"There is only one between you and him."

Tianlu's words, so that Mu light song eyes slightly shrink.

Suddenly, she grinned.

Tianlu looked at her and said nothing.

After laughing, her tone was calm, even calm: "Tianlu people came to me. Did you want to tell me about this?"

Tianlu people do not speak.

She continued: "between me and Mu Tianyin, when he tried to kill me for the first time, he was doomed to live only one. And, I'm sure, he's the one who died. "

"You are very confident." Tianlu looked at her and said.

Mu Qingge raised his lips, "it's not confidence, it's just because I don't want to die. Since I don't want to die, he is the only one who will die. "

Tianlu coagulated her and said for a long time: "you are really good. From the lower bound, step by step, to here. Even in the face of me, you didn't show any confusion. You're good

Mu Qingge's eyes are full of abuse.

She couldn't agree with Tianlu. Why do you want to lower yourself in front of him? She came here step by step, what she needed was not the affirmation of others, nor the praise of others. She is just for the purpose of her heart and constantly adhere to the struggle.

Along the way, some people hated her deeply, some slandered her, some secretly calculated, and some killed her openly. But the same, some people are willing to give their lives to her, and some are willing to die for her.

She regards these as a kind of sharpening, her will has never changed.

So, Tianlu person now in her face, say such words, is to make her ecstatic, feel recognized?

Oh, funny!

"How do I admire light songs? When do I need others to comment on them?" Mu light song in the heart of the crazy road.

"He, by your side. Let's meet. " Tianlu suddenly said.


Who do you mean

Mu light song looking directly at the foot of the sky, there is not a bit of guilty, there is no fear. Even at the moment, she could not move, nor was she weak.

"Little Lord, let me out." The voice of the high priest rings out in the head of muqingge.

This makes mu Qingge understand who Tianlu refers to.

Eye light changed for a while, Mu light song around, the power of space floating, a person's shadow, suddenly appeared beside her. As soon as he appeared, he raised his hand.

All of a sudden, the power of muqingsong and silver dust was broken down, and they recovered their ability to act.

A dynamic, silver dust immediately went to Mu light song side, blood eyes vigilant staring at the foot of heaven. And the magic puppet also came to Mu Qingge.

Silver dust wants to move, but is stopped by mu Qingge.

She looked at the two old people standing face to face. They were both white robed scepters and silver haired crane faces. Even their momentum was inseparable.

What surprised her most was that the high priest had such strength. With a wave of his hand, he broke the imprisonment of Tianlu.


As a matter of fact, the two people present were the Tianlu people of the Mu nationality.

But they did not know the names of each other's guides, whether they were admiring the light song or the shade of heaven.

One is the high priest. One is to match the teacher.

"Elder martial brother, long time no see." The high priest spoke first, smiling.

Tianlu also opened his mouth, but his expression was still indifferent: "it's really been a long time since I saw you. You're coming back earlier than I thought

The high priest nodded with a smile, "yes. I chose a good master, so I came back earlier. "

"You're confident." Tianlu is the way.

The high priest asked with a smile, "does the elder martial brother have no confidence in the people he has cultivated?"

Tianlu said calmly: "my confidence is not important, nor is your confidence. The only thing that matters is the revival of the Mu people. This is the responsibility of you and me, as Mu people. "

The smile on the high priest's face slowly subsided.

He has already seen the meaning of his elder brother's sudden visit to Mu Qingge tonight, which is not simple.

"What do you want to do, elder martial brother?" Asked the high priest warily.

Tianlu slowly shook his head, "I have done only one thing for thousands of years."

The high priest pursed his lips and frowned.

Ten thousand years later, he still couldn't see through his elder martial brother. In front of him, he still felt an elusive feeling.

"The remaining strength of the Mu people should not be consumed in internal combat. Now that the one you've chosen has arrived in the land of God, it's time for an end. " The unexpected way of Tianlu.

The hidden meaning of these words surprised mu Qingge and the high priest.

Tianlu people turn their eyes to see the light song of Xiangmu.

And Mu light song clear eyes also did not dodge to look at him directly."I told you just now that there is only one living between you and Tianyin." Tianlu is a slow road. "I said that to him, too."

In the tower, a silence, waiting for the next words of Tianlu.

"Tianyin wants to kill you, and you want to kill Tianyin. Well, I'll give you a chance to really, face-to-face Tianlu is another way.

"Elder martial brother, you..." The high priest couldn't help saying.

And then he was stopped by the ruler.

Tianlu still looked at mu Qingge and continued: "the hometown of Mu people is in the West God land. I'll give you a month to get there. Tianyin will be waiting for you there. At that time, you two will fight to the death in the hometown of the Mu people. The winner is the real little master of our Mu nationality, who will shoulder the heavy responsibility of leading the whole Mu nationality to rise, revive and revenge! "

"It won't work!" As soon as the words of the one at the foot of heaven came out and mu Qingge did not reply, the high priest hastened to stop the way.

His eagerness made mu Qingge and Tianlu people look at him.

Mu Qingge had some doubts in her eyes. She didn't understand why the high priest was so eager to stop him.

In the doubt of Mu Qingge, the high priest said: "after the destruction of the Mu family, the road to the Mu nationality's hometown is full of all kinds of dangers. There are people from other gods searching there. It's too dangerous. Another place

He finished and looked at the Tianlu.

However, Tianlu people did not have any emotional fluctuations, just a light way: "if you don't have the courage and ability to go to the hometown of the Mu nationality, how can we compete for the position of the little master of the Mu nationality?"

His words made the high priest speechless.

He looked at Xiangmu Qingsong and said, "this battle is between you and Tianyin. I won't intervene, and neither will he. ' He points to the high priest.

"I know you're looking for the next volume. I can tell you that the second volume is divided into five parts. And now I have two copies in my hand, where are you There should be one. "

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