"No graves, no tombstones Then there is only one case. No one is restrained. Only the spirit comes back here with a trace of soul. " Mu light song murmurs to oneself, eyes light quiet like water.

She always felt that the divinity made her feel very close, the subtle connection that she could not explain clearly.

All of a sudden, there was a lot of light on that divinity.

A radiance shot from the divinity, fell on the ground, turned into a human figure, and stood in front of Mu Qingge.

This man, dressed in plain cloth, had no luxury at all. He had silver hair, but his face was very young. He is not handsome, but he is very elegant, giving people a clean and transparent feeling.

The breath on his body seems to be able to purify the mind and make people feel peaceful.

"Don't you kowtow when you see your master?" That illusory figure, smile slightly, to Mu light song way.

This sentence, but shock Mu light song, eyes suddenly shrink, the body is like lightning.


Her master?

Seeing her tardy, the figure showed a gentle smile, "you have been inherited by me, and now you are a saint level alchemist. It can be seen that both talent and perseverance are very good. Why don't you recognize me as a master? "


Mu Qingge was shocked.

She really did not expect that she would encounter the God of Dan.

However, there is a saying, Dan God is not wrong. Her alchemy was enlightened by him, and she always regarded him as her own master.

Mu light song "Dong" a sound, legs kneeling, in order to the illusory figure kowtow three sound head. He called out, "disciple mu Qingge, see your master."

"Good boy, get up." Shadow virtual help, let Mu light song stand up.

Mu light song is not coy, according to the words, eyes are still shocked to look at Dan God. At last she understood where the subtle feeling came from.

Because it belongs to her master. She has received the inheritance of Dan God and is naturally familiar with his breath.

"I have two disciples in my life. One is to take it in my life, and the other is you. However, compared with your elder martial brother, your talent is too surprising for me. If you are in the same era as teachers and students, I think the name of Dan God will be changed Danshen's remnant soul is pleased with the way.

Mu Qingge purses her lips and does not speak. She knows that such communication time is limited, so she does not want to take up too much time. She hopes that the teacher can explain clearly what she should have said.

"Why? You got the incinerator, too. Child, it seems that we are predestined! " Suddenly, Dan said such a word.

Mu Qingge was stunned on the spot, and his head exploded with a bang.

At the moment, some of the previous mysteries have been solved! Originally, the Dan God who taught her Dan was the one Forsythia had been waiting for. The former owner of the incinerator was Dan. So, the reason why the incinerator chose her to be the new master automatically? Did you feel that she had received the inheritance of Dan God and was a disciple of Dan God? And That elder martial brother, must be the dean of Dandao academy!

So Isn't Yao Xinghai her nephew?

Mu Qingge calms down the shock in her heart. She says, "Forsythia has been waiting for you."


Mu Qingge saw the residual soul of Dan God and trembled when he heard the name. That beautiful face, there is a trace of tangled pain.

He said, "I failed her after all. I promised to go back, but I couldn't

"What happened then? Why did you fall Mu Qingge asked. This question, not only she wants to know, but also forsythia and the dean of Dandao Academy.

Dan Shi shook his head, "it's over. What's the use of it? Child, you promise me one thing

Mu Qingge purses his lips.

He added: "after going back, don't tell Forsythia that I have fallen. Otherwise, with her temperament, she will return to the land full of greed and ugliness, and burn jade and stone with those dirty people. "

Mu Qingge sighed in her heart, and felt that Danshen really understood Forsythia's strong temper.

"Master, please tell me how you fell down." Mu Qingge insists. Since she has inherited the inheritance of Dan God and recognized him as a master, there is no reason to ignore her enemies.

Dan God wryly shook his head, "fool, why are you persistent? Life and death, but Nanke's dream. Since I have fallen, those resentments should be dispersed. Why do you have to bear the responsibility for a fallen person? "

"This is what I should do. If the master is not willing to say so, I will not force it. In the land of gods and demons, I will naturally find out who has harmed my master. " Mu light song road.

"You..." Dan was helpless.

He sighed: "once upon a time, I was just like you, too persistent, too arrogant, too fearless. My Dan Dao is against the heaven. Forsythia was born because of me. I swore that I would never let anyone get her. Therefore, I would not hesitate to put down the medicine tripod and take up the butcher's knifeIn the words of Dan God, mu Qingge seems to emerge a picture in front of his eyes.

A simple and elegant man with white facial features but a proud and handsome man set foot on the road against the heaven, holding the heaven and earth of life and death, and killing the ghost in his hand, just to keep the obsession in his heart, just to prove his rebellious heart.

