"What are you talking about?" That turbid Yuyu's disciple, was mu Qingge said, a pair of eyes suddenly fierce up, anger in the eyes burning.

You can't hear it clearly? I said... " "What are you?" she said with a cold, playful smile at the corner of her mouth

Flower eraser!

Onlookers on the road, in the heart of the Mu light song up one by one thumbs up.

Zhuoyu's disciples are in dongshenlu. They are used to being arrogant and despotic. Usually met, are able to hide then hide, do not want to provoke. But the Mu light song actually comes up, met each other to have nothing to say, this courage, cow forced!

Sure enough, the people of Yueyu, although low-key, can not cheat!

The pupil of the turbid Yuyu region had a heavy eye, and his whole face was covered with haze. He looked at Xiangmu Qingsong, and now there was no beauty in his eyes. He wants to kill mu Qingge and the guy who dares to challenge him.

"Little white face, I will never kill nobody." Turbid Yu Yu domain's fellow direct way.

The power of his body was beginning to stir.

With such reckless arrogance, Xuanjia frowned and said in a cold voice, "this is Zhongshan area, not your turbid Yuyu region. You'd better restrain yourself."

"Hum! What about Zhongshan? We have always done things like this in Zhuoyu. We have never been afraid of wherever we go The humanity of Yu region.

Mu Qingsong God's knowledge swept, and then explored his cultivation.

"There are four floors in the cave. It's no wonder that only with arrogant capital can we dare to be arrogant. " Mu light song in the heart.

Knowing the other party's accomplishments, she did not fear. Still a face relaxed way: "well, I never kill nobody. What's in the turbid Yuyu area? Give your name in the newspaper. "


The onlookers were amused by the sarcasm in her words.

What's in the turbid Yuyu region?

I'm afraid that the disciples of Zhuoyu region have never dared to call them such names after walking outside for so many years.

"You want to die!" The gloomy facial features of the Zhuoyu disciples were gradually distorted, and the divine power in their hands was ready to go.

Coagulate his right hand that raises slowly, Mu light song's eyes squint.

"Jilun, what are you doing?" Suddenly, a voice inserted, breaking the condensation of the killing intention.

The disciple of the turbid Yuyu region was stunned, and the magic power in his hands quickly subsided, and the arrogance of his disciples was immediately restrained. He put on a respectful look and looked at the man coming this way.

Mu Qingge and Xuan Yi also raised their eyes and looked at them. After seeing the people who had come, she raised her eyebrows.

Li Chao was also in the crowd.

"Big and little!" Ji Lun looked at the man who was walking side by side with Chao and called out.

That attitude was completely a 180 degree change from before. It seems that he is also a person of turbid Yuyu region. His identity is the first of the top ten disciples of Zhuoyu palace.

"Three, seven, what happened?" Li Chao was also surprised to see mu Qingge and Xuanyi, but he immediately walked to them and stood with them.

Xuanyi's delicate facial features are as cold as ice, without answering Li Chao's words.

Mu Qingge, however, looked at the other side with a flattering face and flattered the big and young guy of the turbid Yuyu region. He said slowly: "I happened to pass by here and saw this brother of Zhuo Yuyu region flirting with me in the street to change seven shaos of Yueyu."

She this does not cover up the explanation, make from Chao's face a change, look at the opposite of bad look.

Before that, Ji Lun, who was arrogant before, felt his scalp tight. He seemed to feel two sharp eyes like a knife's awn, falling on his body.

From Chao to see to Xuan, deep voice asked: "really this matter?"

Xuanyi's face was cold and he nodded his head.

After being admitted by Xuanyi, Li Chao Cai looks at the two people opposite him. He ignores Ji Lun and directly tells the people who came with him: "brother Yanquan, I'm afraid you will give me an explanation for this matter from Yuyu to Yueyu."

Yan Quan's eyelids jumped, and his eyes were cold: "brother Chao, it's just a misunderstanding among the disciples. It's not necessary to raise it to the problem between the gods."

From the corner of Chao's mouth gently pulled, smile gradually cold: "is the misunderstanding between the disciples, or the friction between the gods, it depends on elder brother Yanquan how to deal with it."

Standing next to Li Chao, mu Qingge could not help but murmured in his heart: "sure enough, in this continent, different status means different words." She could guarantee that, again, if she said it, it would not have any effect.

Yan Quan's eyes light cold, if ordinary, with his character, nature will not easily soft. However, it is now the time for the four gods to discuss Tao. If this matter becomes too big, it will only be more troublesome.

After a moment's quick thinking, he reached out his hand and shot a magic power. He directly hit Jilun's leg and made him kneel down.

"I don't want to apologize to seven young!" Yan Quan said in a sharp voice.

As Jilun knelt down, he felt a burst of humiliation in his heart. However, he did not dare to disobey Yan Quan's words. He could only bite his teeth and bow his head to apologize in full view of the public."Seven little, it's Jilun who has no eyes. I'm offended. Please don't pay attention to the nonsense before

His apology is really insincere.

