Mu light song eyebrows a pick, some accidents.

Tianlu people are looking for her, she has already expected. But I didn't expect that the high priest also found Tianlu, waiting for him in the middle of Zui Fu with him.

"Little Lord!" When the high priest saw muqingge coming in, he immediately met him.

And Tianlu see mu Qingge come in, is also a tiny jaw head. When she approached, she called out, "little Lord."

Mu Qingge sneered at him and said, "Tianlu people call me little Lord. I'm really not used to it."

Tianlu's light way: "little Lord don't have to call me Tianlu, my name, Xu Xiu."

Mu light song quietly looked at him, clear eyes light, light moved to the high priest. The latter knew what she wanted to know, and said, "little Lord, elder martial brother came with me to deliver the remnant scriptures of the second volume of Shence to the little Lord."

"What about the remnant scriptures?" Mu Qingge asked directly.

The high priest, with a trace of bitterness on his face, looked at Xu Xiu.

Xu xiudao: "Shence can only be given to the Mu minority master. If the little master is willing to take over the Mu family's adherents, Xu Xiu should present the remnant scriptures of the second volume of the Shence."

Mu light song shakes his head and laughs, the eye light slightly cold way: "you such under hand, I cannot rise."

Xu Xiu's eyes flashed and did not speak.

Mu Qingge also ignored him, went directly to the chair in the room and sat down, cocked up his legs and leaned lazily on the back of the chair. Her eyes were half narrowed, and her mouth curved like a smile.

In the eyes of the high priest, this manner was most common. However, in Xu Xiu's eyes, he felt that he was different from Mu Tianyin.

"I've got one of the five. You can give me the two in your hand. I'm not in a hurry. In any case, there is no magic strategy to roll up and roll in. If you take the next roll, it's just waste paper. " Mu light song slow and leisurely way.

Xu Xiu looked at her, and her expression remained unchanged. Even after listening to Mu Qingge, he did not respond.

This makes Mu light song can't help but frown, eyes light deep down.

The high priest stood on one side and couldn't look down. He stepped forward and said to Xu Xiu, "elder martial brother, can I have a talk with the little Lord alone?"

Xu Xiu didn't say a word, and his figure disappeared in place.

Mu light song eyes light slightly shrink, the face sinks down.

She looked at the high priest and asked, "what is the situation now? I see your attitude this time is much better than before. "

The high priest sighed and stood in front of muqingge. He respectfully saluted her and said to her, "little Lord, this time, I found my elder martial brother and talked to him. He said that as long as you lead the Mu people to rebuild jiuchongtian, the second volume of divine strategy will be sent to you. "

Mu Qingge is silent.

Even if Xu Xiu didn't mention it, she would do it as a task. Because she promised the ancestors of the Mu nationality in hancunli, she would finish it.

What she was not happy about was that Xu Xiu had helped the tyrant and let Mu Tianyin hurt the people around her.

Even from the standpoint, Xu Xiu is right. However, from the point of view of reason, it is difficult to accept. Don't talk to her about reason. She is a woman. For women, reason is when they want it, and when they don't want it, they don't.

Moreover, Xu Xiu's attitude made her unhappy. She didn't want to be a second admirer and be at his mercy.

"Shao Zhu, according to the last words of Mu Zu, whoever finally becomes the real minor master of Mu nationality will accept all the adherents and ministers of the Mu nationality. Mu Tianyin is dead. Why does the little Lord refuse to accept the forces of Mu in the land of gods and demons? Their influence is very great! " The word of the high priest.

Mu Qingge slowly raised his eyes, looked at the high priest, and said softly: "what I want is a subordinate who obeys orders, not a subordinate who tells me how to do things. If you want to take me as a chess player, I'm sorry, I don't want such a subordinate. No matter how strong it is, I don't want it! "

"If elder martial brother is willing to give in?" The high priest advised, "little Lord, in fact, the elder martial brother also has his own difficulties. The most dangerous place is Sihai shenlu. At that time, he took the residual forces of the Mu nationality to lurk in the land of four seas and gods, waiting for the new hope of the Mu people. This is a very long period, before there is no little Lord, he must take on the responsibility of leadership. Therefore, in the conduct, how much will be stronger. "

"You don't have to say that. Let him come to see me." Muqingge interrupted the words of the high priest.

The high priest was stunned. Before he opened his mouth, Xu Xiu's figure reappeared in the room, as if he had never left.

Mu Qingge didn't care whether he left or not, he said directly to him: "it's not impossible to want me to take over, but I have one condition."

"Little Lord, please speak." Xu Xiu's light way.

Mu Qingge's body leans forward, and his eyes glare at him, slowly saying, "you, Fang, Quan!"

Xu xiumou light slightly shrunk, looked at her, did not give the answer immediately.

And mu Qingge also looked directly at him, no timidity and retreat. Two people's eyes light, in the mid air collision, each other do not want to let.

If Xu Xiu didn't give up power, even if she agreed to accept the Mu clan power in the land of gods and demons, it would be just a shell. Therefore, we can not give in at all to this point.After a long standoff, the high priest stood in the middle, feeling a sense of suffocation.

An atmosphere of indescribable and unclear road flows slowly in the room.

After a long time, Xu Xiucai spewed out a word: "good."

When he spits out this word, mu Qingge's eyes squint, a sharp light flashes in the bottom of his eyes.


Half an hour later, mu Qingge came out from Zui Fu Ju alone. She has successfully obtained two pieces of the remnant scriptures in Xu Xiu's hands, and has also agreed with him. Since the protoss all think that the little master of the Mu clan is dead, the Mu clan will hibernate deeper, so it is better to let the Mu clan be silent for a while.

When she returned to dongshenlu, after the incident subsided a little, they met in beishenlu.

Next time we meet, she will see all the forces of the Mu people staying in the land of gods and demons.

Why choose beishenlu?

Because, according to Xu Xiu, the Mu people got the identity token of entering and leaving the northern shenlu many years ago. And the North God land near the demon forest, mu Qingge originally planned to have a chance to see the demon forest, just by the way.

Returning to the place where he lived, mu Qingge did not disturb anyone.

She can put Xu Xiu and their income space, but now she has not established trust in them, and does not want to reveal too many secrets. What's more, if the Mu people want to revive, they have to move in the land of the four seas and gods. When the strength of the people in her space is almost equal, all of them have to be released. Why do they have to admit people in?

Mu people's affairs, to a paragraph. The most exciting thing about Mu Qingge is that she finally got three copies of the second volume of Shence. As for the clues of the remaining two copies, Xu Xiu said that he would tell her next time he met.

If you get three copies of the second volume of the remnant scriptures, you can interpret some of the Dharma decisions.

Mu Qingge in the mind, will be three pieces of residual classics together, the above handwriting gradually revealed.

Suddenly, she suddenly opened her eyes, eyes burst out with fierce light. In a deep voice, he said, "this section of Dharma is determined..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!