"Drink?" Muqingge casually handed the wine bag in his hand to Chui Nian.

When she reached out her hand, she reacted. It seemed inappropriate to do so. However, at the moment, it's too late to stop, so we can only wait for the first time to refuse.

However, just when she thought that Chu Nian would refuse, Chu Nian came back to her mind and took the wine bag that she had handed over. She did not mind that she had drunk it just now, and just like before, he held up the wine bag and drank it to his own slightly opened mouth.

Swallowing the liquor, the strong pungent, which made her frown a little uncomfortable, and quickly dyed a thin layer of scarlet on her flawless skin.

"Good wine, good spicy wine." Chu Nian hands the wine bag to Mu Qingge.

Mu light song Leng catch.

After that, she saw Chu Nian's palm flip, and she also had a delicate small wine pot in her hand. She raised her hand and held the wine pot to Mu Qingge and said with a smile, "I still drink my fruit bar."

Mu Qingge laughed and joked, "the princess is still a wine lover."

Chu Nian said, "wine is a good wine, a gift from God. I like it naturally. However, I can't drink your kind of heartburn and lung burning spirit. It's still a mild, slightly drunk wine that suits me

"It's rare to have wine friends. Today, under the beautiful scenery, we'll have a good drink." Mu Qingge smiles and waves her hand. Between her and the first meeting, there is a row of wine jars.

See these wine jars, the first time read a bright eye. With a wave of her hand, there was a row of small wine jars beside the big wine jar of muqingge.

She said with a smile, "I can't drink your liquor. I will accompany you with this wine. "

"All right." Mu light song nodded, not reluctantly.

After all, her wine is so strong that ordinary people can't bear it.

But she is used to this spicy taste, like this after drinking, stimulate her whole body blood, burning her blood feeling.

The first time I read the princess, she turned out to be a good drinker, which surprised mu Qingge.

Maybe it's the same interests and hobbies. They drink and chat at the same time, and the distance between them is much closer.

Especially for the first time, the impression of moqingge is much better than that of the first day.

In the past five thousand years, she has seen too many talented young people.

But no matter who it is, it is inevitable that under the praise of thousands of people, there will be a trace of lofty pride. However, moqingge does not, not to say that she has no pride, but that kind of pride is different.

It's not arrogance, but arrogance.

But a kind of inborn, from the bone to reveal, not to accept the arrogance of heaven and earth. She did not accept, she argued that tone, had already jumped out of their present environment.

Yes, muqingge gives her that feeling.

Chuniang drinks fruit wine and sums up in her heart why she thinks moqingge is different from ordinary people. Perhaps, it is because she has a lot of them hope, but not free and easy.

They sat leisurely in the long grass. Gradually, when the wine jar around them was empty, the sunset of Wuhua city came.

Bathed in the sunlight, mu Qingge has some drunken eyes, gradually widens, and looks at the scene in front of her in shock.

She finally understood why Chu Nian said that the most beautiful scenery of Wuhua palace was sunset.

Unconsciously, she stood up and looked at the beautiful scenery with her lips slightly open.

Chu Nian also put down the wine pot and stood up with her.

"Beautiful?" She asked.

Mu light song nodded, sincere way: "beauty."

The Wuhua area in the sunset glow is even shining. The colorful rainbow is connected with the pavilions and buildings. It is like a dream.

Even, at this time of day and night, the stars in the sky even lit up ahead of time.

Mu light song raised her head, her line of sight, from Wu Hua palace light moved up into the air. It was the first time that she saw such a dazzling star in the daytime.

And for the first time, the distribution of these stars is clearly visible.

It seems that as long as she reaches out her hand, she can get it easily.

The sunset of Wu Hua Yu lasted for two hours.

Until the sunset disappears, moqingge and Chuniang set foot on the journey back. Chu Nian sent mu Qingge to the side hall where the latter lived. Mu Qingge said to her, "today you have drunk a lot of wine. Tomorrow is the birthday of Wuhua God. I think you will be very busy. Go back to have a rest early."

"Well, you should rest early, too. I'll come over tomorrow and take you to the palace of God. " Chu Nian said, from two people behind the side hall out of a person.

Silver hair and blood eyes, very easy to identify.

First read to lift eyes to see silver dust one eye, lightly point jaw head, turn to leave.

After she went far away, mu Qingge's whole body magic power moves, will volatilize the liquor gas in the body clean.

She looked at silver dust and asked, "how?"

Yinchen nodded her head and said to her, "let's go in and talk about it."Mu light song nodded and returned to the side hall with silver dust.

"I used magic to arrange an illusion in the palace, so that the two servants in the hall always thought that I was in it and had not moved. Just now, Princess Chuniang saw me walk out of the temple with her own eyes. I think there will be nothing wrong with us after that. " Silver dust to Mu light song road.

