Mu light song's mouth, can't help but rise up. Her eyes jokingly looked at Mu Tianyin, with a very sarcastic language way: "Mu Tianyin, how come after so long, you still have this inexplicable self-confidence?"

Her words make Mu Tianyin's eyes light cold.

The hatred that he had hidden well came up again.

Originally, he intended to use a strong posture to defeat mu Qingge and then kill her. He wanted to let her know that even if she was now climbing up from the middle ancient world, even if she was now a little God Emperor of Yueyu, she was just a reptile in front of him admiring Tianyin and in front of his real Mu clan young master!

A humble mole ant!

He was still the one who was beaten by him in the cold inch and could not fight back. He had to sacrifice his staff to save his life, and even to burn Shouyuan to gain a chance of life!

His idea is good, also because of this idea, let him this period of time, have been looking forward to meeting with moqingge.

However, mu Qingge's words seem to have brought him back to his original form.

Easy to tear up his confident appearance, strong appearance!

"Ridiculous! Do you dare to laugh at me like this Mu Tianyin's voice was cold.

Even, his whole face was covered with haze and looked very ferocious.

Mu Qingge sneered, "you are a lowly, a mole ant, where are you noble? I see that you are not as good as I am in this land of four seas and gods. You are in a terrible mess. "

"Nonsense! I am the young master of the Mu clan who is the destiny of heaven Mu Tianyin is infuriated by mu Qingge, raises his sword and points to Mu Qingge.

An invisible sword Qi shoots from the blade of the sword, which is close to Mu Qingge's face.

Mu Tianyin, haze in her eyes and a grim smile on her mouth.

The sword spirit, instantly arrived in front of Mu Qingge, but she just slightly turned her head, and easily avoided the invisible sword spirit.

The sword passed her ear and hit somewhere behind her.


Behind her, there was a sound of breaking stones, and the dust was flying in the air and falling again.

Here, it's deserted.

In the distance, there is the ruins of the dilapidated palace, near is very open, is a good place to duel.

Light swept a circle, Mu light song admitted that Mu Tianyin is very good at choosing places.

"The real one?" Mu Qingge's smile becomes strange. Instead of fighting back immediately, she continued to infuriate Mu Tianyin. "If I remember correctly, the lineage of the Mu clan is the one who left the land of gods and demons, and what is left is only some collateral branches."

Does Mu Tianyin care about her family background?

"Good! Then I will destroy it from your origin! " Mu light song in the heart cold voice smile way.

"Even if the lineage left? At that time, if it was not for the incompetence of the lineage, how could it lead to the defeat of the Mu clan? Now, it's me! Only I can lead Mu family to glory again and reach the peak again! You! Why do you want to fight with me Mu Tianyin to Mu light song hate voice.

"Fight?" Mu Qingge's expression is calm, and her eyebrows gently pick, "I think you are wrong. Just because you care about the position of the little Lord of the Mu clan doesn't mean I care. I tell you, from the beginning to the end, I don't want to be a little master of the Mu clan. You don't want anything

"You lie!" Mu Tianyin bit his teeth and said with a gloomy face.

He doesn't believe it! He didn't believe everything Murakami said. If she doesn't care, why does she appear again and again, destroying her good things?

Mu Qingge slowly shook his head, "is it necessary to lie to you?" There was a sarcastic look in her eyes.

She took a step forward, holding the exquisite gun, the tip of the gun across the ground, a harsh metal sound. A deep scar appeared on the ground.

"Since you don't want to be the little master of the Mu clan, why do you want to come here?" Mu Tianyin deep voice.

Mu Qingge stopped and jokingly laughed, "you are really forgetful. I come here for revenge of course."

Mu Tianyin's eyes were cold, and suddenly he laughed wildly.

He laughed up and out of control as if he had heard some very funny joke.

Let him laugh, let him be mad!

Mu light song standing quietly, eyes in the calm wave looking at Mu Tianyin appearance.

After a short period of time, Mu Tianyin stopped laughing. When he looked at Xiangmu light song, his eyes were still sharp as a knife, with cold light. "Muqingge, why are you? Do you really think you can be compared with me when you become a little god? You want to kill me, you want revenge, do you deserve it? "

Mu Qingge looks at him calmly and allows him to make sarcasm.

"Look at you. What are you? Just a guy who has just climbed up from the lower world. He thinks that after several years of practice, he can compete with me? Don't forget that when my cultivation was suppressed to the sixth floor of Jinjing in Hancun, you were not my opponent. You even had to fight with me at the cost of burning Shouyuan. Don't forget that there is a gap between you and me that is hard to cross. Do you think that this gap can be smoothed after you go to the land of God The more Mu Tianyin said, the more sarcastic in his eyes."If you come back to me after a hundred years, or hundreds of years, and say that, maybe I'll be interested in hearing it. But now, tell me. I'm waiting for you to take revenge. It happens that I want to take revenge on you. How, muqingge, I stand in front of you, do you have the ability to kill me Mu Tianyin opens his arms and opens his chest. In the eyes, full of scorn and ridicule.

"Mu Tianyin, have you heard a word?" Mu Qingge waited for him to finish, watching his pride rising. She slowly raised her head and looked at Mu Tian Yin calmly.

Her calm, so that Mu Tianyin had to stop laughing. His eyes sank a bit, waiting for her next words.

Mu light song has a very slow, very light, and very cold voice, said: "this sentence is Don't deceive young people into being poor. "

Don't deceive the youth to be poor!

Mu Tianyin's eyes burst out the light of yinzhe, forcing Mu Qingsong.

However, mu Qingge seems to be unconscious and continues her words. "In the cold inch, yes, you are very good, you have put me into a desperate situation again and again. However, you still can't kill me. On the contrary, you let me cut off one of your arms, forcing you to stop suppressing cultivation and using the power of the technique. Finally, you were bitten by the force of violating the rules and hurt the spirit. Is that good? "

Mu Tianyin's face, in her words, gradually became ugly.

It was his worst past, the stain on his great achievements, and the source of his hatred for muqingge.

"Mu Tianyin, don't you feel strange now? Why can't you feel my cultivation realm?" Mu Qingge goes to Mu Tianyin. , the fastest update of the webnovel!