
On the ground, hundreds of people brush in unison, kneel down in order, respectful incomparable way.

Mu light song Leng in situ, some confused. "What's the situation?"

At this time, there are footsteps, mu Qingge raised some stiff neck, looked forward, and finally, she saw two acquaintances. "Huangfuhuan! Shen Bicheng Mu Qingge's eyes suddenly shrunk, surprised to call out their names.

Isn't she in the tomb?

How to see them!

Is Is it possible that

Mu Qingge suddenly thought of a possibility. Xi Qianxue once said that this time when the sacred tomb and the magic tomb are opened together, the two spaces may overlap.

"The whirling sky just now..." Mu Qingge recalled the past, his eyes gradually narrowed up.

Huangfuhuan and Shen Bicheng are also with a group of people rushed to see mu Qingge, eyes also flash a little surprised. But it wasn't as shocked as she was.

They looked at each other, knelt down on one knee and saluted her: "see your mother!"

And the people who followed them all knelt down on the ground, shouting in unison: "see the princess! May my princess live with heaven and earth, and live forever with my king

"See the princess! May my princess live with heaven and earth, and live forever with my king

"See the princess! May my princess live with heaven and earth, and live forever with my king

"See the princess! May my princess live with heaven and earth, and live forever with my king

Hundreds of people yelled in unison, startling the birds and beasts in the forest.

Mu Qingge returns to his mind and finally understands that the people who appear in front of him are demon people No, strictly speaking, they are not demons. They are just magic practitioners. Like huangfuhuan and Shen Bicheng, they need to enter the magic tomb to find the demons. The spirit, like the divinity, is the qualification for the practitioners to enter the devil Kingdom, and it is also the basis for them to practice in the too wild devil kingdom in the future. And she, now, has broken into the tomb by mistake.

It's just, what she doesn't understand is, how can these people know her?

Huangfuhuan and Shen Bicheng know her, which is normal, but what about others? She has been to the wasteland, but these people have not entered the wasteland.

Mu light song in the heart of the doubt did not untie, she said to the people: "you get up first."

Hundreds of people responded.

However, they all kept silent, respectfully standing aside, but there was a faint excitement in their eyes.

Mu Qingge looked at Huangfu Huan and Shen Bicheng and said, "you two come with me."

Naturally, they knew what was in muronge's mind. They stood up and went to one side with muqingge.

Mu Qingge asked in a low voice, "what's going on? Why do you all know me? "

Huangfu Huan said with a smile, "because before we entered the tomb, everyone had seen your portrait."

"My portrait?" Mu Qingge was shocked.

Shen Bicheng looked at her and said, "the master painted it by himself."

The portrait that Si Mo drew for her? Why she doesn't know!

Mu light song Leng in situ, a face muddled.

Huangfu Huan said with a smile: "this time, there will be overlaps between the holy tomb and the magic tomb. Perhaps the master expected that we would meet you, or worried that you would encounter difficulties in the tomb, so he sent someone to tell everyone who entered the tomb your portrait and identity. Master is hoping that if we meet you here, we can help you. Moreover, we have received orders before we enter. If we meet you, we will obey your orders. "

Mu Qingge was shocked.

Si Mo never mentioned this matter to her, but so quietly arranged for her.

It's not true to say that you are not moved. Mu Qingge feels his heart warm and overflows with a kind of sweetness. At this moment, she would like to immediately appear in front of Si Mo, give him a big reward!

Mu Qingge restrained his heart, looked at those who practiced magic, and asked, "you are united, not like those who enter the tomb. They are all based on each other and compete with each other."

Huang Fu Huan explained: "the devil will choose the master automatically. Generally speaking, there will be no choice of two masters. Therefore, our actions together do not conflict with each other. On the contrary, we can cultivate mutual friendship and tacit understanding. In the future, when we enter the devil's land, we are all brothers. "

After listening to Mu light song, the infinite sigh rises in the heart.

People all think that the devil is a ruthless and ruthless person. As a matter of fact, what the devil cultivates is to do what he wants and how much he feels. It seems heartless, but in fact, it is affectionate and clear between gratitude and resentment. On the contrary, it is God. It sounds tall and holy, but for its own interests, it can fight against each other, calculate each other, and be cruel. It seems that love is boundless and benevolent, but in fact, it is the most selfish and heartless.

Mu Qingge doesn't know if her definition is biased, but she feels like this now. If she didn't want to go to shenlu to solve a series of things, she felt that the nature of the devil was more suitable for her!

"Teacher and mother..."

"You'd better call me Baron mu, or mu Qingge." Mu Qingge interrupted huangfuhuan's words. The word "teacher's mother" was called out from these two people, and she always felt uncomfortable.Huangfuhuan and Shen Bicheng looked at each other and nodded.

"It's disrespectful to call you by your first name." Huangfu Huan Road.

Mu Qingge laughs, "how do you fix the devil, or do you pay attention to etiquette? Don't you think you should do your own thing and don't obey the rules? "

Huang Fu Huan said with a smile, "that's the case, but there must be a yardstick for whatever you want. The hierarchy can't be disordered. "

"Young Lord, just now the earth and the God's tomb overlapped with the devil's tomb. What's your plan now?" Huangfu Huan asked.

What's your plan?

Mu Qingge mouth a pull, but she was chased to escape here. The killers of the temple, and the three golden crows, do not know where they are now.

She frowned and asked, "where does the temple overlap with the mausoleum?"

After listening to her, huangfuhuan took out something.

That thing, like a three-dimensional map, two different planes, now become a vertical and horizontal trend, crisscross together.

"You see, this side is the devil tomb." Huangfu Huan points to the horizontal, slightly inclined plane, and introduces mu Qingge. "What is erected is the sacred tomb."

