In the humble courtyard, in the cave deep underground, the Tianlu people come out of the cave where Mu Tianyin lives. The cave is very quiet, and even the breath of Mu Tianyin becomes very stable.

"Elder." A man came to Tianlu and took a careful look at the cave.

Tianlu's eyes suggested him that they were far away from the cave where the shadow of heaven was worshipped.

After walking far away, the talent asked, "elder, little Lord, he..."

Tianlu raised his hand and interrupted him, "Tianyin doesn't want too many people to know about it. You know it."

The man laughed bitterly and shook his head.

They are the dogs who have lost their families and live. For the sake of this divinity, all of them tried their best and gathered the strength of the whole family to gather together Shenyu in exchange for the divine spirit of the holy scenery.

This is not a secret.

He really can't figure out why they still want to make this kind of behavior? Is this still their wise young master?

Why did he change his temperament after a trip to Hancun? Become more and more brutal, not listen to half a word of advice?

"Elder, I don't understand. What's wrong with him, young Lord?" The man originally wanted to ask about the integration of Mu Tianyin's divinity. This was an opportunity that he had spent all his financial resources to get. They were also worried that there would be no effect. However, as soon as he opened his mouth, his topic ran away.

Tianlu's light way: "the little Lord is just hit, and when his spirit recovers, everything will be better."

However, such an answer from Tianlu couldn't satisfy him. All his hopes can't go on like this

"I know that." Tianlu nodded lightly.

He said anxiously, "that..."

"Although the little Lord has been in a bad mood in recent years, he is still resourceful. Just now, he also said to me, "let me spread the news that mu Qingge is the descendants of my Mu family." Tianlu interrupted him.

"What! It's not right! " As soon as the man listened, he immediately widened his eyes to stop.

"What's wrong with it?" Tianlu's eyes moved slightly and fell on him.

All of a sudden, there was a needle in his body. He could not see through the thoughts of Tianlu, nor could he guess his mind. However, he plucked up the courage to say what should be said: "this The dispute between the two is a matter within us. No matter how little Lord and Namu light song are, it is also their competition. Our Mu people are very thin now. If we let those Protoss participate in it, wouldn't it hurt us? The little Lord wants to get rid of muqingge by the hand of the protoss, which is very good. But... "

He sighed heavily and did not finish the rest.

Tianlu understood his meaning and nodded lightly: "what you said is not unreasonable."

The man was stunned and looked at the foot of heaven. He didn't know what he meant by this sentence.

"Everything, just wait until the little Lord wakes up." Tianlu said, clutching his scepter and leaving.

The man was stupefied in place, not knowing why he looked at his back and watched him leave.

After the Tianlu is far away, the figure disappears. From the cave's darkness, a figure jumped out and stood in front of the man before him.

This sudden appearance of people, did not frighten the previous people.

On the contrary, he looked at the man who appeared suddenly and asked, "Mu Shan, what is the meaning of the elder's words?"

He called him the man of Mushan. He withdrew his eyes and said to him, "Mulin, it seems that the elder is also curious about the candidate from the lower world."

"Curious?" What Mulin didn't understand.

Mu Shan nodded, "little Lord, over the years, what he has done, the elders have all seen in their eyes. I'm afraid their expectations for him have also changed."

After that, he walked away.

"What do you mean?" Murin Leng in situ, low murmur to himself.


In the ebb tide house, mu Qingge sits cross legged in the room. In front of her stands the two magic puppets.

In accordance with the method in the volume of Shence, she divided her divine consciousness into two parts and integrated them into the puppets of gods and demons, so as to improve their cultivation and be able to serve her.

The division of divine consciousness requires absolute silence.

Si Mo Pro guard outside the door, but also in the entire courtyard outside have been banned, to prevent anything to disturb the Mu light song.

Outside, the tall and straight figure stood motionless.

It seems a little lonely.

However, that piece of the world's face, but there is no indifference in the past. In the eyes of Po se, he has been looking at the people in the room affectionately and persistently, and never gives up to leave.

He looked very attentive. Even though he had been here for a day and a night, he did not feel tired at all, nor was he tired of watching.

Suddenly, there was a black air in front of him.

The black air dissipated and a figure fell, kneeling in front of him on one knee.

"Lord." The kneeling man raised his head and showed the lonely night's face.

Lonely night's voice, make Si Mo to take back sight, the sight falls on him, "say."Lonely night to see to Si Mo, said to him: "Shence volume, cable rope. But I don't know whether it's true or not. "

"I don't know if it's true or not?" Si Mo's eyes narrowed dangerously.

A palpitating and trembling breath appeared around him, as if in a lonely night's body. He quickly said: "since Mu clan was destroyed, the trace of the second volume of Shence has been erratic. There were too many false news before. I really don't know whether this time is true or not. "

"What's the news?" The sound of moqingge suddenly came out.

