Why detour?

No matter on the map of muqingge or Tongteng, there is no indication.

But even if they knew they had to make a detour, they were coming in.

The fog was so strange that they entered the place without any precaution. After passing through the fog, they found that there was a mortal town hidden here.



Mu light song clear eyes, swept around.

At the moment, she and Tong Teng are standing at the entrance of the town. There are no walls and gates here, just like a scattered village. But the house is very characteristic, all are in the curve constitution, the color is gorgeous.

Most of all, the people who appeared in front of her were veiled women.

They wear various colors of clothes and skirts. The uniform characteristics are gorgeous colors, light gauze covering the face, so that the face is indistinct, graceful and colorful, very graceful.

Most of all, their clothes are very revealing. The arms and legs, as well as the part of the navel, are exposed, without covering the strands.

The eyes outside the veil became very hot and aggressive when they saw the two outsiders.

"Boss What is this place? " Tong Teng asked.

He thought, these women's eyes are so terrible! It's like trying to swallow him.

Mu Qingge is wary of these women's eyes, but he can't help but think of the "daughter country" mentioned in the supernatural novel in his previous life.

She didn't know if there was a river where she could get pregnant after drinking the river.

What's more, I don't know if there is a beautiful and amorous female king here.

Intuition told her this place was not suitable for a long time.

"Let's get out of here." Mu light song, deep voice to Tong Teng Tao.

Tong Teng nodded, he had long wanted to leave here, OK!

However, when the two men backed back, the women who were staring at them suddenly wanted to get excited and ran to them, surrounded them, and could not leave at all.

They crazily stretched out their hands, pulling the moqingge and Tongteng.

Tong Teng dodged, and exclaimed: "boss, I found my magic power is gone!"

The power is gone!

Mu light song eyes light a shrink, dodge those who extend to their own hands, mobilize the power of the body. Sure enough, her powers seemed to have disappeared.

At the moment, she is no different from ordinary people.

"What's the situation?" Mu Qingge's mind is spinning fast.

She carefully recalled her experience before and after entering here, and found nothing unusual. Suddenly, an idea flashed into her mind, which made her think, "is the reason why this area is marked around is because it will make the gods and men lose their power and become just like mortals?"

This bold idea, as soon as it appears, cannot be suppressed.

Mu Qingge at the moment, but there is no time to prove speculation. Since there is no divine power, use your own means to fight!

Mu Qingge uses capture to throw the woman who is close to him directly, without any sense of pity. Seeing that she was so fierce and fierce, Tong Teng was surprised and showed a ferocious face.

The two men did not leave any hands, and forced the women who were close to each other. Gradually, no woman dared to approach, but they still surrounded them and refused to leave.

"Boss, what's the situation with them? Haven't you seen a man? " These women are so scared by their hair.

Mu Qingge can't answer his question now, but can only say: "no matter what happened to them, let's find a way to leave here and continue on our way."

From the time limit given by Yue Yu, there is only less than four months left. She had to be there before that time, because she had no time to wait another year to assess other realms.

"But they're all in the way. How can we get out of here?" Tong Teng looks around and sings to Mu light.

To tell you the truth, he is still a little unaccustomed to hitting women. So just now he basically pushed these women away with his strength and didn't really hurt them.

Mu Qingge started, but he did not have so many scruples, but in order not to intensify the conflict, she did not give a cruel hand, the same is to push these women back, but a little heavier, so that they can not afford to go back.

Mu Qingge looked around for a week and saw the women who were not scattered. He said in a cold voice: "gentlemen, we two passed by here and inadvertently broke in. Now we will leave immediately. Please do me a favor."

"Boss, I don't think these crazy women will listen!" Tong Teng's low voice.

It's one thing to listen or not, and another to say or not to say. You can't fight for no reason. Mu Qingge purses her lips, which she knows well.

"Well, since you are here, do you want to go? It's better to stay and live with us. With so many sisters here, it's not much more interesting than your boring practice? " A female voice came.

Mu Qingge and Tong Teng look up and see the crowd separate and walk out of a tall woman.The woman had no veil, her facial features were flat, her eyebrows and eyes were a little far away. She looked dull, not beautiful, but also fierce.

But judging from the attitude of others towards her, it should be their leader.

"There's no reason to speak, no reason to speak. blamed! If they don't have the magic power, it will be easy for them to settle down directly? " Tongteng's chattering way.

However, his words remind mu Qingge.

She brightened her eyes and asked him, "where are your nuts? Give me some. "

Tong Teng was stunned and asked: "boss, when do you still want to eat nuts? You'd better think of any medicine to put them all down so that we can leave. "

"Don't talk nonsense. Give it to me." Mu Qingge interrupted him.

Tong Teng couldn't, so he grabbed a handful of nuts and handed it to Mu Qingge. After mu Qingge took over, he held it in his hand, looked at the woman and asked, "ask again, let or not?"

The woman scoffed, "you come here, your powers are exhausted, and you want to threaten us? The man of God who has lost his power may not be as good as us mortals. "

Mu Qingge raised a sneer at the corners of his mouth, and with a strong wave of his hand, the nuts in his hand immediately scattered and shot at the women.

This scene surprised the woman and widened her eyes.

Tong Teng was also stunned.