However, he finally fell.

"Master, the way against heaven is full of dangers and thorns. I want to ask, have you ever regretted it? " Mu light song slowly raised eyes to ask a way.

Danshen spirit heard her question, the figure stagnated, and suddenly looked up and laughed.

The rebellious and unyielding in the laughter was very different from his appearance. However, these two different feelings seemed so special and harmonious in him.

He, this is a proud genius in the sky, heaven and earth are not benevolent, he will regard the sky as a cud dog. He wants to control his own destiny and does not accept the arrangement of heaven and earth.

This is his intransigence!

His achievement in his life is also related to his intransigence, his refusal to admit defeat, and his refusal to accept his life.

After laughing, he said to Mu Qingsong, "listen, disciple! In my life, the most regretful thing is to go against the sky! Even if broken, I have no regrets. I can see that you are worthy of being my disciple. I didn't want to tell you too much, but I didn't want you to increase unnecessary pressure along the way. But now, I've changed my mind. Since you have set foot on this road, some things will be faced sooner or later. Remember, the people who set up the Tianluo seven kill star array to trap and kill your master, grind away the flesh and blood, and destroy the body are the Shao Tianshen emperor, Gufeng God Emperor and xuance God Emperor in the land of four sea gods

"The emperor of shaotian, the emperor of Gufeng, the emperor of xuance Less days, less... " Mu Qingge wrote down these names in his heart.

The little God Emperor asked her to connect the half sentence left by the ancestors of the Sang nationality.

But now, she is not sure if there is a link.

The spirit of Dan gradually became thin and seemed to disperse at any time.

He looked at Mu light song, that beautiful face, but there is a pair of rebellious, disobedient eyes. He said, "boy, my time is up. I don't ask for anything else, just one thing, protect Forsythia for me, don't let her do stupid things. If she can forget me, better... "

The remnant soul of Dan God finally disappeared, and the divinity belonging to Dan God flew directly to Mu Qingge's eyebrow and entered her spiritual consciousness.

Mu Qingge's body was stunned, as if suddenly entered his own spiritual consciousness, and saw the six divinities floating in the spiritual consciousness.

Four of them were given to Mei Zizhong and kept in her spiritual consciousness for the time being. The remaining two, one is the ancestral deity of the Sang nationality, and the other is the deity of Dan.

Dan's divinity is a windfall. Today, mu Qingge feels that the purpose of entering the tomb is only the chaotic deity.

To find the chaos God, she must first find the old man Long Sheng!

Mu light song eyes flash through a faint light.

Instead of staying here, she left the cemetery where the alchemists were buried.

She left only half a day, Yao Xinghai appeared here.

However, he was a step late, only to see some messy ground.

"The jade pendant doesn't respond Is there anyone who gets ahead of the rest? " Yao Xinghai holds the jade pendant in his hand and doubts in his heart.

When he came here, he also noticed that this was the place where the protoss alchemists were buried. Lost the clue, he did not leave immediately, but to find his own divinity.


Mu Qingge walks in the tomb, the cemetery is too big to distinguish the direction. She could only vaguely identify the center of the cemetery by her spiritual sense, and kept approaching it.

However, she did not expect to meet a difficult person.

"Old Nandou monster!" Mu light song will be right hand behind the back, five fingers light grip, Linglong gun is called out at any time.

The old monster of Nandou stands in front of muqingge and smiles grimly when he sees muqingge. "What a surprise! It's really a narrow road. I should have met you here! What about the goddess of the temple? "

Mu light song eyes a squint, sneer way: "I'm afraid to let you down, she and I are not together."

After knowing the inside story, she thinks that she has more ideas for the God than for the old woman.

Hearing mu Qingge's words, he immediately looked cold.

At the bottom of his eyes appeared fierce light and said to Mu Qingsong: "she is not here. It's the same to catch you! You're all in a gang. She'll show up sooner or later. "

After saying that, he stretched out his thin hand like iron and grabbed it to Mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge's right hand turned, Linglong gun was in his hand, and stabbed his claws.

The old Nandou monster quickly withdrew his hand, and his eyes burst out with joy, "I'm lucky today! You little girl, you have a holy instrument in your hand! Ha ha ha ha, you and this holy gun are all Laozi's! "

While speaking, he attacked mu Qingge again.Here, there is no prohibition. Facing the enemy head-on, mu Qingge feels the strong power of the strong during the robbery period. Like innumerable blades, he blows at himself

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