"How did you get together?" The tone of Mu light song is very interesting.

Tong Teng Shan laughs and doesn't know how to explain with mu Qingge.

Su Ming ran to this side, only to see that the one standing with Tong Teng was an acquaintance, the "younger brother" she had entertained. She was stunned.

"It's you!" Su Ming was surprised.

Mu Qingge laughed at her and joked, "how is your sister? I passed Tianya house before and went to Tianxian building to have a look, but found that my sister had left. "

Su Ming broke the embarrassment when she heard the sound of Mu Qingge.

She raised her hand and wrapped her hair behind her ears. She felt embarrassed and said, "if I can't be in the middle of the world, I'll shut it down for a while, so that my sisters can take advantage of this time to go home and have a look."

"I see." Mu Qingge smiles and nods.

For Su Ming, she just had a good impression on her. The friendship between the two did not rise to the level of Xi Qianxue. Therefore, simple greetings are enough. She asked about the doubts before, but Su Ming just took them at will. She was as smart as she was, so she would not ask again.

"Boss, how do you come back here?" Tong Teng asked again.

"Passing by." Mu Qingge's simple answer.

"I was passing by. I thought you came here because you knew I was here." Tong Teng mumbled a half joking exclamation.

Mu Qingge laughingly said: "the east god land is so big, you have been out of the domain for a long time, and today you can still meet here, which shows that you and I are destined to meet."

When Tong Teng heard this, he immediately began to smile.

He said to them, "everyone has been working hard all the way. Let me take you to rest first. Although I am a stranger, I have lived here for half a month. I am very familiar with this mortal city. There are also many idle houses where we live now. "

"Cough." Su Ming in Tong Teng behind, a false cough.

It's like a reminder.

Tong Teng turned his eyes and looked at her and said, "this is my boss. These are my senior brothers and sisters. I can trust them."

This explanation made Su Ming's face black, and he didn't know how to explain it.

However, mu Qingge and others, but from the two people's dialogue, heard some doubts.

Mu Qingge's eye light fell on Tong Teng and asked, "is there any inconvenience?"

Tong Teng snatched in front of Su Ming and said, "no! Absolutely not. In front of the boss, there will be no inconvenience. "

Su Ming listened to stomp, but gave Tong Teng a look, and then turned to go inside. No matter what, standing in front of her is a group of powerful deities.

Mu Qingge looks at Su Ming's back and looks at Tong Teng.

Tong Teng blinked innocently, grinning at mu Qingge, "boss, let's go first."

Mu light song eyes light slightly flow, a few can not check the nod.

A group of people followed Tong Teng to the town. Su Ming, who took the first step, was still in their sight. She just felt that after they came up, the speed under her feet became much faster.

That kind of rush appearance, seems to want to rush back one step first, decorate everything.

Mu light song looks at her back in a hurry, some doubts rise at the bottom of her eyes.

"Tong Teng, when did you meet Su Ming?" Mu Qingge asked.

Tong Teng didn't think much about it, so he said, "I've been practicing for a while, and then I'll go back to Tianya to have a look, and then I'll get a few bottles of wine. However, before I arrived at Tianya residence, I met them. Knowing that they were going to change Yueyu, I planned to escort them

"They?" Mu light song eyes flash, heard the key. And the second key is that Su Ming and they are going to change Yueyu.

That being the case, why is her attitude so strange when she sees the disciples of Yueyu, even the little God Emperor?

"Yes, there is a little girl with her." Tong Teng's thoughtless way. "It looks very lovely and exquisite. It's just that my eyes are cold. It's not like a child. Su Ming is very respectful to her. "

"Light song!" After hearing Tong Teng's description, Yao Xinghai shouts excitedly.

Mu Qingge turns her eyes to him and reads the answer from his eyes. She almost can not check the nod, indicating that he is not impatient.

Good! Tong Teng's description, let mu Qingge and Yao Xinghai both the first time, the first reaction, think of Su Ming's little girl, is the forsythia sneaking on the land of gods and demons.

However, what puzzles mu Qingge is that Su Ming once said that she will not close Tianya residence, but will continue to keep the skills handed down by her ancestors and brew more wine.

Why does Forsythia appear, she easily changed the previous decision?

What's the purpose of them?

"Is it me?" Mu Qingge asks himself in his heart.However, the answer to all this, I'm afraid, will have to wait until I see forsythia and confirm it's her.

At last, Su's back disappears into the corner. Mu Qingge, led by Tong Teng, followed closely. Just before entering the corner, in a tea house around the corner, there came the voice of discussion that attracted mu Qingge's attention.

"Have you heard? It's said that there's something strange going on there. "

"What's weird?"

"A lot of people are missing, and it's getting very hot there. I don't know what happened."

"That place has always been very strange, since ancient times, there have been a lot of exotic treasures. Now there is another vision. Will there be any other treasures

"So, that place has always been a place for exploration and treasure hunting. Although many people have been missing this time, there are still many people going there, just to take a chance and see if they can find the treasure."

"Let's go, then."

"It's not impulsive. Although we are all gods, we are hopeless. If you lose your life for a strange treasure, isn't it worth it? "

"That's right. But if we are lucky to get foreign treasures and change our constitution, maybe we can also pursue the great road? "

"Hiss! Think again, think again... "

Mu Qingge looks at Tong Teng and finds that his face is inexplicable. He also looks at several people from Chao and Zhuangshan, but he finds that their looks are very calm.

"That place, what is it?" Mu Qingge asked curiously.

Zhuang Shan said with a smile: "there is a strange place on the land of Dongshen, which has no name. However, there are strange treasures appearing from time to time. Gradually, it has become a treasure hunting place of dongshenlu. After listening to the conversation just now, I'm afraid there will be a baby again. "

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