"What! What do you say, teacher Mu Tianyin's voice, suddenly excited.

"Don't worry." Tianlu comfort way.

Not in a hurry? How can he not be in a hurry?!

Mu Tianyin did not speak any more, but his panting voice could be heard. He was angry at the moment.

Outside the door, two people looked at each other. The man holding the box in both hands said, "little Lord, elder, the things are back."

"Come in." Inside the cave, came the voice of the man at the foot of heaven.

Two people outside the cave, holding the box, walked in. After entering the cave, they saw Mu Tianyin's gloomy face. After only one look, they hastily withdraw their eyes and dare not look at them more.

During this period of time, the little Lord's temper is more and more violent, they are really worried about their own lives.

"Put it down." There is also an old man in the room.

Dressed in a simple white robe, he still clubbed a scepter like jade rather than jade, like teeth not teeth. The head of the stick was carved like a monster, and its eyes were inlaid with scarlet stones.

He sat on one side with a calm expression, not like the irascibility of admiring the shadow of the sky.

The people who came in obeyed the orders, put the box carefully on the table in front of the old man, and bowed back to one side.

They dare not leave without being told.

The old man, with a wave of his scepter, immediately opened the closed box on the table, and a crystal soft light was immediately emitted from the open box.

Suddenly, Mu Tianyin's line of sight was also attracted by the box.

No, to be precise, he was attracted to the contents of the box.

As soon as the box was opened, the contents inside began to move, as if to escape from the box. However, it moved, a struggle, the box on the emergence of a red light net, it is firmly trapped, unable to break free.

The old man was satisfied with a smile. He waved his Scepter again. The lid of the box was covered again. The glittering light disappeared and the box returned to peace.

On the lid of the box, a glimmer of expectation appeared in Mu Tianyin's eyes. That expectation turned into an instant of impatience, which made his whole gloomy face excited.

"Well, well done. Get out of the way. " The old man bowed and waited in the room.

When they heard this, they were relieved.

"Yes, elder."

"Yes, elder."

In response, the two stepped back and turned to leave the cave.

However, just as they turned around, Mu Tianyin, who had been standing in the cave, suddenly raised his right arm and waved towards their vests.

The red light suddenly appeared, and the blood filled the whole cave.

The two men, who wanted to quit, were stiff at the moment, with an incredible light in their eyes. Before they could call out, they rushed forward and lost their breath when they fell to the ground.

But in their waistcoat place, left several ferocious claw mark, flesh and blood, the heart inside has broken into pieces.

The two men died unexpectedly. I'm afraid that at the moment of their death, they could not understand why they died. It is clear that they have completed the task and become meritorious officials.

The sight of the old man, falling on the two bodies on the ground, did not show any surprise. He moved his eyes and fell on Mu Tianyin who took back his hand slowly. "Why did you kill them?"

Mu Tianyin's voice was gloomy, and his eyes were cold-blooded: "my secret, a teacher can know it." He tidied the gloves on his right hand.

The gloves were made of metal, which spread from his fingers to the right shoulder joint. The hand hidden in the sleeve is, somehow, bigger than the left arm by a circle. It looks extremely discordant.

The black robe on his body, will his whole human temperament, set off more gloomy and violent.

Mu Tianyin explained that the old man did not say much.

Soon, there was the sound of footsteps. The sound of armor entered the cave. The guard lowered his head and quickly carried away the two corpses on the ground.

After cleaning up the cave, Mu Tianyin can't wait to ask: "teacher, when to start?"

The old man shook his head slowly. These days, you first ease the breath, only in the best state, you in the process of integration, will reduce the probability of accidents. You've been on the fifth floor of the cave for many years. Perhaps, this integration is an opportunity for you to break through cultivation. You should take good advantage of it. "

His words made Mu Tianyin's eyes narrowed slightly. Between the eyes, flashing a fierce light, that kind of oppression in the heart for many years of hate, has been ready to move, so that he can not and do not want to suppress.


In the small space world of muqingge, people sit on the ground with their legs crossed. Their spiritual power is beginning to transform.

Nuyin has been planted. Next, the result is waiting.

Mu Qingge and Simao, as well as the high priest and Meng Meng, who do not need to be enslaved, stand aside to guard. And silver dust and white, then one step to the place where the middle ancient world to hold the strong during the robbery period to prepare everything.Si Mo Mou light lift, swept over the quiet standing in Mu light song beside the magic puppet, to Mu light song way: "if you encounter danger, you can call them out to fight."