Two planes intersect to form a right angle.

The overlap is the position of the right angle.

"At the moment, we are here. Here, hundreds of miles around, are overlapping places. In other words, we may go into the Shenmu next step, or go another step and return to the magic tomb. It's the same with the people over there. " Huangfu Huan points to the cross point and introduces mu Qingge.

Looking at this picture, mu Qingge has already understood the relationship between the tomb and the devil tomb at the moment.

In short, the former tomb and the tomb are two planes that do not interfere with each other. However, this time, the sacred tomb and the magic tomb were opened at the same time, because of some strength or chance, there was a crisscross, making part of the space overlap.

Where there is overlap, there is confusion. So that the people in the God's tomb and the people in the magic tomb can enter into different spaces.

"For what?" Mu Qingge asks in the heart.

She always felt that this overlap was not a coincidence.

Slowly shaking his head, mu Qingge frowns and ponders. Her main task at the moment is not to understand the causes and consequences of this overlap. Instead, we should seize the time to find chaos.

Chaos divinity is the first divinity. He is the Lord of gods and demons. The tomb is very mysterious. His divinity, of course, is in his tomb. To find the chaos God, we must first find the tomb of Shizun.

To find the tomb of Shizun, the clue we have now is the old man Longsheng!

Mu Qingge's heart is very sure that Longsheng old man must know some secret information, and also know where Shizun's tomb is. Otherwise, it is impossible to trade this with her.

Therefore, it seems that what she must do immediately is to find old man Long Sheng.

"Muqingge, you are here!" Suddenly, a sharp voice came.

Mu light Song three people turn eyes to look, she saw those Temple killers toward her. However, they just took a step, and mysteriously disappeared in front of her.

"Who are those people?" Shen Bicheng asked.

Mu Qingge sneered and sarcastically said, "the one who killed me."

Her words make Shen Bicheng and Huangfu Huan's eyes shine, and both appear dignified.

Huangfu Huan said: "now the space just overlaps and is not stable, so this situation will appear. Once it's stabilized, they'll find it sooner or later. We'll just kill them. "

"I'm going back to the tomb." Mu Qingge pursed his lips and thought for a while, but he still decided to go to Longsheng.

"We'll go with you." Shen Bicheng road. Knowing that someone wants to kill mu Qingge, they can't stand by. This is not only from Wang's command, but also because muqingge is their friend.

"We are all at your disposal. I'll call in some old monsters who repair demons. As you are, they dare not listen. " Huangfuhuan took out the signal fireworks and let them out in the sky.

Mu Qingge didn't stop him. She knew in her heart that the devil kingdom was different from the God land. No matter who is in the magic field, the only one who wants to follow the orders of the magic division. She is Si Mo's wife, naturally is their hostess, just like Huangfu Huan said, they dare not listen to her orders.

These people are Si Mo to help her, she is also in need, naturally will not hypocritically decline.

"It will take them half a day to get there. In this half day, the overlapping space will become stable, and it will not be too late to return to the tomb. " Huang Fuhuan proposed.

Mu Qingge nods, she can also take the opportunity to have a good rest.

After arranging everything, mu Qingge found a huge stone and sat on it with his knees crossed. He began to meditate and regulate his breath. Under the boulder, strange flowers and plants are blooming, and they are very dreamy.

Hundreds of magic cultivation, all sitting under the huge stone, will defend her, keep quiet, each practice.

The spirit of the tomb, along the overlapping gap into which, like the star light like a light belt, slowly winding in Mu light song body, set off her particularly holy and beautiful.……

Long Sheng old man with Yao Xinghai standing in place, before the whirling, let him keep silent.

He raised his head and sighed, "are you really a lucky man? This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, she was hit. It seems that this long silent chaotic deity is finally unable to bear and wants to find a new master. "

"Master, what happened just now?" Yao Xinghai couldn't help asking.

Old man Long Sheng put up his exclamation, looked at him and said, "it is said that every ten thousand years, the sacred tomb and the magic tomb will overlap some part. The movement just now should be two overlapped."

Yao Xinghai's eyes shrunk and asked, "isn't it possible for us to meet a demon cultivator?"

Long Sheng old man sneered, "what about the devil? Do you think God is a good man

Yao Xinghai is silent. Of course he doesn't think so. He knew what kind of people the protoss in the land of gods and demons were just from his ancestors.

The whirling of the earth and the sky startled everyone in the tomb.

No matter who it is, they are constantly approaching the overlap.

At this time, muqingge is in the devil tomb, immersed in practice. All of a sudden, those who entered her body more and more, set off her more holy.

That kind of light makes hundreds of evil monks feel uncomfortable. They opened their eyes and looked at their princess. Suddenly, they were attracted by the cloud of robbery that suddenly appeared above her head.

"What's going on?" Hundreds of monks stood up in a hurry and stepped back.

"Is the princess going to take the robbery?" There's humanity out there.

At this time, a rob thunder, directly fell from the rob cloud, toward mu Qingge Tianling. She was calm, as if she were a statue, unaware.


Rob thunder mercilessly cleaves on mu Qingge.

However, she was suddenly out of five kinds of brilliance, rising from the sky.

In her eyebrows, five colors of totems loomed, and there was a stronger force surging in the top hijacking cloud, ready to go.

"Five totems! The princess has five spiritual roots

"My God! The princess is too evil

"The five kinds of spiritual roots are absolutely unprecedented, and there is no one coming after them!"

Hundreds of people who practice magic are boiling.

On the other side, the old man Longsheng looked up at the five kinds of light beams rising from the sky and murmured in shock: "five kinds of There are five spiritual roots

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