Mu light song after listening, slightly frown.

However, Li Chao looks at Xuan Yi and signals her eyes. Even if he was not happy in his heart, he didn't refute his face. He just turned around and left.

As soon as she left, it was a revelation.

Yan Quan looked at Li Chao, and his smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes: "brother Li Chao, can you be satisfied?"

Li Chao also responded with the same smile and said to him: "during the period of the discussion of the Tao, the disciples of the four gods gathered together and asked elder brother Yanquan to control the disciples in the domain, so did I

"Thank you for reminding me." Yan Quan finish saying, cold Mu sweep to Ji Lun. The latter one is excited, gets up and follows him to turn to leave.

As soon as they left, the play was over, and the passers-by scattered separately to continue the previous events.

Mu Qingge turned his eyes to Li Chao, and said with a smile, "I saw that big and little came with Yan Quan before. I thought you were friends."

Li Chao said with a smile: "they are both Shenzu and Yuzhong disciples. I have seen them several times, and I can say a few words. But if it comes to friendship, there is no such thing. "

Finish saying, he eyebrow light frown for a while, to Mu light song way: "this time you go to old seven, I'm afraid they will also let them think about you."

Mu light song eyes light a squint, did not speak.

From Chao Road: "Yan Quan is a very conceited person, always pursuing perfection."

"If a man is too perfect, he is hypocritical." Mu light song hook lips smile way.

Li Chao did not agree, but said with a smile: "this time he led the team in Zhuoyu district. Today, because of the face and the discussion period, he didn't want to make a big deal of things, and he didn't want Zhuoyu to be discussed. That's why he was so good at talking. However, today's face lost, he will certainly find back, just do not know how he will find it back. You and Mr. seven, be careful. What's more, Ji Lun, who was in trouble for you before, is also the disciple in front of the hall of Zhuoyu, ranking the sixth. "

After listening to Mu light song, he nodded to remind him of leaving Chao.

"Let's go back together. This matter, I will also tell others, let everyone be careful to guard against Zhuo Yu Yu's dark hand. " From Chao said, and Mu light song together to the place where he lived.

On the other hand, Yan Quan and Ji Lun have gone far away.

Jilun couldn't help but say: "big little, today's suffocating and bending, just like this? Have we ever suffered such a grievance? "

"You have the face to say it!" Yan Quan swept to Ji Lun with cold eyes.

Jilun's body trembled and did not dare to say more.

Yan Quan said coldly, "if you want to tease a woman, you should also see the object clearly. That changes him seven young, cultivates is too forgetful the way, the cold you provoke her to do what? They will make trouble, but they will not be fair. Finally, they will lose my face and let me help you to finish it. "

Jilun was trained not to answer back, can only bear silently.

When Yan Quan finished venting his anger, Ji luncai cautiously said, "all that big Shao said is right. However, our disciples of Zhuoyu can't lose face like this. Ji Lun was wrong about Xuanyi. But what's the other little white face? How dare you shout with us

"All right." Yan Quan interrupted him.

His eyes are cold, and the bottom of his eyes reflects the cold light. "Li Chao called him the third, which seems to be that the change Yueyu domain recently defeated the Qianshui superior that changed Yuesan. It is said that he also made a great contribution to change Yue domain. This time, I came to Zhongshan area to participate in the discussion of the four gods. "

Yan Quan's eyes narrowed and a sneer came out of his mouth. He said to Jilun, "since you are here to participate in the sermon, it's easy. Today, how can you find it when you talk about Tao. Let's also let the people of Yueyu have a look. In addition to their God Emperor, their disciples are not as good as those of our turbid Yuyu region! "

"Yes! More or less. " Ji Lun eyes in a bright, eyes suddenly burst out of excited light.

He has fully understood Yan Quan's meaning.



The sound of the bell came from the snow city of Zhongshan area, covering the whole Zhongshan area.

In the city of spring, anyone who hears the bell can't help but stop and look up at the giant ship which is suspended between heaven and earth. The white holy land is full of yearning breath.

From Chao led nine people, standing in front of the door, the same in the bell to see the ethereal snow city. "The discourse is about to begin."

Is it time to start?

Mu Qingge looks at the snow city and talks to himself in his heart.

All the disciples of the four God realm have arrived, and the discussion of Tao begins immediately.

When the bell rang, other disciples of Sanyu, who lived in Chuncheng temporarily, followed the disciples of Zhongshan domain who came to lead the way and entered the snow city.

Once in the snow city, mu Qingge's eyes immediately showed a world of snow covered, ice sculpture gorgeous.

Around her, there are also disciples of Wei Yi Yu and Zhuo Yu Yu. Mu Qingge easily sees the face camouflaged by Simao among the people in Wei Yi domain.At this time, the face did not leave a trace to her.

Two people's line of sight, in the mid air intersection, a touch is divided, did not attract anyone's attention.

"When the four gods began to discuss Taoism, the disciples of each domain went to the Daotai." Snow city in the air, sounded a majestic voice.

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