"Where are the people?"

"Why is it missing?"

"Catch up!"

The sudden disappearance of Mu Tianyin made those disciples of Wuhua domain who had originally wanted to rush to the top of the mountain all lost their goals.

"Don't look here. He has left Wuhua palace. Order to go down, blockade Wuhua City, ambush outside the city, we must find out the thieves. " And he gave orders to all the people.

The disciples of Wuhua domain did as she said and scattered.

After the crowd dispersed, Chu Nian turned his eyes to Mu Qingge and asked, "what does he mean by that? And there's nothing between him and me. "

The first half of the sentence is because Mu Tianyin said, "do you know who he is?" I'm not sure. The second half of the sentence is the interpretation of muqingge.

Why explain?

First read himself also do not understand, originally did not care about these she, but do not want to muqingge misunderstanding what.

Mu Qingge looked at her and said with a smile, "I don't know what he means. As soon as he came out, he was mean and rude. Who knows what he wants to do

First thought carefully, frowned and nodded. "Yes. He can't believe that

Such a thought, she will be mu Tianyin left behind that sentence.

Pitiful Mu Tianyin, leaving this sentence before leaving, is to let people in Wu Hua domain doubt the identity of Mu Qingge, and want to instigate the relationship between mu Qingge and Chu Nian.

But did not expect, Mu light song only used a word, will solve this trouble clean.

Let the first read put down the doubts in his heart, mu Qingge sneers in his heart. "Who am I? However, who dares to check the white calendar

Looking at Mu Tianyin, who insults her at will in Han Cun's eyes, now she is just like a bereaved dog. Mu Qingge feels very happy.

It seems that it is not so urgent to kill his heart.

She is not in a hurry. She wants to torture him well before killing him. She will wear off everything he cares about and what he desires.

"Qingge, we have wronged you for this matter." First read to Mu light song road.

Mu light song light smile, shake his head way: "no problem, you also have life in the body, must be treated impartially."

First read frown, in the eyes of a serious. "But let the thief run away. I don't know what he stole, which made my father so angry

"You go and tell the emperor, I'll go back first." Mu Qingge says to the first time.

Chu Nian quickly nodded and said to her, "well, you go back to have a rest. I know everything to my father and prove your innocence. "


Mu Qingge returns to his temporary residence alone. After arriving at the door, two servants in the temple ran out to meet her. She turned to the two people behind her: "thank you."

After the two disciples of Wu Hua domain respectfully saluted her, they retreated.

They are ordered to escort mu Qingge back, and now the task is completed, they will naturally leave.

Mu Qingge walked into the room and was about to have a rest, but suddenly the sound of her voice rang out in her mind. "Girl, do you know what the female corpse you saw that day?"

Mu Mu Song, a little bit of the brow, she did not understand why she mentioned this, but the Wutong Qin what she had read before had brought her some association. "It's the Phoenix clan."

"Not bad. It's Huang! Do you know that the Phoenix clan does not intermarry with others. A phoenix and a phoenix are a pair of eternal companions. And every 10000 years, Phoenix will come to Nirvana and lose her memory. If the first person she sees is not her partner, she will completely forget the past and fall in love with the first person. " He also said.

Mu Qingge frowns. She will not tell her these things for no reason. There must be something hidden in them.

I thought over what he said.

Suddenly, her eyes brightened and she said to him, "can you say that the woman in Xiaoye pavilion was secretly brought to Wuhua by the Wuhua God Emperor?"

Can she imagine

"This woman, in the Phoenix family, after nirvana, the first person she saw was Wu Hua emperor. So she fell in love with him, and willingly followed him to Wu Hua domain and had children with him. But why did the woman die? Isn't it said that the Phoenix people have a long life span and are hard to die? " Mu Qingge does not understand the way.

"No, you are wrong." Sound correction.

"Wrong?" Murmur and frown.

"The princess of the first time is a real little Phoenix, but she is not Nirvana yet. Also, Phoenix Nirvana once in ten thousand years, will lose the previous memory, but may also remember the previous memory. The female corpse is not dead, but has been sealed with divine power. She is in a state of suspended animation. Even you, the great alchemist, have been blinded. "

Yu's words shocked mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge said in his heart, "you mean that when the woman was pregnant, she met nirvana. Later, he was brought here by Wuhua God Emperor. Chu Nian was not the child of Wuhua God Emperor. He was worried that the woman would not remember him after nirvana, or that he would lose her if she remembered the previous events. So he sealed her selfishly to prevent her from Nirvana? ""It's very possible. But I don't know what the truth is. You just need to remember that the Phoenix on this first thought is very strong. I think I have a high status, but I haven't been nirvana for the first time and haven't awakened yet. Once she wakes up, she will know her life experience. According to the concept of Phoenix, she will return to the demon forest and look for her people. If you make friends with her, you may get help from the Phoenix clan in the future. " He warned.

Mu Qingge shakes his head and chuckles, "Chu Nian is only 5000 years old, and there are still thousands of years to go before nirvana."

"The first nirvana, if you encounter an opportunity, you don't have to wait for thousands of years." He also said.

"Let's talk about it." Mu light song road. "Now I have no spare time to think about their father and daughter. I want to leave Wuhua area and return to the West God land to meet with silver dust. The matter of I and Mu Tianyin is not over yet."

"Well, you decide for yourself." He said a word and fell silent.

Mu Tianyin's escape made Wu Hua emperor very angry. They even informed the major god regions that the remaining evils of the Mu people reappeared, and asked all the gods to arrest them together.

Mu Qingge did not leave in a hurry, but waited for two days before leaving.

When she went back to the West God land, Mu Tianyin had already returned to the West God land and went to his old nest.

All the way back to the underground cave, he did not know, after he entered, a faint shadow of the fox appeared outside the dilapidated courtyard.

"If it wasn't for muqingge, I would have got it." Mu Tianyin tells Tianlu about his experience in Wuhua area.

But the Tianlu person calmly listens, in the heart actually in the way: "I finally waited for you to come."

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