"Sir, you'll do it gently later." Lonely cliff a face bitter color, to Mu light song implore.

It's not that you can't win, you dare not fight, you can only lose.

Mu Qingge held back his smile and nodded his head. His hand was a sharp chop.

The blow directly fell on the shoulder of the lonely cliff, forcing him to retreat two steps.

However, in order to make the play more realistic, he still regardless of the "injury" jump up, continue to fight mu Qingge.

The two fight together, for a time inseparable.

At this time, a gold mace suddenly inserted between the two, separating mu Qingge and Gu ya.

From Chao block in front of the Mu light song, the eye light sharp look to the lonely cliff, behind the Mu light song way: "you go first, I help you break the rear."

Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, also positive color said a sentence, "want to walk together!"

From Chao, however, gritted his teeth and said, "don't be a mother-in-law. If it's a man, go quickly! Bring the baby back to God

Mu light Song mouth a draw, turn around to run back.

As soon as she ran away, the lonely night immediately called on other demon guards and called out, "chase --!"

Peng Tu immediately said, "hurry up! Chase! As long as we haven't left the wormhole, we'll have a chance! "

A group of people began to run after mu Qingge.

The demons and Zerg moved, leaving Chao big urgent, also with other people to catch up. People of the three ethnic groups play while running, while moqingge has run far away.

Until no one can see the shadow, Si Mo's feet move, that trapped his prohibition, was shaken like fragments, scattered on the ground.

He came out and turned his eyes to the hidden grandparents and grandchildren.

Perce's eyes were cold and gave them a warning look. He stepped out of his legs and disappeared.

"Grandfather, how could he come out so easily Well... "

Lingling's words have not finished, his grandfather suddenly covered his mouth to stop her from saying it again.

She looked at the old man with wide eyes. But the old man's face changed slightly: "we go back, this matter, can't say to anyone."

After that, he took Ling Ling Ling's hand and several wounded people of his tribe and went to the other direction without pursuing Qingge.

Mu Qingge ran all the way, and the people behind her had no idea how far she had dumped her.

From night to day, and from day to night.

Ahead, the exit of the wormhole is in sight.

But mu Qingge suddenly stopped, because she saw a person standing in front of her, waiting for her.

Si Mo looks to Mu light song, the corner of the mouth shows a smile.

Mu Qingge also showed a smile, came to him, stopped in front of him and looked at him with his chin slightly raised.

Si Mo stretched out his hand, slender good-looking fingers, lifted up a trace of her broken hair, carefully arranged for her. "No matter what happens, take good care of yourself and don't be arrogant."

Mu Qingge nodded.

Si Mo but bitter smile shakes his head, "let you not be arrogant, how is this possible? In a word, you should promise me to be good and not to let anything happen to you. I'll see you as soon as possible. "

"You want to enter shenlu? No, it's too dangerous! " Mu Qingge was startled and stopped immediately.

If the protoss know that the demon king has entered the land of God, I'm afraid it will cause the whole Protoss to hunt down Simao. No matter how strong Simao is, his fists are hard to beat four hands.

"Don't worry, I have my own discretion." Si Mo Dao.

Mu light song helpless, she also know, Si Mo decision, is not easy to change.

"Anyway, don't mess with me." Muqingge can only be a warning.

Si Mo jaw head nods.

"I'm leaving." Mu light song road.



Mu Qingge rushes out of the wormhole, throws out the empty boat and sits on it. In an instant, he rushes into the sea of stars.

In the sea of stars, she did not go far away, but was waiting for Chao seven people.

It's a play and they won't really get hurt.

Sure enough, before waiting for two days, she saw an empty boat sailing again from the direction of the wormhole in the star sea. The sign on the empty boat is just for Yueyu.

She found them, and they found her, of course.

Seeing that she was not far away, but waiting in Xinghai, all the seven people who were "not easy to get rid of the demons' pursuit" felt a trace of comfort.

After getting on the empty boat of muqingge, seven people came to her immediately.

The most exciting, of course, is Tong Teng.

"Boss! I thought I was going to die this time and I couldn't see you again! " Tong Teng wants to give mu Qingge a big hug, but mu Qingge nimbly hides in the past.

"Are you all right?" She asked.

Zhuang Shan nods and smiles, "OK. Before being chased by the demons, I almost thought that I would fall in the wormhole. However, there seems to be something wrong with the demon clan, and they are back in a hurry, so that we can escape. "

"What about Zerg people?" Mu Qingge asked curiously.Zhuangshan said again: "the Zerg people saw that you had already escaped with something. We and the demon clan fought fiercely, so they retreated. It's also good that they didn't continue to chase, otherwise we'll take one as two. I'm afraid the result of this time will be hard to say. This time, it's a thrilling experience. "

Mu light song a few can not check nodded.

There is no danger.

"Third, take out the treasure you got and let me have a look." Leave Chao at this time mouth way.

