Do you dare to rob?

Mu light song in his ear play abuse words, so that he convergence of the lips smile, eyes become gloomy down. He straightened his back slowly and stepped back slowly.

The people behind him, and those scattered on the pumice stone, also have poor eyesight.

Yes, what if she was a little emperor?

This is the West God land, even if she killed, any excuse, also prevaricate in the past. If he wants to investigate, that's what happened after her death.

Moreover, it is not only for him to change the God Emperor, they West God Lu four God domain God Emperor, also does not need to change him God Emperor weak!

By the wind of Mu nationality, the four God regions of the West God and the land of Lu were the strongest in all the God regions except jiuchongtian. Now, even more!

The signboard of the east god land is popular in the east god land, in the South God land, and in the North God land.

However, it can't be done in this land.

What's more, mu Qingge is just a little god now, so it's not sure whether you can be emperor in the future. Especially now, if she died here, do you still have to worry about her becoming the emperor after climbing to the top of the mountain, and then retaliate against them?

"Little God Emperor, I'd like to say hello to you. If you don't respect you, you are just an anonymous who died accidentally in the West God land. " The man said coldly to Mu Qingsong.

From his eyes to his manner, there was no respect at all.

Another person also sneered: "little God Emperor, although your cultivation is higher than all of us here, but don't forget that there are thousands of people here. Unless you are a saint now, it is more difficult to escape than to ascend to heaven. "

"I advise you to hand in what you get. Put things down, you go your way, we see that for the sake of changing Yue domain, we won't embarrass you. " Another one spoke.

Three people, you say a word and I a word, are forcing Mu light song.

Even, they have decided that mu Qingge must have got something from Mu Tianyin.

Whether it's what they want most or not, they have to get it.

Their purpose, never cover up, put in front of Mu light song.

What is worth it?

Mu Qingge understood in his heart that what they were referring to was the second volume of divine strategy.

Tianlu said that the second volume of Shence was divided into five parts. Among them, he got two copies. Not long ago, she got one from the South God Lu Wuhua, and the remaining two were missing.

At that time, the news from Wuhua area was that the remaining evils of the Mu family had stolen a very important thing of Wuhua God Emperor.

Such a description, I am afraid that the gods and emperors who participated in the conspiracy against the Mu people were all aware of it.

Therefore, they would like to snatch in front of the Wuhua emperor and get the lost part of the magic strategy Volume II.

This is mu Qingge who planted the booty to frame Mu Tianyin and let him carry the pot for himself. However, I don't want to be taken as a reason to embarrass myself by these disciples of the Western God Lu Shenyu.

I'm afraid they can't think of it. They were just holding the idea of killing wrong rather than let go, to ask mu Qingge, but really asked the Lord!

Muqingge didn't think of it, nor did they.

However, no matter who didn't think of it, mu Qingge now confronted thousands of them, waiting for her to nod or shake her head.

"Little God Emperor, your decision represents a different result. You have to think about it." The man said another word before mu Qingge opened his mouth.

Mu light song but suddenly laughed, "since we can't talk to each other, then kill it."


That person a Leng, did not respond to come over, then laugh wildly more than.

Mu Qingge raised his eyes and looked at him. He didn't understand what he was laughing at.

When he laughed, he saw Xiangmu Qingge and jokingly said, "is the little God Emperor captured like this? For something that doesn't belong to you, you have to give up your life and your bright future? "

After listening to his words, mu Qingge understood what he was laughing at.

She slowly shook her head and explained in his puzzled eyes, "you understand wrong. I mean, if you don't give up, then I'll have to kill you."


Mu light song words out, thousands of people at the same time a Leng.

Then, out of thousands of people, they burst out laughing wildly. They are laughing at the light song, yes, laughing at her arrogance, laughing at her is just fantastic.

"Little emperor, are you sure you are right? You want to kill all of us by yourself? " Then he jokingly said, "you should know that as long as one of us is immortal and returns to the divine realm, you will all face the joint pursuit of the Western God and the four divine regions."

Thousands of people's eyes are full of banter and ridicule. They look at Xiangmu Qingge as if they are looking at some joke.

However, mu Qingge did not care. With a cold smile, she reached out and grabbed the Linglong gun which was inserted in Mu Tianyin's head, and the Linglong gun flew back to her hand in an instant. "So, what I have to do first is to make you all can't escape."Her voice just fell, behind her, suddenly appeared a white python, roaring up the sky, hovering in the sky, holding all directions, once anyone wanted to escape, she would be swallowed.

"Nine Jue swallow day Python!"

Thousands of people looked up in the shadow. And that and Mu light song has been entangled people, face a change, recognize the origin of white.

"It's nine Jue swallowing python." Tianlu didn't look at the mirror, but looked up at the huge figure in the nine fold sky.

The most frightening thing about orcs is that they have a very large body.

Bai Bi completely released her own noumenon, and the thousands of people in front of her seemed to have no momentum.

Her golden pupils, staring at everyone coldly, seemed to be looking at delicious food.

When people were shocked, there were two figures around mu Qingge, one silver and one black, respectively silver dust and Chen. Long Ya Wei and long Yu Wei, their accomplishments are still too low, and it's useless to release them, so mu Qingge doesn't release them either.

However, she released a thousand of the adherents.

All of a sudden, behind her, there was an array of thousands of people.

These adherents, who fled from here ten thousand years ago, are the people of shenlu. At this time, he came back to the land of God, and after being re branded with the mark of slaves by the song of admiration, his accomplishments were restored day by day.

At the moment, although they have not fully recovered, they have also recovered to the cultivation of more than three levels in the spirit cave. They are definitely a group of rare combat power.

Looking at the group of people who suddenly appeared, the thousands of disciples in the divine realm were shocked and even forgot to do something.

However, this is not enough.

Mu light song sneers, behind her, two people appear out of thin air.

The most terrifying thing is that as soon as these two people appeared, they brought a terrible momentum, which suddenly fell on them , the fastest update of the webnovel!