"The two of us didn't make it through the ages, it was an accident." Yao Xinghai said a surprise to Mu Qingge.

Seeing mu Qingge's shocked expression, Yao Xinghai was also rarely interested in joking: "to see you so surprised, we two this encounter, is also worth it."

Mu Qingge put up surprise and seriously asked, "what happened?"

According to the truth, Simao personally sealed off the connection between the land of gods and Demons and the medieval world, so as to prevent people on the land from entering the medieval world to cause trouble, there would be no problem.

Why did Yao Xinghai and Xi Qianxue come to the land of gods and demons?

"Two years ago, it was said that another vision appeared on the ruins of the temple. Qian Xue originally lived in Xi's house and just got out of the pass, so she went to investigate. And I In order to pursue the ancestors, he arrived at Zhongzhou and the ruins of the temple. " Yao Xinghai talks slowly.

"Forsythia!" When Yao Xinghai mentioned "Laozu Zong", mu Qingge murmured.

She suddenly thought of the possibility of Simao sealing off the shenlu people and entering the middle ancient world. There is no other way except for the emperor to tear up the space and enter. This, in fact, is to unseal forsythia.

She didn't have to stay in the Dandao courtyard all day long, relying on a large array to cover her breath. She was afraid that people on the land of God would find out that it would be bad for her.

"She ran out?" Mu light song road.

Yao Xinghai nodded, "after the old ancestor couldn't feel the power of God land, she ran out from the Dandao courtyard. I was ordered by my teacher to take my ancestors back. However, the ancestors went straight to Zhongzhou, into the sky city, into the ruins of the temple. I just went there and met Xi Qianxue. "

Yao Xing Haydn for a moment, then went on: "count up, I also implicated her. I was supposed to go after my ancestors alone, but when she heard that I was looking for someone, she offered to help. We searched through the ruins, but there was no clue. All of a sudden, another vision appeared on the ruins of the temple. The two of us felt that the vision was from somewhere, so we rushed to see it. As a result, we found an old well with colorful lights on it. It was very strange. "

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slowly. She had been to the ruins of the temple, but she didn't find the well in Yaoxing's Haikou. It seems that the well is not simple.

"When it comes to such a thing, we naturally have to find out. Moreover, I also feel the old ancestor's breath, seems to be in the well. However, I didn't expect that at this time, the change happened. We had just got close to the well head, and before we could see what was going on in Chu well, we were directly pulled into the well by a huge force. We keep falling down, falling down It should be said that we don't know how far we were inhaled. When we finally fell out, Xi Qianxue and I went directly to the West shenlu Yao Xinghai finished, leaving only bitterness on his face.

Mu Qingge, however, opened her eyes wide. She could hardly imagine that there was a mysterious well hidden in the ruins of the temple, which could let people fly directly to the West God land.


Suddenly, mu Qingge remembered.

Mu Tianyin had given false orders to the temple before. He had been active in the West God land. He wanted to send false orders, which must have come from the West God land. Moreover, when she fought against the temple, Simao, the two envoys from the land of God, said that they were also from the West God land. Plus the experience of Yao Xinghai and Xi Qianxue Muqingge seems to have grasped 80% of the time. The power that directly controls the temple of the middle ancient world is the God domain on the land of the West God!

I just don't know which God domain governs the temple of the middle ancient world!

Mu light song in the mind, thoughts fly. Yao Xinghai continues to talk about his experience with Xi Qianxue.

"All of a sudden, Xi Qianxue and I were shocked when we came to Xi shenlu. At that time, Lu Zong lost her clue, and I didn't know that she was lost. Because the two of us did not go through the robbery period, so our strength is very low, so we can only mix in the city of mortals to make plans. "

Yao Xinghai said simply, but mu Qingge can imagine the hardships of the two at that time.

"Later, we thought, we couldn't go back. We can't just live in mortal cities like this. Fortunately, we have spiritual roots and divinity. Therefore, after discussion, we intend to enter the realm of God for cultivation. It happened that the purple light domain was recruiting disciples, so we came together. "

Yao Xinghai said that, with a sarcastic smile, he continued: "originally, we were not accepted. Later, I exposed my alchemy, was broken into the divine realm. At the beginning, we were all at peace. Starting from the bottom disciples, the two of us focused on daily cultivation without any concern for the outside world. We all wanted to raise our accomplishments to the level of the four seas God land

"How long have you been in purple light?" Mu Qingge asked.

Yao Xinghai directly replied, "one and a half years. We've only been in mortal circles for less than half a year. "

He sighed and sighed: "it took us a year and a half to enter the spiritual void realm. However, such cultivation is still too weak among the disciples to protect themselves. On weekdays, we have tried to keep a low profile, but we still have to come. "Hearing this, mu Qingge knows that Yao Xinghai finally talked about Xi Qianxue. Why, she will be purple light emperor's fancy, strong marry?

"One day, I refined the pills and sent them to different places. Qian Xue just got out of the customs and offered to help me. At that time, I didn't think much about it, so I let her go. I can't think of it. It's not long before she comes back. She looks very ugly. I asked her what she didn't say. The next day, someone found her and took her away by force. Before long, the news that the emperor would bring snow into the palace came out of the palace. " Yao Xinghai gnaws his teeth.

There was a trace of guilt in his eyes, and it could be seen that he was very self reproached about it.

Perhaps he thought that if he did not let Xi Qianxue send pills, it would not happen later.


Yao Xinghai clenched his fist hand and suddenly hit the table top with a loud noise. He hate voice way: "purple light God Emperor already had 289 room wife concubine, but still refuse to let a thousand snow!"

"What Mu Qingge stood up in surprise. She did not expect that the purple emperor actually married so many wives! "This is a long time!" She couldn't help but curse.

This is simply an obscene beast. How can she let Xi Qianxue fall into the wolf cave?

"In the past half a month, I have tried my best to see no snow. Later, I bought a person who had served her, only to know that she fought to death, but was granted divine power by the emperor and strictly guarded. I tried to save her, but I couldn't. I happened to hear from you, and I came Yao Xinghai finished, raised his head and looked at her with hopeful eyes.

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