"Sister." Seeing that Mu Qingsong was silent, peacock urged him again.

Mu light song "ha ha" a smile, cover up the past.

I wanted to go through this stubble like this, but "Peacock" did not let go and kept pestering: "little Lang Jun, call my sister. It's good to call my sister. " Finish saying, she also cast a covetous eye, and as if have no one's glance at the ends of the earth Pavilion in front of her, seems to be hinting something.

Mu Qingge's heart moved and felt that the woman in front of her should not be simple.

It's just a title.

Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, from the good as the flow of the way: "sister."

"Good!" Mu Qingge's "submission" immediately attracted the peacock's proud smile.

Mu Qingge's lips were full of smile, and he didn't have the same insight with her.

"Peacock" is also a good thing to stop, she hinted that mu Qingge back a few steps, and the people in front of the distance. Mu Qingge thought about it and did it according to what she said.

"What does my sister want to tell me?" After the first call, it didn't feel awkward to call again.

In fact, this "elder sister" is no different from cat and dog in Mu Qingge's heart. It is just a title and does not have any special significance.

"Dear brother, sister asked you, do you know why you have to queue up outside the pavilion at the ends of the earth?" The peacock's eyes, which were hidden in the thick powder, turned nimbly, making the atmosphere very mysterious.

Mu Qingge raises eyebrows, "why?"

"Peacock" curled his mouth and looked down upon him. He said to Mu Qingsong, "because the guy who is in charge of Tianya Haijiao Pavilion is a big slob and a big drunkard."

“……” Mu Qingge's heart is silent.

She didn't think about the reason why she lined up outside the Tianya Haijiao Pavilion, because of this!

All of a sudden, she was in a trance. What she saw in the land of God was so different from her imagination.

"Brother, do you tell your sister that you are in a hurry?" "Peacock" asked mysteriously.

Hurry, of course she is!

After she has registered, she will set out for Yueyu. She can't miss half a year. That changes Yue domain hall front ten big disciple's status, she potential in must get!

Mu Qingge nodded.

"Peacock" immediately began to smile, that smile, really can be described as "flowers and branches trembling" to describe, the thick powder on her face, with her laughter, and shake off the ground.

Mu Qingge retreated in time. The place where he stood just now was occupied by a thin layer of white powder.

However, the peacock was ignorant and did not feel embarrassed at all.

"Since you are in a hurry, go with your sister. But my sister told you that if you queue here, even if you wait for a few days and nights, it's not your turn. You come with me, and I promise to help you with your work in three days. " "Peacock" with his waist in one hand and a handkerchief in the other hand, draws three fingers in front of Mu Qingge's eyes.

"Three days?" Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly and said with a smile: "sister, do you really have a way? My time is precious, but I can't afford it. "

"I understand. When you fly from the lower world, you will go to all the gods in half a year. My sister knows that I am a mortal, but I dare not fool you The peacock shakes his waist and makes mu Qingge confused.

Mu Qingge laughed, "since my sister understands the importance of it, I'll trust my sister once and go with you."

"Smart!" "Peacock" smiles and gives a thumbs up to Mu Qingge.

Said, she is still in line with those people Ao Jiao Leng hum, to Mu light song guide the way, "brother, this side please."

Mu Qingge lightly points the jaw head, followed her to leave the team.

The two men drifted away from each other until they could hardly see them. A few people in front of muqingge began to talk in a low voice.

"Oh, what a pity. Another one has been taken in. "

That's what it says. But with that woman's beauty, how could she seduce that handsome young man away? "

"It seems that he is very young. Maybe he was busy practicing in the lower world and had no chance to contact with women. So he just came to shenlu and couldn't control him."

"We can control it! It's our turn to wait patiently

"Yes, yes! It's just a matter of waiting for a few more days. It's just practice. "

"Well, those places are places where people eat people and don't vomit bones. They can't go, they can't go."


After leaving the bustling market, muqingge is led by peacock into a remote lane. "Where is my sister taking me?"

"Just follow me. Don't worry, my sister won't sell you." "Peacock" is mysterious.

Mu light song smile, no longer words.

But when she stopped talking, the peacock couldn't stop talking and began to speak. "The man who is in charge of Tianya Haijiao Pavilion here has been here for thousands of years. Anyway, my sister was here before I was born. I heard from the old people in Curie that he had committed a crime in the divine realm. He was disheartened and asked to be punished. He could not leave Tianya residence all his life. "Mu Qingge didn't answer, but quietly listened to peacock.