Mu Qingge nods and takes out the magic weapon and hands it to Li Chao.

At this time, the dazzling light wrapped on the Shenbing has dispersed, revealing the original appearance of the Shenbing. Muqingge is more vivid and clear.

This is a magic weapon the size of a disc. It is engraved with mysterious patterns and has a sharp blade like a barb at the edge. On the inside side, there is also a guard ring, which can be used as a shield and attack.

"This is..." Suddenly, from Chao's eyes suddenly shrink, shocked way: "this magic weapon is the sky Gang broken empty wheel!"

"Tiangang breaks the empty wheel!" Zhuangshan also lost his voice.

Xuanyi's pretty willow eyebrows wrinkled and pursed his lips: "isn't Tiangang's breaking empty wheel the weapon used by the God Emperor for him 38000 years ago? Later, it was lost in the battlefield and disappeared. This Tiangang broken empty wheel is of great significance for us to change Yue domain. Several Emperors tried to find it back, but there was no result. It's the strange treasure that appears in the wormhole this time

"What Tiangang broke the empty wheel?" Tong Teng was confused.

Mu Qingge also remained silent.

Si Mo takes out the bait, unexpectedly is to change Yue domain's baby?

This is really a chance for her to make great achievements!

After gradually calming down his shock, Zhuang Shan explained: "Tiangang broke the empty wheel, which was the weapon of the emperor of Yueyu at that time 38000 years ago. Later, in a battle, the emperor fell, the spirit died, and the body turned into nothingness, so that the people in the Yueyu area could not be buried. And his weapons, also disappeared, has become a regret in the heart of Yueyu

His explanation made Tong Teng, Xu Bing and other new disciples suddenly understand.

At this time, Li Chao said to Mu Qingsong: "third, you have made great achievements this time. When I return to the divine realm, I will report everything to the emperor truthfully. "

Mu Qingge shook his head, "it's all due to you, I can't take credit."

"No, this time, if you didn't have a quick eye and a quick hand, you would have rushed out of the wormhead successfully. I'm afraid that with the strength of several of us, it is impossible to bring this treasure back to the exchange Yue domain. Instead, it may fall into the hands of the demons. At that time, it will be our shame to change Yueyu. " From Chao's serious way.

Si Mo cloth under this bureau, in addition to want to see Mu light song, is to establish her position.

Therefore, after being modest for a while, muqingge no longer insists.

On the way back, everything went well.

After they returned to the area of Yueyu, Tongteng, Xubing, Fengxing, and Yuqi left. And from Chao with the sky Gang broken empty wheel to the God for him. When muqingge, Zhuangshan and Xuanyi were summoned by the emperor, they entered the palace of God and found that the ten disciples in front of the hall actually gathered in the palace today.

And at the moment, the God Emperor is still lazy sitting on his throne, one hand holding his head, the other hand playing with the gang broken empty wheel that day.

"This time, you have done a good job. You have brought back the sky breaking wheel. Especially the third, I'm very satisfied with your performance For him, the emperor spoke slowly.

When he opened his mouth, the sky Gang broken empty wheel disappeared in his hand.

"Those who go to work will be rewarded. However, the purpose of gathering ten of you today is to discuss the Tao of the four gods soon. " Change Yue God Emperor again way.

As soon as he said this, mu Qingge was acutely aware that all the other nine people present all at once straightened their backs and their eyes became more serious.

"The four gods and the Tao?" Murmuring in my heart.

Before, before going to the insect yuan, the God Emperor had also mentioned this matter.

"This time, the discussion of the four gods is in the Zhongshan area. There's still a month to go before we leave. Ten of you are ready to go together. " Change the way of God Emperor.

From Chao raised his eyes and looked at the emperor, respectfully said: "God Emperor, which elder leads the team this time?"

Who knows, for he God Emperor but lazy way: "how old are you? And the elder will lead the team. Let ten of you go with you and discuss with each other what you have to do. "

After that, he raised his hand and directly fanned the ten people out of the hall and landed on the square outside the hall.

Such a character for Yue God Emperor, let Mu light song both funny and speechless.

The others seemed to have been used to it, just sighed.

Li Chao said: "it's still the old rule. I'll arrange it every day. If we encounter any thorny problems, we'll discuss and solve them together. This time, we change Yue domain, also potential need to win the top ranking. "




All said in unison.Only mu Qingge looks at a loss. I don't know what the four gods mean when they talk about Tao. And what is the ranking?

When the others left to prepare, mu Qingge held Zhuangshan and said with a smile, "elder martial brother Zhuang Shan, do you have time to go to my palace mountain for a visit?"

Zhuang Shan said with a smile: "you want to ask the four gods about Tao. Even if you don't invite me, I will tell you."

"Then there will be elder martial brother laozhuangshan." Mu light song jaw first smile.

Then they went to the third Shaogong mountain.

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