From changing Yue domain, mu Qingge is still thinking about the old man's words.

"He lived here before."

Mu Qingge looks up at the floating in the sea of clouds in the Yueyu region, the kind of ethereal fairyland, which makes countless people yearn for.

She broke into a laugh and withdrew her eyes.

"They all thought that the old God Emperor of Yueyu had gone back to the ruins, and now the God Emperor has ascended the throne. However, who knows that the old emperor is still alive and well. He has a bright body and is willing to be ordinary in the field of changing Yue. "

Mu light song in the heart.

Why did they do this and what was their plot?

At present, muqingge is unknown.

She just vaguely felt that she had become a part of their plan unconsciously after she entered the field of changing Yue. However, it doesn't matter. Driven by interests, it doesn't mean that she can't make any profit by using each other.

Just like this moment, her new identity.

Mu Qingge raised his hand to empty play his clothes, the corner of his mouth raised a smile that seemed to smile.

When she came down from the upper city of the city, those gods who were attached to the city had already known that she was the little god of the city.

And this matter, as the emperor said, in a few days, in the four seas God land everyone knows.

This is what she wants.

She wants this news, accurate and fast spread to Mu Tianyin's ears, so that he can no longer sit still, from the dark hiding place, take the initiative to jump out.

As long as he moves, he won't be able to catch him!

Mu light song clear eye bottom, spread a cold light.

"Dare to ask this, but mu Xiaoshen Huang?" All of a sudden, a respectful and polite inquiry came from the back of Mu Qingge.

The voice was familiar to her, but strange.

Mu light song convergence of mind, look back and turn, see the people behind him, can't help but be stunned.

That face, that figure, is completely in the Zhongshan area, Si Mo disguised appearance.

But, Mu light song but can distinguish, this person, is not Si Mo disguise disguise!

"I am muqingge." Mu light song's eyes darkened for a moment and admitted his identity.

Seeing that he didn't find the wrong person, Baishi immediately showed a more respectful smile and sang to Mu Qinghuang: "Mu xiaoshenhuang, I'm Baishi, a disciple of weiyiyu hall. We've met in Zhongshan area."

Mu Qingge showed a playful smile and nodded, "yes, we have met."

Baishi said with a smile: "I don't know what we were talking about at the beginning. How did muxiaoshenhuang think about it? By the way, I haven't had time to congratulate mu sanshao on becoming the little God Emperor of Yueyu region. "

"You're welcome." Mu light song light said a sentence, and white stone way: "you said, but together to the West God Lu Li practice?"

White stone eye light a bright, nod a way: "good! That's exactly what happened. It was agreed that after they were ready, I would come to Yueyu to look for you. Now I am here. "

Mu Qingge said with a smile: "I have just come down, ready to experience."

"In that case, let's go. I'm ready for the empty boat White stone road.

Mu Qingge lightly points the jaw head and leaves with white stone.

Their departure did not disturb anyone. Even if someone notices their conversation, they don't think about it elsewhere. Because they were really just talking about going to the West God Lu Lilian together, and did not talk about other things.

In the land of the four seas, it is common for the disciples of each god realm to go to various places to experience after practice.

For example, Tong Teng, who left the Yueyu region three months ago, does not know where to train now, and whether he is still in the east god land.

Baishi leads the way in front, while muqingge follows behind.

Two people from the air over the range of Yue, Mu light song from the space to release small color. Xiaocai Qingxiao, turned into Caifeng, turned to invite mu Qingge to come up.

See small color, white stone eyes in a bright, praise: "this is the Phoenix family, blood special edge!"

"Good eyesight." Mu Qingsong smiles.

Two people stand on the back of small color, small color flutter wings and fly, according to the direction pointed out by white stone, fly toward the star sea.

The speed of Xiaocai is very fast. After coming to the land of gods and demons, it seems that it is more suitable for flying. Compared with that in the middle ages, it is a little faster.

It took only a day and a half to bring them to the edge of the star sea.

"My Lord, the empty boat is ahead. The Lord is up there waiting for you. " The white stone points to the outline of a vague empty boat and sings to Mu light.

Si Mo unexpectedly also came!

Mu Qingge was a little surprised. She thought that she would not see him until he arrived at the West God land.

Press the heart joy, Mu light song to white stone way: "in God land, you still call me Mu light song."

"This I dare not. " White stone looks respectful. He didn't know the true identity of muqingge, but the person who could be worthy of the master's personal service and maintained everywhere would certainly not be a simple character.He is a spy of the demon clan. He can mix well in the Protoss. Naturally, he has extraordinary skills. He is good at dancing and has exquisite faces. This is the most basic ability.

