"Is this divinity true or false?" Ji Yaoyao was ready to move.

"Nature is false." Do not need Mu light song to answer, Xi Qianxue has already affirmed the way.

"Fake?" Ji Yaoyao was a little surprised.

Xi Qianxue nodded his head and said, "strictly speaking, it's not even the tomb chamber of the divine tomb. How can there be a divinity? According to the records in the temple, after the separation of the deities, they could only be trapped around the tomb, and could not be so far away. "

"So the purpose of killing each other is to kill each other." Yao Xinghai almost can not check the conclusion of the nod.

"What shall we do now?" Ji asked.

"Break the battle." Muqingge's simple answer.

She did not intend to interfere with others. She entered the tomb with the same purpose. To some extent, they were all competitors. She was not kind enough to help her opponents solve the problems.

Mu Qingge observed carefully, and did not participate in the struggle for divinity.

This array is not psychedelic, nor does it make people lose their mind. It only uses the simplest method to illusory divinity, and then leads to all beings.

Mu Qingge is carefully looking for the eye of the array, and the other six people are tacit understanding to surround her in the middle, paying close attention to the movement around.

They can't get involved in the task of looking for array eyes. They can only do what they can, so that mu Qingge can devote all his heart to untiing the prohibition.

At this time, the illusory spirit flew towards them.

The deity is as big as a palm, with diamond crystal and light halo. Where it passes, it will drag out a long tail, just like a meteor.

The difference is that the meteor is the fire light, but it is the silver light like the flame.

Ji yaoxun's eyes shrunk and said, "the spirit has not been fooled by us. It's really trying to lead people to us. How cunning

Sure enough, after the illusory divinity, all the people who were fighting rushed towards them.

Before, these people were still afraid of them, the strongest people on the youth list. But now, they are red eyes, desperate to kill them.

The other men were fierce, and the six men were on guard immediately, and their weapons were ready to go.

At this critical moment, mu Qingge stood up, raised his right hand, and shot a golden light between his fingers, hitting the deity flying in the air.


A crisp sound came from the air.

The God who was hit by mu Qingge stopped in the air and broke into tiny stars.

All of a sudden, the whole space began to tremble. In the shock of the crowd, the scene changed again.

When Ji Yaoji and others saw clearly the scene in front of them again, there were no other people around, and the green mountains and waters before had turned into white snow.

"That divinity is real Yao Xinghai suddenly reacts and looks at Xiangmu Qingge.

I didn't think it would be useful to shrug my shoulders

"Too precise! Who could have guessed that the divinity that lures people to fight is the eye of battle? " Xi Qianxue is also surprised.

Before that, they were still speculating that the divinity was merely forbidden and illusory, luring people into the battle to kill each other. Who could have guessed that the divinity was real and still the eye of the array!

"Light song, how do you see it?" Yao Xinghai can't help asking.

He really admired mu Qingge's understanding of prohibition and why she seemed to know everything.

"Breath." Mu Qingge's answer is still simple.

It's not because she deliberately shows off, but because lifting the ban is also a kind of understanding of Tao and Dharma. If you understand it, you will understand it. If you don't understand it, it's hard to say clearly.

Just like Ji Yaoyao, he doesn't know the prohibition at all. No matter how to explain it, he still doesn't understand it. So he was concerned about the desolation around him. "What about the others?"

"The array is broken. It is estimated that it will be transferred to other array restrictions." Yingze replied.

"How many prohibitions are there? When will we get to the end? " He frowned and said the longest sentence since he entered the tomb.

His words really baffled everyone, including mu Qingge.

The prohibition on the array mountain is like a labyrinth and a hoop. Enter, untie, then go to the next step. And this next step, will mean the difference of innumerable branch road.

Who can say when is the end?

The only thing we can do is to rush into battle.

"Now we have to go down." Ji Yaoyao said.

Wei Mo Xuan looks at Xi Qianxue.

Xi Qianxue shook his head and said, "I don't know. There is no clear record about the prohibition in the mountain array. The only thing mentioned is that the ban mountain is the shortest way to enter the tomb chamber, which is the ever-changing prohibition in the mountain array. "

"And now? There is no sense of confinement around us, and there is nothing to bewitch the mind. What is the meaning of this array? " Ji Yaoyao's face was blank.As soon as he said this, everyone's eyes fell on mu Qingge.

Mu light song negative hand in the back, distant see snow peak, light way: "continue to walk."

