After taking the pills, Tong Teng recovered a lot, and he was able to open his mouth.

The first thing he said was: "boss, I haven't lost your face, ever It's over

"Good job!" Murmur smile.

Zhuangshan looked at them, and finally his eyes fell on mu Qingge, "your pills have never been useful?"

Mu Qingge nodded and said casually, "I didn't encounter any great danger on the road, and I didn't get hurt, so I didn't use it." There's no need for her to explain.

Then, Zhuangshan looked at Tong Teng again and asked, "I heard that you were going to Zhuoyu."

Tong Teng's face changed slightly, but he still nodded. "When I flew up, it was the people from the turbid Yuyu region who picked me up. However, I didn't want to go to Zhuoyu. Later, after I came out from Tianyu, I stayed in Tianya for a period of time. Later, I met my boss. I thought it was good to change Yueyu, so I came with him. "

Zhuang Shan lightly touches his jaw head. "Well, no matter what. Now, you are already a disciple of Yueyu. You should be a good disciple. We should pay attention to the things we should pay attention to, and we should not have any thoughts. "

Tongteng could hear the hints and reminders clearly. He bit his teeth and assured Zhuangshan, "I am now a disciple of Yueyu. Where is the eldest, I will be there."

His promise, at first glance, seems to be nothing, but there is a hidden danger.

Mu Qingge heard it, but Zhuangshan didn't.

It's not that Zhuang Shan is stupid, but because he thinks that muqingge is already a disciple of Chengyue domain, and will naturally be in the field. Tong Teng said that there was nothing wrong with following her.

He nodded and said to Tong Teng, "I'm your elder martial brother. My name is Zhuangshan. You can call me brother Zhuang or you can call me senior brother Zhuangshan, whatever you want."

Then, he introduced to Tong Teng what is Jieyin.

"It's brother Zhuang Shan. Hello, elder martial brother. My name is Tong Teng. Please take care of me in the future. It won't be any more trouble for me, elder martial brother. " Tong Teng immediately said.

Zhuangshan nodded with a smile, "come with me. I'll take you to the residence. By the way, I'll familiarize myself with the situation of Yueyu. There are also some rules to tell you."

With that, he turned to lead the way in front of him, while mu Qingge and Tong Teng followed him.

"Now, I'll take you to test the realm and register by the way." Zhuangshan road. In the eyes, Mu suddenly stops to look forward.

He just wanted to feel the ambience of moqingge, but he found that he could not feel anything.

It made him a little strange.

However, he did not know that after mu Qingge came out from Tianya, he habitually concealed his cultivation. Her method of concealing her accomplishments is taught by Simao. Ordinary people are hard to see through.

"In the field of changing Yue, the disciples are divided into Qingyi, Baiyi, lingdongjing, and finally the top ten disciples in front of the hall. If you enter the spirit cave, you can wear it at will. It's a rule. It can't be abandoned. " In the process of walking, Zhuangshan introduces the rules of changing Yue domain to the two people.

Mu Qingge looked down at the red clothes he was used to wearing, and he was disgusted in his heart: "that is to say, you can't wear red clothes until you break through and enter the spirit cave. No wonder she saw Xu Bing wearing a blue dress. "

"Before us, we realized the morality and morality. The disciples sitting there were all disciples in white. Isn't that to say that they all had accomplishments above five levels of spiritual emptiness?" Tong Teng couldn't help smacking his tongue.

He is only a new disciple in the realm of spirit.

Tsing Yi He still thinks that white clothes are more beautiful than green ones.

Tong Teng turned the corner of his mouth.

"In the field of changing Yue, all the disciples practice their own practices. If you don't understand, you can ask elder martial brother Jieyin. Of course, after you settle down, I will also teach you the cultivation method of the Protoss. In the disciple area, there are also Gongfa buildings. You can go and read them at any time. But pay attention not to be ambitious, down-to-earth, lay a good foundation is the most important. I have seen many disciples who covet some powerful skills and neglect their own realm and strength. Finally, they are broken into mortals. " Zhuang Shan reminded.

"Yes, we have remembered what senior brother Zhuang Shan said. We will never do anything wrong." Tong Teng immediately said.

"Well." Zhuangshan tapped his jaw and then said, "every six months, Yuzhong will distribute training resources to his disciples. According to different levels, the cultivation resources are naturally different. For example, the disciple in Qingyi can only get 100 inferior Shenyu and ten pills every six months. Of the ten pills, five are for healing and five are for training. The disciples in white, on the other hand, can receive 500 inferior Shenyu and 50 pills every six months. In addition to healing wounds and assisting cultivation, there are also pills for avoiding poison and restoring divine power. Even when the breakthrough is near, you can get a pill to help you break through. ""The gap is so big!" Tong Teng was shocked.

A little smile.

And mu Qingge asked, "what about the lingdongjing disciples and the top ten disciples in front of the hall?"

Zhuang Shan gave her a slightly deep look, and then said, "every six months, the disciples of lingdongjing can get 500 lower grade Shenyu and 10 middle grade Shenyu. A hundred pills of various kinds are qualified to enter the Dharma building at one time. Every month, the ten disciples in front of the hall will have servants and generals with thousands of inferior, one hundred, ten top-grade, and various kinds of pills. They can enter the Dharma hall once a month. "

After listening to Tongteng and muqingge, they both felt the big gap. With such a division of interests and temptation of resources, naturally all people want to improve their ability, improve their own level and enjoy more resources.

"What is fa Lou?" Tong Teng scratched his head and asked.

