Elder sister, is also arrogant Jiao person good?

Mu Qingge ignores the anger in Xu Bing's eyes, and goes to Zhuangshan and Fengxing.

Her "thank you" is to thank Xu Bing for her kindness. She knew that Xu Bing avoided it because she didn't want to bump into her. She even looked at her and felt disgusted. How could she want to have skin contact with her?

However, Xu Bing's fear that she would take the opportunity to post up her cheap look, she did not like.

Xu Bing doesn't like to be close to people. She doesn't like it either. So, no, she said thank you.

And the "goodbye" is also clear. Xu Bing is not willing to approach her. She is not willing to do so. After that, everyone will go their own way.

When she first heard these four words, she did not feel anything wrong.

However, after careful aftertaste and repeated chewing, the hidden meaning can be detected.

Therefore, Zhuangshan and Fengxing didn't think there was anything wrong with it. On the contrary, they thought that moqingge was polite. However, after listening to Xu Bing, from the reaction, mu Qingge's attitude is more and more unfriendly, that pair of cold eyes in the fire, almost all burst out.

Seeing Xu Bing's appearance, Zhuang Shan shakes his head and says to Mu Qingge: "this younger martial sister Xu's temper is really not very good."

He said this, but casually, without any derogatory meaning.

After that, he went back to the main topic and said to Mu Qingge and Xu Bing: "just now, it was the empty boat that entered the shield of dongshenlu, which caused the turbulence. You will not have this effect until your divine power has been transformed. Strictly speaking, it is a spiritual pulse of the east god land, which is specially provided for the ascent to practice. Every ascender who enters dongshenlu will stay in the small heaven for a period of time. When your cultivation is stable, you can get out of the restrictions outside the small heaven and enter the east god land. The other three gods have similar places. As for when you can get out of the small sky, it depends on you. "

After Zhuang Shan finished, Fengxing took out two Heaven and earth bags and handed them to Mu Qingge and Xu Bing respectively.

"This is the bag of heaven and earth with the mark of changing Yue domain. After your spiritual consciousness is transformed into divine consciousness, it can be opened naturally. All the things inside are the same. A map of dongshenlu marked with the specific location of Yueyu. There are also three inferior Shenyu, which are the common currency on the land of God and also the cultivation resources. You should take good care of them. In addition, there is a healing pill for you to use in case of crisis. I hope this pill is well preserved when you arrive at the Yueyu district. " Zhuangshan finished and added, "did you receive the token you gave before?"

Xu Bing nodded, so did mu Qingge.

Zhuang Shan said, "well," then he said, "when you go out of the small heaven, your token will be activated. You have only half a year to reach the area, which is your first test. If you can't even pass this level, you don't have to change Yueyu. The token and map in your hand will be destroyed automatically. Shenyu and Dan Yao are even a little bit of heart given to you by changing Yue domain. "

"It turns out that there is still such a test." Mu Qingge murmured in his heart. "It seems that it is not difficult to go to the Yueyu district within half a year." Mu Qingge thought in my heart. However, when she saw the map of dongshenlu for the first time, and saw the distance between herself and Chengyue domain, she realized how ridiculous her idea was at that time!

"You are not the only two in the small universe. There are some people who arrive before you and have not yet left the small world. Some of these people were selected by us, while others were from the other three God regions. However, everyone should practice their own practice and do not interfere with each other. You should not make trouble. Practice peacefully and transform the spiritual power and spiritual consciousness in your body as soon as possible. It is the right thing to bring up the cultivation. I would like to remind you that the lowest level disciples in the realm of changing Yue are all on the second level of spiritual emptiness. You have just ascended, and there is no divine skill. After the transformation of spiritual power, it will be very good to break through and enter the level of spiritual emptiness. " Zhuangshan continued.

His words kindled the fighting spirit in Xu Bing's eyes. However, mu Qingge's response is flat. The main reason is that she has been practicing the skills of the protoss for a long time, and she is still the strongest one in the protoss!

"Here it is." In the empty boat shore, Zhuangshan to Mu Qingge and Xu BingDao.

Mu Qingge raised his eyes and found that there was a mountain surrounded by fairy mist. Around it, there seemed to be a barrier.

Then, she heard Zhuang Shan's voice coming from behind her, "go in and do yourself well."

At the same time, she felt the power from her back, pushed herself out of the boat and fell towards the mountains. She turned her eyes and saw that Xu Bing was also like this, and in the empty boat that ferried them, she had already continued to sail, far away from their sight.

Bang! Bang!

Mu Qingge felt as if he had passed through something and fell into the mountains.

She immediately adjusted her posture so that she would not be so embarrassed when she fell. As soon as she stood firm, Xu Bing fell near her, but a foot away.