Six people in a row, along the ridge of snow peak, constantly climbing up. Large flakes of snow fell from the air.

Yao Xinghai raised his hand to catch a snowflake, some doubts in his eyes.

All of a sudden, his eyes suddenly shrunk and said, "no! These snowflakes will eat away our spiritual power After the snowflake nibbles the spiritual power, it can melt and become invisible.

Each time a little bit of spiritual power erodes, which is hard to find. When you discover it, I'm afraid you will find that your spiritual power has been eaten away.

If Yao Xinghai is not found in time, I am afraid they will be silent hit.

"It seems that the eye of this array is us." Mu Qingge stops and turns to look at several people.

"Are we eyes?" Yingze asked in surprise.

Others, too, cast doubts.

In the eyes, I sat on my knees and began to answer.

Array prohibition is a kind of precise calculation using the laws and regulations of heaven and earth.

It seems that different equations can get different results, and there will never be only one way to solve the equation.

Once you understand the truth, it's only a matter of time before you can solve it.

Mu Qingge was forbidden by chance. If it wasn't for Simao, she would not be interested in array prohibition. If it wasn't for her weapon refining skills, her blood vessels could not be awakened automatically at the beginning, she would not have explored another way to study array suppression and give blessing to the weapons she made.

Proficient, coupled with the understanding of the Tao, this makes muqingge has made great progress in the prohibition. And in this mountain, for others is suffering, for her, it is a very good learning opportunity. Every time she unties a kind of prohibition, it means that she has learned a new prohibition.

If it was not for the limited time, she would like to spend a few years studying these array prohibitions in the array mountain.

"I see!" Deduction, in Mu light song's eye bottom faded. She gave a confident smile. She stood up and explained to several people: "this array is operated by these snowflakes eating our spiritual power. Once there is no spiritual power supply, it will stop and break through without attack. "

"Do we have to wait until these snowflakes have eaten away all the spiritual power before we can go out?" Xi Qianxue asked.

Yao Xinghai shook his head. "No, we can close the six senses and seal the spiritual power temporarily, causing the illusion that the spiritual power is exhausted."

This method is good, six people at the same time according to Yao Xinghai's words to prepare.

After a while, a few people just feel a flower in front of them, and the scene changes again!

In front of me, it is no longer snow and silver mountain, but it is the light of the sword!

"I'll go! Sneak attack Ji Yaoyao narrowly avoided, and the blade that came towards him screamed.

In front of them, there are all kinds of blades flying around. It's as if they stepped into the mountains.

"Qingge, we'll help you block it. You can look for your eyes at ease!" Ji Yaoyao shouts, five people tacit understanding will Mu light song surrounded in the middle.

One by one, one by one.

When the six people some embarrassed escape from the knife mountain, and into the sea of fire.

However, in just two hours after entering the array mountain, they experienced dozens of prohibitions, large and small, some hidden murders and some exposed dangers.

A month passed.

I don't know how many people are trapped in the mountains. I don't know how many people have been killed in the ban of array mountain.

Mu Qingge's six people, after a month's time and tens of thousands of prohibitions on the mountain array, even though their resilience is amazing, they all look tired at the moment.

In particular, muqingge, to untie the prohibition, is an extremely spiritual consumption.

If it had not been for her spiritual consciousness, which had already become very strong under the cultivation of the volume of divine strategy, it would have collapsed in the process.

They have been walking on this ridge for a long time, but they still can't see the top of the mountain.

"Qingge, what's going on now? Did we come out, or did we not? " Ji Yaoyao couldn't help asking for the third time.

There is no danger, no trap, no illusion.

However, they walked for several days and could not reach the top of the mountain.

"I feel like we're walking in the same place, we'll never get to the end." Ji Yaozhen sighed.

Other people, although did not open their mouth, but the heart of melancholy and he is similar.

"Stay where you are?" Mu light song murmured a word, looking out of the ridge of wanzhang cliff.

Her eyes were tight, and her eyebrows were shrunk.

She turned her eyes to look at the five, hook lips smile: "this is the last pass, you follow me closely!" After that, she jumped like the bottom of a cliff.

"Light Song --!" Xi Qianxue cried out anxiously and jumped down.The remaining four, looking at each other, all jumped off the cliff one by one.

However, when they jumped down, they found that it was not the feeling of falling down, but the feeling of sucking upward

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