Three systems of spiritual roots, three levels of spirit cave!

For Yueyu's disciples, they have been unable to find the right adjective to describe their inner feelings at the moment.

And those who support Qianshui's female disciples, at the moment, the look in their eyes is gradually changing, and they begin to linger on mu Qingge.

"In fact, he seems to be quite good."

"He seems to be very strong, too."

"The most important thing is that he is very handsome."

"It's just super awesome!"

In the arena, the power of the fire law is equal to that of the water system law.

Generally speaking, the state of muqingge is not as good as Qianshui, and there is also a gap in the level of skills, which should be difficult to fight in court. However, the attack power of the fire system law is much stronger than that of the water system, and the two are mutually exclusive. In addition, mu Qingge has a strong sense of God, which leads to this result.

Qian Shui's lips pressed into a line, his face was a little ugly.

His eyes were full of shock. He has overestimated moqingge, but unexpectedly, he underestimated it. In addition to Lei Linggen and mu Linggen, she also has fire Linggen!

At the moment, the power of the law of the water Lord's ups and downs is obviously not enough to win. Qianshui immediately withdraws the power of the law, and when the fire law comes, it will issue a water technique again.

This water system technique is his understanding in the past six months.

Originally, he thought, in this challenge, is useless. But in the end, it did.

"The whale swallows the elephant!"

Qianshui shouts out the name of the technique.

All of a sudden, it seems that all the rules of water system in Yueyu area were mobilized by him. In front of him, he turned into a whale swallowing the sky and blocking the sun, and devoured it towards the Mu light song.

It ignores the law of fire and rushes into it without fear.

In front of it, it seems a little small.

However, Mu light song eyes, but no panic. She controlled the power of the law, changed the method, and transformed the power of the fire law into five fire dragons and entangled the whale.

The whale was caught by the fire dragon and stopped in front of muqingge. Let out angry roar, want to struggle.

"A net in the sky!" At this time, mu Qingge in front of the rapid condensation of the law of thunder, forming a huge power grid, toward the whale shrouded away.

"How could it be!" Thousands of water shocked to open his eyes, incredible looking at this scene.

"It's impossible!"

"Even before the last one is gone, you can send out a second one, and it's a different skill!"

"Who is he? Why are all the rules useless to him? "

They were shocked because they didn't know how amazing the divine sense of muqingge was. Moreover, in the volume of Shence, there are ways to separate the divine consciousness and control different things.

However, this is not over.

Mu Qingge in the shock of the public, and a big drink: "ten thousand wood cage!"

The force of the law of wood, drawn into the air, forms a green cage outside the whale and envelops it.

Fire dragon entangled, power grid covered, wooden cage trapped. The water system law of thousands of waters is bound by the three systems of Mu Qingge.

At this time, in the public outcry, Mu light Song mouth hook up a strange smile, quietly spit a word: "burst!"


The force of the four laws is detonated in the collision.

In fact, mu Qingge detonated her three kinds of water system rules, but also successfully led to detonate.

On the challenge arena on the top of the mountain, there is the force of the law that destroys after the explosion.

This powerful destructive force has shaken this side.

In the sky over the area of change Yue, also burst out a dazzling light, so that the whole area of Yue was suddenly bright.



On the grandstand of the floating rock, the disciples of the Yueyu region were knocked upside down by the force of the rampant laws, and even slightly injured.

Only the better are the stands of the ten disciples.

When the power of the law explodes, Li Chao sends out the golden technique in time. Outside the grandstand, it forms a protective shield, which resists most of the power of the law.

On the challenge arena, it was a mess.

Qianshui unexpectedly, ravaged by the power of the law, he retreated in confusion. His clothes and robes were scratched all over the place, and even the skin of his hands and face was cut by the force of the law.

However, before he could stand firm, he saw a silver light stabbing in front of him.

Then, the tip of a silver gun was against his throat. If it went half a minute further, it could pierce his skin, pierce his throat and take his life!

The power of the law gradually subsided.

When the smoke of gunpowder is gone and the disciples look at the arena again, what they see is the scene of MuQing singer holding a Linglong gun against the neck of Qianshui.



All around, there was no sound.

This ending, too unexpected. Most importantly, the strength of moqingge has exceeded their imagination. Before, still want to take advantage of the muqingge people, at the moment are trying to reduce their sense of existence, eager to take back what they said before.

This war was very earth shaking and exciting.

Who dares to say anything more?

Thousands of water relieved a smile, drooping eyes, to Mu light song way: "I lost again."

Mu Qingge takes back the Linglong gun. The crystal clear sound of the gun turns into a delicate fingertip, which is quietly covered on her right index finger.

"Yield." Mu light song road.

Qian Shui shook his head slowly, "I didn't let you, I have tried my best, even the skill of pressing the bottom of the box has been used, but I still can't win you. You are worthy of your name

Mu light song light smile, did not say what.

At this time, if she says something else, "in fact, I don't care about the three little and the top ten disciples in front of the hall. I just have to do it for the sake of the future." I'm afraid, it will make people feel that she is affectation.

In short, her goal was achieved in the World War I today.

Broke the mind of thousands of water, but also ended the promise of a fair war with him, but also blocked the mouth of all people, blocked those who want to come to her here to take advantage of the heart.



For the competition in Yueyu, there is no need to judge, the winning or losing is in the hearts of the people.

This time, the disciples were completely convinced.

Tong Teng woke up from the shock, waving his hands excitedly and shouting: "the boss is powerful! The boss is mighty

"Three little!"

"Three little!"

"Three little --"! Roar! Three little --! "

For the two people standing on the challenge arena, one is the past tense, the other is the present tense. At the moment, the disciples called out this address, and we all know who they are.

