On the challenge arena, the fire is all over the sky, and the powerful power of fire system rules even stops yulv and Li Chao, who are fighting fiercely on the other side, and look back at the direction of Xiangmu Qingge and Yan Quan.


On the ice lotus, the emperor of Zhongshan seems to smell a trace of wrong in the fire. His body, a little forward.

However, after a moment, he seemed to think of something in his mind, and his body returned to its original state.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Smile, full of a look that people can't understand.

"This Is this the power from the third floor of the cave? "

"How terrible! Why is the power of the law mobilized so powerful? "

"Not only that, I think the flame is unusual!"

"My God! This fire bath in the sky is the technique of turbid Yuyu region, which has never been spread to the public. After only watching it once, have you mastered the key? "

"If this is the case, as long as these talents do not die young, they will be famous in the future."

"Why is dongshenlu? I'm afraid that after that, the name of his three little admirers of light songs will be famous in the land of four sea gods. "

Before disdain sound, gradually transformed into shock.

However, the old people in the turbid Yuyu region were extremely ugly. They looked at Yan Quan, who was enveloped by the fire on the challenge arena, and wished that he could jump out and teach mu Qingge a lesson.

Naturally, they would not think that Yan Quan, who was originally the root of fire spirit, would be hurt by this move.

First of all, Yan Quan is the root of fire spirit, and the law of fire system does little harm to him.

Secondly, how can he hurt him if he is the sixth floor of the spirit cave, a fire bath from the third floor of the spirit cave, or a fake fire bath sky?

Unfortunately, when they had great confidence in Yan Quan, they forgot that fire bathing in the sky was an attack technique that required six levels of strength in the spirit cave.

What's more, he forgot that, according to Yan Quan's character, even if he was swallowed up by the fire, he would not wait to die. If he stood still, he would definitely fight back.

And now, quiet It's so quiet!

They are looking forward to the counterattack of Yan Quan and the defeat of Mu Qingge.

Si Mo conceals among them, he looks at the eyes in the fire light to become some playful. His eyes light flow, fell on those old people in the turbid Yuyu region.

Staring at them, Simao frowned slightly and said in his heart, "how can I let you old guys add trouble to my little song?"

His eyes narrowed and his mouth sneered at him.

When no one paid attention to it, when everyone was attracted by the fire on the arena, his fingertips were wrapped with a few filaments, which, like a spirit snake, drifted from his fingers and fell quietly on the elders of the turbid Yuyu region and penetrated into his skin.

At that moment, the bodies of these people were stunned, their eyes were dull for a moment, and then returned to normal.


On the challenge arena, the power of fire law finally dissipated.

Just when people expect Yan Quan to stand intact as before mu Qingge, they find that there is a figure in the place where Yan Quan stands when the fire is retreating, but the figure has turned into a pile of burnt out black ash.

A gust of wind blew him all over the place and disappeared.


Yan Quan is dead?

Yan Quan died like this!

People were shocked.

Around the challenge arena, suddenly fell into a silent.

Yan Quan's death was unexpected. Only Simao, as well as the emperor of Zhongshan, seemed to have known that Yanquan was dead. They were not shocked at the result.

"Big and little!"

"Elder martial brother Yanquan!"

"Elder martial brother Yan Quan died?"

The disciples of Zhuo Yuyu region, standing near the challenge arena, were stunned to see this scene. As if they didn't believe what their eyes saw, they could not help rubbing their eyes, but when they opened their eyes again, the result was still the same.

Yan Quan is dead.

From Chao's brow, his lips pressed into a line, and his whole face tightened. He looked at Mu light song standing in place as if nothing had happened.

"Yan Quan is dead. It's a good show. Brother Li Chao, it seems that we don't have to compare. " Jade law not cold and not hot, so that Chao left an eye knife, mood more dignified.

Yan Quan is dead. What about muqingge?

It is not allowed to hurt people's lives, otherwise, they will be expelled for life and will no longer be allowed to participate in it.

"Oh! The third one is too aggressive this time. " At the moment, from Chao's heart, there is no joy of moqingge winning, but worried.

On the edge of the challenge arena, Zhuang Shan and several of them are also worried about the fate of muqingge.

"You killed our senior brother Yanquan

"He killed!"

"You killed our royal highness, the head of the ten disciples of Zhuoyu district!"

"Drive him out!"The disciples of Zhuo Yuyu region finally woke up from shock and began to denounce mu Qingge.

The other disciples of the three gods kept silent and did not express their opinions. For Yue domain's person, at this moment also did not know how should for the Mu light song excuse, in the heart all for her to pinch a sweat.

"What should I do? I'm glad that the third one killed him. But if he is expelled from the Analects... " Change he five little eyebrows tight.