"Well." Mu light song light jaw head, clear eyes, has been restored Qingming.

When they enter the room of the palace, mu Qingge waves his hand and sets a ban against eavesdropping. The silver dust is also covered with a layer of magic smoke. Anyone who passes by will be confused by the smoke. What he sees is the picture of Mu Qingge meditating in the room, but he is not seen at all.

Yinchen took out a picture and spread it in front of muqingge.

"This is the result of my exploration after I entered the palace of God." Silver dust road.

Mu Qingge's sight falls on the map. Above, a simple drawing of the layout of the god palace, as well as guard rotation time.

"The palace of God is very large, but there is nothing suspicious in front of it. I went around the back and dived into the depths and found the nine labyrinth

After that, he closed his eyes and put his fingertips in his eyebrows. The memory in his mind presented the appearance of images and appeared in front of Mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge watched attentively, through the memory of silver dust, she saw the nine labyrinths in the god palace.

"The nine labyrinths are full of prohibitions and traps." Mu light song road.

Silver dust nodded, memory recall. His memory can't be put out for too long. Mu Qingge never forgets it. If you look at it, you can remember it. He will take it back naturally.

"I can't get into the nine labyrinth, so I don't know how dangerous that little leaf Pavilion is. However, I observed in the dark for a long time, and found that there were not only forbidden traps in the nine labyrinth, but also disciples at the level two or above of the spirit cave took turns to guard. Each group of them is only in a certain position, and can not walk around at will. So I'm afraid these people don't know the secret of the nine labyrinth. When it comes to shift time, someone will come in from the temporary passage to exchange. It is said that these guards are usually rotated once every six months, and this group of guards is less than one month. If you want to use the time of guard rotation to enter, I am afraid it is impossible. " Silver dust carefully will own discovery, all told Mu light song.

This time, he didn't find a leaf Pavilion, which made him dissatisfied.

However, his intelligence, or let mu Qingge heart have a certain grasp.

With her eyes narrowed slightly, she said slowly, "I don't worry about banning. In fact, they were so closely guarded that they gave me a message. "

"What?" Silver dust asked.

Mu Qingge showed a smile and playfully said, "there must be a secret in Xiaoye Pavilion. Otherwise, why spend so much time guarding? "

"Will it be the second volume of divine strategy?" Silver dust excited way.

Mu light song but calm shake his head, "is or not, to see for yourself to know."

"Well..." Silver dust frowned slightly.

Mu Qingge turned his eyes to him and said to him, "tomorrow is the birthday banquet of Wuhua emperor. When there are many people, Wuhua emperor wants to entertain guests, which is the most relaxed time for him. In the second half of the night, I'll leave early. When you get there, you'll set up a fairyland here to make people think that I've been here all the time. Then I'll sneak into the pavilion and find out

"What about the Emperor Wu Hua?" Silver dust asked.

Mu Qingge took a deep breath, "if there is no magic strategy in the small leaf Pavilion, how to explore whether it is in the body of Wuhua God Emperor, I have a way in my heart, don't worry."

"Good." See Mu light songs are ready, silver dust no longer asked.


After a night's silence, the next morning, those who wanted to celebrate the emperor's birthday began to go up the mountain one after another.

Mu Tianyin mixed in the crowd with Mu Lin and Mu Shan, and walked in a low profile.

The remaining two were in the dark, just in case.

As soon as I thought of entering Wuhua palace, I would have a chance to see the princess again. Mu Tianyin's mood became better. For a moment, he almost forgot his purpose of going to Wuhua palace.

At the entrance of Wuhua palace, people lined up in a long line, and began to take out the invitation letter, as well as identity verification.

Mu Lin and Mu Shan stand behind Mu Tianyin, secretly alert.

The long queue shows that the birthday banquet of Wuhua emperor is very large.

Finally, it's Mu Tianyin's turn. They take out their prepared invitation letters and other people's identity cards. After the inspection by the guards of Wuhua palace, they pass through the Wuhua palace and stand in the Wuhua palace.

"Now, gentlemen, I will take you into the palace of God. However, one thing should be reminded that the palace of God is a place of dignity. After entering the palace of God, please restrain yourself and do not break into the taboo. " Lu Ye stands at a high place and is cold to a crowd.

His tone is not indifferent, but it gives people a feeling of being superior.

This makes Mu Tianyin in the crowd very dissatisfied, even more disgusted, like other people, to be so humble in line here, in order to go up.He bears the most powerful blood of the Protoss. He should have been Tianjiao in Tianjiao, but now he is so humble!

Mu Tianyin's eyes are cold

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