"You are in a hurry." Thousand water laughs.

Mu Qingge smiles and says to him, "in any case, it's early and late, so why be a mother-in-law?"

This sentence, finally successfully let thousand water face that harmless smile convergence. That pair of seemingly weak eyes, also gradually cold up.

Mu Qingge narrowed his eyes and was alert. He said in his heart, "this is what the ten disciples in front of the hall should look like!"

Those who are harmless or weak are not only the side of Qianshui, but also his disguise.

"Well, since you are in such a hurry, I will help you. Originally, I wanted to talk to you more. " Qianshui laughed again, but this time, there was no temperature at all.

"No need. After the end, if elder martial brother Qianshui still wants to talk with me, I will accompany him. " Mu light song direct way.

Thousand water smile way: "have personality, good."

He stretched out his hand, but there was no weapon in his hand. He said to Mu Qingsong, "you can move. My accomplishments are so much higher than you, and you are a challenger. If I attack first, you will not be able to do it again. "

Mu light song hook lip smile way, "then thank Qianshui elder martial brother."

After that, she waved her right hand, and in her hand, there was a flame. The gorgeous flame instantly dispersed, a crystal clear spear, was in her hands.

Linglong's gun was suspended around the mountain.

"It's a good weapon." The four little eyes flash a light, nod and smile.

Liu Shao said with a smile: "things are good, but I don't know if the master can play its power."

Here, it's shenlu. It's Chengyue.

The sacred vessels of MuQing singers only amaze these Protoss at most, and will not attract the world's attention as they did in the medieval world.

Thousand water's eye light walked in the Linglong gun upstream, nodded in praise: "good, is a good gun."

Mu light song clear eyes, fell on the Linglong gun, a kind of trust smile, bloom in her mouth. She almost can not check the nod, and then a thousand water words: "it is a good gun indeed."

Even if she encountered stronger weapons or refined more powerful weapons, they could not replace the status of exquisite guns in her heart.

"Elder martial brother Qianshui, be careful!" Mu light song eyes light a sink, holding Linglong gun directly to the thousand water.

She didn't use the technique, so Qianshui was not good at using it at the beginning.

The tip of the Linglong gun, from the thousands of water. Thousands of water side, the figure blinking, and Mu light song began a close combat. It's a battle of skill.

He used blink, Mu light song with star start step, the two figures in the ring constantly changing, each time the direction of change, people were caught off guard.

"He can keep up with the speed of the third Eight Shao said in surprise.

Four little but sneer: "old three has not really started to move, just accompany her to play."

However, they do not know, at the moment the thousand water heart is full of shock.

His speed, even among the top ten disciples in front of the hall, is extremely advanced. Whether he let water or not, his heart is very clear. This moqingge is clearly able to see his every move, so as to catch up with him.

Qianshui avoids Linglong gun and falls on the challenge arena.

He stopped and murmured without attacking.

"I almost forgot that you have a great sense of divinity." Qianshui suddenly looked at mu Qingge and said this.

"What does that mean, third Wu Shao looks at four Shao and asks.

Four little narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "it seems that the old three did not deliberately let it, but was really locked in the blinking direction."

"What? Impossible! The speed of the third is hard for me to see. Just as a disciple who has just been in the field for half a year Five ways of not believing.

Four little looked at him and said with a cold smile, "have you forgotten what happened when he entered the field for examination?"

Be reminded by him, five little eyes suddenly shrink.

"To be able to see all kinds of moral principles in one hour, and to be able to understand them, is not just a matter of understanding. It shows that his divine sense is so strong that it is hard for us to achieve it. " Fourth, the deep voice.

This time, his eyes in the eyes, a little more serious to the challenge arena.

It's not just him, but other people.

Wu Shao was shocked and muttered to himself, "no Maybe... "

In the challenge arena, mu Qingge didn't take a stand on Qianshui's words. She said to qianshuidao: "elder martial brother Qianshui, it's better to have a face-to-face competition instead of fighting like this."

Qian Shui eyebrow tip a lift, interesting smile up, "I found you are really anxious ah!"

Yeah! She was in a hurry.

The magic power in her body can't compare with thousands of water. This seemingly harmless, but very cunning man, is trying to consume her magic power and defeat without fighting!

"It's a bit urgent." Mu Qingge admitted generously, even looked up at the sky and said a word that made people fall. "I think it's a bit bad. It's going to rain soon. We'll finish the fight quickly so that we can get back to collect our clothes.""My boss! Are you talking about the society? " When Tong Teng heard this, he almost fell off the suspended hill.

The others roared with laughter.

Thousand water a Leng, jaw head smile way: "you are quite interesting."

Little to see to Zhuangshan, he means unknown way: "old ten, you this new man is very interesting."

Zhuangshan didn't keep silent this time, but nodded and looked at big and little, with a smile, "yes! It's really interesting. "

"Go back and collect the clothes?" Thousand water facial features inexplicably twisted for a while, can't help laughing.

After laughing, he looked at Xiangmu and said, "interesting and interesting! You are so interesting. If you want to go back and collect your clothes, I'll help you

Qian Shui's smile suddenly shrank, his whole body momentum was on one side, and his clothes were made hunting by the sudden wind.

"Coming!" Mu light song eyes light a Lin, she put away the Linglong gun, also in the dark.

Qianshui finally wants to use the technique. Naturally, she can't fall behind!

Under the mobilization of thousands of water, the power of laws around the challenge arena converges. Wrapped around him, gathered but not scattered.

His momentum is very strong, attracted the attention of all people. No one noticed that mu Qingge, standing at the other end of the challenge arena, is also gathering the power of law.

