It is Moyang who pretends to be an admirer of light songs.

When mu Qingge slips away, he is released from the space. He had already put on muqingge's clothes, dressed up as her, waiting for this moment tonight.

Moyang's height and body shape are the most similar to muqingge. People are drunk and it's midnight. Who will notice that the person is not her?

With the best alibi, she could easily slip away.

She didn't take it away.

Because the Wuhua God Emperor has already known their divine power fluctuation, in case of fighting in the nine labyrinth, I'm afraid the Wuhua God Emperor has already guessed who is playing tricks before he arrives.

So she didn't bring the magic puppet with her. Anyway, she had invincible space in her hand, but she could support thousands of soldiers. It was feasible for her to avoid the space any more. She didn't have to rely on the magic puppets for everything.

As he walked, mu Qingge took off his red coat and revealed his nightcoat which was integrated with the night. He took out a black hair band and replaced the crown of his hair, even his boots.

In short, after changing all the recognizable features of muqingge, she took out Shura noodles and put them on her body.

In an instant, she became another person.

Shura noodles, is Si Mo Lin left, specially left for her, now just put on the use.

Even if someone knows her identity on the spot, no one will catch her!

Mu Qingge turns this person, is a very ordinary looking person, belongs to the kind of face which is thrown into the crowd and can not be found. In addition, she also took off the magic ear stud, restored the woman's body, and took off the finger cover on her right index finger, and took out a short sword as a weapon.

I'm afraid that even if silver dust stood in front of her at the moment, she would not be recognized.

A female assassin, in any case, can not be connected with the little God Emperor of the Yueyu region.

For camouflage, moqingge has absolute confidence!

Most of the people in the palace of God, as well as the servants, are now concentrated in the front hall. In the back hall, there are only guards on duty and patrol, and there are no other people.

Mu Qingge according to the previous silver dust step on the point, easily avoid the guard in the back hall, came to the nine labyrinth.

"This is the nine labyrinth!" Mu Qingge is not in a hurry to enter, but standing in the shelter, astringent breath, quietly watching.

At the moment, she seems to be a tree, or a stone, the sense of existence is too low to be detected.

This method of spiritual convergence was learned from the volume of Shence, and she used it for the first time.

Although there is silver dust intelligence, but mu Qingge still did not immediately action, but to confirm again in person. It's not that we don't believe in silver dust, but that no one can guarantee whether there will be changes today.

Be careful. It's always good, isn't it?

An hour later, mu Qingge determines that the situation of the Jiuqu labyrinth is the same as that of the former one. After that, mu Qingge enters the Jiuqu labyrinth on his side when he is not paying attention.

As soon as she entered, she found a police ban.

The function of this prohibition is to expose the intruders.

Mu light song eyes light a shrink, hands quickly move up, she wants to snatch in the prohibition before the alarm, crack it. Otherwise, she will come back in vain tonight.

Fortunately, muqingge had accumulated the prohibition on the Shenmu array mountain, and discovered the prohibition in time. Before it issued an alarm, it was successfully untied.

In the heart of a sigh of relief, Mu light song to carefully go inside.

Yinchen said that the traps here are full of prohibitions and ambushes. Moreover, this is a maze. If you take a wrong step, you will be trapped in it.

Fortunately, mu Qingge's divine sense is very strong, so she can avoid the prohibition and use the divine sense to explore the way to help her find the location of Xiaoye Pavilion.

With a strong sense of God, as well as the understanding of prohibitions, moqingge is constantly deepening in the maze of nine songs.

At this time, three people appeared in the place where she stayed before.

"You two stay and I'll go in alone." Looking at the front of the nine labyrinth, Mu Tianyin's eyes jump with impetuous flames.

"Little Lord! Come in with us. " Murin's uneasy way.

However, Mu Tianyin turned his eyes and refused his kindness, "just a labyrinth, can you stop me? Keep your watch here. If anyone comes or something happens, send me a message immediately. "

After thinking about it, he added: "if you see that moqingge coming, don't stop him. Let him in, I will solve her in it!"

"Little Lord!" Mu Lin wants to say something more, but mu Tianyin can't wait to enter the maze.

There are so many entrances to the maze that Mu Tianyin is lucky enough to choose a road that does not set an alarm at the entrance. But that doesn't mean the road is safe.

Because sometimes some seemingly negligent arrangements are just to lure the enemy in

In the nine labyrinth, a team of labyrinth guards appear in front of Mu Qingge.As silver dust describes them, they just keep a certain area, and they don't walk around the maze.


