Time flies like a flash in the sky.

Mu Qingge has been in Yueyu for half a year.

In the past six months, she rarely went out and rarely had other things to deal with. In the past six months, she devoted herself to practicing. Even, sometimes she sat on the platform outside the cave, overlooking the scenery of Yueyu, felt that this was the most leisurely and simple time since her rebirth.

There is no conspiracy, no deception, no endless tasks.

A piece of brocade cloth was laid on the platform outside the cave. Mu Qingge sits on the ground with a wine pot beside it. She did not practice, nor did she go to the Gongfa building.

In recent days, she felt that the power in her body had been compressed to a critical point.

The mysterious old man told her that she didn't need to practice any more these days. She could feel the world road and wait for the moment of breakthrough.

So she chose to sit here and watch the moon rise and set, the tide rise and the tide die.

The sea of clouds is not a sea, but more unpredictable.

The mountains and forests are far away, and every scenery is full of the meaning of Tao.

Mu Qingge lies lazily on the brocade cloth, props his head with his hands, reaches out to hook up the ears of the wine pot, pours wine in the air, and the wine pours down the spout into a crystal silver thread and falls into the mouth of muqingge.

Some wine splashed out, fell on her skirt, and slender neck, added to her laziness.

At this moment, she seems to be back in the peach blossom forest in Linchuan, the capital of Qin State and Luodu. She has become the young dandy who is frivolous, fresh and angry, and drunk in the peach grove!

The difference is that she is now wearing the white clothes of the disciples of Yueyu. There is no peach grove and no beauty in her arms.

However, the manner is still the same wanton natural and unrestrained, crazy evil wanton.

When he saw this scene, he was stunned. He has never seen such a wild side of muqingge, which has always been indifferent to him.

For the first time, he felt that muqingge had some evil nature. It's not derogatory. It seems that there is something in her that is desirable but not available.

Tong Teng stood in place, thought for a long time, can not think of a so ran.

But he is sure that moqingge is different from others!

"What are you doing here? Come and drink with me Mu Qingge talks.

Tong Teng wakes up, smiles and strides towards mu Qingge. "The eldest brother has a good time to drink, and my younger brother will naturally accompany him. Not only to accompany, but also to accompany good, accompany comfortable

He went to the brocade cloth and sat cross legged. Consciously, he did not block the beautiful scenery in front of Mu Qingge. He took some wine from his bag of heaven and earth and put them on the brocade one by one.

Mu Qingge swung his sleeves and sat up from the brocade cloth. Instead, he crossed his knees and faced Tong Teng.

She picked up a wine jar, weighed it in her hands, and said with a smile to Tong: "how much wine did you steal from suming wine cellar? It's been a year, but there are still. "

Tong Teng laughed, "boss, you don't know. Su Ming's mean woman has a big wine cellar. Most of the wine in it is made by her ancestors. On weekdays, she was reluctant to take it out. Once, I met by chance. When I didn't leave, I went to her wine cellar and tasted some bottles

With that, he introduced mu Qingge. "Here, boss, the jar you are holding at the moment is from the wine cellar."

After listening to Mu Qingge, he looked at it curiously.

Tong Teng laughs and takes the wine jar from her hand, and carefully opens the seal cloth on it. Only a crack is revealed, and the rich aroma of wine overflows all around in an instant.

"How fragrant it is A voice came from behind them.

Mu Qingge and Tong Teng turned their eyes and looked at them. When they saw the visitors, they were all smiling: "brother Zhuang Shan is coming."

Zhuangshan came with his hands down. Looking at their leisurely appearance and the wine jar in Tong Teng's hand, he said with a smile, "it's better to come early than to be clever. It seems that I didn't come wrong today."

He is very easygoing, see Mu light song and Tong Teng not in practice, also did not say much.

"Senior brother Zhuang Shan, please sit down. We haven't started yet." Tongteng busy road.

Zhuang Shan is not coy, sitting in the space between them. Three people like three feet, sitting on the brocade cloth. In front of him is the wonderful scenery of the Yueyu area, which is magnificent and the sea of clouds is surging.

Tong Teng happily took out an empty container and tilted the wine jar in his hand. The thick amber liquid dripped slowly from the gap.

This is no longer liquor, but liquor!

It's so sticky that it drops into the container.

Mu Qingge and Zhuangshan were surprised to see that drop of liquor appeared, and the aroma of the wine around was stronger.

Zhuangshan couldn't help but take a deep breath and sighed, "I've lived for thousands of years, and I haven't heard such a fragrant wine!"

Thousands of years!

Mu Qingge and Tongteng Zha tongue."It's true that those who practice can't see their age! Chuang Shan looks like he's only thirty at most, but he's lived for thousands of years. "

Think about the one in your family. Muqingge will stop worrying about this problem immediately.