"Peacock" did not seem to want to let mu Qingge answer the question, continued: "he came here, there is a habit, like to drink. Once drunk, he is drunk and sleepy. When he wakes up to look for wine, he will help the god man waiting in line outside to register. Some gods, with good luck, boarded for a day or two and then registered. It is common for some gods and men to wait for a month or two. "

"A month or two? That's too much of an exaggeration Mu Qingge's astonished way.

"It's not exaggeration. That man, the longest drunk, has been drunk for half a year." The peacock's expression is exaggerated.

Half a year!

Mu Qingge's heart sank, she didn't have so much time to spend here, waiting for him to wake up.

She frowned slightly, pursed lip way: "elder sister says can help me to handle formalities in three days, what method is there?"

Peacock laughs confidently and says to Mu Qingge, "don't worry. Since I say so, I have my way. You will be at ease in the place where your sister takes you to be a three-day free fairy. When the time comes, I will take you. Maybe you don't want to go when your sister tells you to go. "

Her smile was ambiguous, her tone was ambiguous, and her manner was even more ambiguous.

Inexplicable, mu Qingge faintly guessed what.

Once upon a time, she was still in Linchuan, and Shao Pang did something.

Mu light Song mouth obscure a draw, some helpless.

She'd rather think wrong and not go to the place in her heart. But

When she was taken by the peacock to a place with exquisite carving, gold, silver and silk, and saw the plaque hanging under the eaves, she had to admit it even if she wanted to deny it.


the name is really

"Well, brother, sister, this place is not bad." "Peacock" complacently sings to mu.

Seeing mu Qingge standing still, she thought that she was suppressed by the scene. Suddenly, from her smart eyes, she showed a satisfied color.

Mu Qingge smiles bitterly in her heart. Now she understands the identity of this "elder sister".

It turns out that she is the pimp of shenlu!

I didn't expect that in the land of God, there was such a place of wind and moon. It's really eye opening. It's a surprise!

What she saw today completely overturned her imagination of shenlu.

"Girls, look who I've brought for you, sister!" The peacock has already been yelled at by the time of Mu Qingge's feeling.

Before she had finished speaking, mu Qingge saw a group of "flower butterflies" flying out of the fairy building that day, and rushed at her with a silver bell like laugh.

This battle, even if it is a well-informed, flowers in the leaves do not touch his body, but also some can not stand.

Just as she was going to avoid it, the peacock stood in front of her and stretched her arms to prevent the group of butterflies from approaching.

"Ah! How handsome

"Take a good look, young master!"

"I have never seen such a beautiful man!"

"This time, sister Ming brought a real immortal. Our Tianxian building is worthy of its name."

"Don't argue with me, young master. I will serve you."

"What does it mean that you're ready to serve? I'm in love with you first!"

"I came first. When is your turn?"

"It's mine!"



"Well! Shut up! Can you be more reserved, and don't frighten my good brother The peacock prevented the butterfly from arguing.

She seems to have a lot of prestige in that group of butterflies. As soon as she spoke, there was silence all around.

"Sister Ming, don't you want to be yourself..." There is a girl, courage to ask.

But before she finished her speech, she was interrupted by the peacock. "What nonsense? You all listen to me, this younger brother, you should be a stranger. You should serve him for the three days he lives in. Don't insult the signboard of Tianxian building. "

"Yes! Sister Ming

A group of "flower butterflies" cleverly stood in front of her, respectfully.

However, the eyes of moqingge are still full of fire and boldness, and even some mixed with vague hints.

Make Mu light song stand in place, helpless and funny in the heart.

She felt that she needed to explain and speak clearly, so that she would not have too much difficulty in these three days.

However, before waiting for her to speak, peacock turned around, looked at her and said with a smile, "don't mind, brother. They are more enthusiastic, but they don't mean anything. Let's go first. If we have anything to say, we'll go into the building, find a room we like, sit down, talk slowly, and cultivate our feelings. "Mu Qingge thought about it and said in his heart, "although I don't know what way the woman can register in three days, it seems that it is the only way. Otherwise, I don't know when to wait in line. Well, let's go first and have a look. "

Thinking like this, she nodded.

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