From Chao sighed and sighed: "this time, no one will say anything."

"If you change your name, you will return to it." Zhuang Shan said with a smile and looked at the eight people around him.

No matter who it is, mu Qingge only took half a year to solve the problem from the beginning to the end, without leaving any trouble.

However, the method she used was so simple and crude.

That is, face with strength!

This is a world of strength. Any conspiracy, any wonderful strategy, is not as shocking as telling people the answer with strength.

This is the most simple and crude means, but it is the most difficult to achieve.

Muqingge did it!

Is this her luck? Only those who watched her come all the way could understand. This is not her luck, but the first explosion of her countless accumulation.

When she was reborn from Linchuan and experienced the first test, she was slowly accumulating and going up step by step. Finally, she went to the mysterious continent, and began her first adverse eruption.

Her terrifying speed of practice is due to the divinity she has captured, the magic tactics she has practiced, and her own perseverance, not just a moment of luck.

After the war, the scars left on the arena on the top of the mountain have already been repaired.

Mu Qingge didn't go to enjoy the day and drink, did not go to celebrate. After a small gathering with Tongteng, Fengxing and Zhuangshan, he began the practice of not going out of the gate and not stepping into the second gate.

Until three months later, mu Qingge was called out of Shaogong mountain by calling from the god palace.

When she came to the palace of God, she found that besides herself, big and little left Chaohe and Zhuangshan, there were seven young Xuanjia, who were actually standing in the palace, waiting respectfully.

When she came in, Zhuang Shan was smiling.

Li Chao also smiles at her friendly jaw head. Although Xuanyi is still cold, mu Qingge knows that it is related to her practice, so he doesn't care.

Four people summoned at the same time, mu Qingge heart some curiosity, is what happened?

There was no communication among the four in the main hall of the palace of God. Mu Qingge was the last one to arrive, and there was no time to ask.

After the four arrived, a golden light suddenly flashed on the throne of God and the golden light dispersed. The emperor, dressed in purple robes, appeared lazily on the throne.

"The emperor!"

Four of them were in the same voice.

For him, the God Emperor's fingers were empty and lifted for a while, and he said faintly: "call you four people to come. There is a task to be assigned to you to do."


Mu light song eyes light a coagulation.

The other three people, also a positive face, dare not have the slightest carelessness.

Mu Qingge has some expectations in her heart, which is the first time that she carries out a task after she enters the field of changing Yue. It's time to go out for a walk after spending so long in the field of changing Yue.If you want to make the name of Xiao Yue's three little mu Qingge resound all over the world, it's not just for you to stay in the field of changing Yue.

"It seems that there is an exotic treasure in the ancient wormhead. It is very dynamic and static, which has attracted the attention of the four sea gods. This time, you four can take one of your disciples and go to have a look. If the baby is good, bring it back. " For him, the tone of this release task is very lazy, very casual.

"Archean wormhole!" Mu Qingge's heart leaps. She was no stranger to that place.

Moreover, it is also very close to Taihuang devil Kingdom

Unconsciously, mu Qingge's thoughts are a little far away. Until Chao opened his mouth, she quickly did not leave traces of the back.

"Shenhuang, the West God land, the South God land and the North God land are all closer to the Archaean wormhole than we are to the east god land. Why let us go?" Li Chao asked questions.

Mu Qingge raised his eyebrows and said, "good question!"

He leaned back on the throne, propped up his head with one hand, lowered his Phoenix eyes, and said lazily: "it is because they are so close that they have a lot of resentment with the insect yuan. This time, it is not good to interfere. Let's go, that is to say, on behalf of shenlu. Our people don't have much to do with the Zerg in the wormhole, so we can cooperate after we go in. "

"Cooperate!" Zhuang Shan was surprised.

For him God Emperor slowly nodded, "is what thing is born, do not know at present. Zerg ability is limited, so they will propose cooperation. This time, you will meet not only Zerg people, but also demon people. Take it as experience. When you come back, the competition between the four gods in the east god land will almost begin. "





The four answered at the same time.

After the explanation, the emperor of God for him drifted away again, leaving four people in the hall. Look at me, I'll see you.

Shaoqing, away from Chao Cai, said: "this time, you will meet the people of the demon clan. Everyone should be more careful. The demons and our protoss have always been hostile. We should guard against them

Xuanyi and Zhuangshan nodded their heads seriously, but mu Qingge didn't make a statement.

She just thought, this time if the demon clan will also participate in it, then Si Mo will not go?

"Third, what are you thinking?" Li Chao suddenly looks at the wandering Mu light song road.

Mu Qingge came back to God and calmly said, "nothing. I was thinking about how to bring the baby back from the demons and Zerg. What's the competition between the four gods? "

"The exchange of the four gods will be discussed in the future. The urgent task now is the task assigned by the emperor." From Chao road.

After a pause, he frowned: "in short, the situation is complicated this time, we should be extra careful. Since the emperor said that we can each take one person to go, let's go down and prepare. When we're ready, we'll gather at the gateway. "


They all nodded and agreed.

Mu Qingge and Zhuang Shan go together to the cave where Tongteng and Fengxing live. If you want to bring people, they will naturally take these two people. Muqingge brings Tongteng, Zhuangshan brings Fengxing.

On hearing that he was going to carry out a mission abroad, Tong Teng was so excited.

When they were ready to go to daoyukou, they found that Xu Bing was the one with Xuanyi and a disciple they didn't know from Chao Dai. Li Chao introduced that his name was Yu Qi.

After eight people gather, Li Chao takes out an empty boat and lets them get on the boat and head for the star sea , the fastest update of the webnovel!