Her falling posture is neither graceful nor embarrassed.When mu Qingge looked at the past, she happened to see it. Their eyes touched each other in mid air, and they were separated.

"Hum." Xu Lengleng snorted and turned to walk towards the forest.

Mu Qingge eyebrows a pick, curled his lips, left from the opposite direction. On the road, are some green green, green as jade plants, occasionally bright flowers embellishment, mist around, such as layers of tulle general.

After walking for a while, mu Qingge saw a mountain range in front of him. The whole body of the mountain is jade white, and some of it looks like stalactite. The surface is pitted and full of aura.

Her eyes moved up slowly and found that many caves had been dug in the mountains.

Some of the caves are closed, obviously there are people. In some cases, the door is open and no one is using it. Mu Qingge looked at it and felt that one of the pure power is very abundant, and the other caves are not as good as it is.

Without much thought, she immediately climbed into the cave.

The cave is very small, with only one space for meditation. Mu Qingge found that some nut shells remained in the cave, which seemed to be left by the previous user.

"I'm lucky, I guess. As soon as the people here left, I arrived. " The way of murmuring to oneself.

Treasure hole hard to find, since she found, and there is no reason to give up?

Mu Qingge turns around and closes the door of the cave directly. At this time, she just saw Xu Bing also climbed to here, and saw that mu Qingge was already in the cave. She was also stunned.

Mu Qingge picks eyebrows. It seems that Xu Bing chose the direction before and made a detour, so he arrived a little late. And she seems to have taken a fancy to this treasure cave.

Mu Qingge smiles at her and closes the door impolitely, blocking Xu Bing's eyes.

The closed hole makes Xu Bing wake up from the surprise of seeing mu Qingge. She clenches her teeth secretly and stomps her feet with hatred, but she chooses the cave on the side.

Of course, if possible, she won't be so close to muqingge. However, she found that all the caves which were not used by people and were more powerful were all around the caves selected by mu Qingge, so she could only resist the disgust in her heart.

Mu Qingge ignored the nut shell in the cave and sat cross legged on the stone platform of meditation.

She didn't pay attention to Xu Bing. Instead, she restrained her mind and began to meditate according to the method in her divine plan.


One day in the mountains, the world has been thousands of years.

Mu Qingge this closed door, unconsciously, the time outside has passed a year. During this year, many people went out of the cave and roared away happily. Many new people were brought here by empty boats, just as she was a year ago.

But, ferry empty boat, is no longer for Yue domain, but has become Zhong Tianyu.

Xu Bing, too, left xiaotianyu a month ago.

When she left, she specially looked at mu Qingge's closed cave, and then left indifferently. When she left, her Yueyue domain token was officially activated, which started her test.

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, in a solemn and sacred room, the old man with crane hair and childlike complexion lit a incense stick and put it in the censer. When Xu Bing's token is activated, a jade dish oil lamp in the room is also on. There are hundreds of oil lamps in rows here. Some of them are green, some are red, and some are on the verge of extinction.

And Xu Bing's is blue.

"Oh? There are two levels of spiritual emptiness. Good, good. " When the old man saw that the oil lamp of Xu Bing was on, he showed a kind smile and nodded.

Then, he murmured, "little guy's talent is good, seize the time, come to change Yue domain within half a year. Don't be like those guys. It's a pity that talent is wasted." After that, several dying oil lamps went out automatically.

It also represents the failure of the new test.

In the small sky, time is passing slowly. There are many owners of the cave here, but the one of the mu Qingge has been closed.

January passed.

Another month, and then

Seven and a half months after Xu Mubing's death, Lu's Qingshen has left. She finally woke up from her practice. Her meridians, bones, muscles, blood, and even her skin and hair seem to have been re tempered and become more powerful.

The spiritual power in her internal channels has been transformed into pure and flawless divine power. That kind of purity, it is difficult to appear in her a rookie.

Her spiritual consciousness, also transformed into divine consciousness, is more powerful than before.

At this moment, even with her eyes closed, her divine consciousness can easily cover the whole small sky and know what happens.

Gradually, her state of cultivation has changed dramatically.

The divine power in her body began to break out of a layer of confinement like a wild beast.

Click, inside, as if there is something broken.

Spirit empty realm one level!

The second floor of spiritual void!

Three levels of spiritual emptiness!……

In the special room of Yueyu, he was still the old man with a white hair and a childish face. He was doing his own thing with his back to the lampstand, but he suddenly felt something. He turned his eyes and looked at the jade dish oil lamp which was automatically lit. He suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes burst out with burning light. He was shocked and said: "it's actually broken through to the seventh level of spiritual emptiness!"

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