"I want to You. " Si Mo's breath, directly fell on the ear of Mu light song. It made her hair red.

"Don't mess with me!" Mu Qingge hurriedly put his hands against the man's chest to prevent him from approaching again.

Si Mo tiny smile, holding her to sit on the bed, put her on his legs, long arms tight floor. His forehead against her, the tip of his nose gently lifted moqingge's nose. "Xiao Ge Er, I miss you."

Mu Qingge was provoked by her, but still kept awake. "It's not convenient here," she said

"We can go to your space." Si Mo put forward a very good suggestion.

“……” Mu light Song mouth pull. In her space, there are not only Meng Meng, but also many people. If she is so carried in by Si Mo and appears in front of the public, how can she command the four sides later?

What's more, entering the space is to stay with Simao for one night?

I don't think so.

"No way." Mu Qingge resolutely refused.

"Why?" Si Mo shows the aggrieved appearance.

Mu light song flashed a trace of intolerance in his eyes, mumbling: "I am not convenient in space."

"Then go to my little world." The bright way in Si Mo Mou.

Suddenly, Mu light song realized clearly.

This guy must have dug a hole here, waiting for her to jump down. Take a look at Simao's expression, it's obvious that, "it's not convenient to go to your place, but it's convenient to go to my place."

Mu Qingsong "ha ha" smiles. Before she comes up with an excuse to refuse, she feels a flash in front of her eyes. When she opens her eyes again, she has entered the place where the fairy spirit is surrounded by beautiful scenery and peach and pear trees are competing for each other.

She once remembered that the first time she saw Si Mo's "Frank" appearance was here.

Cough, although, she has not been clear, at the beginning Si Mo took her here, is to see him take a bath?

"Here, all right." Si Mo low voice shallow smile.

Mu Qingge jumped out of his arms and looked around again. It's really quiet here. It's as if there's no spirit except her and him.

This is Si Mo's world, not full of killing and darkness. It's so immortal, so refined.

It's like a secluded paradise.

Si Mo came over, took Mu light song's hand, and took her to the depths of the forest. Two people are walking in the woods, occasionally falling flowers, falling on their clothes. Si Mo stretched out his hand and carefully cleared the petals falling on his body for mu Qingge. The kind of concentration seemed to be doing something serious.

The heart that wholeheartedly to her, so that mu Qingge heart warm, no matter how hard the shell, can not be displayed in front of this man.

Mu Qingge looks back at him, and his heart is filled with emotion.

She came all the way from Linchuan, a small third-class middle school. It's been getting stronger and going through too much. Even between life and death, she did not know how much she had tasted.

And this man, noble and extraordinary, has always been willing to accompany her, waiting for her.

Until now, she finally came to the world of equality with him, under the starry sky and blue sky with him.

"Ah mo." Mu Qingge calls out his name.

It was also here that the man first told her his name. Let her call him a Mo, at that time, she sniffed and refused to speak.

But now, it is called willingly, pouring into the two lives of the past and this life.

"Well?" Simao's natural and casual response.

Here, at this moment, they are as ordinary as men and women in love. With four eyes facing each other, there is no need to speak too much.

Mu light song to Si Mo sweet smile, raised his hand to take off his left ear stud, in front of him to restore the woman's makeup. In the eyes of Si Mo Po se, it blooms out so amazing.

He took her out of the forest and came to the hot spring.

Here, the first thing mu Qingge sees is the wine spread on the ground.

Her eyes in a bright, loose Si Mo's hand, ran over from the ground to pick up a wine jar, look back and smile. "Did you prepare these?"

Si Mo smiles and nods. "I don't think I've been drinking with you for a long time."

Mu Qingge nodded. She likes wine and it suits her. However, under normal circumstances, she is only shallow taste, unless the mood needs to vent, will drink drunk.

Mu Qingge's eyes flash with light and open the wine jar. The strong aroma of wine came to her nose and made her take a deep breath: "it's really good wine."

