Before the emergence of muqingge, there was a well-known saying on the land of Dongshen -

among the three little gods and emperors of Dongshen and Lu, the talent of Zhongshan Beiyan was the highest, and the speed of cultivation was Weiyi Qiuli. However, when it comes to power, the strongest fighting power is Zhuoyu Yanlie!

It is said that Yan lie's cultivation has entered the ninth floor of Lingdong state.

It is said that Yan lie is indifferent, resourceful and decisive.

It is said that Yan lie's favorite thing to do is to lay out, so that the opponent can't figure out the situation and die.

It is said that if Yan lie doesn't want to appear, no one can find him.


Mu Qingge looks at the figure coming out of the backlight.

Very tall, at least, higher than her, give a person a kind of lofty posture. His footstep was very slow, deep and steady, as if the earth would shake with each landing.

This is not a description, let alone an illusion.

Mu Qingge's eyes move down to see the ground, the gravel, constantly beating, which is caused by the ground vibration.

When she saw the man out of the backlight, her first feeling was domineering!

Yes, overbearing.

A kind of overbearing and strong that is hard to describe with words.

It seems that as long as he is there, everything can only be controlled by him, and everyone must submit to him.

Mu light song slowly purses the lip, the eye light showed the dignified color.

Before, she felt something was wrong. People in Zhuoyu region, as she said, have the courage to kill her? The strength of these people is not worth mentioning in front of them.

However, when she saw that the facial features in front of her eyes were deep, fierce and domineering, with a bit of arrogant man, she understood. Their confidence comes from him!

"Yan Strong From Chao's voice is terrible.

Mu Qingge heard a very depressing feeling from his voice.

As if, this person's appearance, caused the very big pressure. Before the disapproval, before the confidence, in an instant collapse.

Xi Qianxue's face was very pale and was oppressed by Yan lie's momentum.

Thousands of water to her to take a wisp of water law, to help her reduce pressure. Yao Xinghai also took out two pills of pills in time, one of which was stuffed into his mouth, and the other was given to Xi Qianxue.

"Yan lie, the little God Emperor of the turbid Yu region. At present, among all the little deities in the land of the four seas, the one with the highest cultivation. " Mu Qingge hears the murmur of Chao, and the information about Yan lie quickly appears in his mind.

Yan lie walked to those people in Zhuoyu area. He was very arrogant and didn't even look at his classmates.

Just a pair of cold eyes, with a kind of indifference in the eyes, look to Mu light song.

And mu Qingge that pair of clear eyes, also does not have the cowardly look at him, two people's eye light in mid air intersection, regardless of up and down, equal.

"Little emperor!"

Yan lie can ignore them, but Zhuoyu's disciples dare not ignore his existence.

After he came out, they all knelt on one knee and looked at him with fear and worship in their eyes.

Yan lie's appearance, let Mu light song that side becomes passive, the atmosphere seems to be oppressed tightly, very uncomfortable.

All the people, like facing a big enemy, dare not underestimate, but also dare not have a trace of slack.

After a while, Yan liecai took back his sight. A faint light flashed in his eyes and said, "you are the first one who can actively detect my existence and dare to look at me."

Mu light song hook lip sneer, "just look at it, what dare you?"

"It's pretty smart." Yan lie nodded his head.

His attitude, as if he was an elder admirer of Qingge, was evaluating whether a younger generation was excellent or not.

Mu light song has cold features and calm eyes.

She didn't like or resent his attitude, as if she didn't respond at all.

This makes Yan lie's eyes light.

He approached mu Qingge two steps away from Chaodun and blocked in front of Mu Qingge. "Yan lie, what do you want to do?"

Yan lie stops and looks at Li Chao with sarcasm in his eyes.

Mu Qingge raises his hand and pulls Li Chao back to expose himself in front of Yan lie. She said to Yan lie: "ask Yan lie little God, ten minutes love hiding behind the scenes, today I see it is true."

Yan lie smiles coldly, the cold in the eye light does not weaken at all. "Do you want to live or die?" he said In that tone, there was no mutual respect for the little God.

However, mu Qingge doesn't care.

Because she knew a truth from a long time that status is based on strong enough strength.

Now her strength is not as good as Yan lie, even if she is the little God Emperor of Yue domain, she will not let Yan lie have scruples.

Because, he is Yan lie, is the four seas God land, the first person of the little God Emperor. It's not the god man in the God realm. You don't need to lower your head to compliment her, and you don't need to be afraid to change it.Mu Qingge has heard that Yan lie once swore in Zhuoyu domain when he ascended the little God Emperor. He would lead Zhuoyu domain beyond the Yueyu domain to become the first God domain in the east god land, and even the first God domain in the four seas God land, replacing the Mu nationality's jiuchongtian!

This is crazy talk, but also bold talk!

This sentence alone can make people feel Yan lie's arrogance.

"Who wants to die to live?" Mu light song light response a sentence.

Yan lie said: "very good. Then, answer my question well. If I'm satisfied, I may not kill you today and let you live a few more days. "

Mu Qingge shakes her head and smiles. She slowly raises her eyes and looks at Yan lie and says, "life and death are still in your own hands. It should be more comfortable."

Suddenly, Yan lie eyes light a Li, into an aurora, rushed to Mu light song.

Mu Qingge's eyes suddenly opened, the whole person jumped into the air, the exquisite gun in his hand suddenly appeared, and she held it in her hand. Yan liehua's light chased her and had a fierce confrontation with her in the air.

Two people into two lights and shadows, constantly passing over the heads of people, change. From time to time, the sound of fierce collision came, and the people who heard it were terrified.

People in Zhuo Yuyu area are very confident about Yan lie.

However, from Chao, Zhuangshan and Qianshui, they are very worried that mu Qingge's current strength can not compete with Yan lie.

"Big or little, we have to find a way." Zhuang Shan is close to Li Chao and says to him.

From Chao eyebrows locked, five senses tight into a line. He said: "now, there is no way to solve it unless the emperor comes in person."

God and Emperor?

How could that be possible? However, there are still a hundred thousand miles away from the area of Changyue. They can't send a message to the emperor.

Zhuang Shan smiles bitterly and looks at Xiangmu light song with worry.

In fact, it's hard to tell who is who when the two regiments are flying together in mid air.

"Light song will be fine!" Xi Qianxue's fingertips were nervous and trembling, but he did not forget to comfort himself. He repeated this sentence silently in his heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!