"This is a misunderstanding!" Mu light song to Xu Bing's cold face.

God knows! This is really a misunderstanding.

She originally planned to fly to save Tongteng, but there was a figure passing by. Her first reaction at that time was that this was a disciple of changyueyu. She wanted to help Tongteng survive.

In a flash, where could she see clearly that the man she caught was a man or a woman? Who is it? I just think that the disciples of Yueyu are not restricted to use their magic power. Once the crisis is over, the person has his own way to save himself, which is better than Tongteng's falling to death.

Under the emergency, between relatives and strangers, she made a natural choice.

Who knows, it's really hard to say whether it's good luck or bad luck. The person who was caught and thrown by her is actually Xu Bing who doesn't like her!

This story is really She guessed the beginning, but not the end!

Xu Yue is just surprised why she doesn't appear in Bingyu.

What about Xu Bing? A cold face looking at Mu light song, in the heart of anger. She had been ordered to come here and secretly protect the Dharma for her new disciples. Who knows, as soon as she arrived here, she heard a cry for help. Before she could think about it, she made a move.

However, did not expect, she just flew half, was caught by a belt, to throw directly in the past.

In a hurry, she only felt that she had been hit hard, as to which part of the other side, she did not know. But, no matter which part, she felt very sick!

Mu Qingge and Xu Bing meet again in a somewhat stiff atmosphere. Tong Teng sat down and finally stabilized himself. He felt relieved. At this moment, he noticed who he had hit before.

He raised his eyes, looked at Xu Bing and immediately said, "thank you for saving my life just now." Finish saying, he also toward Mu light song direction, blink an eye.

Mu light Song mouth no trace to find light Yang for a while, again looking at Xu Bing.

But Xu Bing's face, did not because of Tong Teng's words, but becomes some good-looking. It's just that the atmosphere is not as tense and awkward as before. She coldly attached Mu light song one eye, meaning unknown hum, jump up from the ice, fell on the edge of the cliff.

Without saying a word, she turned and went into the mist.

According to the rules, she can't let the examinee know that someone is protecting them secretly.

Just now, it seems that this has been done well. Now who can judge whether she is here in secret or just passing by?

"That beautiful woman, just go away?" Tong Teng reluctantly looks at the direction of Xu Bing's departure.

Although he said so, his eyes did not show any charming mind.

Mu light song a light smile, take back the line of sight, exhort to him, "astringent mind, secure assessment." Then she closed her eyes.

She said in her heart, "it's interesting to change Yueyu. It's so dangerous to talk about the assessment, but secretly ask the disciples to protect them. However, I don't know when Xu Bing arrived here, and he can do his duty. "

If you just think about it at will, muqingge will no longer pay attention to it, but concentrate on meditation.

This is meditation, not practice, which means that you should let your body and mind empty and enter the state of emptiness and brightness, and sit for three days and three nights. It's easy to say, but it's hard to keep quiet for three days.

Fortunately, this is nothing for mu Qingge. When she wanted to snipe at the target, she had tried to stay still for seven or eight days, waiting for the best chance to snipe.

The wind around the two pillars was strong and the flow direction was chaotic.

Even if Mu Qingge and Tong Teng sat on the top of the column, they were also shaken by the wind, as if they would fall down at any time. Mu light song is relaxed, and the body swings around with the column. And Tong Teng is not so relaxed. Every time he shakes, he almost falls down and keeps his body stable.

One day, safely.

The next day, it was calm.

On the third day, the most critical time, Tong Teng is uneasy looking forward to the end of the examination, while mu Qingge seems to be an old monk who has entered into Ding and is completely unaffected.

Secretly, Xu Bing has been guarding for two days. If she keeps today for another day, she will finish the task and can continue to practice.

Waiting here for two days, Xu Bing is also secretly shocked. She also came out of the small heaven region. She thought that she would become a disciple of the changing Yue region if she arrived in the area within half a year. But I didn't expect that after coming in, there would be a series of tests.

Now, she has also tested the current situation.

Those three days were like years for her, always careful, afraid of falling.

Not afraid of death, but afraid of examination.

However, the two days she stayed here, the relaxed freehand brushwork of muqingge shocked her heart. Sometimes, she even doubted whether the guy was connected with the stone pillar and could not move so safely.

The other person's performance is normal, isn't it?

The third day, also calm past, when the time came, mu Qingge stood up from the stone pillar, and Tong Teng had already soft feet. Mu Qingge falls directly on his side, grabs his clothes and carries him to the edge of the cliff.At this time, Xu Bing had already retired and left the cliff.

"Are you all right?" After mu Qingge released Tong Teng, he asked.

Tong Teng white face, shook his head, palpitating way: "if again such a test, I will not do it!"

Mu Qingge laughs and shakes his head.

After getting along with each other for half a year, she has already known that Tong Teng is a person who has a lot of principles, but in fact, he is a very principled person. Once he touches the bottom line, he becomes like a rock, unable to shake.

"The second pass." The mellow sound of a bell reappeared.

There was a slight change in the two people's tokens.

"The third test is your understanding."


Mu light song's eyes squint, Tong Teng also convergence mood, positive color up.

Again, the token points the way and takes them elsewhere. At the moment, change Yue domain in their eyes gradually become clear. Continuous sea of clouds, mountains and mountains, vast and incomparable.

The mountains here are straight, sharp, and built on top of the mountains. They are scattered and orderly, just like a fairyland.

The two of them were as small as a drop in the ocean.

This time, they were taken to a circular square. The square is sunken, surrounded by more than ten Zhangs of walls, and behind the walls, there are layers of steps.

At the moment, the steps were filled with disciples of the changing Yue domain.

