Mu Qingge didn't want to go to Wuhua palace too early.

Sometimes, if you are too attentive, you will feel that you have another purpose. It's better to stay in the Wuhua city and wander around and inquire about the news rather than to arouse suspicion.

On the second day of entering Wuhua City, muqingge did not practice, but strolled around the market with silver dust, leaving gods, demons and puppets to guard the gate of Wuhua city.

The divine consciousness in the magic puppet is her, which is equivalent to her incarnation to some extent. As long as she wants, she can see, hear, smell and feel everything through the five senses of the magic puppet.

"It seems that the place where God and man live is no different from that of mortals." Yesterday, silver dust has already visited some places, now accompany Mu light song to come out again, side pour is more a speaker.

Mu Qingge gently nodded his jaw, "well, mortals need food, clothing, shelter and transportation, so do gods and men. However, the difference is that there are many things that God and man can substitute for food, clothing, housing and transportation. "

The meaning of muqingge is deeply understood by Yinchen.

"Let's find a place to sit down." Mu light song random way.

Yinchen nodded and took her to a Xianlu studio that passed by yesterday. In fact, this Xianlu studio is just like a teahouse where ordinary people live.

The difference is that ordinary people drink tea, while Xianlu Zhai provides Xianlu, which can nourish divine power.

In fact, mu Qingge seldom walks around in this kind of city these years. Even if she is in the lower city of Yueyu, she has not passed two or three times. With the silver dust into the Xian Lu Zhai, immediately have a running Hall of God to meet.

"Two, please come in." He had a warm smile.

Mu Qingge looks at the surrounding environment of Xianlu Zhai, and Yinchen takes out a small piece of Shenyu and tells it: "arrange an elegant, quiet and undisturbed place."

With an understanding smile, he nodded and bowed to lead them.

On the way, moqingge gradually recovered the gaze of the eyes. Xianluzhai is really the same as a teahouse. I don't know if it's because she bathed in Daoguang, which makes her incarnate thousands of times and experience all kinds of life feelings. Now she feels that her perception is much more flat. Even if she encounters anything new, it is difficult to arouse her curiosity.

At the moment, she did not know the source of this feeling.

Tao gives birth to all things and merges into one.

No matter how many laws there are in the world, and how many laws there are, to simplify them, in fact, the only thing that really shows up is the only one.

Through the appearance, we can see the essence clearly, and then we can calm down and be indifferent to the external things.

The running hall in Xianlu studio took them to a compartment upstairs. This compartment, facing the inward corridor, can not only see the elegant performance in the patio, but also have its own privacy.

The partition boards on both sides are made of special wood. The sound insulation effect is very good. When you talk inside, you don't have to worry about being heard by others or disturbing yourself by the conversation in other compartments.

"Are you satisfied here, gentlemen?" A flattering smile appeared in the running room.

Silver dust see to Mu light song, and Mu light song is not so much attention, just swept a circle, nodded.

She nodded, and silver dust would not say anything more.

So he ordered to run the hall and bring the fairy dew and some spirit fruits.

After leaving, moqingge and Yinchen sit opposite each other, relying on the railing. On the stage in the courtyard below, a woman with beautiful appearance and delicate posture is sitting on the stage playing the piano.

That music is very wonderful, listening quietly, it has the wonderful effect of removing miscellaneous thoughts and purifying the mind.

When Xianlu and lingguo were brought up, muqingge also came back from the song. She asked the man of God who had brought the things: "I hear this music is not ordinary, and the people who play the piano are not ordinary people."

The man of God smiles and nods, "this guest has good eyesight, and he can hear the mystery. To tell you the truth, my guest, the woman who plays the piano is the close maid of our princess God. This song is also composed by the princess. It is said that it combines a kind of sound skill of Wuhua palace, Qingxin Sanskrit singing. This kind of skill can resist the demons of the heart, keep the mind still, keep the mind and stick to the heart. It's very powerful. "

"Pure heart chanting?" Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed. Before she came, in Si Mo to the information, there is to understand the pure heart Sanskrit. Qingxin Sanskrit singing is indeed a unique skill of Wu Hua domain.

It's just that this kind of skill has no attack effect, only the function of defending the original mind. When encountering psychedelic attacks or prohibitions, and even when practicing, it has a magic effect to protect yourself from being invaded by heart demons.

It's more about her population, but it's about the gods. The woman playing the piano below is actually a person from the palace of the God of Wuhua domain. Besides, she is the maid of the princess.

Mu light song convergence of mind, to that God Man light smile, "that is the maidservant of the first read princess, why do you play the piano here?"