Therefore, since it is not easy to guess the identity of muqingge, he naturally dare not be too casual.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. You can call me normally." Mu Qingge doesn't care about Tao.

Baishi thought for a moment and asked tentatively, "well May I call you "San Shao"

Mu Qingge nodded, "yes."

As they spoke, they had reached the empty boat.

Mu Qingge stood on the back of small color, looked down, and saw Si Mo standing on the deck, smiling at her. And the lonely cliff and the lonely night are guarding behind him.

This time, he showed himself as he was, and why he had something to hide.

Mu Qingge had no choice but to admit: "this guy is more and more bold! Is the devil kingdom free recently? We can make him go to shenlu on this trip. "

In the heart although abdomen Fei, but, Mu light song also knows, is because of oneself, Si Mo just so adventurous.

In addition to worrying about his safety, the rest of her heart was deeply moved.

Mu Qingge jumps from Xiaocai and Baishi follows. Small color calls a sound, be mu light song raise hand between income space.

She jumped, Si Mo immediately jumped up from the deck, stretched out his hand in the air to her.

He stretched out his long arm and put his arm around mu Qingge's waist. They circled and fell in the air and finally stood on the deck.

Baishi was so stunned that he couldn't believe his eyes.

When has the Lord been so intimate with others?

Do you mean

Before the news came from the devil Kingdom, the king had a princess. Moreover, the princess is very convincing in the demon Kingdom, and even the vassal lords admire her.

However, this princess has a mysterious origin. After the king came back to preside over the overall situation, he drifted away.

Is it possible that this adoring little god is the princess!

But But the princess is a woman, and the little emperor is a man!

White stone is confused.

He stood on the deck, looking at mu Qingge and Si Mo's indifferent eyes, his face full of amazement.

"Cough." A slight cough from the lonely cliff wakes him up.

Baishi shook his head, looked at the lonely cliff and asked, "this..."

"Well, that's a good guess. Just know it in your heart. Don't ask for some words, or you will bear the consequences. " The lonely cliff said to him.

Baishi swallowed and nodded.

In short, Gu Ya's words have been told him. Muqingge is the princess of their demon clan. As for why it looks like a man, it must be that their king is afraid that the princess will walk in the Protoss. Some people of the protoss who don't know how to live or die make the princess's idea and deliberately use the most precious magic tools to change it.

Simao completely ignored the shock of white stone, he took Mu light song's hand, went straight to the other side, whispered.

"I have not yet congratulated you, and now I have become the little God Emperor of Yueyu region."

Mu Qingge smiles, "these names are just my cover. You know, sooner or later I will disturb the land of God. " Not for themselves, but for the Mu people.

This is the responsibility that she originally rejected, but step by step, she is willing to take on.

Si Mo nodded and said to her, "we are going to go to the West God land now. The spirit of the holy scenery has been escorted into the West God land."

Mu light song eyes light a sink, "this black market behind, in the end is what person, incredibly even small God Emperor dare to start."

"It depends on the people. If it is said that the other party's designated little God Emperor is the North Yan of the Eastern god Luzhong mountain area, they will not accept the list. As for the people behind them, you will understand if you walk more in the land of God Si Mo Dao.

Mu light Song Mou Guang Yi Lin, already heard the meaning of Si Mo words. That is, the black market of buying and selling deities is related to some apparent forces of shenlu.

"To the West God land, I will accompany you as a white stone. I'll hide him for a while Si Mo Dao.



Empty boat, in the vast sea of stars, constantly approaching the West God land.

This is the first time for mu Qingge to sit on an empty boat with Simao and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Xinghai. For some reason, she even felt that the beauty of the star sea had become gorgeous and dazzling.

The East shenlu is directly from the West shenlu and spans a large sea of stars. Even though Baishi adjusted the speed of the empty boat to the fastest speed, it still took them almost two months to get to Darcy.

After entering xishen land, MuQing singers hold the identity card of Yueyu, while Simao turns into a white stone with Shura noodles, and passes the inspection with his identity.

During the examination, mu Qingge obviously felt the God of the inspection. When she saw her surname, she was nervous for a moment. However, after seeing her change Yue domain's identity card, it returned to normal.

Finally entered the West God land, mu Qingge and Si Mo immediately went to the black market where they bought and sold deities without a moment's delay.However, when they arrived, they received a disappointing news.

The Godhead has been taken.

"Originally, I said I came to pick it up today, but I don't know why I took it three days ahead of schedule. Our people didn't know it until the next day." Si Mo's spy reports to him.

"He is very crafty." Mu light song heard the news, in the heart of a cold hum. , the fastest update of the webnovel!