Tong Teng carefully sealed the cloth on the wine jar. Then he said to the second man: "boss, brother Zhuangshan, you should drink other wine first. This drop of old wine has been for tens of thousands of years. It can't be drunk directly. I'll get some water from the spring and mix it

With that, he quickly left.

Mu Qingge and Zhuang Shan smile at each other and pick up a jar of wine and drink each other.

Tong Teng's action was very fast, and soon came back with a pot of water from the mountain Lingquan. He carefully poured the spirit spring water into the container and slowly dissolved the drop of liquor.

After a while, a bowl of wine appeared in the eyes of the three.

Tong Teng poured wine for them and himself, and then said, "the three of us, originally in different places, were able to drink together because of changing Yueyu. Let's drink this cup for the sake of changing Yueyu!"

"Well said!" Zhuang Shan said with a smile.

Three people touch the glass and drink the wine in the cup.

The wine, as expected, is a good wine handed down from generation to generation. It tastes delicious and mellow. It is soft and mellow in the mouth, which makes the mouth fragrant and has endless aftertaste.

After a glass of wine, all three were dizzy.

However, this kind of dizziness is not a general drunken dizziness, but a real drunk. Drunk in the mountains and rivers, drunk in the cup of wine, drunk in the heart.

Three people outside the cave drink and laugh, talk about heaven and earth, not comfortable, really should that sentence, like the earthly free fairy!

After a few cups of old wine, mu Qingge already felt her cheek burning. Under the abdomen, a fire rose, burning the magic power in her body and began to boil like boiling water.

"Boss, why is your face so red?" Tong Teng was the first to find the difference of Mu Qingge and asked.

Hearing his words, Zhuangshan also looked back at Xiangmu Qingge and saw her blushing face as expected. "But what's wrong?" he asked

Mu Qingge shakes her head. She can't answer them.

Because at the moment, she felt the loosening of her cultivation barrier.

Without any explanation, she immediately sat down, closed her eyes, and entered the practice.

Suddenly, she made Tong Teng look puzzled and asked, "what's the matter with you, boss?"

Just when he reached out to pull Mu Qingge, he was suddenly pulled back by Zhuangshan. Tong Teng did not stand firm, fell on the brocade cloth, some dizzy looking at Zhuangshan, his eyes written with questions.

"Do not disturb him! He's breaking through! " Zhuang Shan has a serious look.


Tong Teng suddenly wakes up and stares at Xiangmu light song. Murmured in his mouth: "the eldest brother has been in the field of changing Yue for half a year, and it's time to break through."

Now, he is about to break through and enter the fifth level of spiritual emptiness state. There is no reason why his boss still doesn't break through!

"Let's step back a little bit and protect the Dharma for him." Zhuang Shan pulls Tong Teng back.

Tongteng nodded and retreated with Zhuangshan. The two men used their power to walk in the body for a small week, forcing the wine out of the body, and then quietly waiting for the breakthrough of muqingge.

Mu Qingge, at the moment, has been completely immersed in the breakthrough.

In her body, she compressed countless times of divine power, and finally broke out at this moment. Like a golden flame, she wanders freely in her limbs and meridians.

Every place she passed through, she felt a burning sensation, which was very uncomfortable, but after this feeling subsided, she felt comfortable and relaxed all over the body.

Under the explosion of the divine power, the jar finally broke through and condensed into a bigger one.

However, the new condensation of the VAT, not yet shaped, again by the explosion of God destroyed. Can't, and had to condense into a bigger VAT

Mu Qingge's body is covered with a golden halo.

All around the divine power, all gathered towards her, forming a thick fairy mist, suspended on her head, inhaled into her nose, and transformed into her own strength.

The flush of her cheek, more and more ruddy, became crystal clear under her skin, like a gem.

Tong Teng looked at mu Qingge in shock, and asked Zhuang Shan in a low voice: "elder martial brother Zhuang Shan, why does my eldest brother break through like this? When I break through, I'm not like a cooked shrimp

Zhuangshan glared at him and explained in a deep voice: "maybe it's because I drank wine just now." What he said was not very sure. He could only guess.

Gradually, more and more magic power gathered in the body of muqingge, almost absorbed the power of Lingshan around their cave.

This scene, see Zhuang Shan also had to sigh: "light song this breakthrough movement is not small indeed!"

"It won't cause any disturbance." Tong Teng looked at the magic power inhaled by moqingge crazily, and could not help but worry about asking. He was afraid that someone would disturb mu Qingge when someone broke in for unknown reasons.Zhuang Shan shook his head, "No. This divine power is nothing to him. "

At this time, mu Qingge's breath suddenly becomes stronger, and it's all in one go, rubbing against the upward!

Feeling her changing breath, Zhuangshan's shocked eyes shrank and lost his voice: "the eight levels of spiritual emptiness! Nine levels of spiritual void! Spirit cave level one! One breakthrough, three realms

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