Si Mo and lonely night at the same time, they see a corner of red robe from their eyes, Mu light song negative hand came out.

"Xiaoge'er, did you succeed?" Si Mo's eyes are full of joy. That attitude, and the lonely night, completely different.

Such differential treatment, lonely night has long been used to it, he respectfully said to Mu Qingge: "princess."

Mu Qingge corrected him and said, "I'm a man, you'd better call me Lord."

Lonely night immediately changed his words, "little Lord."

Mu Qingge nodded his head and said to him, "what's the news? Let's hear it." After that, she turned her eyes to see Si Mo and said with a smile: "it has been successful."

Then, her magic puppet came out of the room and guarded her around like a guard. At this time, the magic puppet gives people the feeling that they have more aura.

"Saint's realm." Si Mo Mou light flash, instantly saw their cultivation depth.

At the same time, he also exclaimed, "only the cultivation method of divine consciousness in the volume of divine strategy can make the cultivation of God demon puppet recover part of its strength. It is indeed the first wonder book of the Protoss. "

Mu Qingge puts her eyes on the lonely night, and the latter says: "my subordinate is responsible for tracking down the news of the second volume of Shence. Recently, there is a clue, but I don't know whether it is true or not. However, in the past ten thousand years, the information in the second volume of Shence has been hard to tell whether it is true or not

He stopped and looked at Simao and muqingge, then continued: "this time, we have received news that it is in the hands of the Wuhua God Emperor of the South God Lu Wuhua region, and there is a part of the content of the second volume of the divine strategy."

"South God land, no China domain?" Mu light song eyebrows light pick.

Simao looks at Xiangmu Qingge and explains: "it is said that Wuhua region participated in the massacre of Mu people ten thousand years ago. The second volume of Shence, in the massacre, mysteriously disappeared. Some people say that it is the God Emperor of the Mu nationality who uses the second volume of the divine strategy as a bait, while others say that there is a spirit in the second volume of the divine strategy, knowing that the Mu family is destroyed and hiding himself. In a word, there are a lot of rumors, but it has always been a mystery where the final volume of the divine strategy lies. "

Mu Qingge pursed his lips and said to Si Mo: "the high priest told me that the second volume of Shence was baited by Muzu at that time, which attracted the sight of those enemies and bought time for the withdrawal of Mu people's blood."

Si Mo few can't check the nod, he a wave, lonely night disappeared. "Xiaoge'er, as I said before, there may be a secret of breaking through the last step in the second volume of Shence. This secret, not only I am looking for it, but others are also looking for it. The difficulty of the Mu people has a lot to do with it. "

Mu light song quietly listen.

Si Mo but suddenly eye light with a nervous look at her, "small Song son, you can blame me for always looking for the magic strategy Volume 2?"

Mu light song a Leng, understand the meaning of the uneasiness in his eyes from where. She shook her head and said with a smile, "why should it be strange? I'm afraid it's more positive than I am if you are. " Then she blinked.

Her nimbleness makes Si Mo smile.

Mu light song but smile a Lian, to Si Mo way: "a Mo, I want to go to the South God land without China domain." She was going to see for herself whether the news about the second volume of Shence was true.

Si Mo Mou Guang shrinks, ask a way: "you wait for the news of Mu Tianyin?"

Mu Qingge shook his head, "it's not waiting, but I don't want to wait here. I want to go to Wuhua District. If you have any news about Mu Tianyin, please send it to me immediately, and I will come back as soon as possible. "

"I'll go with you." Si Mo does not hesitate the way.

However, mu Qingge refused. "No, it's too much. The West God land is very close to the devil kingdom. Go back and shut up. "


"Shh!" Mu Qingge stretched out his fingers and blocked the pink lips of Si Mo, stopping what he wanted to say. "Listen to me. If you go to the gate as soon as possible, you can come out as soon as possible. I'll wait for you. "

Her eyes can not be refused, Si Mo insisted for a long time, but finally failed in her eyes. He shook his head. "It's up to you. However, you should be careful not to be impulsive. Now you, as the little God Emperor of Yueyu, will save you a lot of trouble. "

"Well." Mu Qingge nods and smiles.


Mu Tianyin finally wakes up from practice in the hidden cave of the Mu people.

As soon as he opened his eyes, his eyes burst out with burning light.

"Yes, although your spirit has been damaged and your cultivation has stopped. However, after this fusion of deities and the explosion of deposition, it has now broken through two layers and entered the seventh layer of the spirit cave. " Tianlu nodded with satisfaction.Mu Tianyin's mouth shows a grim smile, and her eyes are colder.

"By the way, we have news from Wuhua domain." The voice of Tianlu came again , the fastest update of the webnovel!