Zhuang Shan explained, "the practice of spiritual emptiness is actually the same as your practice in the lower world. It is a process of accumulating divine power, constantly refining the body with divine power, and realizing morality and morality. So, at this time, you need to learn how to use the divine power, the way in which the divine power moves in the body, the sense of morality, and some martial arts skills. In Gongfa building, there are some cultivation methods and martial arts skills. You can watch it at any time without limiting the number and time. However, entering the spirit cave is the time to learn the skills, and the Dharma tower is the place to collect the skills. Each technique is extremely precious, so it will limit the number of times to enter. "

He stopped for a moment and then said, "you can get a general understanding of these. Now it's far from you. Don't think too much. When you get to that point, I'll explain it to you in detail. "

"Good." Tong Teng and mu Qingge nodded at the same time.

"Senior brother Zhuang Shan, how can I become the top ten disciples in front of the hall?" Mu Qingge asked.

Zhuangshan turned his eyes and looked at her with a smile, "are you still unwilling to give up your surname? In fact, you have soared to the land of gods and demons. From now on, it will be difficult to go back to the lower world. It has nothing to do with your relatives, so why persist. "

Mu Qingge shook his head and said with a smile: "just like the elder martial brother said, this is the last trace of contact and memory between me and them. I really don't want to give up easily."

"What surname? What's wrong with your last name, boss? " Hearing this, Tong Teng asked in a voice.

This is not the time to explain. Mu Qingge just shakes his head and looks at Zhuangshan waiting for his reply.

Zhuang Shan said with a smile, "well, if you don't have a try, you can't be reconciled. It's very easy to become the top ten disciples in front of the hall. As long as you enter the spirit cave and challenge any one of the ten disciples, if you succeed, you can take his place. "

"So simple?" Tong Teng could not help but say.

Zhuang Shan nodded, "it's so simple."

Mu light song secretly recorded in the heart, to Zhuang Shan Road a thank you.

Chatting all the way, although casual, but the chat is also about the matter of Yueyu. Therefore, when they came to test the realm of cultivation, they also had a general understanding of the field of Yue.

The thing to test is just a cylinder.

On the cylinder, there are nine scales, each of which represents a layer.

Under the pillar, there was a man who was leaning against the pillar to take a nap. He looked very leisurely.

Zhuangshan pointed to the man and introduced to Mu Qingge with a smile: "this is the Deacon who is specially responsible for registering the accomplishments of the disciples entering the realm. He will help you test for a while."

After that, he went over and stood in front of the man, bending slightly and shouting, "Lao Cui."

This kind of address

Mu light song eyebrows a pick. All of a sudden, she felt that he was very human.

Zhuang Shan called Lao Cui's deacon and woke up from his sleep. Looking at Zhuangshan, he was still confused. He immediately sobered up and said to Zhuangshan, "it's ten years ago."

Ten less?

Mu Qingge and Tong Teng have some inexplicable names for Zhuangshan.

Later, they learned that the top ten disciples in front of the hall were all called in their order according to their strength.

Ten Shao represents the tenth of the ten disciples. Today, it is Zhuangshan.

Zhuang Shan laughed and said to him, "I have brought two new disciples to test my accomplishments."

"Ten young brought new people again?" Deacon Cui said and laughed, but began to prepare. After finishing, he looked at Tong Teng and mu Qingge and asked, "which of you will come first?"

"I'll go first." Tong Teng took the initiative.

With that, he went up and poured his divine power into the pillar according to the order of Deacon Cui.

One, two, three.

"Well, there are three levels of spiritual emptiness, which is very good." Deacon Cui nodded.

When Tong Teng stepped down and mu Qingge was about to go up, Zhuangshan took her and said, "I know your spiritual root Well No matter what the result is, don't be discouraged, as long as you have perseverance, no matter how difficult the problem can be solved. What's more, you've never been more savvy. "

Mu light song a Leng, some do not understand why Zhuangshan suddenly said such words to her.One side of Tong Teng was even more inexplicable, and directly asked, "brother Zhuang Shan, my boss is very powerful! What's wrong with his spirit root? "

When Tong Teng mentioned Linggen again, mu Qingge suddenly realized.

Well, in Zhuangshan's heart, although she has five spiritual roots, it is also the abandoned spiritual roots they think. Because, no one knows who she got.

When she was at shengjingtai, she was not lost quickly by the West God land and the North God land. Was it not because they thought that she was an abandoned spiritual root, and the cultivation progress was slow, so it was difficult to achieve anything?

Facing Zhuang Shan's worries

She could see that Zhuang Shan was really worried about her low level and gave up. It seems that he has regarded her as a junior brother.

"Don't worry, brother Zhuang Shan." Mu Qingge shows a confident smile.

Inexplicably, looking at her smile, Zhuangshan suddenly felt that his worries were unnecessary.

Looking at her upright posture, walking firmly towards the test column, Zhuang Shan's lips slightly tightened. Tong Teng is also curious to wait for the test results of Mu Qingge.

Because although he knows that moqingge is very strong, but in the end how strong, how much more powerful than him, he really does not know.

"Are you ready?" Asked deacon Cui.

Mu Qingge nodded.

"Well, put your power into it, as much as you can." Deacon Cui said.

Mu Qingge lightly points the jaw head, and before Tong Teng, put his hand on the pillar, input the magic power.

Magic power, into the column, after a while, the light on the column layer by layer quickly lit up.

"Seven Seven floors! Seven levels of spiritual emptiness Deacon Cui raised his head and looked at the last scale on the pillar. He was shocked.

Tongteng and Zhuangshan have been stunned.

After a short while, Deacon Cui looked at Zhuang Shan and asked, "ten little, what kind of monster have you brought? Is he a newcomer

Zhuangshan nodded stiffly and said, "I personally picked up the boat and sent it to the small heaven."

Seven levels of spiritual void!

What does that mean? It's so horrible! It's scary! Isn't it a ghost root? Isn't cultivation slow and hard to advance? So what's going on here? , the fastest update of the webnovel!