"It turns out that our guests also know that we are the first princess of Wuhua District." The man of God said with a smile. "The guests don't know something about it. The princess is very approachable and often comes to Wuhua city. She also wanted to benefit the public when she made this piece of music, but she was not a person without Chinese culture and could not play it at all. Therefore, every time she comes to Wuhua City, she will let her maidservant play a song, which is regarded as a gift to a predestined person. ""So the princess Chu Nian is now in the Wuhua city?" Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, heard the key.

The eye color of the God Man flickered dimly, showed a smile, and lightly touched the jaw head.

Mu light Song mouth light hook, took out a small piece of God jade in front of him, said to him: "thank you, you go down."

The man of God was not coy. He took the jade and bowed back.

When he leaves, silver dust looks at Xiangmu light song.

Mu Qingge was amused with a smile, and said faintly: "it is said that Wuhua God Emperor got a daughter once in a while five thousand years ago. The origin of this girl is mysterious. She was brought back in swaddling clothes by Wuhua emperor one day. Some people say that this is the child of Wu Hua God Emperor who has an affair with others outside. Some people said that the child had no blood relationship with the Wuhua emperor, but was met by him and took back to Wuhua palace with compassion. However, no matter what the rumors are, the princess of Chu Nian grew up slowly in Wuhua palace. She has amazing talent, beautiful appearance and peaceful temperament. She is not only loved by all the people in Wuhua Kingdom, but also loved by Wuhua God Emperor. She looks like a loving father after her predecessors. "

"Light song is trying to say that there are some doubts in it?" Silver dust blood eyes light flash.

With his understanding of moqingge, she would never tell the origin of the first reading princess for no reason.

Mu Qingge continued: "whether there is any doubt, I am not sure yet. However, the Wuhua God Emperor had been involved in the affairs of the Mu clan at the beginning, and according to the intelligence collected from the demon clan, he is not a good man, and he will not give kindness for no reason. This new princess is either his blood or raised with purpose. If the former is OK, but if it is the latter, it is curious. What is the reason and purpose of Wu Hua's adoption of Princess Chuniang? "

"This..." The silver dust stops talking.

Mu Qingge's thinking sometimes can't keep up with him even though he is a fox race with outstanding wisdom.

At the moment, he even thought in his heart that they came for the clue of the second volume of the magic strategy. Why should they care about a princess of unknown origin?

"As expected, the first reading princess is now in the Xianlu studio." Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes flashed when the god man spoke in his mind. His tone was very positive. "If you can meet with this princess and have a chat, you may find out something about Wuhua palace. If you are lucky, it is not impossible to get the clue of the second volume of Shence."

Silver dust lift eyes, at this moment just understand, Mu light song's purpose is this.

"As a beloved Princess, she should know more things that others don't know."

"That being the case, how do you get her out of it?" Silver dust jaw head. "Since she can compose this piece of music, it shows that she is very proficient in Qingxin Sanskrit singing. I'm afraid my illusory skill is of little use to her. If she uses it rashly, I'm afraid it will damage the great event." It's even more impossible for mu Qingge to use Dementor. It is impossible to see that the memory of his daughter has been intruded into by the emperor's accomplishments.

"We don't have to be so concerned. It's just an opportunity for us to get in touch with each other. It doesn't mean we have to do it." Mu light song light smile way.

Silver dust understood the meaning of Mu light song and nodded.

Here are two more people outside Xianlu studio. They are not others, but mu Tianyin and Mu Lin.

Standing outside the Xianlu studio, Mu Tianyin asked to Mulin: "are you sure that the princess Chuniang is here?"

Murin nodded his head in a low voice and said, "my subordinates have inquired about it. Every time the princess comes to Wuhua City, she will sit here for half a day. When her maid finishes playing the piano, she will leave."

Mu Tianyin's eye light changed a few times. In a short time, he just said to Mulin: "in this case, let's go in."

"Little Lord, are we really going to do this?" Murin couldn't help asking.

This let just mention step Mu Tianyin and slowly put his feet down, he turned his eyes to look at Mu Lin. "Are you questioning my decision? Or do you have a better way than me

Murin was frightened by his eyes and stepped back. It seemed that he remembered the scene of killing the whole house yesterday. The young master in front of him made him feel incomparably strange.

"I dare not!" Murin drooped his eyes, collected the emotion in his eyes, and lowered his head.

Mu Tianyin snorted coldly and said to him, "since you dare not, don't talk nonsense. Do as I say. If there is any mistake, I will ask you

Murin's heart was burning like a fire. He was oppressed, but he had to give in.

After teaching Mulin, Mu Tianyin takes back his sight coldly and walks forward to the Xianlu studio. And murin, in the heart of the emotional convergence, also quickly follow. , the fastest update of the webnovel!