"Do you think I'm blind, or is Zhongshan God blind?" Mu Qingge satirizes and sneers.

However, as soon as she said this, she took a breath of cold air.

Zhong Shan shenhuang's ice blue eyes directly looked at her and was very interested.

"What are you talking about! You dare to insult the emperor of Zhongshan Yan Quan's face changed and he said immediately.

His roar made the disciples of Zhongshan area dissatisfied.

However, mu Qingge was still calm and sarcastically said, "which ear of you heard me abusing the emperor of Zhongshan? Is the heart guilty, want to change the topic? "

"My little song is going to make trouble again." Si Mo stands in the crowd, looking at the dazzling red clothes on the stage, the obvious moqingge, and a happy smile rises from the corners of his mouth.

He likes to see moqingge so much. At this time, in his eyes, moqingge is like a cute and open-minded little tiger, which makes him want to hold it in his arms.

From Chao indifferently opened his mouth, "the ice needle that shot at me just now is indeed from the direction of your turbid Yuyu region. I would have been in a coma if I hadn't been reminded by the third

In my mind, I'm afraid that I still have some in mind.

If there is no Mu light song to remind, he may be inexplicably eliminated, is to lose the face of Yue domain!

Think of such consequences, from Chao grateful Xiangmu light song to see a light, light jaw head.

The man who changed Yue also stood up and looked at the direction of Zhuo Yu domain unswervingly.

"Hum! What ice needle, you change Yue domain to slander people, also want to see the object. Do you think we are easy to bully Yan Quan cold voice counterattack, cheeky, can be called a unique.

He not only denied Li Chao's words, but also continued to suppress mu Qingge: "how wise and powerful the God Emperor is. How dare you say that the emperor is blind and that you have not insulted the emperor

"Why do you say we are gods?"

"Are you so arrogant and despotic when you change Yueyu?"

"This is Zhongshan District, not Yueyu district. Dare to insult our God here, and go back to your field of exchange. "

"It's too easy to go back. You have to hand over the culprit and punish him severely. And let him give us an account. "

"Yes! Let's make an apology to the emperor of Zhongshan


At the instigation of Yan Quan, the disciples of Zhongshan region have pointed their spearheads at the field of changing Yue.

Mu Qingge sneers. She looks at the emperor of Zhongshan who is sitting on the ice lotus, but only sees his interesting appearance. It seems that she intends to see the opera.

She took back her eyes and looked at Yan Quan's direction. She didn't miss the sneer in Jilun's hostile eyes.

Mu Qingge couldn't help laughing in his heart. "They think that by confusing the public and the public, they can muddle through the cheating and plotting directly?"

The anger of the disciples of Zhongshan domain made the disciples of Yueyu field nervous one by one.

Five little see to Mu light song frown, "you just said that sentence to do what!" In the tone, there is a sense of blame.

From Chao immediately stop: "old five, old three saved us." He can be sure that if Yan Quan is daring to attack him, he will not let others go.

Therefore, mu Qingge's drinking just now not only saved him, but also saved other people.

Five less breath a stagnation, pursed lips silence, eyes anxious and helpless.

When the disciples of Zhongshan area can vent their anger almost. Mu Qingge then calmly said: "don't you find that the people standing on the platform are strange?"

The people who did not dare to believe it or not, looked around her. Those who watch the snow peak also pay attention to it.

Zhongshan shenhuang's mouth slightly raised, flashing a no trace smile. That pair of ice blue eyes, a more interested look.

Yan Quan frowns.

He did not seem to think that mu Qingge was attacked in such a way that he did not defend himself at all. On the contrary, he kept biting on the affair of Zhuoyu.

He wanted to add another fire, but mu Qingge was the first to export: "you didn't find that the disciples on this stage are the most in the turbid Yuyu region? If you compare the jade slips in their hands, you can even find an interesting thing. Their answers, right and wrong, are very similar. "


Mu Qingge's words shocked everyone.

Only the God of Zhongshan has a light expression, and he can't see what he is thinking. But Si Mo's interest, is in the Mu light song body, looks at her dazzling appearance, other people's reaction, is not in his attention at all.

Yan Quan and others, face a change, heart suddenly some panic.

In advance, they did not calculate, if you put all the Yujian of Zhuoyu's disciples together to compare, such a picture.

Let them respond to Mu Qingge. It's impossible to recite five thousand Taoist Scriptures correctly. There will be some subtle differences. But each person's record ability is not the same, the expression ability is not the same, in the jade bamboo slip content, will have the bigger difference.It is as like as two peas.