Mu Qingge is hidden in the dark, carefully observe.

Why is there a ban in the labyrinth, and people should be sent to guard it? Just for double insurance, or for another reason?

For a while, mu Qingge couldn't think through.

She looked at the maze guards, who seemed to be in groups of ten. The places we are guarding are all places with little space and only one entrance and exit. If there is a fight, it will be very difficult to use them.

What's more, the accomplishments of these labyrinth guards are actually the accomplishments of more than three levels in the spirit cave.

However, a closer look at mu Qingge shows that their state of mind has been improved by special means, which has a great anti phagism.

All of a sudden, mu Qingge noticed the arrangement of the ten of them, as well as their pace of walking back and forth.

It seems very common, but if you look at it carefully, you will find that there is a certain law in it.

"Wuhua shenhuang is a person who has a lot of research on array prohibition."

Si Mo's words, emerge in the mind of Mu light song.

His words, now carefully understood, seem to say a bit of fun. He used a lot of research, but not proficient, or well versed. This shows that Wuhua emperor has a research on array prohibition and is also a hobby, but he is not a very proficient array master.

A person who is obsessed with array prohibition can not only set a ban in the maze, but also set up a maze guard?

Mu light song in the eyes of thinking of the light flash, suddenly realize!

She watched the guards as they moved and where they were standing. Got it. They guard by the position of the array, seemingly standing at will. In fact, ten of them are an array.

Once people who don't know the details break into them by mistake, they will break into the formation of their formation unconsciously and be controlled by others.

At that time, the strength of the ten of them will definitely be more than the three levels of spiritual cave on the surface!

Mu Qingge also knows how to ban the array. Naturally, he also knows that the superposition of array power is not easy.

"I almost said!" Mu light song heart said sound fluke. Quietly back two steps, turned into another intersection, to avoid the maze guards.

Muqingge can guarantee that there must be something on these guards to inform Wuhua emperor.

Once trapped in it, they don't need to kill the intruder's personality, as long as they can trap them and wait until the Wuhua emperor comes.

"If you don't kill them, just use the array to trap them. I'm afraid these labyrinth guards can block people on the first floor of the saint's realm." Mu Qingge calculates silently in the heart.

Now she is only the seventh floor of the spirit cave. If she breaks in unintentionally, she has a chance to escape, but it is very small!

Using divine sense to explore the way, mu Qingge can only feel the general direction of Xiaoye Pavilion, but can not completely find out the entrance and exit in the maze. Therefore, she did not get to know her in the maze.

Most of her time was wasted on lifting the ban.

The more lifting the ban, the more mu Qingge is to understand the words of Si mo. Although these prohibitions are complicated, in her opinion, they have too many defects.

On this side, moqingge is going deep into the maze. On the other hand, Mu Tianyin also used his own methods to continuously go deep into the maze.

In his hand, there are many broken barrier pills prepared for him by Tianlu people. They are small iron balls one by one. This thing can't lift the ban, but it can make it ineffective for a moment. At the moment of failure, as long as we grasp the opportunity, we can easily pass the prohibition.

Therefore, Mu Tianyin is relying on these broken pill, no danger to the depth of the nine labyrinth.

He also saw the labyrinth guards. He took the same countermeasures as muqingge. Instead of alerting them, he took a different route.

Unconsciously, two people in the nine labyrinth, even closer and closer.

"I wonder why my divine sense told me that there is no exit here? The pavilion is nearby, but there is no exit to it. " Mu Qingge is in my heart.

This nine labyrinth is more complicated than she imagined.

As time goes by, the sky begins to change. Mu Qingge can't help but flash a little impatience in his heart.

If she can't find Xiaoye Pavilion before dawn and go back smoothly, she may be noticed by Wuhua God Emperor and come to stop her.

Facing the emperor, at the moment, I'm afraid she has to escape!

Mu Qingge walks in the labyrinth passage. There is a corner in front of him. There is no other way out except the corner. She had no choice but to walk down the corner.

However, when she turned the corner, not far in front of her, there was also a person.

The man found himself in front of a person, seems to be stunned for a while, standing in the same place.

"Admiring the shadow of heaven!"

See clearly the person standing opposite, Mu light song eyes flash.They met face to face in the maze. However, mu Qingge can recognize Mu Tianyin, but mu Tianyin can't recognize mu Qingge.

"Who are you?" he asked in a low voice

Mu Qingge's clear eyes crossed a faint light, and he said with a smile: "you look like you are not a man of no China domain. Why do you care who I am?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!