They are all dressed in silver plain clothes. They all look elegant and smart. They don't eat people's fireworks.

When mu Qingge and Tong Teng appeared, these disciples of the Yueyu area all looked at them. Just, but the face is expressionless, quiet to make people some timid.

Tong Teng couldn't help but step back, while mu Qingge stood on the spot with his feet like lead.

"Who comes first." The voice asked again.

"I'll come first!" To his surprise, Tong Teng snatched mu Qingge's opening.

When mu Qingge looked at him, he took a deep breath and firmly said to her, "boss, I'll find the way for you first. You have a preparation."

Mu Qingge gently nods the jaw head, does not refuse.

Tong Teng holds his head high and strides into it.

Coming to the middle of the square, Tong tengcai felt a feeling of double pressure. He was staring at by the disciples of Yueyu domain. He felt cold on his back and numb on his scalp.

He couldn't help but murmured in his heart, "I said before that I couldn't see the disciples of Yueyu. Now, there are so many disciples coming!"

"Candidates, sit down." The voice says.

Tong Teng was busy in the center and sat down with his knees crossed.

After he sat down, he could only feel the golden light on the ten foot high wall around him, which was too fast to be grasped.

The voice said again, "there are thousands of moral principles hidden here. In an hour, see how much you can understand. If you can't understand any of them, it means that your understanding is not enough to change the qualification of Yueyu disciple. "

"In one hour, you will realize morality and justice." Tong Teng lost his voice.

If it wasn't for him, he really wanted to curse. Is morality so easy to understand?

He resisted his discontent and said, "it's very close. Fortunately, I came first. Anyway, at least give the boss a psychological preparation. "

"Start." The voice completely ignored Tong Teng's shock and announced the beginning directly.

Those golden lights on the wall, quickly rotating up, constantly changing. Even if Tong Teng concentrated his divine consciousness to the highest level, it was difficult to see them all clearly.

A lot of morality, just to see the content, before deep thinking, flash by.

After a while, his temples were dripping with sweat, and his back clothes were wet.

Mu Qingge standing outside, she can not see the thousands of moral content on the wall, but can see Tong Teng's expression. "Under the gaze of so many people, it is a great pressure to understand morality and morality. What's more, with the time limit, it seems that these moral principles are constantly changing. It's really difficult. "

Enlightenment is a kind of spirituality.

A man with a good talent does not necessarily have this spirit. People with bad talent may not have such spirituality.

Around the square sat around the circle of Yueyu disciples, they are indifferent, eyes light as water. Some of them even show disdain for Tong Teng's performance and his understanding.

Soon, half an hour passed, but Tong Teng seemed to have no change at all.

The morality changed more and more quickly, and his face was very ugly. Mu Qingge saw that his lips were tightly pursed into a line, which had turned pale, and there were several gullies between his eyebrows.

His temples were dripping with sweat, and his lapels were already wet.

As time went on, he became more and more nervous, for fear that he could not really understand a moral principle and be expelled from the Yueyu area. Can't you practice with him like that?

"No! Absolutely not! " Tong Teng clenched his teeth, grasped the time, widened his eyes, and tried to see the morality of those changes, and realized in his heart.At the last moment, a golden light rose from the wall, exploded in the air and turned into a golden lotus.

Then, again and again shot out two golden lights, in front of the golden lotus, blooming two golden lotus. In the sky, three golden lotus flowers are accompanied by each other.

"Three moral principles."

"It's not bad to realize three kinds of morality in one hour."

"I thought I couldn't understand it, but I didn't expect to see three golden lotus of enlightenment."

Those disciples who were as indifferent as the statues of the Yueyu area finally began to recover a trace of vitality and whisper.

"Three enlightenment Golden Lotus open, pass The voice, falling from the sky, announced the result.

Hearing that he had passed the barrier, Tong Teng finally breathed a sigh of relief and lifted his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead.

"Next man." The voice said again.

Tong Teng immediately stood up and went outside.

He exchanged places with mu Qingge. Tong Teng looked at mu Qingge and passed away. He whispered: "boss, as long as you don't mind those guys and calm down, you will soon realize it."

He kindly reminded, Mu light song jaw first heart.

Whether it is useful to her or not, as long as they are sincere, why should she sneer?

Mu Qingge walked into the square, only personally experienced, will feel the pressure of Tong Teng before.

Fortunately, such occasions, she has experienced a lot, has been used to. Lifting the corner of her robe, she sat cross legged. Finally, I saw the thousands of moral principles depicted on the stone walls.

"Are you ready?" Asked the voice.

Mu Qingge nodded.

Then, she saw the thousands of moral, constantly changing up, every kind of moral, quickly flashed from her eyes, reflected in the bottom of her eyes row by row of golden font.

Outside, Tong Teng nervously clenched his fist and bit his teeth.

In the stands, the disciples of the Yueyu area at that level also became quiet again, indifferent, waiting for the result of Mu Qingge's enlightenment.

It is easier to understand morality and morality at an hour, even if it is extracted from Tao, but it is not easy to understand.

Tong Teng realized three kinds of morality and had already let them talk.

What about muqingge?

After only a short time, a golden light rose from the stone wall and exploded in the sky above the square, blooming a golden lotus.

In this way, he quickly realized a moral principle, which shocked the disciples of Yueyu domain, and many people's eyes shrank.

However, this is only the beginning.

With the first one, the following one after another began. A golden light, quickly into the air, bloom into lotus, bright as fireworks, lit up the sky of the Yueyu area.

Innumerable golden light flies out, innumerable Golden Lotus is full of heaven and earth, scattered golden light, all people are shrouded in it.

The disciples in the stands were shocked, and they all looked at this scene that had never appeared in the history of Yueyu

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