"East god Lu, change Yueyu, the first disciple in front of the hall, Li Chao, met the purple light emperor."

"East god land, change Yueyu, seven disciples in front of the hall, Xuanyi, have met the purple light God Emperor."

"East god land, change Yue domain, ten disciples in front of the hall, Zhuangshan, have met the purple light emperor."

"East god land, change Yue domain, disciple Qianshui, have seen the purple light God Emperor."

As soon as the four entered the hall, they stood in a row and put their names one by one. They were neither humble nor arrogant. Even if they were facing the emperor, they could still maintain their character.

Mu light song looks at them, eyes emerge a layer of smile.

"Shenhuang, the four of us are the little God Emperor who has been ordered by me to replace him." From Chao to purple light God finish saying, the eye light does not leave a trace of looking to Mu light song.

The two eyes meet for a while, and separate.

Ziguang shenhuang's eyes were joking, and he said: "it's really fast to change Yueyu's action. The emperor Mu Xiaoshen has just arrived at my purple light region, and you have come to meet people. "

From Chao tiny smile, jaw head polite way: "my God Emperor to small God Emperor very much value, we four people also dare not delay."

"Come on, come on. Anyway, we've just finished, right. I admire the little God. " Purple light God Emperor means to Mu light song road.

Mu Qingge showed a faint smile and said to the purple light Emperor: "yes, it's over. Talking to the emperor of purple light, I have gained a lot. "

"It's good to get something." The purple light emperor shook his sleeve and said to the five people, "since I'm here, I'll live in the purple light region for the time being. In any case, the emperor and the emperor Mu also hate to see each other too late. We need to have a good exchange some other day. "

His meaning, put clearly won't at this time, put Mu light song to leave.

"This..." From Chao frown, want to refuse.

However, the emperor of purple light interrupted: "well, it is so decided. Go away, and someone will take you to your place. "

He ordered him to leave Chao, but it was not good to say anything more.

Helpless, he had to thank, and mu Qingge quit the palace together.

As soon as he walked out of the palace, mu Qingge took a deep breath and said with a smile to the four: "you are really too timely."

None of them was stupid. Naturally, some clues could be heard from her words.

After exchanging eyes with each other, there is more dignified in the eye light.

At this time, a disciple of the purple light region came forward to show the five people the way to their residence.

On the way, mu Qingge asked, "where are my two companions?"

"Don't worry. They are waiting where they live." The guide's tone was polite, and he didn't get too arrogant because of the purple light.

I don't know if it's because the people from Yueyu have come.

Knowing that silver dust had nothing to do with the high priest, mu Qingge nodded at ease and did not ask any more questions.

On the way, there was not much talk, so all five kept silent.

Mu Qingge is a little strange in her heart. She started from jiuchongtian and sent the message to the emperor by changing his token.

How could these four people get to the West shenlu so quickly?

Take them to the place where they live temporarily, and the disciples of the purple light region retreat.

There are still disciples outside the gate, but there are still guards.

The good name is to prevent the remaining evils of the Mu people from sneaking in, which is not good for mu light songs. In fact, mu Qingge knows that this is the monitoring of purple light God.

"Light song."

As soon as the five entered the door, silver dust came out.

His voice of silver robe, silver hair, blood eyes, so distinctive, immediately attracted the attention of the other four people.

But the high priest wanted to open his mouth, but when he saw that an outsider was present, he swallowed back his words and kept silent.

"Orcs!" From Chao was surprised.

Mu Qingge nodded and introduced to the four people. "This is Yinchen, and that is master Haoyuan. They are all my friends." Haoyuan, the name of the high priest, is rarely known.

Then, she said to the silver dust and the high priest, "these four are my fellow disciples in the field of changing Yue. From Chao, Qianshui, Xuanyi and Zhuangshan. "

After getting to know each other, all the people came into the house together.

Zhuang Shan took a look at the guard of the disciples of the purple light region, and said to Mu Qingge, "Qingge, what have you done to make them so strict?"

"Didn't the emperor tell you?" Mu Qingge looks at the four people in surprise.

All four shook their heads.

From Chao Road: "the Emperor just told us to go to the purple light region, you must take back intact."

Mu light Song mouth a pull, heart abdominal Fei. "You are really lazy. When she sent the letter, she said the general situation clearly, but he didn't explain anything, so he sent four people who had no idea. "

"Then why did you arrive so soon?" Mu Qingge expresses his doubts.From Chao told her, "it is the emperor who directly tears the space, let us come over."

Sleeping trough!

Mu Qingge was shocked. She knew that when she arrived at the saint's realm, she could tear up the space and shuttle around at will. Si Mo is such, every time to look for her, is suddenly appeared.

However, she did not expect that the emperor would be so domineering that he directly tore the space and sent the four people to the West God land.

"How do we get back?" Mu Qingge asked tentatively.

She also wants to experience the feeling of space shuttle. Maybe she will have a deeper understanding of the laws of space.

However, Zhuang Shan's answer, but let mu Qingge disappointed. "The emperor said, we will make peace with you, and then we will go back by ourselves."

“……” Murmuring songs are silent and choking.

"The emperor wants to use this opportunity to test us and hone our skills." Thousand water smile way. As soon as he smiles, the pear vortex in the corner of his mouth is very obvious, which makes people feel very cute.

Finish saying, he says to Mu light song again: "however, little God Emperor, you want to tell us first, what happened in the end?"

This is the most important issue.

At the same time, the four people look at mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge laughed and said to the four, "this, I'll explain to you later." Then she looked at the high priest and said, "come with me."

Seeing that mu Qingge has something to say to others, the four people do not force them to leave. Pay attention to those disciples in the purple light area who are outside.

The high priest followed mu Qingge to the inside. After he set up a barrier against eavesdropping, mu Qingge asked, "now the purple light God is staring at me. He thinks that Mu Tianyin must have a magic strategy. If I kill him, things will be on me."

"What does the little Lord intend to do with it?" Asked the high priest.

Mu Qingge slowly shook his head, "this is not difficult, I have my own way. What I want to ask is, can I get the two copies from your elder martial brother? "

"If the three parts are collected together, I guess it should be able to interpret half of the Dharma in the second volume of Shence." Said the high priest.

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