"Change Yue San Shao Mu light song..." Mu Qingge takes back the raised sight and breathes a sigh of relief in his heart.

After two and a half years in dongshenlu, she finally got this identity!

But that's not enough!

Mu light song eyes light, become hot and firm up.

Getting the status of one of the top ten disciples of Shenyu temple is her first step into shenlu, which is just the beginning.

"Boss! boss! Here comes elder martial brother Zhuangshan

Outside the cave, came the voice of Tong Teng.

Mu Qingge takes back his sight, stands up, shakes his robe and walks out of the cave.

Just out of the cave, she saw Zhuang Shan standing with Tong Teng. To her surprise, there was an acquaintance around Zhuangshan.

Mu light Song Mou in a bright, to two people embrace boxing way: "Zhuang Shan elder martial brother, Fengxing elder martial brother."

This is the first time that she met Fengxing after she entered the field of changing Yue. Before that, Zhuangshan told her that Fengxing had broken through the closed door. It seems that she has now passed the customs.

Fengxing is also very happy to see mu Qingge. His jaw is smiling and his eyes are simple and simple.

Zhuang Shan looked at Xiangmu light song with emotion, "now don't call me elder martial brother any more. Call me a Lao ten, I call you a Laosan." Even if he agreed to help mu Qingge apply for the challenge, it did not mean that he believed that moqingge would win.

However, moqingge has done it, creating a miracle once again and refreshing the cognition of countless people.

Mu Qingge smiles and shakes his head. "In my heart, senior brother Zhuangshan will always be senior brother Zhuangshan."

She spoke with sincerity, and Zhuangshan didn't force her. With a smile, he looked at erhen: "today Fengxing just went out of the customs, so I will bring him to celebrate with you. Tomorrow you will move into Shaogong. The cave here will be empty, and Fengxing will move here for convenience. "

"Thank you very much! Thank you very much, elder martial brother Fengxing. I'll have you later. " Tong Teng's flexible way immediately.

Who is Zhuang Shan's arrangement to take care of and reassure?

Whether it is mu Qingge or Tong Teng, the heart is very clear, but also very grateful.

"Thank you very much, senior brother Zhuangshan and senior brother Fengxing." Mu light song also said.

In Shaogong, except for the ten Shao of Yue, other disciples are not allowed to move in. This is the rule. So Tong Teng can't leave with mu Qingge. Both of them understand this very well.

Fortunately, Tong Teng is also a free and easy person, will not be coy, for this matter entanglement endlessly.

Thanks from them, Fengxing became more shy, his cheeks flushed and he waved his hands.

Although you can't smile at the heart of the mountain, you can't smile. In the past six months, no one can embarrass you, but after half a year, it may not be. "

"Thank you for reminding me Mu Qingge jaw first.

Zhuang Shan lightly touches his jaw head. "Today is always a good day," he said with a smile. "I'll take you down to the city. Let's celebrate the light song."

"Good!" Mu Qingge nods.

"I'll kill you today." Tong Teng also laughs.


In the last night of living in the cave, mu Qingge, as usual, did not rest in the cave, but went to the cottage on the top of the mountain.

Along the secluded path, mu Qingge was stunned when passing by the secluded pool. At the edge of the pool, on the huge stone, stood a slender figure.

And her figure, like the wind of night.

"He said Mu Qingge's secret way in his heart.

At the edge of youtan, I saw Xuanyi for the second time. This time, mu Qingge didn't intend to say hello, but if she wanted to go up the mountain, she was bound to pass by the youtan.

After thinking about it, moqingge simply let go, and walked by in a big way.

Sure enough, as soon as she went out, Xuan's eyes fell on her. "Is it you?"

This time, she seems to have an impression of moqingge.

Mu light song stops, hands clasp fist, smile slightly, "elder martial sister."

Xuanyi's face was still cold and calm in the eyes like autumn water. Hear Mu light song words, her red lips light open: "you don't have to call me elder martial sister, call me old seven is."

Mu light song a light smile, light point jaw head.

"Did I meet you here last time?" Suddenly, Xuan asked.

Her tone, let Mu light song affirmed the idea in the heart. It seems that Xuanyi didn't have any impression on her that night. Now she thinks of her because of her concern over the past few days and in the same scene, she wakes up some vague and uncertain memories.

Mu Qingge nodded and admitted: "it is here that I met you once."

"So when you see the shadow, you misunderstand it?" Xuanyi gave his own judgment.

Mu Qingge nods again.

Xuan Yi's eyes looked at her coldly, and finally said, "stay away from the shadow." This is a warning.

Her tone makes mu Qingge slightly uncomfortable, but it's not time to get angry. She laughed, and her eyes were light and playful: "old seven, don't worry, I'm not interested in her."With that, she said goodbye and turned away.