For example, there are three eggs and five stones in the bamboo basket. The original sentence was transcribed, if not word for word, "there are three eggs and five stones in the bamboo basket." If there are several answers to such subtle differences, it is doubtful.

What's more, the content of Taoist Scriptures is much more complicated than that. The possibility of the same difference and the same error is less likely.

If this possibility is magnified infinitely among the disciples of Zhuoyu region, there is only one possibility.

"Turbid Yuyu is cheating." Understanding the meaning of Mu light song, Zhuangshan said a deep voice.

Cheating in Zhuoyu?

Zhuo Yuyu cheated!

All of a sudden, this sentence caused an uproar.

Those elders on the snow peak and the turbid Yuyu region all looked pale. They really wronged them because it was the plan of Yan Quan and his disciples, and they did not tell them about it.

When the time came, mu Qingge continued to say, "before I finished burning, I was resting, but I accidentally found that the disciples of Zhuoyu region secretly passed on jade slips. After that, they secretly took out ice needles and attacked others in an attempt to create the illusion of exhaustion of consciousness, vomiting blood and coma. In this way, the number of winners in this round is the Zhuoyu region. "

There was an uproar.

By mu Qingge's explanation, they seem to be aware of the wrong.

Especially the disciples of Zhongshan domain and Wei Yi domain, there are so few people standing on the Taoist platform now.

"This is the doctrine of the four gods. It is in the area of Zhongshan. It is under the eyes of the emperor of Zhongshan. If you dare to be so bold, are you not blind? Are you insulting the emperor of Zhongshan, or am I insulting him? " Mu light song cold drink, just words.

No one expected that things would change like this.

And Yan Quan did not expect that mu Qingge could be so powerful. In a few words, he told them about their cheating and conspiracy, and he also put the things he had planted on them.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouth." The way of Yan Quan's hatred.

Jilun now hate the Mu light song, before he had to fight against him, now come to destroy their big event.

He gritted his teeth and quibbled: "what you said is only one side of your story. Do you have any evidence?"

Mu Qingge raised his eyebrows and said, "evidence? You want evidence? " Her eyes, full of irony. "I've just said whether to cheat or not. Take out all your jade slips. If you compare them, it will be clear at a glance. As for the plot... " She looked at Li Chao and said with a smile, "I changed Yue domain's big and small, isn't it a witness?"

From Chao Yang's head, the eye light cold way: "good! I broke the ice needle that shot me. This is the best proof

"Big little, you are wrong." Mu light suddenly opened his mouth. In his puzzled eyes and Yan Quan's haze expression, he pondered: "the best witness is Zhongshan shenhuang."

She looked at the emperor of Zhongshan and said in a loud voice, "do you think that everything you have done can be concealed from the emperor?"

At this time, mu Qingge finally moved out the Great Buddha of Zhongshan God.

Before that, she had made it so obvious, and there was a basis for it, and the article was clear. Moreover, he also held a hand of Zhongshan God. If he doesn't pretend to be deaf in the dark, he will continue to speak?

He saw it, to say the least. Even if you don't see it, you have to look like you've seen it. Otherwise, where is his face?

"What a clever little fellow. He forced the emperor to go down according to his will. " The emperor of Zhongshan said in his heart. In the ice blue eyes, there is a strong interest.

"The people of the turbid Yuyu region are so shameless

"Not only shameless, but also despicable!"

"Too much! I said, why are there so many people in Zhongshan. It turns out that this group of guys cheated by the same means. "

"Disqualify them!"

"Yes, Zhuo Yuyu can't take part in the next competition. Otherwise, we will not know that we have been plotted. "

People were indignant.

Those elders in Zhuo Yuyu region secretly said something bad, and they immediately pleaded with the God Emperor of Zhongshan: "God of Zhongshan, this time, it's really the children's fault. But please remember that they are just eager to win, for a moment confused, let them go. After all, some of them still rely on their own ability to persist until now. If they are all disqualified, wouldn't they be wronged? "

At last, the emperor of Zhongshan spoke slowly. His expression did not show joy and anger. "Comparing the jade slips of all the disciples in Zhuoyu region, all similar jade slips will be disqualified. The rest, keep playing. If you dare to move your hands and feet secretly and feel that the emperor's old eyes are dim, all of you in the turbid Yuyu region should leave Zhongshan region ahead of time. In addition, I will personally write a book to explain it to the emperor Zhuoyu. "

The decision of Zhong Shan God emperor made mu Qingge feel a little regretful. She looked at the emperor of Zhongshan and frowned.www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!