Si Mo went over and took the wine jar from her hand and poured it into his mouth. In Mu Qingge's surprise, he hugged her and covered her red lips with pink cherry's lips.

Liquor, along the two people's lips, into the mouth of muqingge, let her taste the taste of the wine.

When all the wine is fed into the mouth of Mu light song, Si Mo shows a successful smile. "There is no utensil to hold wine here, so I will have to do something wrong to you."

Mu Qingge's cheeks are hot as fire, and her eyes are clear. I don't know whether they are melted by wine or by men's words. They turn into a pool of autumn water to collect their eyes. They are so shy and charming.Her eyebrow tip picks, also drank a mouthful of wine, grabs Si Mo's back collar abruptly, pull his body to tilt back. She held Simao's shoulder with one hand and his waist with the other hand. She lowered her head to hold the man's lips and put the wine in her mouth into his mouth.

Si Mo Po SE's eyes are slightly surprised, enjoying the moqingge's arbitrary behavior towards him.

When all the wine in the mouth entered the mouth of Simao, mu Qingge left the lips which had been ravaged by her and was a little congested. She laughed wildly and said, "there is still reciprocity."

What a compliment!

Simao Heart funny, stand up straight body, will Mu light song embrace into the arms, suddenly bow his head to capture her lips, start crazy capture.

Mu light song glares big eyes, not willing to show weakness of the counter offensive.

Under the passion, both of them fell to the ground and fell into the fallen petals.

Rose petals, flying in the air.

And do not want to admit defeat of the two people, the figure is entangled with each other, constantly rolling on the ground, each time the rolling, have taken up countless petals of flying, the picture is very beautiful, also very beautiful.

In the tumbling process, the two men only paid attention to the struggle for sovereignty, but did not pay attention to it. They even gradually rolled to the hot spring.


Unprepared, the two fell directly into the hot spring and sank to the bottom of the spring.

Even so, the lips did not separate. Fall into the spring that moment, two people are a Leng after, look at each other a smile.

Their robes and long hair, in the water, was blown up by the water, wantonly flying.

Mu light Song Mou bottom spreads a touch of cunning, her hand has already grasped Si Mo's belt. Pull hard, the belt is easily pulled off by her, Si Mo's robe immediately scattered, revealing his clear and exquisite clavicle, as well as the perfect chest line.

Mu light song action, greatly encouraged Si mo.

He also grabbed mu Qingge's belt and pulled it off with a little force, so that her robes were also loosened. And that big hand, is agile drill into the lapel, cover in that Yingying grip.

The loss of the position made mu Qingge start a counterattack.

Two people entangled from the water to the water, in the moment of rushing out of the water, their clothes had already been messy, full of temptation. Whether it is mu Qingge or Si Mo, are wet clothes close to the body, outline their perfect body.

Two people in the hot spring embrace and kiss, beautiful breath, full of the whole hot spring, toward the forest diffuse open


Morning mist, insect yuan sky, always covered with a thin layer of yellow fog, people's mood is always unclear.

Tongteng pushed the door open and wanted to stretch out and bathe in the sunshine.

However, at the sight of the yellow fog, he immediately lost interest. He turned his eyes and looked at the moqingge in the room. He saw some faint weariness between her eyebrows.

"Boss, didn't you have a good rest last night?" Tong Teng asked.

Mu Qingge took a puff and complained in his heart, "Damn it! That bastard doesn't know a thing about abstinence! I haven't eaten meat for years! "

"I'm fine." Mu Qingge answers Tong Teng's words lightly. But completely forget oneself yesterday oneself is also very fierce, wish to squeeze Si Mo dry.


Mu light song's reply, let Tong Teng nod, also no longer entangle this topic. "Well, it was a good rest last night."

make complaints about the song, "of course. The whole tribe is under the control of Simao. They can do nothing but sleep. "

Out of the room, moqingge's look has returned to normal. Between the eyebrows that wipe tired color, also disappeared clean.

