealed.

Now they were standing in a very desolate place, surrounded by chaos.

In this bloody barren land, the only different color is not far away from the holy archway. The archway is very tall. If you measure it with your eyes, it is estimated to be a hundred feet high.

The stone pillars supporting the archway also need ten people holding hands to hold it.

On the top of the archway, there is a plaque with exquisite and peaceful cloud patterns carved on it, which is extremely holy.

However, a "Tomb" character, but a trace of death, people shudder.

"Is this the holy tomb?" Mu Qingge looks at the plaque from afar, as well as the surrounding open scenery, sighs in the heart.

"We're at the tomb of God!"

"We come in!"

"Go! What are you waiting for? " All of a sudden, a shout broke out from the crowd who were stunned by the picture in front of them. The sound awakened the shocked people, and they rushed to the archway.

"Let's go, too. This is the first gate of the tomb, and the opening time is limited. If we delay, we may be blocked out of the tomb. " Yao Xinghai reminds way.

Mu light song jaw first, looked at other people, low voice way: "let's go."

At her command, the five people rushed to the first tomb gate with the crowd. All five of them are very fast. Continue to surpass the people in front, close to the first tomb door.

In an instant, muqingge has been under the tomb door.

Instead of slowing down, she went straight ahead. As she rushed into the door of the tomb, she suddenly felt a backlog of her body.

It was as if I had broken through a transparent barrier and squeezed into it.

Out of the barrier, she staggered for a moment, stopped inside, and turned her eyes curiously behind her. After her, Ji Yaoyao, Ying Ze, Yao Xinghai and Wei Mo Chu rushed out one after another and stood around her.

Others, too, are rushing in.

However, mu Qingge's eyes suddenly shrunk, looking at the door of the tomb, more than a dozen people who were blocked and bounced back, and their lips tightened.

"Let us in!"

"Let us in!"

"Let's go in --"

The dozens of people who were blocked out seemed to be blocked by invisible forces, unable to enter the archway. They could only stand outside and beat desperately.

Through their beating, mu Qingge sees the empty place, with layers of ripples spreading around.

"They are too slow." Yingze whispered.

It's slow, so I can't get in.

Before they started, they lost their qualification to fight for the divinity.

"What will they do?" Mu Qingge asked with his hands behind him.

Ji Yaoyao shrugged, "it won't do. I just can't get in. I can only stay outside. As soon as March time arrives, it will be sent out automatically by the tomb."

"It's not bad. At least you don't have to face all kinds of dangers in the tomb and save your life." Yao Xinghai follows.

However, Yingze answered in a deep voice, "however, they also lost the chance to obtain the divinity."

All of them are positive and negative. How to treat, how to choose, depends on the individual. However, in the face of despair, there is another kind of life?

"Let's go." Mu Qingge takes back his sight and turns around.

The man who rushed into the first gate of the tomb in front of him had gone deeper. Now they are going to do the same.

After entering the first tomb gate, the surrounding environment is different.

It seems to have become an empty and solemn place. It's a closed space. At the top, dark clouds are thick and thick, occasionally showing some light. I don't know whether it is starlight or something else.

Around, there are walls, stone pillars, the ground is also paved with stone slabs, flat and broad.

At the end of the tomb, there are twelve huge doors. The twelve gates, towering and erect, have already disappeared into the clouds.

On the stone gate, there are different gods and beasts with ferocious and majestic expressions.

There are dragon family and Phoenix family Mu Qingge even saw the shadow of Yu on one of the doors. There are some moqingge acquaintances about these twelve divine beasts, such as the Nine Tailed heavenly fox. Some, she didn't know.

All the people who rushed into here stopped outside the twelve gates, hesitating.

"This second gate represents twelve different areas of the tomb. What's in each area is up to luck. Not all twelve regions have deities. Perhaps the area leading to them is the dead end of the tomb. " Yao Xinghai introduces in a low voice beside mu Qingge.

"No wonder Xi Qianxue said he would meet at the second tomb gate!" Mu light song at the moment to understand, the words of Xi Qianxue.

If they pass through different doors, isn't it hard to meet them?

Compared with the understanding of Shenmu, muqingge is naturally not as good as their descendants. Even if there is a sangzu behind her, the information provided by them is not so careful.Because, among the Sang people, they have missed the opportunity to open the sacred tomb three times.

