
Yin Ping took a cold breath and couldn't help looking up and down at muqingge.

In her calm, he paid homage to Mu Qingge, "Congratulations, you have made great achievements!"

His exaggerated expression makes mu Qingge laugh in his heart.

However, it did not show half of the points. She just said, "great achievement? All I know is that jiuchongtian has lost a lot of people. Moreover, they are all disciples of the Western God Lu's four divine regions. "


"What do you say, little god?" Mu light song words, Ling Yin Ping smell a trace of wrong, Li Ma Road.

But this time, the answer is not moqingge, but silver dust.

"Is there something wrong with your ears? My little god emperor made it very clear that there was a big event in the sky of Jiuchong, but you, the rice bucket, did not check it at all and did not rescue in time. " Silver dust not polite way.

"What did you say happened to jiuchongtian?" After Yinchen's voice dropped, the person in charge of the guard of the purple light region rushed to him, followed by many disciples of the purple light domain.

Mu Qingge looked up at him and didn't speak.

The arrogant attitude did not make people feel wrong. As if, this is what the little God should look like.

"I ask you, not long ago, were there thousands of disciples from the divine realm who entered jiuchongtian?" Silver dust asked.

The leader nodded immediately. "There are many disciples who have entered jiuchongtian. There are also disciples in front of the hall who lead the team."

"Our little God Emperor is training in jiuchongtian, but suddenly we hear the sound of fighting. When we rush past, we see many disciples of the divine realm fighting with another group of people. Those people, according to the names of the disciples of the divine realm, seem to be the remaining evils of the Mu clan. We wanted to help, but the man jumped out to stop him Silver dust raised his hand and exposed Mu Tianyin's head.

All of a sudden, a head appeared. The disciples of purple light domain who were concentrating on listening to him were startled and took a step backward.

"Who is this man?" The leader, pointing to Mu Tianyin's rotten face, asked.

Yin Ping quickly seized the opportunity to reply: "it seems to be the little master of the Mu clan."

"Master Mu!" The leader was also surprised.

Yinchen said again: "we don't know what his identity is. But they heard that those of the Mu people called him little Lord. As it happens, our little God Emperor congratulated Wuhua emperor on his birthday not long ago in the South God land of Wu Hua. At that time, something happened to Wuhua palace. When our little Lord accompanied Princess chunian to arrest the thief, he met with him and had some festivals. In short, we were supposed to help, but we were stopped by this man with a few experts. Finally, this man died in the hands of my little God. However, when we get there, the disciples of Shenyu will also... " With that, he shook his head with regret.

"And what?" Asked the leader hastily. Silver dust's tone and what he said made him feel a little bad.

Sure enough -

the next word from Yinchen made him nearly faint.

"When we get rid of the obstacles and catch up with them, thousands of Shenzhou disciples and thousands of protoss elites will be wiped out!" Silver dust sighed.


This sentence, like thunder on the ground, blew up the hearts of the disciples of the purple light domain, just like ashes.

During their rotation, such a big thing happened!

In any case, they can't escape the blame!

"Come on! Come with me The leader yelled for orders in a hurry. It was as if he had to do something to make up for his mistakes so that his life could be saved.

Many disciples of the purple light region followed him to leave in a hurry, and even muqingge had no time to settle down.

Yin Ping stood in the same place, his eyes turned, and he said to Mu Qingsong, "the little God Emperor has just passed the war, so I must take you back to your temporary residence to rest for one or two."

Mu light Song Mou light falls on his body, show a smile that does not smile, nodded.

Yin Ping is a bit smart.

It's useless to know that it's useless to rush past at this moment. If there is an ambush, maybe I'll be in danger. Therefore, he deliberately stayed down and kept her. Not only would no one think that he was greedy for life and death, but would feel that he had made a contribution.

Because, he stayed in Mu Qingge, the only witness.

Seeing that mu Qingge was very cooperative, Yin Ping was grateful and more attentive.

After settling them down, he did not leave, just like a servant, and stayed by mu Qingge to obey orders.

However, mu Qingge didn't make trouble for him. Of course, he didn't drive him away and let him stay, no matter whether he really wanted to flatter him or to spy on her.

Mu Qingge begins to breathe directly to restore her consumption in the battle with Mu Tianyin.

By the end of the day, they had arrived. Until the next day, those people in the purple light region returned one after another. Everyone who came back had a very dignified and ugly face.

Yin Ping wants to inquire, but the leader of the purple light region rushes to Mu Qingge in a hurry."Little God Emperor, why is there no corpse of a mu family's remaining evils in jiuchongtian?" As soon as he arrived, he couldn't wait to ask.

Mu light Song Zhang open his eyes, eyes light light light to look at him, some doubt way: "no Mu clan body?" With that, she pretended to ponder for a while and then said, "maybe it was taken away by the living Mu people. I'm afraid it's worried about leaving any clues."

Her words are reasonable.

That person also hears to nod again and again, agree way: "little God Emperor analysis is reasonable, must be so." Then he clenched his fist and gave a heavy hammer on the table! Let those remaining evils of the Mu clan run away like this

Then, he said, "can the little god see clearly, how many people have come to the Mu clan?"

Mu Qingge replied: "I don't know the exact number, but about a thousand people have come. However, it seems that they have made some restrictions, so that people can not escape, rescue people, also can not enter. I am safe and sound, thanks to the fact that the young master of the Mu clan is not under the prohibition. I should have accidentally bumped into me while watching the war in secret. "

"It's a pity that all the people who went to experience before have already come back. It is said that there are people fighting, they do not want to be affected, no one has seen what happened

Hearing this sentence, Mu light song's eye light moved for a moment, and said calmly, "fighting sound? I've heard about it, but it's too far away to pay attention. "

The man didn't go into it, but his eyes were dignified and his face was ugly. He said to Mu Qingsong: "this matter is really too big. The little God Emperor is the only witness. I'm afraid we have to ask the little god to go back to the purple light region with us."

"Good." Mu Qingge's crisp promise.


On this day, mu Qingge rested safely in the territory of purple light region. She had expected to see the scene of the Western God and the four gods.

Just don't want to, to the night, Tianlu actually brought two people, appeared in front of her.

As soon as the two men appeared, they knelt on one leg and sang to Mu Qingsong: "see my little master!"

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