After gathering with the others, they went out to the village.

When the eight Protoss came to the outside of the guquilla tribe, the people of the pengtu and congjiao tribes were already waiting outside. When he saw the eight Protoss coming over, Peng Tu showed a smile, held his head high and held his chest high.

"Well, how did you rest?" He asked.

From Chao also smile, to his jaw head: "thank you for your hospitality, we have a good rest."

When Peng Tu heard this, he felt very comfortable. He could not help but lift his chin a little bit, and his round belly was more protruding.

At this time, someone came to this side again.

Have not seen the figure clearly, Peng Tu and Li Chao's face are a change, suddenly nervous.

When the people looked at the place, they saw the eight demons coming towards this side. The head of the natural is Si Mo, his look than yesterday, seems to be a lot of pleasure, eyebrows and corners of the mouth are Yang high spirited mood.

His good mood, lonely cliff lonely night, they have already found that in the Mu light song eyebrows between that trace of hidden haze, mind slightly move, know what happened.

And Peng Tu and Li Chao, after seeing Si Mo, are also a Leng, it seems that his changes, some inexplicable.

In the eyes, the eyes are full of resentment.

"Boss, what's the matter with you?" Seeing mu Qingge's face, Tong Teng asked.Mu light song look a Lian, light way: "no harm."

Seeing that she did not really look like something, Tong Teng did not ask.

"My Lord, you are here." Peng Tu in front of Si Mo, has no before in front of Chao face, face also changed into flattery smile.

From Chao Leng eye to see his attitude, heart disdain cold hum.

Zhuang Shan stood beside him and said in a low voice: "the Zerg people, in order to prevent the demons from swallowing foreign treasures, have informed us of the news. Now this gesture, it seems that all previous calculations have been made in vain. "

From Chao Leng hum, "it's estimated that it was the people sent by the demon clan that scared him. We don't need to pay attention to it. Since this matter is known to us, the demons will not succeed. "

Two people eye light intersection, each other determined, and as if nothing had happened.

"Well." Si Mo is in a good mood and flatters Peng Tu, and he is generous.

However, after this response, Peng TU was embarrassed and didn't know how to answer. After holding back for a long time, he could only chat and smile and say, "since all the people have arrived, let's start now."

Demons, protoss, Zerg, a total of 32 people, from the Guxie tribe, toward the depths of the wormhole.

On the way, Ling Ling looks at mu Qingge and Si Mo curiously from time to time, and seems to be still deeply worried about the appearance of Mu Qingge. However, she could not answer the question.

"Strange, he is really a man! Is it really just that people are similar? " Ling Ling couldn't help muttering.

"Lingling." The old man gave a warning.

Ling Ling spits out her tongue and goes to the old man and takes his arm.

After Si Mo appeared, did not look at her, estimated to have forgotten her. She also dare not look for Si Mo naturally, and Mu light song there, she also dare not ask.

Also, from beginning to end, mu Qingge has never been called, and Zhuang Shan and others call her "Lao San". If you call out the name of Mu Qingge, which Ling Ling Ling knows, I'm afraid that this little girl will be too frightened.

In order to keep the safety of Mu Qingge in shenlu, I am afraid Simao has to take some measures.

"Xiaoge'er, do you want this foreign treasure?"

On the way forward, muqingge suddenly received a voice. She looked up, and everyone was walking carefully without noticing her.

She has some helplessness, this man is really too bold, so unscrupulous to talk to her.

"I should have asked you that." She didn't respond angrily.

However, in her mind, but spread to Si Mo's laughter. "If xiaoge'er wants it, I will take it from you. How about it?"

White eyes, is what she does not know, how can want?

However, Si Mo next words, but she was shocked. "This treasure was originally prepared for you by me for xiaoge'er!"

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