People who enter here are hesitant to choose which gate to enter the tomb.

They are not in a hurry, so are mu Qingge and others.

Almost all the people were thinking about which one to choose around the twelve gates.

At this time, some people carefully went to their side. When she looked over, the man immediately stopped and stood in the same place with a worried expression. He bowed with his fist and said cautiously, "no I don't know how many Mu City masters want to enter

Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, some playful smile.

She glanced at her eyes and found that many people were quietly raising their ears to listen to their conversation. Even the place was a little quiet.

Mu Qingge was amused and asked, "do you want to enter the same door with us, or into a different door?"

The man's expression flashed a little embarrassed and said with a smile: "when Of course, I hope to go through different doors. How dare I contend with you with my little skill? " When he said that, he became more and more quiet.

His words are also Frank.

Other people, especially the young, are holding the same mind as him, waiting for the answer of muqingge.

However, Mu light song smile, but reply: "not yet determined."


Her reply made the others stunned and showed a look of astonishment. The people who came to ask each other were also in the same place, some at a loss.

These people have not been determined, so what do they do?

When many people were in a dilemma, a disdainful voice suddenly snorted, "hum, a group of people who are afraid of shrinking, are also worthy to enter the sacred tomb?"

His voice was not so loud as to be heard by all.

Mu light song looked up, but only saw a bohemian figure, rushed to the third gate.

As soon as he entered, it was as if melting on the gate engraved with the god beast, and ripples automatically, revealing a passage for one person to pass through.

He did not return to the head of the rush in, the stone gate was restored to its original state.

When he moved, some other old monsters couldn't help but choose a door to rush in.

However, there are still many people waiting.

Mu Qingge notes that the three legged Jinwu, tianluojun, and Lin Xuanfeng mentioned by Ying Ze are still outside. It seems that she is waiting for her eyes closed.

However, what they are waiting for is not the choice of moqingge, but the choice between them.

The questioner, with a smile and a smile, said goodbye. They didn't set out their choice of moqingge, which let others are quite disappointed.

Some heart horizontal people, a bite of teeth, also chose a different big door to jump in.

And some people, who are really worried about the strength of Mu Qingge, are still hesitant, and the rest of their eyes are still looking at them from time to time.

At this time, there is a person, again to Mu Qingge their direction to go.

But this person's movement, actually lets many young people be surprised.

"Goddess Xi also came to them!"

"Is it true that she also wants to inquire about the truth and falsehood?"


"What, this, which? Before the master of Mu city appeared, Xi shennu was the top five on the Qing Ying list, but now she has been squeezed out of the top five, ranking sixth. In addition, as soon as the news came out that the city leader was a woman, many people compared the two women secretly and openly... "

"What is the result of the comparison?"

"What do you think? Of course, the goddess Xi can't compare with the master of Mu city. I reckon that the goddess has been robbed of her fame. If she meets her in the tomb again, I'm afraid it will set off a bloodbath! "

"Isn't that a good show? The goddess Xi is the patron of the temple God. Naturally, there are many means in her hands. It is very beneficial for us to have her restrain the five. "

For a time, countless curious, expectant eyes fell on Xi Qianxue.

And Xi Qianxue seems to see if he doesn't hear it. He looks at mu Qingge and others. She went directly to them. In Yao Xinghai's surprise, she nodded with other people, looked at Xiangmu Qingge and showed a faint smile, "let's go."


In this exciting, thought the good play is about to start, Xi Qianxue's words, but shocked the people.

Isn't she looking for trouble?

No! That's not the point! The point is why goddess Xi said that sentence.

In their shock, mu Qingge also showed a smile and nodded to Xi Qianxue: "good. Do you have any good suggestions? " She believes that Xi Qianxue, who has been in the temple for many years, will surely know better than others which door is more advantageous to enter.

Sure enough, Xi Qianxue did not let a few people down, smiling jaw. Say to them, "follow me."

This What's the situation?

Agreed not to accept each other, each other jealous?What's the purpose of being so nice?

Mucheng Lord, Xi shennu, you don't have to restrain your mood and let yourself fly in front of us! We are happy when you fight!

Countless people, looking forward to in the heart!

"Wait a minute. Don't tell me that our partner also has goddess Xi." Finally, Yao Xinghai took the place of others and said the voice of the people's heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!