Four young slowly shook his head, "now this matter, is no longer what we disciples can say. Unfortunately, the emperor is not there. If the emperor is there, maybe the third one still has hope. "

Around the arena, some people are worried about the fate of muqingge, some are gloating, some are not concerned with themselves, others are teasing and waiting.

All beings are different.

On the ice lotus, the emperor of Zhongshan, intentionally or unintentionally, looked at the direction where some of the people in the turbid Yuyu region were. It seemed strange that they were silent at the moment.

According to the law, at this time, the descendants of Zhuoyu's core were killed. They should have jumped out and vowed to kill all the killers in the arena.

At a time when there are different opinions, mu Qingge comes with a sentence, "why? Can this fire bath day actually kill people? I don't know. "




What did she say?

She said, she didn't know fire bath can kill people?

Ha ha!

What the hell's the answer!

Mu light song words, so that the surrounding silence down, as if the ghost looked at her.

Those disciples of Zhuoyu region were angry, and they criticized one after another --

"hum! Fire bathing in the sky is a very strong fire technique in Zhuoyu region. Naturally, it is extremely powerful. How can you not kill people? "

"Good! Few people can survive in a fire bath. " Having just finished this sentence, Zhuo Yuyu's disciple suddenly thought that mu Qingge was still intact and silent before mu Qingge.

"The fire bath is so fierce that you can't kill people!"

"Don't quibble when you kill someone!"

Mu light Song mouth light hook up, light way: "originally, fire bath day can kill people! When I saw elder brother Yanquan come, I used this move for me. I thought it was a harmless technique. Why didn't I die, but brother Yanquan died? "

All the people were stunned by her words.

No one here is a fool. How can you not hear the sarcasm in the words of muqingge?

You Zhuo Yuyu's disciples believe that this fire bath is a killing move. Then, it's your elder martial brother Yanquan who first used it. And moqingge? Just because of his extremely high talent, Yan Quan felt the key to the technique from his moves. He also used a high imitation.

Now Yan Quan is unlucky to die, but mu Qingge is not dead. How can he be charged with murder?

If you want to talk about it, Yan Quan was the first to kill people.

The hidden meaning in Mu Qingge's words makes the situation more subtle. Zhongshan shenhuang's eyes are more playful, and the ice blue eyes reflect the figure of moqingge.

Mu Qingge's crisis is not chaotic, her calm, and clear words, so that the surrounding silence.

Change Yue domain that side, four little and Zhuang mountain Mou burst out the essence, a touch of faint smile spread out. On the challenge arena, the jade law frowns slightly, but the brow that leaves Chao tight frown is stretched.

"You said that I killed people. I just used the same moves to fight back. How could it be regarded as killing?" Mu Qingge asked innocently.

"You You're not dead! Our elder martial brother Yanquan is dead! " A reprimand, but did not have the tone before firm.

Mu Qingge's mouth rose and began to laugh. "I'm not dead. It's not Yan Quan who doesn't want to kill me. But if he dies, it's his misfortune, and it's not that I want to kill him. At the moment, I am also shocked. How could brother Yanquan die in front of me, a beginner? Obviously, I have nothing to do with it. Your logic is really funny, saying that fire bath day is a killing move. Now that I'm not dead, can it mean that I don't count? "

She snorted coldly and shook her sleeve to question: "dare to ask, people kill me, I kill, this is the justice of heaven. People kill me first, I fight back. Now that I'm not dead, how can I become a murderer? How innocent I am? What does it matter to me? Isn't it true that in your heart, it's right to have someone to kill, to wait to be killed, and to be arrested? What's more, Yan Quan and I fought fairly. He made a move to take a fire bath in the sky, and I also made a fire bath in the sky. If he died, blame me? "

An impassioned speech made me clear.

"Wonderful Four little excitedly praised.

Wu Shao looks at him and doesn't know why.

Four little looked at him, slowly shook his head, also lazy to explain.

At the moment, the disciples of Zhuo Yuyu region, others, and people watching the battle from afar were all moved by mu Qingge's words. For a while, there was no refutation.

Mu Qingge stands tall and straight on the challenge arena, with an unyielding expression. She looked at the emperor, sonorous and powerful way: "Zhongshan God, mu Qingge is innocent, please return my innocence. I always abide by this saying that you should not kill people. Since it is a killing move to bathe the sky with fire, why does Yan Quan use it against me? "Zhongshan shenhuang's eyes drooped and fell on her with a funny smile in his mouth.

After a short time, he looked at some elders in Zhuoyu area and said slowly, "some of you, Yan Quan is from Zhuoyu. Now, how do you see this matter?"

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