Mu light song can not be checked nodded, "they are the bottom card, is the card, naturally can not be easily exposed. It's just She frowned a little, thinking in her eyes.

"Just what?" Si Mo asks a way.

Mu Qingge said in a deep voice: "these two magic puppets, their cultivation level is the eight levels of the spirit cave state, I'm afraid..." She shook her head and laughed.

Words for finish, but let Si Mo understand her meaning.

Today, she is already the seventh floor of the spirit cave state, and the two magic puppets are the eighth level of the spirit cave state. It seems that the role of the bottom card has been little.

"It's not impossible to improve the cultivation of gods, demons and puppets." Suddenly, the high priest said.

This sentence, immediately attracted the attention of Mu Qingge and Si mo.

The high priest said with a smile: "the reason why the cultivation of gods, demons and puppets cannot be changed is that they do not have their own divine consciousness. As if they had divine consciousness, their accomplishments could be restored to several levels. With these two accomplishments, they could at least be restored to the level of saints. If they have a strong sense of God, they may be able to cultivate themselves in the future. "

"Divine consciousness?" Murmur in the mouth of the song.

Where is she going to find the right divinity?

"Why should the young master be entangled? Aren't you very good at divinity? " Said the high priest.

"Mine?" Mu Qingge was surprised.

Simao also looked at the high priest, thinking carefully about the feasibility of what he said.

The high priest nodded, "yes. In the volume of Shence, there are ways to divide the divine consciousness

Mu Qingge nodded.

She was not surprised that the high priest knew some of the secrets of the book. After all, he was close to Mu Zu in those days, and he knew more or less about the volume of Shence.

"The little Lord only needs to divide his own divine consciousness into two parts and inject them into the two gods and Demons respectively, and they can become your left-handed and right-handed existence. With only one thought, they can act according to your instructions, and there will be absolutely no mistakes." Said the high priest.

After listening to Mu light song, the eyes light flow turn to see Si mo.

And Si Mo also looked at her, under her gaze, slowly nodded.

After Simao made a statement, mu Qingge took back his eyes and nodded to the high priest: "I know it in my mind."

After that, she said, "it takes some time for them to transform their spiritual power. They are almost ready there. I will go first."

The high priest said, "please wait here to prevent any accidents. In the other place, let me accompany the young master. "

He obviously wants to open up Simao and talk to Mu Qingge alone.

Si Mo understand, Mu light song also understand. She took a deep look at the high priest and said to Si Mo, "ah Mo, can you stay and look after one or two?"

Si Mo smiles and nods.

He would never refuse any request of moqingge.

After that, mu Qingge and the high priest went to the place where the strong men of the middle ages were imprisoned.

"Their accomplishments were not enough. Even if they printed the seal of slaves, after transformation, they only said that they were free of divine fusion and thunder robbery. If you want to really help the little Lord, I'm afraid it will take some time to practice hard. Little Lord, don't worry about this. There are training towers that can control the time, as well as various kinds of spiritual flowers and herbs. I will urge them to practice hard. In the practice tower, one day is relative to one year. As long as they work hard, they can quickly go out to help the little Lord. Therefore, in this early stage, those who were used by the little Lord were still those masters who were captured by the little Lord The high priest analyzed it slowly.

Mu Qingge nodded and agreed with his words.

After talking about it, the high priest hesitated and said, "little Lord, uncle, he..." He took a deep breath and made up his mind to say to Mu Qingge: "his eyes are only the blood of the royal family in the devil kingdom. His identity must be known to the young master. However, has the little Lord ever considered that there is a long gap between the two clans. Unless he or you are willing to give up your existing identity, it is too difficult to finally be together. "

Mu Qingge's steps stopped.

She looked up at the high priest and said, "he and I will be together."

A few simple words give her answer.

She walked quickly towards the place of detention, and her attitude had shown that she did not want to talk about it again.

When they arrived at the place of detention, silver dust, white bamboo and black bamboo had already destroyed the hypnotic burning incense, making these hundreds of experts in the period of robbery wake up slowly from their long sleep.

The first person to open his eyes was song Tianji, who was called Mr. Tianji.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw mu Qingge standing in front of him, standing high and cold. This made his eyes shrink and puzzled again.

Isn't muqingge already announced his woman's body? Why did you change to men's clothes again? And where is this?

Recalling the things before coma, song Tianji immediately responded. He looked at Xiangmu light song and burst out cold light in his eyes."Muqingge, you use despicable means to catch us, I don't accept it!" He gritted his teeth.

However, Mu light song but hook lips smile, eyes light cold, look scornful way: "do not accept, you also have to obey."

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