Looking at her back, Xuan Yi slightly frowned, and raised a touch of doubt at the bottom of her eyes. "Where does he go..."

After mu Qingge left the youtan, he left it behind. Along the mountain road, she slowly approached the cottage on the top of the mountain.

Come to the small house, Mu light song a Leng.

Under the eaves, the small table is still there, the fragrance curls around, and the futon is still there. But the mysterious old man disappeared.

Every night, mu Qingge is used to the old man waiting here. Suddenly, he doesn't see anyone, but he is still a little unaccustomed. However, tonight she came to him to ask everything, so even if the person is not there, she will wait.

Mu Qingge frowns slightly and walks to the eaves steps.

She didn't come in because her divinity told her that there was no one in the room.

On the steps, mu Qingge sits cross legged on the futon and meditates. This time, in the absence of an old man, she began to practice and work the magic power in her body.

When the old man came back, he saw this scene.

It was expected that moqingge would come to him. However, he did not expect that she could be so calm while waiting for him, while practicing, the mood was not affected by confusion.

The old man who watched the lamp went to his usual seat. After sitting down, he didn't disturb him. He just waited for her practice to finish with a smile in his eyes.

An hour later, mu Qingge quit practice and opened her eyes to see the old man appear. In her clear eyes, she was still calm and moved towards his jaw.

"Thank you for your advice. I can win thousands of water." Mu Qingge said.

Looking at the lamp, the old man waved his hand and said with a smile, "Qianshui boy is too proud. His previous practice has been too smooth, which is not good for him. A little setback is good for him

Mu Qingge does not agree with his words.

After a pause, she asked, "tomorrow, I will move into Shaogong. What can I do for you?"

"It's not convenient to come to me every night when I'm in Shaogong, under the emperor's eyes?" Looking at the lamp, the old man said with a smile.

Mu Qingge nodded and admitted his words.

Although the Emperor may not have leisure time to pay attention to her, there are other people who will not accept her and stare at her every move. The old man's identity is unknown. If he doesn't want to make a fuss, he has to ask some questions.

"Master, who are you? Why help me? " Mu Qingge asked the question that had puzzled her for a long time.

"Me? I said that. I'm just an idle man in Yueyu who has nothing to do and does chores. " The old man laughed.

Mu Qingge is smiling and shaking his head, "master, don't laugh. It would be terrible if a casual man in Yueyu could be as powerful and knowledgeable as the elder. I'm afraid the other three gods will not be able to sit still. "

Looking at the lamp, the old man raised his finger at her and said with a smile, "you, sometimes you have too much mind, and you will be tired."

"Used to it." Mu light song indifferent way.

Used to, simple three words, is to answer the elderly, but also represents too many things.

Along the way, she got used to it.

Hearing her answer, the smile on the old man's face converged. His wise eyes were full of complicated thoughts. Finally, he sighed and said to her, "you have more luck than other people. Naturally, you will have more things to shoulder than others."

Mu Qingge nodded, which she agreed with.

Ability and responsibility are in direct proportion.

She chose this road, naturally to give up some things, but also to bear some things.

"The elder still doesn't want to tell me, who are you?" Mu Qingge asked again.

Looking at the lamp, the old man slowly shook his head and said with a smile, "it's not that I don't want to tell you, but now I'm just such an idle old man as you see now."

Mu light song purses lips, no longer ask.

The old man has his reasons for not saying so. She believed that one day she would know who the mysterious old man was.

"It's really inconvenient for you to come here frequently when you go to Shaogong. However, I have taught everything that should be taught. You can also practice without me. So, it's better not to come here. In this half a year when there is no one to disturb you, you should seize the opportunity. In addition to daily practice, you should go to the Dharma tower more often. If you think of me as an old man, you can come and see me. " Looking at the lamp, the old man told mu Qingge one by one.

He and mu Qingge both understood that this time to replace Qianshui as one of the top ten disciples was not the end. Other disciples refused to accept the challenge of Qianshui half a year later, and urged mu Qingge to stop for a moment.

"You have a high level of understanding. In ten days, you can understand the skill of milli awn, which surprised me. In half a year, I'm looking forward to how much you can understand the technique. However, half a year is too short after all. You have too many spiritual roots to master one by one. I suggest that you choose the one with the strongest attack power, or learn the two, and let the others go for a while The old man said again.

Mu Qingge listened carefully and nodded.

No matter who the old man is or what his purpose is, his advice is very useful. Therefore, muqingge will accept it with an open mind.After the old man's instructions, mu Qingge asked, "master, can't you separate the skill from the spiritual root? For example, if I don't have any spiritual roots, I can't master the laws of water system? "

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