"When I was ten years old, I ran into an old man. He told me a way to cultivate my broken meridians. According to the method he taught me, I started my practice. However, he also told me that this method can only let me practice temporarily. If I want to live, I can only improve my accomplishments continuously. However, when I break through the spiritual cave, it's hard to break through again. If I still want to live, I can only ask the people in the saint's realm to help me continue my pulse by consuming my accomplishments. " Zhuang Shan said the words hidden in his heart to Mu Qingge.

"Do you know why I want to be the top ten disciples? Because only the ten disciples can get close to the emperor. This is my only chance. " Zhuangshan road.

I see!

Mu Qingge understood, but she did not know why Zhuangshan suddenly said these things to her.

I'm afraid that Zhuangshan's secret is unknown to others.

But in an instant, mu Qingge wants to understand the reason. Because, she is an alchemist, and also a saint level alchemist.

"Third, I didn't mean to tell you so early. However, having said that today, I will say it. " Zhuangshan road.

"What do you want me to do, elder martial brother Zhuang Shan?" Mu Qingge asked.

Zhuangshan said with a smile, "in addition to allowing the divine emperor of the sage realm to continue his pulse, there is also a way to save me."

"Pills." Mu Qingge said the answer directly.

Zhuang Shan nodded, "it's just a pity that there are too few people who can refine the pills I need. Their status does not need to be lower or even more difficult to approach. So, I haven't regarded this as hope. However, you suddenly appear. When I know you are a saint alchemist, do you know how excited I am? "

"Is the elixir needed by senior brother Zhuang Shan a saint level pill?" Mu Qingge asked.

However, Zhuangshan shook his head, "no, it's higher."

"Supreme!" Mu light song eyes a shrink, deep voice and road.

Zhuang Shan nodded. "Yes, only the highest level pills can cure the stubborn diseases in my body." Zhuangshan looked at her with pleading in his eyes. "Third, I beg you here. If you can become a supreme alchemist one day, can you make alchemy for me? You can rest assured that I will prepare the necessary herbs and will not distract you. "

"Brother Zhuang Shan, why are you so serious? If I can become the supreme Dan master, I will certainly refine pills for you. " Mu Qingge promises.

"Good! Thank you very much Zhuang Shan nodded gratefully.

He said to Mu Qingge: "no matter whether the pill is refined or not, from now on, I will obey your orders."

"Brother Zhuang Shan!" Mu Qingge was shocked.

Zhuang Shan raised his hand and interrupted her: "third, you can not. But from now on, my life is yours. How to use it, how to use it and when to use it, it's up to you. "

Mu Qingge sighed and said to him, "elder martial brother Zhuang Shan, we belong to the same school, and I am quite taken care of by you. You really don't have to do this. If you don't tell me about it today, I'll promise it when I know it in the future. "

However, the water spring is stubborn. Besides, you saved my life. "

“……” Zhuang Shan's insistence makes mu Qingge speechless.

Finally, she said helplessly: "this one is like this in advance, I remember it in my heart. When I enter the realm of the supreme Dan master, I will refine the elixir for my elder martial brother. "

"Thank you very much, third." Zhuang Shan's eyes are full of gratitude.


Out to hang out, mu Qingge did not expect to know the secret of Zhuangshan.

After finishing the topic, the two continued their journey to the market. However, when they came to an intersection, the figure appeared again and flashed past mu Qingge's eyes.

This time, she saw more clearly and was more sure that she had no eyesight.

Mu Qingge's clear eyes suddenly shrunk. While chasing over there, he said to Zhuang Shan: "elder martial brother Zhuang Shan, I still have something to deal with. After that, I will go back. You don't have to worry about me."

With these words, she had already chased the figure and turned into one of the lanes.

One foot of Zhuangshan stepped out. It was intended to follow mu Qingge to have a look. However, her words, but let him withdraw this idea.

He stood there, frowning slightly, and whispered, "does the third man know Wei Yiyu?" He also saw the figure that flashed by and was chased by mu Qingge.

He didn't see the appearance clearly, but he could see clearly that the man was wearing the clothes of Wei Yiyu disciple.

Wei Yi domain is different from that of Yueyu. The clothes of his disciples are from gray to black. Among them, the identity of the disciple in black is the most expensive. Only the disciples in front of the hall can wear authentic black clothes.

Because black is the main color of Weiyi domain, and also the most noble color.

Just now, the man was wearing a pure black robe, which was the only color that Wei Yiyu Hall's top ten disciples could wear.