The women who were hit by nuts were stiff and stood still. They could not even speak. They could only turn their eyes.

"Sleeping trough! Boss, you are a cow Tong Teng was shocked, and a little star appeared in his eyes.

Come again Mu Qingge reached out to Tong Teng and spread it out.

This time, Tong Teng did not hesitate to grab a handful of nuts, put it in the moo light singer, and said to her: "boss, please! Don't worry, enough nuts

"What a strange trick you are doing!" The plain looking woman was surprised to see Xiangmu Qingge.

Mu Qingge disdains the sneer, the last life learned the acupuncture technique, is this God land Aboriginal can understand?

Don't talk nonsense with her, mu Qingge sprinkles nuts in her hands again. With the lesson of the past, the women who had not been hit before screamed wildly and fled around.

However, there are still many people can not avoid the means of moqingge, was point in the acupoint, fixed in place.

"Boss, here you are Tong Teng put the new nuts in the MuQing singer in time.

The two cooperated with each other. After several times, all the women had been settled, but the plain looking one was the only one. She kept retreating, with a trace of fear on her face. "You Don't come here! I tell you, you can't get out of here even if you keep us all under control. "

Mu Qingge sneered and approached her step by step, "it doesn't matter, we will find the way by ourselves. If I can't find it, if I come back here, I'll kill one more. If I can't find it, I'll kill another. There are at least a few hundred people here. If you kill hundreds of times, you will always let me find a way out? "

What she said made Tong Teng careful.

The woman's face turned pale and her voice trembled: "you How can you be so cruel... "

"Cruel? I don't think so Mu Qingge's smile, fell in her eyes, became very terrible.

All of a sudden, a nut in her hand was bounced out by her. Unexpectedly, she hit her woman's acupoint and held her in place. It's just that, unlike other people, she can't move, but she can talk.

Mu light song walked slowly to her, smiling a bit evil charm, "you can choose, no one will die."

But the woman clenched her teeth and refused to give in.

Mu light song back two steps, the corner of the mouth has always maintained that strange smile. "The game begins now." After that, she started to walk a place, appeared in front of a woman, the exquisite fingertip on her hand directly scratched to her neck.

"Stop it!" Exclaimed the plain looking woman. Her eyes were filled with anger and fear.

Mu light song stopped, but even so, her fingertips or cut the delicate skin on the neck of that person. A drop of red blood dripping, proved that she did not lie.

Tong Teng gaped at Mu light song, although shocked in the heart, but very good did not say a word.

"Don't you say you can't find your way before you kill?" That woman, Chao Mu light song roars. It seemed to blame her for her dishonesty.

But mu Qingge laughs with evil spirit: "yes! However, I think I can't find it for the first time. I won't waste that time. I'll kill a man first. "

With that, her hands were lifted up again, her eyes were shining fiercely.

"Stop it! I'll let you go! Let you go The plain looking woman was in a hurry.

She's scared, she's really scared!

She found that the man in front of her was different from the god man she had met before. She was not at all like the god man who lost his power and became frightened, timid and gave up his dignity.

This person in front of her is the existence that she can't provoke!

The woman blinked, and her left eye suddenly became transparent. A light came out of it. There was a road leading to the outside world."The secret of leaving was hidden in her eyes!" Mu Qingge was surprised.

She winked at Tong Teng, and they went out directly to the exit.

"Hello! Let us go Cried the woman.

Murmurong's voice floated from a distance: "after two hours, your acupoints will be untied by themselves."


After leaving the strange place, mu Qingge and Tong Teng continue to go to change Yue domain.

Along the way, they tried to avoid the town in order to avoid trouble. Even so, they still saw the local conditions and customs of Dongshen land, as well as the vast expanse.

Grassland, mountains, deserts, snow mountains, these are the scenes of the mortal world. The closer you are to the area, the more ethereal the scene will be.

"Ah! This vast land of gods! Looking at you, I feel relaxed every day In a sea of grass, Tong Teng unfolded his arms and enjoyed the feeling of the breeze and the afterglow.

Mu light song listen to a burst of cold, she did not expect the nature of Tong Teng is a two goods!

Although his heart can not appreciate his way of expressing his inner joy, mu Qingge still agrees with a word he said. That is "vast"! Shenlu, it's really vast.

This is only the east god land, just from the small heaven to change Yue domain distance, there is such a style.

For the first time, in addition to revenge and strength, she had a glimmer of interest in the land.

"Boss, how long do we have to go to Changyue?" After expressing his inner surging, Tong Teng asked mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge recalled the map in his heart, and his mouth showed a smile: "soon, in another month, we will be able to reach the area of changing Yue."

"A month! It's almost there The way of Tongteng's emotion.

Yeah! In half a year, she has been in shenlu for almost two years. For two years, more than a year, she closed down in xiaotianyu, and for the rest half a year, she was on her way to change Yueyu.

Time, in the land of gods and demons, does not seem to go so fast. In two years, too much may happen to the lower bound. However, here, perhaps just a closed door, or perhaps just a journey, there is No.

Mu Qingge can't help but hold the Gong Ling which has been tied around her waist. In the past two years, the Gong Ling has thought about it several times. She finally stands on the same continent with Simao, watching the same starry sky

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