The spiritual root of a thousand waters is water, so the law power that he can use is also related to water. His technique is more related to water.

Among the five spiritual roots of muqingge, there is one that can just restrain water, that is thunder and lightning!

The power of thunder and lightning, which is closest to Mu Qingge, is one of the abilities she used to bring. So, what the mysterious old man gave her was Lei's technique.

Among the methods of Lei system, there is a kind of technique, which is the famous skill of conquering thousand water.

According to the mysterious old man, Qianshui seems to be gentle, but actually he is extremely proud. If it really arouses his interest in fighting against others, he will arouse his desire to win and try to defeat the enemy. And this is his famous skill.

"Water row by row!" Thousands of water-cooled sound is the name of the technique.

Mu light song eyes light sharp up, mysterious old man's words, as if in the ear.

"The water of a thousand rivers is his famous skill. This water system technique, a change in the soft water, but strong and fast, very powerful. If you want to break him, there's only one chance. When Qianshui makes this move, his body will habitually show a flaw, that is, his armpit. In fact, the flaw in his armpit is very obvious, and many people know it. But there is only one skill you can learn to attack this flaw and defeat him, which is the thunder technique. "

"Milli mang." Mu light song murmured in a low voice that only she could hear.

At this moment, people are shocked by the power of the law caused by the water row. Thousands of water arouse the power of water around, and use the law to gather them in front of themselves.

In an instant, on the challenge arena, it was like a raging sea, with the power of mountain falling and ground breaking.

The shocking scene made the disciples on the floating island look frightened and worship in their eyes.

At this time, Qian Shui raised his arm and revealed the flaw in his armpit.

"Right now!" Mu Qingge's eyes suddenly shrunk, and the power of the law of thunder and lightning quietly condensed in her hand turned into a needle awn from her hand, and quickly went to the armpit.

The awn was so small that no one could see it.

However, when Qian Shui saw the action of Mu Qingge throwing out, her eyes suddenly widened, and a bad feeling rose from the bottom of my heart.

He sensed it was wrong, but it was too late.

Mu light song throw out that ray of lightning law, impact on the water row, suddenly into countless current, make the wind and cloud change color. And that a hair awn, but in the thunder and lightning breaking water horizontal defense, directly toward the thousand water's underarm flaw mercilessly stabs.

"The power of the law! How could he have the power of law! Don't you think he just broke through the spirit cave for ten days Most of them are shocked to see Zhuangshan.

At the same time, other disciples began to whisper timidly.

"The power of law? Didn't you just enter the cave? "

"This challenge is really wonderful!"

"Who's going to win?"

Tong Teng was stunned. He was used to the blow brought by mu Qingge.

"I don't know." Zhuang Shan was shocked in his heart and answered big and little.

At this time, seven little Xuanyi light mouth, "the third to lose."

Sure enough, as soon as her voice fell, the power of the mighty law dissipated. She spat blood from a thousand mouths, covered her armpit with one hand, and retreated violently.




This scene, stimulate other less, have to go to help.

However, he was stopped by big and little, and asked in a cold voice, "what are you going to do? This is the challenge arena competition. All of you should step down."

The five little, the six little, the eight little and the second little who nearly rushed up were drunk like this by him. He woke up, tightened his face, took back his feet and scattered his power of lifting.Seeing the retrogression of thousand water spitting blood, the disciples on other floating islands were also in an uproar.

Only Tong Teng, not afraid of excitement, yelled: "my boss won --!"

Thousands of water to stabilize the body, a face of shock to look at Xiangmu light song. It seems that he did not expect that moqingge would do this.

When the water was defeated, mu Qingge naturally dissipated the power of her law. On the challenge arena on the top of the mountain, calm again.

This war, mu Qingge heart is also very shocking. The first time she used the power of the law to fight, it turned out to be so earth shaking!

"Hum! If you win, it's a sneak attack! " The shouts of Tong Teng aroused the dissatisfaction of five young people. Fierce eyes shot at him.

Tong Teng felt that he was locked in by others, so he didn't dare to open it again. However, his heart is still very excited, too excited to add.

"You won." Thousand water will breath even after, stand straight body to Mu light song way.

He was also magnanimous, but the others were not satisfied.

"Third, how can he win?" Five little direct way.

Four little also cold hum a, "yes, such also calculate win?"

Zhuang Shan looks at Xiangmu light song with some worry. He was also shocked, but more worried about Mu Qingge's situation at the moment.

"Shut up, Qian Shui knows what he is doing." Open your mouth more or less. His address has changed from the third to the thousand water.

Thousand water light smile, to Mu light song way: "lose is lose, however, after half a year, I will come to you again."

Mu light song light jaw first, did not refuse.

In this war, she really used her heart. First, she secretly learned the skills against Qianshui's weakness, and then in the battle, she aroused her interest with speed, lured him to make the water flow in a row, and finally let her win.

Everything has been calculated.

Mu Qingge looks at the depression of Qianshui's leaving, and says in his heart: "half a year later, you come to me, and I will give you a fair fight."

"That's what happened to the third? At this time, what kind of character should we pay attention to? " Wu Shao smashed a fist at the railings on the suspended hill.

"He has his own ideas." The big and the little are the same.

Four little coldly looked at Xiangmu Qingge and asked, "are we going to admit him?"

This time, no one answered.

"Mu Qingge won the challenge. Ascend the auspicious cloud, enter the palace of gods and visit the emperor. " At the beginning, the sound of the examination of moqingge appears again at this moment.

This time, with the sound of the words, a cloud came from the sky and fell at the foot of Mu Qingge, holding her up and going to the highest peak of Changyue area

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