Mu Qingge chased the figure of the man, followed him to turn one lane after another, gradually far away from the market and entered a quiet place.In the process of following, mu Qingge found that the man seemed to lead her to here on purpose.

After confirming this, mu Qingge sighs helplessly, and the pace of chasing at the foot is also relaxed.

The man in front had entered a house through the side door, but the door was not closed.

Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, stride leisurely pace to follow up, also entered the courtyard. As soon as she entered, the open door behind her slammed shut.

Moreover, on the door, also sealed the array.

Mu light song looks back slightly, but does not see the slightest tension.

Then she fell into a warm and familiar embrace and was held from behind. The man's tall figure enveloped her.

"Little song." Two big hands, caressing her waist slowly, whispered in her ears.

Mu light song has no choice but to turn around and look at the man in front of her. "You are more and more bold!" Before that, I just set up a bureau to meet her in Archean wormhole. Now only a month later, he boldly appeared in the Zhongshan area of the four gods.

This big devil just doesn't take the protoss of dongshenlu seriously!

Si Mo tightly embraces her, Mou bottom is suffused with smile, the way of lip corner tiny Yang: "I am in the insect yuan, did not say to you, I will come to see you."

"But you are too risky! What if your identity is known? " Mu light song urgent way.

"Don't worry. Since I dare to come, I am fully prepared. No one will know I'm here. " Si Mo said to her.

Mu Qingge glared at him.

She naturally knows that Si Mo can appear here, is the arrangement plan. With his wisdom, he would certainly be very good, and there was no need for her to worry.

However, she can't help but worry, afraid that Simao will face the pursuit of the whole east god land Shenzu.

"If you just want to see me and see me now, it's time to go back and not stay here. You should know that this is the focus of dongshenlu Mu Qingsong shows displeasure.

"I'm also here to participate in the discussion of the four gods. How can I leave?" Si Mo's way of pondering.

"What Mu Qingge looks at him in shock and makes sure he is not joking.

At this moment, she noticed that the clothes on Simao and the token on her waist were very much like the disciples of a certain God realm.

"You..." Mu Qingge gaping at him, the heart has raised a possibility.

"This is the dress of Wei Yiyu's disciples in front of the hall. How about this dress?" Si Mo also spread out his arms, standing in front of the Mu light song slowly turn a circle.

The smile in his eyes is very thick, but mu Qingge knows a message.

It turns out that Simao's spy in Wei Yi domain has become a disciple of Wei Yi domain! Into such a core group.

This time, he must have come to Zhongshan area as a spy.

Mu light song silence, at this time, Si Mo took out a mask, put on his face, suddenly, his face and body shape, have changed into another person, even the breath has changed.

Mu Qingge was stunned.

Si Mo touched his face, and the mask reappeared in his hand, and he also restored his original appearance.

"Is this a phantom?" Mu Qingge couldn't help asking.

Si Mo slowly shakes his head, "similar, but not. This is the most precious treasure of the devil Kingdom, known as Shura noodles. As long as you can see the face and the face of a saint, even if you don't see the person's height, you will be able to see the person's face and his face

"So powerful!" Mu light song surprised way. Hand out, from the hand of Si Mo, take that Shura noodles.

This mask, held in the hand, looks very beautiful and exquisite, with a kind of seductive atmosphere. The eyes, now closed, I don't know what it's like to open them.

Looked at, Mu light song then returned to Si mo.

She said: "even with such a treasure in hand, you can't take it lightly. If you fight with others, your skill is... " Her eyes widened before she had finished speaking.

Because, in Si Mo Zhang's heart, actually appeared the divine power, not the magic power!

"This..." Mu Qingge was shocked.

Simao took back the magic power in his hand and looked at her in a funny way: "when you enter the devil's land, since they can give you the medicine to transform the magic power into the magic power, how can I not convert the magic power into the magic power? Without these camouflage methods, how can my spy hide in the land of God and not be discovered by Protoss

A word awakens the dreamer!

Mu Qingge understood it completely. She wryly smiles and shakes her head. It seems that this time, Simao is fully prepared to meet her in the land of the east god and the land of the Protoss.

"Anyway, you can do it yourself." Mu Qingge's helpless way.

Si Mo put away the Shura noodles, pulled her into the arms, and said with a low voice: "how? I accompany xiaoge'er, which makes xiaoge'er unhappy? "Mu Qingge raised his head and sighed: "I just want to know what kind of shock will be caused if people know that the great devil in the heart of God land, the cruel and cruel, ferocious and terrible looking demon king, is here right now."

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